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Day Z Urban Legends

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Hi, may as well tell a story then.

I was playing on a night server (Because no one really goes on night servers and I had a remington 870 w/ flashlight) And I was walking around Chernarus.

No sounds, no zombies, nothing. It was scary as hell, as I couldn't see anything that wasn't in my flashlight. I kept walking around, wandering on the roads, waiting for something to happen. And then, I heard a zombie noise, a zombie gurgling noise. I turned around and I saw a zombie staring straight at my face.

I immediatley shot at it continously, no effect. It was just standing there. Staring at me. I was so scared that I just plain ran away, not looking back.

I then went up into the forests and aborted.

Never again, shall I go on night servers.

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Found out a link between Chernarus and Namalsk (The 2 "green" maps of DayZ). In DayZ there are 3 major green things. Green Mountain, Mtn. Dew and Ghillie suit, all being extremly rare. You can find Green Mtn. at well... GM, Mtn. Dew in Berezino and Ghillie in Cherno (Berezino has 2 markets and Cherno has a load of residential buildings). If you link the locations you can see a triangle. Well, take the triangle and place it on Namalsk map and you see Lubjansk, Brensk Factory and AII linked. Usually in the center you can find something great, like a MTVR or V3S, maybe a Chopper, or a curse. Also I went camping at Green Mountain with my HMMWV, I want to debunk the myth.

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I suspect that Green Mountain in SA will be a lot more profitable to raid and camp

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I suspect that Green Mountain in SA will be a lot more profitable to raid and camp

I hope they fix the non-functional ladders so I can climb right to the top of it, just for shits and giggles. Literally, it would be cool to poop from there.

Anyways has anyone ever encountered the mysterious Silent Sarah? It's said she waits by the road to Solnichniy, weaponless, for friendly survivors to come along and offer her help. When they do, she stays motionless and silent, merely turning her blank face in their direction until they become frustrated and decide to either leave or shoot her. If they leave, they leave, but if they decide to shoot her, they are instantly killed by a single shot from nowhere and their body and gear disappears along with Silent Sarah.

No shit, that actually happened to me. Creepiest thing ever.

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I hope they fix the non-functional ladders so I can climb right to the top of it, just for shits and giggles. Literally, it would be cool to poop from there.

Anyways has anyone ever encountered the mysterious Silent Sarah? It's said she waits by the road to Solnichniy, weaponless, for friendly survivors to come along and offer her help. When they do, she stays motionless and silent, merely turning her blank face in their direction until they become frustrated and decide to either leave or shoot her. If they leave, they leave, but if they decide to shoot her, they are instantly killed by a single shot from nowhere and their body and gear disappears along with Silent Sarah.

No shit, that actually happened to me. Creepiest thing ever.

pic or it didn't happen

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-creepy stuff-

What if you poop and fling it at her? :o

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pic or it didn't happen

She also disables your Bandicam / Fraps / Steam / etc!

What if you poop and fling it at her? :o

Shot to the head.

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I had this one moment in Cherno. It was night time and me and my friend were looting peacefully since the zombies didn't get aggroed as easily when it is night. Suddenly I hear a large explosion near the hotel. Me and my friend go and investigate it, and we see nothing burning, when we hear some strange static noise behind us.

There was a guy in a ghillie suit, unarmed. He just stood there, staring at us, from the other side of the road. We slowly walked away, thinking he was lagging or something since he just stood still and was silent. We continued our loot run and saw him again, but this time on the roof of the firestation, just looking at us, we slowly approached and tried to talk in direct chat, but all we got back was static noise again. We found a green car out of fuel near the harbour, and drove to Elektro, but near Pik Kozlovka that SAME GHILLIE GUY, just appeared in front of us, and just as I was about to run over him, he dissapeared.

Once we reached the outskirts of Elektro, we somehow busted a wheel, just in the middle of the road. We went out, and saw the ghillie guy sitting on the other side of the road. Not standing, but sitting. Just sat there. We were spooked out, so we took cover behind the car, and shot at him. After 10 shots or so, he just dissapeared. We thought he was gone for good. We looted Elektro industrial buildings, and after that we found the same guy. We were inside the convenience store, both in a corner, while he was blocking the entrance.

Instead of static sound. He asked in a slightly distorted voice "Why?". We answered "Why what?" and he just dissapeared again. We continued looting and went to the firestation to find ammo for my M16. Thats when we found him again. He blocked our way down from the tower, and had a hatchet this time. He asked once again, "Why?"

We answered that we shot him because we were scared, and he slowly approached. As he pushed us all the way up to the top of the tower, he cut both of us and killed us, we tried to shoot him, but he wouldn't die.

EDIT: Whoops, mixed between Elektro and Cherno, I have just been playing so much Wasteland I don't remember anything about the coast :P

Edited by dollon
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I had this one moment in Elektro. It was night time and me and my friend were looting peacefully since the zombies didn't get aggroed as easily when it is night. Suddenly I hear a large explosion near the hotel. Me and my friend go and investigate it, and we see nothing burning, when we hear some strange static noise behind us.

There was a guy in a ghillie suit, unarmed. He just stood there, staring at us, from the other side of the road. We slowly walked away, thinking he was lagging or something since he just stood still and was silent. We continued our loot run and saw him again, but this time on the roof of the firestation, just looking at us, we slowly approached and tried to talk in direct chat, but all we got back was static noise again. We found a green car out of fuel near the harbour, and drove to Cherno, but near Pik Kozlovka that SAME GHILLIE GUY, just appeared in front of us, and just as I was about to run over him, he dissapeared.

Once we reached prigorodki, we somehow busted a wheel, just in the middle of the road. We went out, and saw the ghillie guy sitting on the other side of the road. Not standing, but sitting. Just sat there. We were spooked out, so we took cover behind the car, and shot at him. After 10 shots or so, he just dissapeared. We thought he was gone for good. We looted Cherno industrial buildings, when we found the same guy. We were inside the convenience store, both in a corner, while he was blocking the entrance.

Instead of static sound. He asked in a slightly distorted voice "Why?". We answered "Why what?" and he just dissapeared again. We continued looting and went to the firestation to find ammo for my M16. Thats when we found him again. He blocked our way down from the tower, and had a hatchet this time. He asked once again, "Why?"

We answered that we shot him because we were scared, and he slowly approached. As he pushed us all the way up to the top of the tower, he cut both of us and killed us, we tried to shoot him, but he wouldn't die.

I think i would have run off screaming like a little girl.

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(Weird about all these Guardian Angels stories, I actually have one.)

My brother and I had just logged into a DayZ server together (about our 10th time playing, we considered ourselves semi-green since we watched alot of DayZ and did alot of research). I had died the previous night in a firefight with about three bandits. My brother was able to escape whilst they took me down.

So My brother (we'll call him Seeker because that's the persona he usually goes by) says over TS (he lives in pennsylvania and I New York) he'll pick me up. I wait at the shores of Elektro, reading a comic, while watching the game with the corner of my eye. All of a sudden I hear "OH SHIT DUDE I'M GONNA BE LATE TAKING FIRE FROM A BANDIT ROAD BLOCK". I tell my brother to get the hell out of there, and pick me up at a later date. Since Seeker is now delayed I decide to run into Elektro and see what I can find.

On my way into Elektro, out of the corner of my eye I swear to this day I saw someone spawn about 100 metres away from me. He looked like he was spawning in a salute position with some form of rifle in his arms. On this day I wasn't really paying attention so I just continued on my way.

When in Elektro I managed to pick up an AKM with about a clip and a half of ammo left. Also obtaining a can of beans (My lucky day right?) and a hatchet, I made my way for the exit of Elektro. All of a sudden my brother says "I'm near Elektro, ETA 10 mintues" I acknowledge this, and just wait near the Church. All of the sudden the church bells ring, and a man runs right past me (armed only with a hatchet) followed by what seems like a swarm of zombies. The man is caught, and dies right infront of my eyes.

