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Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

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Tried to goto stable   but wow , im not even sure if its Legal to  allow 2 fps  :0 

 I was getting 102 FPS   on experimental  , went to Stable and it was 2 Fps dropping to 1  .   avoid  like a plague IMO .  Frightening  


[Fixed]  seems Night  is badly broken  and was the issue of  losing 100 fPS  on stable 

Edited by ofp2

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On 08/11/2018 at 12:53 AM, Funkdoc said:

type: workdrive /mount /extractgamedata

I get an error after running that command :

WorkDrive- ERR: 0x50004003 

The source is not a valid install of the game.

ctx: undefined


I have Stable version of the game installed, should I intall experimental version instead?

I also tried to edit DayzTools settings.ini file to match where my folders are located with no luck:

path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ

path=C:\Users\"MY USERNAME"\Documents\DayZ Projects


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Workdrive works with all branches. The error 0x50004003 usually occurs when the game isn't fully installed (meaning at least launched once from Steam). Did you run the game and the tools from Steam before running Workdrive?

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2 hours ago, Tom_48_97 said:

The error 0x50004003 usually occurs when the game isn't fully installed (meaning at launched once from Steam). Did you run the game and the tools from Steam before running Workdrive?

It's working now than you!, I didn't run the game since last update.

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Got a weird issue with trying to launch Buldozer from within TB. Got all the default stuff done (Set up workdrive, set up the params to my workdrive (Q drive, instead of P)

When trying to launch it instantly crashes though, minidump is created and the RPT reports an access violation. The game works fine. Link to RPT is here: https://paste.ee/p/Y3gpQ

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at D4554FDF

Any thoughts?

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It would be nice to have some unbinarized stuff as examples, for example one building with one working door and a ladder, with the materials, lods, textures and all the stuff necesary.

Maybe one firegun, one melee weapon, in the future one car, etc...

It's really hard to figure how to make stuff for the game without any example, I extracted the game data to take a look on how the models are done for the game but the editor doesn't open any of the models.

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On 11/7/2018 at 8:12 AM, Tom_48_97 said:

With the beginning of the DayZ BETA, it's also time to unfold our modding tool set, along with the support for the Steam Workshop. The DayZ Tools package is now available on Steam for all DayZ owners. While we are still working on the overall stability and the known issues, this iteration should provide some solid basic functionalities for modders. This release includes the following tools (highlights):

  • Workbench
  • Central Economy Editor
  • Publisher
  • Addon Builder
  • Terrain Builder
  • Nav Mesh Generator
  • Object Builder

Along with the availability of the tools, the game now includes a Game Launcher which, similarly to the Arma 3 Launcher, serves as an interface to run the game and manage Steam Workshop mods.

So uh. Two months later here. No documentation still?

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@Tom_48_97 Julien some questions....

I know the Terraintools for A3, worked with it a few tousand hours...

In future you plan to porting over from TB A3 to TB Dayz the system to creating roads with Shapefiles?

In my Eyes for now its a big step back, placing all the objects and you spend a lot of time creating Roads... (example downloading with Qgis the Shapefiles and importing it to TB saves a lot Time)

Some viewer ingame like the Splendid Camera would also be very helpful, since we have no editor, to checking the placed objects ingame!

Please check out the Objectplacementtool for A3 by Adanteh, its very Helpful for us Mapmaker https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1242712395

maybe something like this in Future?


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Is the  problem with animating doors and wheels  in Bulldozer  after 1.18   a  known problem ? 

 All good in 1.17  and now no response to Door and wheel  other rotation like steeering  iso k   maybe the sources have changed From DoorsDriver etc ? 


Edited by ofp2

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