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Day Z Urban Legends

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Ben (true story from the mod, I swear it.)


It all started one night in the Balota airstrip a long, long time ago.....



There I was, running through the fields and trees, slowly making my way to the airstrip, hoping that there would be a jeep for me to take. It was pitch black, you know that time of night where the only thing you can see the is stars and everything else is an abyss of blackness? Yeah. Anyway, there I am running across the field, flashlight flying all over the place in my hand, when I hear footsteps behind me. It sounded like someone was running up on me trying to hit me with a melee weapon or something, but it was gaining on me very quickly, like an infected. I instantly stopped moving and whipped around, flashlight pointing straight ahead of me. Nothing. I scanned the area around me for about 2 minutes or so, a little startled. The sound had stopped right as I stopped running, so I figured it must have been my sound glitching out, or a lagging zombie. I oriented myself in the direction of the strip again, and continued running.


After about 5 minutes, I was nearing the control tower, skirting the tree line just in case some douche with NV goggles was sniping people, when all of a sudden, I hear the footsteps again. Same speed, only this time it came from my side -- from the forest. This time I stopped for only about 30 seconds, a little more startled, really wanting to find that jeep and get the f**k out of there. Just like before, right as I stopped, so did the footsteps. But scanning the area still revealed nothing, so I broke away from the tree line and started making a bee line, crouched, towards the spot next to the hangar where a jeep usually spawns. All of a sudden, from behind me is this huge flash of light, and a loud as f**k BOOM! I turned around, just in time to see the remnants of an explosion which originated right where I had just been. Assuming bandits, I stood up and started hauling ass to the jeep. From the control tower to the jeep (which, much to my relief, was fully repaired and fueled up), I heard nothing and saw nothing (of course I couldn't really see anything anyway). When I arrived at the jeep, however, I heard those cursed footsteps again, only this time, they were farther away, and didn't appear to be coming towards me. Getting in the jeep, I drove away as fast as I possibly could, scared out of my mind.


After about 15 minutes of driving at top speed going north on a back road, I calmed down and realized that they can't catch up to a jeep if they are just on foot, and I didn't see any headlights in the mirror as I was leaving the airstrip, and began to think I was in the clear. But just as I started to mentally take stock of the stuff I had, what I needed to scavenge, and where I ended up, I hear a microphone crackle to life... in the vehicle channel. In the vehicle channel's color, a name appeared in the bottom-left of my screen -- Ben. I literally jumped almost out of my computer chair. Switching to first person, I looked in back of the jeep, and was able to barely make out the outlines of the seats and frame of the jeep -- and nobody else was there. Almost instinctively, I sped the jeep up, desperately trying to dismiss it as someone who just happened to start talking as I drove by them. But the name didn't disappear. Transfixed in disbelief on the name, I crashed into some debris in the road, pushing the front of the jeep into the air so I couldn't move. I got out of the jeep, and started sprinting for my life down the road. Immediately as I turned my head around to see if he was following me, a shot rang out, and the last thing I saw were my jeep's headlights, cold and white in the blackness........


Needless to say I never, EVER joined a server with someone named "Ben" ever again, and whenever I see that name in DayZ it gives me chills.

Edited by forceofthegrim
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Dean Hall never said something about Urban Legends, or? - who knows?



excuse me... I have taken this pic from reedit..


Edited by TiMEDANCE
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Dean Hall never said something about Urban Legends, or? - who knows?



excuse me... I have taken this pic from reedit..




o.o Where is that?

Edited by forceofthegrim

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Has anyone seen any creepy notes in Dayz?

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FUCK this shit is scary.

The only scary story ive had is that time, a long long time ago in a version far far away.