I'm too startled to help him, but eventually find my balls, pick them up and attempt to help him. My gun jams for some reason and wouldn't fire. (I debunked this on my fucked up mouse attempting to see if it was stuck). The zombie horde turned their eyes onto me, when I hear several Winchester shots. The zeds drop, with me staring wide eyed at a man approaching in the distance. He carried a winchester, and I tried to thank him over DC but i'd get no reply. My brother then showed up, and I asked my saviour if he would join us.

My saviour saluted, then ran around the corner: I took this as a polite refusal, and his way of saying 'my work here is done, good luck.'

So my brother and I make our way out of Elektro, whilst he explains to me the epic firefight he was just in, with him losing the car, and strangely enough another survivor helping him. Coincidentally this survivor was also armed with a winchester.

Thinking it just dumb luck, we made our way to Cherno. We stopped just outside of cherno, then headed due east into the hills for our secret spot. Imagine my suprise when after grabbing our stashed DMR and AS50, we saw our mysterious savior helping a greenhorn battle some zombies. What we saw next was equally astonishing: he saluted the greenhorn, while we say this over chat

Mr. Timmy: Thanks man

-no reply- (MS (Mysterious Stranger) Salutes)

Mr. Timmy: Hey man you shy or sometin lol

-no reply-

Mr. Timmy: well thx

Our greenhorn then proceeded into Cherno, whilst our MS turned directly at us!

He saluted, and I told Seeker to aim his crossshairs at him. This is what happened next:

System: It helps to have the Mysterious Stranger Perk First

We were astonished at what was popping up as system remarks (like global eye battle eye, shit like that)

Our Mysterious Strange then saluted us, and ran off towards the shore.

I told Seeker to track him, and see what he does. Seeker told me he just ran off into some bushes.

I told him to wait and see if he comes back out.

He never came back out, about an hour later we saw over DC

Gobblz: Gee thanks man, you're pretty handy with that Winchester.

Gobblz: Wanna come with me?

Gobblz: I'll..take that as a yes.

We asked Gobblz over Global where was, he said:

"With some dude in elektro, just spawned."

I asked him what he had he said just a Winchester, I told him to hover his crosshairs over him.

Gobblz then said that he wasn't looking at him whilst typing to me, and when he looked where he was just standing here was gone.

From then on we never saw our saviour again.

If you ever find your own Mysterious Stranger, tell him Cajun says hi.

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Well after reading a few of your stories I decided to go investigate green mountain at night (I know right?).

Was very weird as when I got there, there wasn't a single zombie to be seen walking up to the gates, and it was eerily quiet.

I carefully opened the gate with my M4A3 ready lighting up the area in front of me, mainly the mass grave and the wrecked vehicles.

I paused for a moment, can't remember why but I hit esc, I think I was fiddling with my graphic settings or something when out of my peripheral vision I saw something that made my heart skip a beat.

Stood just behind the rubble to the left of the gate on the inside of the compound, stood a completely unarmed, all black except for headwear, Bandit. All I saw was his pale white head just stood there, staring at me. Instantly I swung the M4 around and pointed it at them, to absolutely no response. As I moved around keeping my gun trained on his head, he didn't seem to be looking at me, just where I was sat just past the opening of the gates.

At this point I was shaking, adrenaline was rushing. I called out over DC to see what was going on. Absolutely no response, and I was growing ever the more weary about how quiet it had gotten. I figured something was strange as they were just stood there, unarmed. It was the creepiest thing, why would a normal player go that far out with absolutely nothing, not even a backpack, just to stand there?

I freaked out and shot him dead. With hindsight I wish I'd taken a screenshot of it, and actually went back after to take a shot of the body but it was gone. Next I walked cautiously into the radio tower, the corridor going in made my heart sink and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I engaged combat pace and carefully stepped forwards with my rifle ready. Just as I hit the ladder I heard the wind pick up breaking the silence, and the unmistakable but familiar sound of a zombie loitering outside. I checked the tower but there was no decent loot so I made my way out.

This was one strange occurrence, but later another VERY strange thing happened.

I was just North of Cherno at the small substation (056 124 I think..) and was heading south down the dirt road towards the barn and then Cherno. As I passed through a small hollow between two trees I heard a strange low pitched but quite faint thud, followed by an unknown growl of some sort. This spooked me towards the barn so I quickly made my way towards it, check it for loot, again with my rifle at the ready, but there was nothing out of the ordinary there, just a few walkers and mundane loot.

This is where things got weird, and I have a screenshot to back it up too as I didn't want to make the same mistake as before, which I can get on request, I'm not on my gaming PC right now.

There was a PBX, just sat at the side of the road. Just, sat there, there isn't any water for at least 2 miles, the coast a few miles south, no nearby lakes or ponds. Seeing it this far inland both confused me and unnerved me.

But that's not the creepy part.

As I got nearer to it I could hear the sound of the sea, waves moving gently and crashing.

That's odd, but this is what really creeped me out.

As I stood next to the stranded boat, I could hear slow distant footsteps in water accompanied with laboured breath, quiet at first but very quickly grew louder as it seemed to get closer.


With my hands shaking and heart pounding I sprinted full pelt back to Cherno, I didn't care if anybody saw me, it was night time anyway so I was relatively safe in the cover of night and I was absolutely terrified.

I sprinted all the way back, through the dark woodland, into the city and logged in a small residential.

That was my first and second creepy experiences on DayZ, I don't think they're linked but both left me pretty shook up.

So if ever you're in the middle of the country and you see a boat and you can hear the sea, I don't know what happens if you were to stick around but I don't want to find out either.

Edited by OTehNoes
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I have actually see a boat in the middle of a field and i too heard the waves (i suppose the sound file is attached to the boat) - it was very weird. Why a hacker would spawn a boat is a strange one?

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I have actually see a boat in the middle of a field and i too heard the waves (i suppose the sound file is attached to the boat) - it was very weird. Why a hacker would spawn a boat is a strange one?

Yeah was very weird, but the footsteps in the invisible water and breathing was still a clenching moment D:

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DayZ Celle is a different world. Finding myself in a flat landscape, I look around and assess how such a place could look so strangely beautiful. Everything falls in place. So neat. My love for chaos among order reflected in the splotches of forest and central river tearing through the map.

By the time I've gotten well into town I'd looted an M9 Baretta (Rafrica), and M4A1 S.I.R., Soldier Clothing, ALICE pack, and other things. I found a bus.

Quickly heading toward the construction site, I hear loud gunfire near me. Talking to the clan that was on the server, I tell them I'm near them, what I'm wearing, and keep my gun lowered. I grab the wheel and head to the bus, hearing more bursts of gunfire. There were now no zombies near the bus.

I attached the wheel, got a jerry and filled the bus up, and left town. The other guys were working on a chopper, but I didn't feel I had enough play time to be able to do anything worthwhile with them.

Driving through the countryside, I find a place to set up camp in a nice secluded area with trees and flora all around. I get back in my bus and decide to head into the airport to see what I could see.

I talked to the guys. Still repairing the chopper.

I was at the airfield in less than a few minutes.

I got out of my bus and heard a shot.

"Pew!" was the sound of silence. I hid behind a ramphart and looked at the player list. Only those guys at the chopper were on. I looked around for it.

"Stop shooting at me!" I texted in side chat.


"Pew!" One shot, just like the last. This one hit me, making me bleed.

I ran into the woods. Getting to some trees, I quickly hid behind them and bandaged, and continued running, leaving my bus.

"Gah! Why'd you do that!?"

"Do what?"

"Shoot at me! I was at the airport. I pulled up in a bus."

No one was at the airport.

One of the guys said he went there before and got shot as well.

That clan dominates the server. Rarely anyone else comes on it.

What shot me? Why only one shot? Why from a silenced gun?

What's lurking at that airport?

I'm about to go find out.

This is a completely true story. I have only played Celle 1 time, and that was yesterday. I have no idea what could have been at the airfield. I'm on orange blood, so going there might prove fatal, but I need to know.

Wish me luck.

For science! <-- the equivalent of YOLO that you say before making bad decisions so it covers your ass when you fail.

