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Make Mobility more REALISITIC to the map.

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You realize this map is huge right?  Why on earth would you make EVERYTHING make you go slower...

Too thirsty? Walk slower, Hungry? Slower, Hit by a zombie? Slower.     wait 5,10,15, 20 minutes for your health to rise up so you can run at a normal speed? Are you serious? I have THOUSANDS of hours on this game, THOUSANDS , And this mobility thing is BY FAR the most POORLY ADJUSTED & ADDED IDEA EVER.

Stamina? Sure why not. MAYBE, just MAYBE make it a little more realistic considering the map size. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE don't make EVERY mistake make your character run slower. You're literally trapped half the time if your character starts to hobble.  How do these ideas get put to the drawing board and you don't SEE the flaws. Its MIND BOGGLING.



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Thanks for the daily dose of humor, buddy.

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  On 6/26/2018 at 6:04 AM, G.Freeman said:

You realize this map is huge right?  Why on earth would you make EVERYTHING make you go slower...

Why ? Very easily.

So that you consider each step first, and only then execute.

You will never slow down if you: Do not be thirsty, not hungry, do not let an Infecdet to you. It just needs to think and then act.

The times are over where you can quickly reach 45min. run through the map, DayZ is asking for more from you if you want to do that.

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Wait for the transport such as bicycles, cars and it will be fine.
I wish they added and spawned bicycles in nearly every town ASAP.

Edited by exacomvm

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  On 6/26/2018 at 12:19 PM, exacomvm said:

Wait for the transport such as bicycles, cars and it will be fine.
I wish they added and spawned bicycles in nearly every town ASAP.

Please don't misinform.

No bikes, motorcycles, or pick-up trucks will be in 1.0.

Please go and read the status reports.

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  On 6/26/2018 at 6:04 AM, G.Freeman said:

I have THOUSANDS of hours on this game, THOUSANDS ,

I LOVE this.

Yet, you don't know shit about DayZ dev???

Thanks for NOTHING.

You'll enjoy some mod, some day, but Vanilla may not be for you.

Let me guess, in all your hours of "play" your usual play style consisted of.... suicide until you spawn near friends so you can go loot NWA and death match right?

But you never submitted bug reports, read status reports, or contributed anything constructive to the discussion around DayZ dev?

Why should we care when you add another whining thread to the forum?


Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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IRL, put on a backpack containing 5-10lbs of weight of your choosing and a bottle of water. Strap a fire axe to your back. Put a full size can of Beanz™ in your 2 front pants pockets. Wear boots. Wear a coat with a teddy bear in one pocket and duct tape, a knife, and a gun cleaning kit in the other. Hat or helmet of your choice and carry a rifle.

Now go for a run. After you do that, come back and we can discuss "realistic". You hit a lot of keys to say that you want to run to Tisy, get geared and shoot mofo's.

I'm hoping for a much more brutal experience when the game is finished. The best time I ever had in DayZ was in the mod at a point where cans were scarce and zombies hit like Mike Tyson. .50cal 1km+ snipers were a thing. I'm pretty sure the average survival time was less than 10 minutes at that point.

I miss that DayZ. You didn't dare run across an open field or on roads.



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  On 6/26/2018 at 2:23 PM, ☣BioHaze☣ said:




On a more related note, I'd rather have to walk slow every time I get hit, Then have to deal with people just running and zig zaging to freedom after being shot 4 times in the stomach.

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  On 6/27/2018 at 7:50 AM, preacherlr said:

On a more related note, I'd rather have to walk slow every time I get hit, Then have to deal with people just running and zig zaging to freedom after being shot 4 times in the stomach.

There is a certain logic to that :)

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  On 6/27/2018 at 9:23 AM, Gobbokirk said:


It used to shit me to tears, people just running around with 3-4 GSW's like it's actually O.K.

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  On 6/27/2018 at 10:11 AM, preacherlr said:

It used to shit me to tears, people just running around with 3-4 GSW's like it's actually O.K.

Aye, its a step in the right direction for sure.

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