When i spawned in at namalsk. And yes it was midnight.

on my way ter as usual I heard a zomble scream, but it kept on going, and gojng, and going. I was scared aoutta my pants (as I could not see the zombie). I ran into a building and turned around with my makarov, a bunny looking straigt at me I shot the livin crap outta it when a gigantic zombie ran in, it hid behind a wall and I heard a tsk, tsk, tsk then it went straight through the wall hit me and knocked me out with one go. As I passed out it knelt over to have a nibbleon me, but it looked like it was looking straight into my eyes and I heard the tsk tsk tsk again and the you are dead sign came up, but before it did there was a blunnt sound from my speakers.

fuck that was the scariest experience on my dayz life. This bloodsucker was modified to just have a black face with orange eyes.

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Ben (true story from the mod, I swear it.)


It all started one night in the Balota airstrip a long, long time ago.....



There I was, running through the fields and trees, slowly making my way to the airstrip, hoping that there would be a jeep for me to take. It was pitch black, you know that time of night where the only thing you can see the is stars and everything else is an abyss of blackness? Yeah. Anyway, there I am running across the field, flashlight flying all over the place in my hand, when I hear footsteps behind me. It sounded like someone was running up on me trying to hit me with a melee weapon or something, but it was gaining on me very quickly, like an infected. I instantly stopped moving and whipped around, flashlight pointing straight ahead of me. Nothing. I scanned the area around me for about 2 minutes or so, a little startled. The sound had stopped right as I stopped running, so I figured it must have been my sound glitching out, or a lagging zombie. I oriented myself in the direction of the strip again, and continued running.


After about 5 minutes, I was nearing the control tower, skirting the tree line just in case some douche with NV goggles was sniping people, when all of a sudden, I hear the footsteps again. Same speed, only this time it came from my side -- from the forest. This time I stopped for only about 30 seconds, a little more startled, really wanting to find that jeep and get the f**k out of there. Just like before, right as I stopped, so did the footsteps. But scanning the area still revealed nothing, so I broke away from the tree line and started making a bee line, crouched, towards the spot next to the hangar where a jeep usually spawns. All of a sudden, from behind me is this huge flash of light, and a loud as f**k BOOM! I turned around, just in time to see the remnants of an explosion which originated right where I had just been. Assuming bandits, I stood up and started hauling ass to the jeep. From the control tower to the jeep (which, much to my relief, was fully repaired and fueled up), I heard nothing and saw nothing (of course I couldn't really see anything anyway). When I arrived at the jeep, however, I heard those cursed footsteps again, only this time, they were farther away, and didn't appear to be coming towards me. Getting in the jeep, I drove away as fast as I possibly could, scared out of my mind.


After about 15 minutes of driving at top speed going north on a back road, I calmed down and realized that they can't catch up to a jeep if they are just on foot, and I didn't see any headlights in the mirror as I was leaving the airstrip, and began to think I was in the clear. But just as I started to mentally take stock of the stuff I had, what I needed to scavenge, and where I ended up, I hear a microphone crackle to life... in the vehicle channel. In the vehicle channel's color, a name appeared in the bottom-left of my screen -- Ben. I literally jumped almost out of my computer chair. Switching to first person, I looked in back of the jeep, and was able to barely make out the outlines of the seats and frame of the jeep -- and nobody else was there. Almost instinctively, I sped the jeep up, desperately trying to dismiss it as someone who just happened to start talking as I drove by them. But the name didn't disappear. Transfixed in disbelief on the name, I crashed into some debris in the road, pushing the front of the jeep into the air so I couldn't move. I got out of the jeep, and started sprinting for my life down the road. Immediately as I turned my head around to see if he was following me, a shot rang out, and the last thing I saw were my jeep's headlights, cold and white in the blackness........


Needless to say I never, EVER joined a server with someone named "Ben" ever again, and whenever I see that name in DayZ it gives me chills.

Yup. Hackers can turn themselves invisible and you can still hear them walking. Happens to me fairly often.

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On 3480 when I was on it snowed...


Must have been a cold morning  ;)

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Has anyone seen any creepy notes in Dayz?

