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GordonFreemanTR (DayZ)

Driving to Debug Island

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I think you will drown before you reach it, but maybe driving + swimming there would work? it's 16km out afaik

might just as well fly there in Arma 2, it's the same island...

Edited by Zombo

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  On 1/21/2016 at 10:32 AM, GordonFreemanTR said:

I know you can drive as submarines, what about driving to Debug Island ?


I dont mind to give a try and sacrifice my Lada . 


Are you that desperate and miserable to hide your car? You really can't find good place to hide it in 225 square kilometers map?

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  On 1/21/2016 at 11:42 AM, GordonFreemanTR said:

drink some alcohol tincture looking at the sunset. 


That will be your last sunset.

Edited by Yazar8
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I don't think you can even drive cars under water any more, since they won't start up. I found a Sedan near Skalisty Island in shallow water once, couldn't start it, replaced sparkplug and battery with pristine ones and they instantly got ruined again. Despite the fact you can drive them with ruined stuff above water, the Sedan wouldn't start up. You're welcome to try it out yourself, but I don't think the cars can submarine any more. Also, from what I've read the terrain near Debug Island makes it impossible to drive up there. 

Edited by S3V3N

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  On 1/21/2016 at 11:42 AM, GordonFreemanTR said:

Persistance is not working on debug, so cant hide it there :)


Just want to get there, spent some time and drink some alcohol tincture looking at the sunset. 


Follow in the footsteps of the great: but I think it's never been done in a ground vhicle so this could be a DayZ First ?

you might find some useful advice from this great classic account




Swimming on the surface he notes the ocean floor  <<at the deepest point it reaches a depth of 182 meters (597 feet), which is about 6 Devil's Castles or 3-2/3 Cherno sniper towers. If the water suddenly disappeared it would take over 6-1/2 seconds to hit the seafloor>>


- you'll need good navigation? some way of keeping warm? food?


Go for it.. if you never come back you'll be remembered forever as a hero.



Edited by pilgrim

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  On 1/21/2016 at 11:42 AM, GordonFreemanTR said:

Just want to get there, spent some time and drink some alcohol tincture looking at the sunset. 


A man respects the wishes of another.

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funny though how even having maybe 1/5 that tincture makes you quite ill (or did last time i died from poisoning...)

it will be a great drink i'm sure, at the edge of the world.

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Cars (from my experience) wont drive under water. I had a Lada down by Elektro, took shots and decided I'd evade by submerging myself whilst doubling back on them - car cut out after a minute or two and wouldn't start up again. Car wasn't even fully submerged when it gave up.

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I tried it with V3S. Didn't work for me because you can't see where you're going, you can't access your compass, the sea floor has bumps and mountains that change your direction, and also the truck fell through the map after a few minutes.

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  On 1/22/2016 at 5:01 AM, Gews said:

I tried it with V3S. Didn't work for me because you can't see where you're going, you can't access your compass, the sea floor has bumps and mountains that change your direction, and also the truck fell through the map after a few minutes.


I'm totally impressed -  a Gews motorized expedition!

Truly- he stops at nothing, he is the Scott and Amundsen of Chernarus


Perhaps there is a sea-floor continuous land-link from the mainland to the island, somewhere?

I have heard the debug plains have at least one bottomless hole in them.


Also - at those depths I guess you couldn't see a swimmer on the surface guiding you?

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