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About FadezGaming

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  1. FadezGaming

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    @Funkdoc Which one would I edit in this file? I assume the [Project Drive] Would be the one to change with [Game] still linking to my game to extract the data? https://gyazo.com/88b9875493661cdf36281a35cf78c1f4
  2. FadezGaming

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    So I'm interested in using the terrain builder and bulldozer, but I'm wondering if this is actually needed or if I can make another folder on my pc and just extract files to that and work from there?
  3. FadezGaming

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    I think just switch over, I didnt have to do a update either do idk.
  4. FadezGaming

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    How do we start this? I launch it from the desktop and it just open a file browser.
  5. FadezGaming

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

  6. FadezGaming

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

  7. FadezGaming

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    All aboard the hype train!! http://imgur.com/a/xKEBb
  8. FadezGaming

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    So Wednesday at the earliest for the experimental branch is what I'm understanding?
  9. FadezGaming

    Game wont leave windowed mode

    So I put a brand new 1060 in my pc today and now dayz wont leave windowed in the video settings. I have no clue what to do, all my drivers are up to date and I have verified the game multiple times. I've also reinstalled the game, The game opens in a fullscreen mode but not to my resolution then I go to change the res it wont, I click on the arrows and it still stay on windowed then I go to hit apply and it goes into a windowed mode. I can play in fullscreen windowed but i cant adjust my gamma or brightness, which I almost need to play because stuff doesn't look right to me if its not adjusted.
  10. Before I get roasted for posting in the wrong spot, I looked and tried to find where this would be most appropriate to post this, and I figured here was. So I'm an avid fan and player of Dayz SA, and everything I have to say about the game is positive. I use to have notification on my phone for the dev twitter and I realized today I haven't been getting them recently so I went to the twitter today and saw I was blocked. I haven't tweeted directly at the dev team for a while now, and I only have had a few conversations that involved the dev twitter. If anyone wants to check my twitter to make sure I'm not missing something its @FadezGaming (I'm not trying to promote myself, I'm just confused how I got blocked) Is there anything I could do to get myself unblocked as I really enjoyed keeping up to date with the dev's and knowing what is coming next for Dayz and knowing the future for it.
  11. FadezGaming

    How to fix in game server screen lag!

    Here's my video on how to fix the server screen lag! Hope you guys enjoy