One time, I found a note inside a church while I was stalking around Elektro at midnight. I picked up the note and read it. "DON'T LOOK, OR IT TAKES YOU!", the note simply said. I considered it a bluff. However, once I walked out of the church, the game crashed. Restarted the game, joined the same server. However, my character was lost and I had to start a new one. Suck for me :(


But wait! I realized the note is from the game "Slender". This made me raise a question: Does HE exist in DayZ?

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I have a funny story


Me and my friend are playing namalsk and night time was comming so we made fireplace to keep us warm it was right before server restart so we logged out.


when I logged in i saw 2 red dots in woods and they were folowing me.When my friend logged in i heard some noises like growling and my friend told me it some kind of monster.And he was hitting me all the time but i didnt lose any blood after that we lost him somehow.


And 10 minutes later again 2 red dots following me and growling.So i shoot m4a1 mags at him and killed him.


After that i asked on side chat what is it they said that was bloodsucker from stalker clear sky.

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i did reached page 10 and heard about the hachet murders i think i did face-off with him...


heres the story


I was near lighthouse my destination is there when i was near a village...theres such a kid singing i cant listen it clearly the sound getting louder louder and BAM theres the player with hatchet with mask (kinda like jason mask) with his zombie army the zombies are chasing me and the player 2 i was equiped with 44. magnum shooted my spare bullets...suddenly my legs broken but i can still run...i did found 3 survivor with paperbag and some emoticon in the paperbag they are using doublebarrels defending me the hactchet guy dead when i found a 44. magnum ammo i killed the zombies the paperbag guys is gone.


can you guys explain whos the paperbag guys they looks like guardians of DayZ



And Whos The Hatchet Guy Im Creeped Of Him I Did Hear His/Her Song 10 Times But This First Time I Ecounter It

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So me and my friend (IRL) were at NEAF and were doing a routine hunt for guns and supplies (him and I had a AKS and a SVD respectively). So as we are going through the barracks, (P.S. we are also neutral not bandits or heros) he spots a Ural in good condition. We both thought it was a trap, but surprisingly it wasn't. So we took the Ural back to the rural office we fortified. So we hop in it later and start to head down the road to a hospital nearby. But as we get to the front of the hospital we notice the wreckage of a few other cars. As we get out we are both almost instantly shot in the knees. A minute later or so 2 heros with sniper rifles emerge. They ask us why we were driving the Ural and friend replied "why not?". They said car are demons and need to be exorcised. So they drive the Ural to a nearby field and proceed to blow it up with grenades, and yell, "FOR THE GLORY OF THE BIKE MASTER RACE!". They drop some morphine and blood bags 25ish meters away and bike away.


So yeah. Cults.

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I was near Green Mountain at night, strolling without a weapon, as I didnt yet have one, and my newly gained Hero skin. I figured that this was a good way to not be considered hostile...

