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Guest Rob Zombie

Shooter or survival?

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7 hours ago, Noctoras said:

Errr .... not me and I guess noone else in this thread. It's not about the content which is implemented, but the content the game lacks currently.  Which is why I for my part leave the rest unanswered.

Im wondering why you thought I wrote that to you.. and not the OP. 



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8 hours ago, Rags (DayZ) said:

A game can be both a shooter and a survival game. These are not exclusive to one another. 

True, but ever since early 0.55 my char is packed with food, drink, ammo and weapons in no time and rather feels like in a giant supermarket. This is not survival.

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On 2/19/2016 at 5:27 AM, Guest said:

Interesting, I've not seen that status in so long I presumed it was deactivated.  Do you happen to remember how you became sick?

Stitching yourself up is a quick way to get sick. The progression of sickness is still pretty quick too. You've got about 20 minutes before you wont be able to see anything and your hydration becomes an issue. That said, you almost have to try to get it, make a pretty silly mistake, or have some terrible luck. Have drank through it recently.

On 2/19/2016 at 3:53 AM, krazypenguin said:

Just to manage your expectations, things in DayZ rarely happen "soon" ;-)

Ever wondered why we have water purification tablets, charcoal tabs, antibiotics, alcohol tincture, vitamins and so many other items which seem useless?  They exist because there are a lot of survival features in the game already, but which are either currently not turned on, or if they are on seem to be set to very low levels.  

For example, whilst I haven't seen a "cold" status on any of my characters in a long time, I've gotten "hot" a few times recently - so clearly the temperature system is still switched on, but perhaps with quite forgiving parameters so that players don't have to worry about it too much right now.  A while back, there was a period when it was raining pretty much all the time so you would spawn in, instantly get soaked and then go cold.  Every spawn started with a race against time to find a rain coat and some matches before you froze to death.  I've lost a few characters to pneumonia in the past.

There are also some sickness and infected mechanics in the game too, which add to the survival element.  I don't think the sickness mechanic has ever been switched on whilst I've been playing (but I've seen youtube videos about it) but the infected one has been.  I cannot recall if attacks by the infected could cause an infection but I know that using a sewing kit to stop your bleeding (wow, I had forgotten about that until I wrote this - can you still do that?) could make your wounds infected, which could be a real problem.  I've died from it once or twice.  I think dirty rags could cause infection too, hence the alcohol tincture to clean them first and of course the antibiotics help if you do become infected.

Sickness\food poisoning was also around for a while - that's what the charcoal tabs are for and maybe the vitamins hint at some overall "health" status, or have some other benefit to a mechanic which is not currently on.

My hope is that one day the Devs turn all these features back on, so that surviving Chernarus itself becomes as hard as surviving encounters with other players.  

Cold status is definitely there, but you almost have to try to get it. TTSKO's heat value is super high, mix that with a little long distance running and you'll find yourself rolling around in water to keep from going into overheating. Hang around an area too long without drying off, and you'll get frosty. Still, a light jog will get you back into hot status.


15 hours ago, Noctoras said:

Don't really care for more weapons, would love more zeds and more survival content first. That's my beef with this neverending addition of weapons, not the introduction of weapons themselves. The average Chernorussian probably eats a weapon and drinks bullets for survival. (i.e. the addition of yet another bunch of weapon appears pretty pointless, if there are so many useful things one could implement first)

I agree with more emphasis on the melee weapon system, though.

I'm hoping the end-game to the weapon type and ammo spam is based off of percentages. In a harsh over-simplification of the loot economy, if they make military grade weapons 1% of the total weapon loot table, and civilian weapons 4% of the total weapon loot table, then the more weapons and ammo you add to the game, the less chances you'll find the proper weapon and ammo. If this implementation of accessories on pickup weapons goes through well, I'd suspect the chance for default ammunition as well. Thus scarcity. (%'s not to be taken literally)

I think the more generous they are with threats like wolves and zombies, the more generous they can be with the matching ammo and weapon ratio, while prevent that walking arsenal culture.

Edited by [DGN] Johnny

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18 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:



Hey this is a GREAT photo

What you need is six helmets on the floor exactly like this  -AND-  8 or 10 zombies right outside the door to stop you going crazy

Then DayZ would start to get HOT


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So true, right now the biggest challenge of the game is "How do I fit all this ammo on my character?" The survival elements of the game are barely even in existence at the moment, and are by far the EASIEST part of the game.

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So true, right now the biggest challenge of the game is "How do I fit all this ammo on my character?" The survival elements of the game are barely even in existence at the moment, and are by far the EASIEST part of the game.

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On 2/19/2016 at 5:01 AM, Guest said:

I hope survival will become somewhat challenging again,

maybe a metric shitton of zombies will do?

I would like to see more zombies, BUT if there is they have to be weaker because if a fresh spawn fights 3 zombies that fresh spawn is gonna lose.

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7 minutes ago, GuyRandomMan said:

I would like to see more zombies, BUT if there is they have to be weaker because if a fresh spawn fights 3 zombies that fresh spawn is gonna lose.

I'd honestly like to see Zombies scale to the population, to prevent too much "low pop" server grinding. It's a well known fact and method to gear on low population servers, because of less threat. I feel by zombies getting stronger/faster/larger aggro radius the less people that are on it, would make low pop gearing considerably more dangerous.

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If you just want a shooter to PvP and you're playing DayZ, I believe you're doing it wrong on nearly every level. (You like broken ARMA  2 with better graphics?)

Clans will be the worst offenders of every exploit forever more.

Once we have a more feature complete game with base building and we see populations rise, clans will likely be the major force behind keeping the rinse and repeat play styles alive.

Few things will prevent people from stockpiling to go PvP on the coast.

The mod saw this progression of playstyles not long before hackers killed it.

All in all, a lot of people actually can be "no fun to play with" and in an open sandbox, you're going to encounter a lot of people who don't even care for the context of DayZ as an apocalypse regardless of game mechanics.

Much of this still remains to be seen as ColdAtrophy pointed out and modding will (most likely) give us all a version we enjoy.

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Dayz have Beans = survival. :)
Yeah the random factor of the loot table or the number of helmets or weapons in the same location should be improved in 0.60 patch.
But seriously guys with this huge map and spare food & water - it's a survival game. You don`t need to go to that military camp or NW Airfield for some PvP encounters even though it`s exciting,
but the main aspect of dayz is in fact survival even though most players don`t play that way.. Because it can be (boring) when I live stream for instance with little action or fire fights.
But the end product of dayz is indeed survival.

Edited by ori42

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