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Funny but i have experienced a similar thing. I once was in the middle of a forest in Chernarus, not far from GM actually, when i heard a shot and whizz of a bullet near my head. One shot only. I hid behind a tree expecting more fire but none came. I eventually left my hiding spot and thoroughly checked the whole area out and couldn't see anyone. I suppose they could have had only one bullet left but it was odd that only the single shot was fired.

A Lone Psycho Sniper of the Woods or an Alt-F4 fool?

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There's something wrong 500m north from Novy Lug near that barn. I find everytime dead zombies in there and they are lootable. I think there's someone hidden in the woods and scouting that open field all the time. Maybe it lives in the Black Mountain. I got a very bad feeling everytime I go there.

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For a while after getting into DayZ I only played nighttime servers, I'd gotten fed up with hackers shore line campers and PK's. Nighttime seemed to offer the most challenge and less irritations along with the sense of immediacy and danger that the night has. For a while I was playing on a spanish server (es9 or something) until one night I spawned into Berezhino at the apartments above the shop when an invisible script kiddie with M4SD found me within minutes of spawning. Without moving or firing he quickly killed me. In disgust I warned that there was an invisible script kiddie on the server and quit. I had plans to meet a friend so I moved to a German server that seemed pretty active, I think in the region of 25-30 players. DayZ commander told me it was nighttime and that was an unusually high number of players, but I wanted a challenge so I logged into the server and spawned at Otmel just east of Elektro. But instead of nighttime I found it almost be midday with the sun high in the sky.

At that stage my friend jumped onto teamspeak letting me know he'd join me in half an hour or so. I told him what server I was on and that it was daylight, we both assumed an admin had changed the time. At the time I naively thought no script kiddie could alter the time.

I hate Elektro and Cherno. I will only stay in them long enough to gather basic supplies such as food/drink compass and a map, maybe even a makarov. Sneaking along the shoreline I came up through the centre of the town towards the hospital, nabbing some morphine, blood and bandages. Making my way to the pub facing the shop I heard the rumble of a large vehicle. Now I've been killed by a bus driver so I ran and hid in the pub. Stopping only to loot a 1911 on the way up the stairs.

Within moments I heard the beep of the horn and the growl of angry zed's then the bus parked outside the school building. I panicked surely they would find me now I'm dead. I saw the bus disgorge about 10-12 players, all fully armed and some with ghillie suits.

I'm fecked.

It's only a matter of time till they come into the pub and see me hiding upstairs. I won't combat log, the first rule of DayZ is to not get attached to gear.

I start hearing the snap of rounds and a couple hit the window infront of me but I can also hear them talking on direct chat, I can't figure out the language but it's probably some German's, maybe the owners of the server out for a party run. They sound pretty calm and the gunfire is controlled, no mad bursts and either a single shot or double tap. These guys know what they're doing.

At this stage no one has entered the pub but I don't feel confident they'll take kindly to someone watching them so I move to the room at the back with the bed. I've scored a shotgun and some more mags and prepare to sell myself when the gunfire escalates to full auto. I hear the scream of a guy getting killed and "soandso was killed" appears on the screen. Suddenly a lot of people start typing on chat or trying to talk, more names start appearing and the gunfire escalates to a full firefight. People are shooting wildly. I look into the shop and see two guys shooting what can only be described as a military zombie with an axe. Even in the bright midday sun I can see it's eyes.

I'm transfixed, too scared to move and too curious to want to do otherwise.

One of the guys reloads and his buddy bolts. The axe swings down killing the first guy but the runner makes a fatal mistake and runs into a horde that was attracted to the gunfire. I can just about make out his screams but I think I make out some laughing over the screams but it's too faint to be sure. Two more guys appear out of the school attempting to save their friends and the axeman soon teaches them their mistake. I haven't been this scared since the first AvP game came out in '99. A third guy jumps into the bus but I hear it crash around the corner and it doesn't start up. I can only hope he has made it out but another name appears on the kill list. I see the last two guys trapped on the roof of the school, one with an AS50 and the other with a saw. They've got a horde of zed's which are ignorant of the axeman charging into the building, more than I thought possible. The two guys are giving it all they are worth to survive. I silently commend them on staying the course, most people would have dc'ed by now. But these guys have balls of steel, no zed or axeman will stop them. They seem to be doing it right, one firing only when the other has stopped. I can't hear them talking but I see the ghillie climb up the ladders to the top floor and then the saw gunner follows.