As I was walking, a shadowy figure appeared, and it just started springing at an amazing speed around me, it looked like I was inside heli rotors. I keep walking, figuring the night was getting to me. As I neared the tower at Green Mountain, the... shadow thing disappeared all of a sudden. I keep on until I get in front of the tower, and a bandit skin with a hatchet appears out of no where sprinting at me screaming " GET AWAY, GET AWAY FROM ME. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" I try to run, but its like I was stuck. It was too late, he was already on me. As he swung I saw, and I shit you not, a bolt of lightning that seemed to hit the tower. The whole sky lit up it seemed. The hatchet came down, and hit me. But I wasnt hurt, instead of blood it looked like dirt flew off me. Then I heard a new scream, that God-awful screech akin to a Bloodsucker. I watched as the axe murderer was lifted to the top of the tower, not fast or slow, just standard walking speed. And then I heard someone say " Every sheep has a shepard" and the maniac flew into the ground at an amazing, jet-like speed. I heard the familiar "Crrrewack GAHHAHAHH" and the bandit rolled on his back, like he was starting to be drug. He was drug to my feet, and all of a sudden, another figure was in front of me, and Green Mountain seemed to be lit up. The figure was a Hero skin, but wasnt. Instead of blue jeans and a white check shirt and tan cap; he wore a black check shirt, black jeans and a black boonie hat. He said "And I am your shepard, but you must learn to be a shepard as well, for I am nearing death" and I pulled out a golden revolver, without even doing it. I didnt even have a weapon! The bandit started talking " Please, dont kill me. I was kidding, I wasnt going to kill you man, please let me go" The Black Hero Skin looked up at me, and simply said " Being a Shepard means to be able to care for his flock, even if he must become a wolf in order to keep them alive" I started to ask what he means, when he cut me off. "Do it" was all he said. The bandit was still begging for mercy, as I raised the golden revolver and tightened my grip. "PLEASE DONT KILL ME, ILL STOP ILL STOP! PLEASE JUST LET ME-" KERPOOOW. I pulled the trigger, ending the begging, as well as his life. The Black Hero Skin looked at me, and shook his head in approval. "You have done good for the flock, and for me as well. Keep the revolver, it was given to me by my Shepard. Keep the innocent safe, and the bandits in fear. I believe you will go far, but I shall not. This is the end of the line for me, but a new turn for you" I thanked him as he sat down against a tree. "Thank you, Ill protect the uhh... flock. But who are you?" He simply said " The Administrator sent me" and went silent. Lightning struck again, and his body disappeared. I looked at my clothes, and saw that my Hero Skin was now...Black. I was now the Shepard. It was my job to protect the server, and when the time comes, to find a new Shepard so that I can rest.

It has been four days since the mysterious lightning storm at Green Mountain. What it was, or what it meant has yet to be determined. The only lead we have is that a passerby spotted a Black Hero Skinned figure run off into the woods. There are also reports of a mysterious dark figure saving lives by killing bandits and murderers with a golden revolver...

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I heard that if you find a girl and make her your friend by you can make babies.

But then she will always leave you for your best friend and make you commit suicide by jumping off the rocks in Novo.

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I know of a tale..

There was once... a door. A very strange door, be it. This door wanted all of its life to become a pop star. But, once the zombie apocalypse broke out, it was misused by its owner. He slammed it and swung it, let it be smashed up by zombies, and never helped it.

One day, it overheard the owner telling his friends they needed timber. Their friends suggested the door, as it was second-hand and was rarely used. So, the men approached the door with blades out. The door had had enough. He slammed closed.... and broke the men's legs. In a fit of rage, the men threw a tin can at the house as hard as possible, which caused it to spontaneously combust. The door was in agony, but nobody came to help. And, from that point on, the door vowed to end the vile door-slamming human race, one broken leg at a time.

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Ah i forgot about this thread...my favourite.


Some great reads in here.

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I know of a tale..

There was once... a door. A very strange door, be it. This door wanted all of its life to become a pop star. But, once the zombie apocalypse broke out, it was misused by its owner. He slammed it and swung it, let it be smashed up by zombies, and never helped it.

One day, it overheard the owner telling his friends they needed timber. Their friends suggested the door, as it was second-hand and was rarely used. So, the men approached the door with blades out. The door had had enough. He slammed closed.... and broke the men's legs. In a fit of rage, the men threw a tin can at the house as hard as possible, which caused it to spontaneously combust. The door was in agony, but nobody came to help. And, from that point on, the door vowed to end the vile door-slamming human race, one broken leg at a time.

I love this story. It gives me the chills. I must find this foretold door...

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Well here I was up near Vybor going towards NWAF and my buddy was there looting around for a bit and then I went unconscious. He had a helicopter a UH-1Y and he came to pick me up. I started getting shot at and I was looking around wondering were this guy was at. I looked toward Green Mountain which was visible near Vybor, so I looked up there and I saw him. Boy I tell ye I whipped my AS50 out and shot him in the chest, so afterwards he comes and picks me up and we go near Kamenka and then I just see a message saying, "Why didn't you save me Venom? