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Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

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The weather system is still very annoying, it rains and stops raining every few minutes. It's fine if that happens every now and then but there should also be prolonged wet or dry periods.

Every server seems to be different. If you don't like the weather, you can always move to a different server.

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I had success putting my fists up just before trying to go up them.  May need to try a few times to get the timing down but it works.

 wil try that tonight cheers .

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When a game is released I expect to see colors on my screen...and don't want to play 12 hours until morning to see a light... but that is just me...   I like to play night time too (time accelerated)

The game time is now linked to the local time, where the server resides. I can appreciate how you could get attached to a local server, with it's accompanying low ping. But, there are thousands of servers all over the world, in various time zones and many of them have accelerated time enabled.


Honestly, this arrangement is better than in the past when all servers were daylight, all of the time. Now you actually have a choice. Perhaps there is an even better solution out there, somewhere, but in the mean time I think that this is a step in the right direction - YMMV.

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Dont play on empty servers and its not "walk in", simple. Also, what do you mean by "regions" and how on earth would any kind of region affect the NWAF being dangerous or not?

Well, you definitely don't need to drive in as a group, or even need a group. One player can get in and out pretty easy now. It's not a battle zone.


Read status repots on regions. Basically, they didn't want the map makers part of loot distribution and also have player progression across the map. So a military building on the coast will have different rate and rarity as a military building in the center of the map. Also, it will make some regions like the NWAF highly dangerous because it is a hotspot with high value loot.


When does experimental start?  :P

Edited by Coheed_IV

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Last night lootplositions weren't a thing for my group. Balota was empty on nearly every server (We only server-hop if the place is cleared and I stopped after like 3 times when there was fucking nothing there) and the military base north of that one town west of Balota was also empty.


However, that one guy's screenshot in the thread troubles me.


The lack of mega-loot on the coast is good but the mega-loot up North is just gonna promote the same shit I stopped playing for, which is holding into shift and w to haul ass all the way up to one spot to hop four times to get more gear then anyone on the coast will ever have, except for other guys like you.


My 6 hour session character won't stand a chance against a 3 - 4 hour insta-NWAF running serverhopper, just like previous updates, if these closer to the coast military bases are for some odd reason super bugged.

It's the shape of things to come. The "good stuff" will only spawn in the NW. In the meanwhile all military vehicles and headquarters/prision buildings no longer spawn anything, until regional loot control can be implemented. Once regional control is working, these spawn points will be switched back on. We will then see low grade military loot in the Balota prision building, for instance, while the prison building at the NW airfield will spawn the hard core military gear.

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I set up barell with few items in it and rabbit snare,log out to post screen shots. Log back in and all gone. There were two other players on server.

I haven't seen a dev confirmation on this, but the prevaling theory is that if your gear is too close to a dynamic event (helicopter/police car), your gear will be "cleaned up," when that dynamic event de-spawns. Some folks were guesstimating that your camp/gear needs to be at least 1km away from one of these spawn points.

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OK. When a new build is released to public idiot. "RELEASE" expresion was used even by Dev team on twitter...

Clearly, good sir, since it was I explaining the facts merely reinforces the solid truth that it is you and not I that is the idiot in this case.

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nope, I'm not a fan of the loot zones (1,2,3,4) for this very reason. It's a big PvP promoter at NWAF and sort of eliminates the sandbox. Havent's come to play the stable yet due to a bad internet connection here, though, so I'll have to see myself the upcoming days.

Hicks says that there will be a random element to the CLE, so that there will always be a small chance of finding a M4 in a barn in Kamywobo, but for the most part, 99.9% of the hard core, military gear will be in the far West and the NW quadrant.

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Also, it will make some regions like the NWAF highly dangerous because it is a hotspot with high value loot.


So.. pretty much like it is right now?

Edited by jayfkay

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Well, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They should just remove them off of the map or fix it, the game is really trying to force long ass runs to NWAF now, isn't it?



Prison Island, the Pavlovo base, Zelenogorsk base, Myshinko base, NW Airfield, Vybor base and that big rascal (does it have a name yet), West of Tisy will all spawn military loot/weapons. If you choose not to go to the West, then the Winchester, Blaze, Mosin, CR527, Repeater, MP5 and others, are perfectly viable and deadly ... if you have a clue how to use them.

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Is the day/night cycle forced for every server?  I only got to play for about 30 minutes, and the sun was low in the west.  It didn't get dark and I was sure it would.  I hope 24/7 day is disabled for public servers for good.  Accelerated day/night is what I have been hoping for.

There are lots to choose from. In the server browser, choose a server with an "X" next to the time.

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OK. When a new build is released to public idiot. "RELEASE" expresion was used even by Dev team on twitter...

There is never a moderator around when you need one!


Can we please stay civil and not make personal attacks. This isn't Reddit, you know!

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Clearly, good sir, since it was I explaining the facts merely reinforces the solid truth that it is you and not I that is the idiot in this case.

I still believe it is the opposite case, but strange to hear a smart joke from you...

Edited by lucianpin

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I'm sure this was a problem when 0.58 first hit exp.??? I can remember everyone complaining and hicks denying anything was wrong. Then no one mentioned it until stable. Maybe people on exp got better at hiding their camps after a while?? 


Yes, people were talking about it quite a bit a build or two in. I only saw my camp disappear on Experimental when there was an announced persistence wipe or a new build, which happened rather quickly and often during the last 6 weeks or whatever it has been.