It was a mistake the axe man was there waiting, I saw him burst through the door the saw gunner runs for the steps and misses, he hits the ground with a crack and a scream. Zed's charge his broken body and I can only imagine the screams as his body is torn to pieces.

The ghillie shoots two rounds into the axeman, only one of these at that range would have put me on my back for sure. But the Axeman is undeterred. Blood flowing from him he moves to the ghillie and delivers a blow from his axe that instantly kills him.

Theres only a half dozen people on the server now, most have quit in disgust or panic. Accusations fly on chat.

The axeman disappears.

For a few minutes I sit silently, realising I need to eat and drink I make a plan to dash to the shop when it goes dark. I mean pitch black, the server has reset its clock to the actual time. This puts me in a panic, I have no flares no chemlights. I don't want to swap out my pistol for the torch. My screen is black, I see nothing then I hear laughing. Not the laughter of someone who's happy, but a dark demented laughing of the damned. A voice asks if I've had fun. Did I enjoy the show. It sounds like a voice that the devil would toss aside as too dark.

You are dead.

I sit there for a few minutes, my heart is racing, the adrenaline and shock have kicked in. My friends jumps back onto teamspeak and tells me he found a tonne of dead guys with some great loot at elektro and that its nighttime. Checking the playerlist I see him and myself are the only players on the server so I log back in telling him the tale of what just happened. We spend the next hour panicking incase the axeman comes back gathering enough loot and gear to keep us well armed and happy for the next couple of days.

But I will never enter elektro at night, unarmed and alone again. I don't want the axeman coming after me again.

BTW if anyone is up for a run to Green Mountain let me know, I want to see if anything freaky happens up there with the new patch.

I saw the something similar in Stary.

I was running through Stary with my brother when we say a Ural pull up. We crapped our pants and hid in the bushes east of Stary, watching with binoculars. They got out and started looting, supermarket, tents and houses. They were well geared, some had AS50's and DMR's. Then they got back in and drove to cherno. We took our motorbike and followed them at a close distance, while they were all chatting over side channel. At one point they said "i wish we could have a gunfight. Anyone want to? Nobody replied so they kept on driving. We ended up in Cherno and we watched them from the treeline with binoculars. They all got out and started looting the hospital, silently killing nearby zombies.

Then we saw a man pull out a machete and take out the two guys guarding the Ural. Shit hit the fan and everybody rushed to the car to see what was going on. Then the machete man ran out from cover and sliced two more guys. He got hit by a M9SD bullet and started bleeding. He ran around the corner and the bandits, guessing they thought he was bandaging, followed him. We saw that he actually had lay down around the corner and when they came round he broke their legs and ran around and finished the off. The rest rushed to kill him but he skillfully glided around the bandits bullets, and hacked 3 more to death. One ghillie guy had stopped to switch his AS50 for his M4: fatal mistake. He panicked and started firing off AS50 shots at the machete murderer, attracting zombies for miles. With two guys to go the machete murderer tricked them by making it seem he was flanking, but he actually came up behind one and cut him up. The final guy had run out of ammo and had resorted to running. The machete man followed suit and the man had hidden and switced to his pistol. He came up behind the machete guy and was about to shoot him but the machete guy turned around and run straight at the bandit. While all of the other bandits threw accusations of hacking, lag etc. the bandit panicked and emptied his clip which hit everything but the machete guy and the machete guy sliced him up. He ran off without getting any gear and we lost sight of him. We looked on in awe but we heard footsteps behind us. We turned around and it was the machete man, saying nothing but "careful what you wish for".

We grabbed the best gear we could and the Ural and left.

We never saw him again

Edited by ltsmiles89
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