OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) Personally I'd like to see wolves - big ones that are fast and quiet and leave a pile of human bones and steak at the kill site - we'll see those camps start freeing up their loot pretty quick I think. :D It would be humorous to see people try to get back to the camps in deep woods after being mauled to death only to be killed again by a wolf :) (from Stable 0.58 thread: BEHOLD! Damn they're fast! Edited December 10, 2015 by OrganGrinder 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 Do look cool. Not sure if bears are around, but would be interesting to see bear AI linger around camp grounds ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherious 907 Posted December 10, 2015 I was actually terrified a little when they were chasing him. xD 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatanko 5591 Posted December 10, 2015 Not sure if bears are around, but would be interesting to see bear AI linger around camp grounds ;)...and steal your food? :P 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red_Ensign 990 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) ...and steal your food? :P your picnic basket :D Edited December 10, 2015 by Red_Ensign 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) You guys don't hide honey and jam in your barrels it take it?Also, DayZ is updating atm... Edited December 10, 2015 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherious 907 Posted December 10, 2015 your picnic basket :DI tried to find the best one. :( 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatanko 5591 Posted December 10, 2015 You guys don't hide honey and jam in your barrels it take it?Also, DayZ is updating atm...Marmalade is (was?) in the game files! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted December 10, 2015 Yes, run from the pack-predator already in "chase!"-mode. That will go over well :rolleyes: That guy would have been far better off if he decided to stand and make a threat-display. The wolves were already focused on the elk?/deer?, and probably would have fucked off if he made himself a big enough pain-in-the-ass. Hell, if he fired the rifle (not even at the wolves, just shot into the air), the report, which would probably be the loudest noise those wolves would ever hear, would drive them off right quick. While I am undoubtedly happy to see some more varied wildlife in the game, I really have to take umbrage with how it looks like they are going to be portrayed. In real life, predators are smart. They don't just attack things, either other animals or humans, randomly or for shits and giggles. The chances of getting hurt in a confrontation are too high for an intelligent animal to roam around and pick fights for no reason, and so they ...... don't. Predators attack when they are 1) hungry, and even then they prefer to use ambush, speed, overwhelming force, or preferentially all three at the same time, or 2) when they are scared. The majority of wolf attacks on humans occur when humans blunder into a wolf-packs territory, and even then the attack is a last-option. Wolves especially will shadow a target, letting them know they are being followed, and then make a threat display. They will attack when they get cornered, or when the human is about to stumble into the den, but it generally isn't " HUMAN THERE RIP TEAR KILL", at least not right away. You have to remember that human beings, due to our upright shape (which is basically non-existant in nature), coupled with the multitude of smells we put off, are really fucking scary to other animals. 999.999% of the time, animals will run the fuck away from humans, with the exception of the "big" predators (bears and great cats, mostly), and even then they can be scared away. Basically, humans are Cthulu to other animals. Essentially, making predators (especially wolves) little more than chaotic-evil always-vicious beasts ever-hungry for human flesh is painfully close to why they are (were, but they still are pretty close) on the verge of extinction in real life. Wolves should be a threat only to poorly-prepared survivors, those injured, and people by themselves. Travelling in a group would essentially eliminate the wolf threat. Not including the fact that there isn't really enough wilderness in South Zagoria to support a wolf-pack. We could have essentially one wolf-pack, and that could be anywhere between 8-20 wolves. In reality, the most common predator (that would undoubtedly be hostile to humans) we should find in Day Z would be feral-ized dogs, who are dangerous specifically because they have no fear of humanity. They are basically wolves in all but name, anyways. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted December 10, 2015 I have a feeling the wolves are going to be no smarter than the zeds we currently have in game though i could be wrong about this. Than it will probably take many many patches to get the AI even balanced out the way real wolves are supposed to even work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 10, 2015 <snip>Hello there Wolves do indeed get a bad press. Dogs are far nastier, Ive encountered in real life angry feral dogs and they do not give a plop about us humans. Although based in reality we have to remember that this is a game and just like the English in movies, we are not in reality always the bad guy. Brfore that it was the South Africans then the Russians etc ad nauseum. I dont have an issue with wolves being an enemy, perhaps the virus has affected them too in a different vector and made them more aggressive? But, I do feel sorry for poor wolfy in real life. Naughty devs. Rdgs LoK 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) Dogs don't use ambush in general.They tend to employ a panic and segregate tactic. Not much of a chance either way, but yeah: running from dog/wolf is not the way to survive, especially if in the dead open. Still, cinema. Also, wolves aren't almost extinct due to their lack of ferocity or cunning. They have been actively targeted by humans due to these qualities that make/made them an extreme threat to man, either directly or indirectly due to harassing livestock. I was more critical of the prey behavior honestly, but it's hopefully going to add a different mechanic and behavior to the forest wanderer. That said, i do hope the AI is robust enough, perhaps similar to that of STALKER. I'd prefer not to see a WoW style behavior where they openly attack and have small or static 'idle' behavior areas of influence. A food/fear influence would be good, where the AI is weighing up its numbers and requirements to the threats/opportunities it can perceive. Edited December 10, 2015 by q.S Sachiel 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 ...I have a feeling the wolves are going to be no smarter than the zeds we currently have in game though i could be wrong about this. Than it will probably take many many patches to get the AI even balanced out the way real wolves are supposed to even work. Whyherro -- all valid points regarding behavior. I'd be shocked if they fine tuned it enough for all the scenarios you mention as animal AI is not the focus of the game, but I bet they will make a yeoman's effort to put some of that in. The devs did state that they wanted to invest in animal AI... hopefully this was not them blowing the whole wad at once. I think wolves would be a prominent predator in this environment, and I think feral dogs would be present but in time would be taken out by wolves. Interbred possibly, but I don't know the rate of instance of this occurring. It does happen with Coyotes frequently (coy-dogs) but not sure Coyotes exist in this type of region (i.e. Ukraine). Look at Chernobyl as a case study - the wolves became the top predator there, and I'm sure there were all kinds of dogs left to fend for themselves during the evacuation. Can't recall if dogs are prominent a feature in current-day Chernobyl's biota... does anyone know the answer to that? And yes, DeathLove - I too suspect they will start out annoyingly simple-minded and too much in attack mode. Too bad we can't climb trees in game :P. Anyhow, looking forward to checking out the new release. I took a long, needed break from the game and wanted an excuse to get back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zurvivalist 300 Posted December 10, 2015 Aggressive wolves I can justify , possibly they are affected by the infection.. or maybe just starving now with all the added competition for resources . My real curiosity is , will they also kill other wildlife. and if so , will we have those rare moments of being able to witness these kills take place, then stealing the corpses from the wolves. Will the wolves be seen eating dead players, how will the two main predators wolves / zeds , interact. Will zeds ever chase cows and chicken ... THESE ARE the things I must see happen ! lol Have to admit , I had a small nerdgasim watching that video for the first time . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 Dogs are far nastier, Ive encountered in real life angry feral dogs and they do not give a plop about us humans. I remember a vehicle I was in being chased by a pack of about 10 feral dogs on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. Chased us for more than half a mile. They had a sinister look in their eyes too. We had been walking around in the area for hours before too... one of those "I just escaped death" moments. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) The problem with the average dog is that they are not competitive. Cats are completely different, with almost every one being a killer with a strong ability to survive on average. But domestic dogs are generally bred for a single purpose, are 'loved' and physically unfit.There'd be a few out there, but strength lies in numbers with dogs. And packs are generally quite xenophobic.I'd put dogs down the list on survival in general. But i'm talking about labs and purebreds and what not. If it's some ragtag poor town full of already half feral mutts, it may well be a different story. Edited December 10, 2015 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 Will the wolves be seen eating dead players Oh please, I hope so!! Zeds too. Have to admit , I had a small nerdgasim watching that video for the first time . me too. I'm at work and it could have been very embarrassing had anyone witnessed it. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 I'd put dogs down the list on survival in general. But i'm talking about labs and purebreds and what not. My wife is a vet and had to cut one open yesterday because it chewed up a tuna can and swallowed the jagged pieces. Enough said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zurvivalist 300 Posted December 10, 2015 Oh please, I hope so!! Zeds too. me too. I'm at work and it could have been very embarrassing had anyone witnessed it. ;)What was the sound that spooked the elk ?? Listen to the video with the volume jacked way up . You kinda hear a gun shot and a woman scream ? My guess is that wasnt the hunter missing his shot, and from the direction of the elk looking, it seem to come from another direction . Damn devs with there hidden teasers 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted December 10, 2015 Guys, I never said that I didn't want to see wolves as an enemy. I just don't like how they are portrayed as stupid, DERP-chaerg imbeciles instead of the intelligent hunters they are. I have the same issues with The Long Dark. What is more frightening: a wolf charges you as soon as you enter its line of sight, or, as you walk through the woods (hungry, tired, and cold, mind you), you see a flash of grey through the trees. You dismiss it as an overactive mind. Later, you actually see a wolf, staring at you. Then, you realize that you have been followed for the last few miles ........ hunted, if you will. And you are now surrounded. As for "maybe the wolves are infected" thing: diseases are really not suited to crossing species. As vectors (means of transference), yes, but an individual of one species passing "the" disease onto an individual of another unrelated species ..... not really. That is why it was such a big deal for bird-flu and swine-flu to pass from those families to humans. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted December 10, 2015 The problem with the average dog is that they are not competitive. Cats are completely different, with almost every one being a killer with a strong ability to survive on average. But domestic dogs are generally bred for a single purpose, are 'loved' and physically unfit.There'd be a few out there, but strength lies in numbers with dogs. And packs are generally quite xenophobic.I'd put dogs down the list on survival in general. But i'm talking about labs and purebreds and what not. If it's some ragtag poor town full of already half feral mutts, it may well be a different story. Oh, yes, small lap-dogs and pure-breds are highly unlikely to survive. When I refer to "dogs", I am generally referring to mutts. Mutts would be likely to be found in the country, on farms and such. And I am willing such "cross-breeds" would be relatively common in South Zagoria, as pure-breds tend to be expensive, and SZ is known as a poor-underdeveloped region. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrganGrinder 89 Posted December 10, 2015 I wish I got my wish. You know, where the game actually works. The video is cool but like all trailers, it's hype and will not be like that in game. Maybe, once again, if the game worked properly. So you think this video is more like those production-quality, fan-driven Minecraft vids? Seems to me it would more of a PITA to make one of those than to just wait until you had enough in development to show a sandboxed WIP (as stated). All the other WIP vids (i.e. new guns, vehicles, buildings, zombie AI) proved to be almost exactly what was eventually released. These are not PR videos. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted December 10, 2015 (edited) What was the sound that spooked the elk ?? Listen to the video with the volume jacked way up . You kinda hear a gun shot and a woman scream ? My guess is that wasnt the hunter missing his shot, and from the direction of the elk looking, it seem to come from another direction . Damn devs with there hidden teasers I forgot that bit. Yeah there was a shot, and the deer weren't looking at the camera/direction of wolves (to their left/rear) so there was something else. @Herro.Oh for sure, if it's just you then they're gonna creep, but if there's a few of you, they'll try to break you apart and go for the weak.I'm all for smart/'authentic' (to risk the word) AI, but i'm not expecting much. As long as they can develop past a range-barrier aggro where they beeline for you then begin attack animation a, repeat attack animation A, then i'll be happy. But even if this is how it works, hopefully they'll still be a threat or at least change the dynamic if not in a woefully comical way. It was a cinematic, so could be completely or fully staged, but if the wolves were stalking the elk/deer, and made the executive decision to start the charge because the prey spooked, and the wolves saw their opportunity window closing (and changed course to attack the player in the open, who was closer and gave flee) then i'm quite impressed.I'll reserve judgement. Beans to you sir, and Jonathan for perhaps finding a hidden something... edit because ninja: yeah the survivors and competent dogs are generally semi-wild like in Vietnam, or enough of a mishmash mutt variety that they don't have soft teeth and brains.Still, surviving off a limitless stream of trash and scraps and finding your own food are two different things. Also, i am skeptical also of this video. It shows some interesting things, but i feel it's at least semi staged (at least from the free-view camera angles). Edited December 10, 2015 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espa 711 Posted December 10, 2015 Holy crap! Are these guys in .59 Stable now? O_O Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rain64 5 Posted December 10, 2015 The wolves are complete nonsense. In real life wolves don't attack humans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites