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Baty Alquawen

Exp Update 0.62.139701

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1 hour ago, IMT said:

Yes that roadblock was introduced at 0.61, you didn't know?

I must not have made it up to Grozovoy Pass in 0.61 at all; I definitely do not remember this. Thanks for answering my question!

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After getting dicked a few times and some shitty deaths lately it was time to fight back. My original intention was to shoot everyone on sight for a while, no matter what. Apparently the game felt this so it gave me 3 suicidal persons to kill in less than 5 minutes. I had to restore some balance and set some things right.

I hope they learned to never try and fuck with someone carrying a shotgun. :)

1 hour ago, Tatanko said:

I must not have made it up to Grozovoy Pass in 0.61 at all; I definitely do not remember this. Thanks for answering my question!

It can indeed easily be missed if you not wander that area often.

Edited by IMT
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5 hours ago, orakel78 said:

Ran a round a bit last night, and froze to death a few times.

Spawning on a rainy day is hell :(

But is TrackIR support disabled for the experimental, or is it indeed a bug?



Also spawned at on point near Rify, just to notice the aft super structure has slid back a meter or two. Looks like there is a gap to, but I'm able to walk on air :)


Find a stone, craft a knife, use the knife to cut bark and branches / sticks and with some rags or book craft a fireplace and hand drill for ignition and you have a fire to keep yourself warm.

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New patch this friday? I won`t collect items to my home base if we get a new patch this evening! :)

It`s a huge advantage to start with a barrel base and it`s more fun to play when u have a spot on the map u call home - it`s not even RP. If u carry ammo and weapons u can`t use place it in a barrel, and u can take more risk as well since if someone spot u and die, u will always have something in your barrel when u start over.  Anyway happy weekend, and most importantly find those bugs and report!

Lastly, I hope the dev. team want to explore to increase the amount of players on this map to 75/75 again, because u can have 50 guys around cherno and it would still be hard to spot anyone! :)

Edited by Nebulae3
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My encounters today were about 50/50 neutral/KoS.


^Here they come to snuff the rooster.

After myself and my friends (emu and Gary) were cut down at Tisy in an ambush at the tents. I spawned at Kamishovo and encountered this fellow named rooster, and we attempted to warm at a fire and pick apples discussing the new patch and where we were headed. While we were picking apples a younger player with a UK accent came up on us trying to talk with an ice axe in his hand. Soon enough he attacked my new friend and I tried to take him down with just fists and was killed by the ice axe.

This time I spawned further North and the nearby houses had small loot explosions, like so:





Running around the NE section of the map, I did fairly well, but without rain gear, it made for slow going.



Further along, in a barn, more of these mini loot explosions:






There were wolves. They were just the thing to fill our needy bellies.



I encountered a problem reloading my shotgun when R/reload is bound to a side mouse button.







After eating we did some looting and eventually found a V3S after an impromptu server restart. We used this vehicle to loot some hot spots and were able to get some nice goodies for our nimble loot and scoot maneuvers at Tisy while others slaughtered each other only a few hundred meters down range. After finding a bus, I left emu to meet with another friend and logged out for the night.


I often crash when exiting game (x64).

I had multiple instances of items becoming bugged by not showing up in the inventory slot they should be in when picked up but showing on the ground and actionable on the ground while taking up an inventory slot in my gear.

I bugged my hotbar once by trying to switch the numbers of an IZH shotgun and a chambered P-1.

The picture of the bound IZH shotgun was not in the slot but if I pressed the key the gun would be drawn out.

I also experienced some sliding where I would walk and every time I stopped my character would slide a meter or so forward. Logging out and back in fixed this.

There is wind inside houses that can keep a hand drill from lighting a fire.

Tanning a cow pelt still does not work. All resources except nails disappeared.





Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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can we have some change in this:
(skinning chicken with these tools and what is left from chicken after preparing)

This is experimental so why not tweak a little these settings?
STONEKNIFE is some magical MacGyver tool:D
with cleaver around 85% is ok and then you should get some minus if you cook it at stick in fireplace made with sticks because all of these are low survival thingys...(cooking pot,tripod,etc is high)
damaged knifes should give maybe 30%-50% but really,stoneknife was best?
is should give you around 10%-20% and when grilling it in stick and chicken fall in a fireplace....0%
people should try to visit in citys to look tools for their surviving and not just run in military base and start their own wars.
same goes in firemaking,farming,treating yourself.please?

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1 hour ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

My encounters today were about 50/50 neutral/KoS.


^Here they come to snuff the rooster.

After myself and my friends (emu and Gary) were cut down at Tisy in an ambush at the tents. I spawned at Kamishovo and encountered this fellow named rooster, and we attempted to warm at a fire and pick apples discussing the new patch and where we were headed. While we were picking apples a younger player with a UK accent came up on us trying to talk with an ice axe in his hand. Soon enough he attacked my new friend and I tried to take him down with just fists and was killed by the ice axe.

This time I spawned further North and the nearby houses had small loot explosions, like so:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


Running around the NE section of the map, I did fairly well, but without rain gear, it made for slow going.

  Reveal hidden contents


Further along, in a barn, more of these mini loot explosions:

  Reveal hidden contents





There were wolves. They were just the thing to fill our needy bellies.

  Reveal hidden contents


I encountered a problem reloading my shotgun when R/reload is bound to a side mouse button.

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


After eating we did some looting and eventually found a V3S after an impromptu server restart. We used this vehicle to loot some hot spots and were able to get some nice goodies for our nimble loot and scoot maneuvers at Tisy while others slaughtered each other only a few hundred meters down range. After finding a bus, I left emu to meet with another friend and logged out for the night.


I often crash when exiting game (x64).

I had multiple instances of items becoming bugged by not showing up in the inventory slot they should be in when picked up but showing on the ground and actionable on the ground while taking up an inventory slot in my gear.

I bugged my hotbar once by trying to switch the numbers of an IZH shotgun and a chambered P-1.

The picture of the bound IZH shotgun was not in the slot but if I pressed the key the gun would be drawn out.

I also experienced some sliding where I would walk and every time I stopped my character would slide a meter or so forward. Logging out and back in fixed this.

There is wind inside houses that can keep a hand drill from lighting a fire.

Tanning a cow pelt still does not work. All resources except nails disappeared.





I tuned in at Emuthreat's stream when you guys where at Tisy. Watched until you guys started driving towards Severograd from those civilian barracks. Was surprised that Emuthreat wanted to get away when there was a firefight. :P

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A guy waited at me 5 min. ago inside the school when I was in the police station at Vybor - we both see each other and I had a shoty with ammo on UK-07 server, but I let him go since he did not had a weapon with ammo! :)

Yeah I`ve notice it too @Biohaze- there are some issues with loot table at the moment. 


Edited by Nebulae3

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21 minutes ago, Tatanko said:


Looks like I'm going to login to a fresh build later on. :)

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24 minutes ago, IMT said:

Looks like I'm going to login to a fresh build later on. :)

I'm a little sad because I had just picked up a B95 and a box of .308 right as I logged off last night. Oh well, the weekend awaits!

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You will have your characters for whole weekend :).

Closing this thread.

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