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Remove hip-fire reticle definitely

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There's a thread in reddit about the total removal of the aiming reticle (for hipfire mostly) from the game.


I believe that the guy has reason. It's really unreal to be able to shot random guns from your hip without practicing years your accuracy, and that doesn't even apply to a model, you get used to individal guns with that western style pew pew. 

Think that removing it would help with KOS too, since people will have to aim to shot you and that will give enough time to escape. At the same time kos people will be more cautious since they will not be able to just go with the classic "im friendly, double carrying" and hip shoting you 2 secs later lol

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I'll copy/paste my comment from there:

"The dynamic reticle is terrible.

I think a reticle can be done in an acceptable manner as one lacks proper depth perception and proprioception in DayZ (if the reticle doesn't allow unrealistic accuracy, I don't see the problem)."

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I thought the tiny dot worked perfectly as a sight. There are multiple things that the new sight affects though, such as the position of the gun vs the position of the player's eyes (when swinging a gun left to right) and it's nice to have that info sometimes.

Edited by Kohlbar

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Like i said in Your topic at reddit but in short words.

It just simulate position of Your gun because You just have the feeling like that in real life when You hold any guy.

This is possible to shot gun like that in close distance but with lower accuracy and its even worse on longer distance. Its same in dayz. Hip fire shots are way less accurate and spray and pray method just wont be as deadly and sights. With some expections like You run behind corner and u see guy etc but im pretty sure that in real life You would just spray too in such case.

The only thing that they could change is that gun can fire at any point of that "moon" thing. Not in the middle of it like it is right now.

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The current hip fire reticle is so bad they lack of it would be actually better. 

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Looting needs to be a bit more functional before reticle removal; sometimes you just need to point your screen directly at an object to have a chance at looting it. The reticle helps there.

It is also not a complete solution to perceived hip-fire hyperaccuracy; won't putting a tiny sticker on your monitor still work?

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I support removing all non-hardware aiming reticles. Force them to ADS. I think I posted something in the Suggestions Sub-Forum about this a long ways back. It'll keep people from shooting on sight so much and its hella ugly anyway. The design is blegh anyway...

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Taker your dominant hand and spontaneously point at something without looking down your index finger, are you pointing at it?

Grips are designed to mimic a reflex we start practicing as a toddler,anyone can at close range raise a gun and start chucking rounds into a man sized target by feel.

I think either the old , new, or something like Arma simulates that well enough and helps keep perspective on where the center of your view is with it not always being in plane with the room you can see in your periphery.

Edited by BCBasher
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I'd rather replace the aiming reticule with a simple dot in the center of the screen. You use that dot as a point of reference for picking up items and interacting with the environment, but it should be useless for actual aiming of any kind.

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I would much rather see the reticle fade out after few meters distance. Just enough to give good insight when the weapons barrel is blocked by something. Also handy for looting wich also only happens at the proximity of player.
Like that the reticle can only be used to shoot targets that are really close. Abusing the reticle to snipe players from longer distance would no longer work.

Normally, in any game I wouldn't  want or need a reticle, but since DayZ is still  3p/1p and involves more actions than typical shooting.

Now I tought about how aiming would work in 3pp with a system like this; I guess the two line markers should stick around but the "U" marker that floats should disappear.

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