I have two theories about why my camp disappeared:


1) GSPs were possibly instructed to reset persistence for their server which is not tied to the clean wipe function anymore. Apparently, on some servers persistence literally was not working in any capacity yesterday and the fix was to reset persistence. It could also be that the server owner of the server on which I chose to build my camp read that this was a possible issue and reset it of his/her own volition as a preemptive fix. 


2) Persistence is literally just not working properly on the server I chose for whatever known or unknown reason.


I refuse to believe that my camp was raided however. I chose the same spot on the same server that I built my camp in 0.55. It was untouched for the entirety of that patch. I use that server as my home server, regardless of where I play, because only hoppers use it. I rarely, if ever, see the same names in the playerlist day to day although I do play on it 99% of the time. My camp is not even remotely close to any of the hotspots, not on the way to anywhere in particular, and is not sitting in a close and obvious spot near debug where people commonly look for camps. Furthermore, most of the stuff was well buried in the boughs of trees meaning that a person would have had to basically waltz up and run into the tree with their inventory tab open in the pitch black dark. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it likely on a server that is essentially only used as a hopper's paradise and never goes over 10 players on the busiest evening? Hell no. It's even more unlikely that they managed to find each and every single item from the area and get it all out of there. 


I also see that all of the trucks are reset on this server back to their initial (and very well known at this point) spawn locations. This alone screams that persistence either reset during the restart or was manually reset.


All I find compelling in this patch is looting and camp building. If that doesn't work correctly right this second, I'm not interested. I'm just trying to get someone to verify whether persistence is working precisely as intended before I waste hours of gameplay again. On Experimental, I expected to be wiped every single time I played, so I built my camps with the intention of losing them. I look at those hours as time spent rather than time wasted in service to BI. In Stable, it feels more like a waste since this is the branch for long-er-ish term gameplay.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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For months I search how to close my forum account and I really can't find the option. Can some moderator close it for me please... :) I really don't care about it.

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long ass post


coulda been a server owner resetting the database. I know of people that did it in previous patches to reset loot etc.

if not it seems highly inconsistent, barrels always seem to vanish, guns seem to last quite long on the ground, taloon backpacks apparently vanish, but improvised ones dont.

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Can anyone confirm if Tents are spawning at all?


Can't find Car Tents or Military Tents in the office barracks anymore?


Checked the apartments in cherno over and over again?


Are we just down to barrels now?

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Can anyone confirm if Tents are spawning at all?


Can't find Car Tents or Military Tents in the office barracks anymore?


Checked the apartments in cherno over and over again?


Are we just down to barrels now?


Since this is the same build as Exp (literally, those of us who moved back to Stable in Steam from Exp didn't have to dl anything), I'd say that tents are definitely spawning. I haven't found one yet, but others have commented that they have in the previous pages.

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Played all day on one private server yesterday, both accounts. Kept all my important stuff on the characters at tthe end of the night but left a taloon full of carp fillets hidden. Logged in this morning at least 12 hours after I logged out and the bag is still there.


It's a server to server thing, report them here or in bug tracker?



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Let me know if anyone can reproduce this.


Confirmed I had the same thing when I painted an M4.

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I also see that all of the trucks are reset on this server back to their initial (and very well known at this point) spawn locations. This alone screams that persistence either reset during the restart or was manually reset.



Well, I can only report what I've seen first hand, so-


We set up a camp about 20 hours ago and everything is still there as of @30 minutes ago.

Car tents, mil tent, civ tents, barrel, mountain backpack (on the ground) and a truck.

Their contents haven't changed at all either. 

IMT also crashed a truck about 16 hours ago in a different location and it's still where he left it.

So, for us, it seems like it's working - however


Because it's 20 hours later I've assumed the server has restarted - but we weren't present for the actual server restart.

I've assumed persistence is working on that particular server based on the first assumption (the server did restart).

Well we all know how assumptions work, so Ill prepare to eat my shoe because maybe it hasn't restarted in 20 hours.

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Can anyone confirm if Tents are spawning at all?


Can't find Car Tents or Military Tents in the office barracks anymore?


Checked the apartments in cherno over and over again?


Are we just down to barrels now?


Check the tenements again, the smaller ones.  

It may be a looooong search though and I haven't searched the Cherno tenements either.

You may have more luck climbing to the top of one and scanning the other tenements with binocs  ;)

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i know they wanted to move the masses from the coast and more to the north but all that has happened is to concentrate people around the air bases etc, same problem different location. Found no barrels yet where as in exp i found heaps in the same areas, heaps of guns and ammo , again at the bases, Jails have had almost no loot, seems a bit lop sided in some areas, its pretty easy to survive though , heaps of food around and i'm already getting bored.

Maybe because i played the exp a fair bit.

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Well, I can only report what I've seen first hand, so-


We set up a camp about 20 hours ago and everything is still there as of @30 minutes ago.

Car tents, mil tent, civ tents, barrel, mountain backpack (on the ground) and a truck.

Their contents haven't changed at all either. 

IMT also crashed a truck about 16 hours ago in a different location and it's still where he left it.

So, for us, it seems like it's working - however


Because it's 20 hours later I've assumed the server has restarted - but we weren't present for the actual server restart.

I've assumed persistence is working on that particular server based on the first assumption (the server did restart).

Well we all know how assumptions work, so Ill prepare to eat my shoe because maybe it hasn't restarted in 20 hours.


People posting things like this is what has me leaning towards the idea that it was manually reset by the server owner, but since it's public, I have no idea who that is or how to contact them to verify. There's also the fact that his exact same build was working just fine on Exp.


It kinda makes me want to rent a server again, knowing that my entire camp can be wiped on a whim by the server owner. I guess that was technically always true, but now that loot in camps is taken into account by the CLE, admins now have a reason to think they should do it.

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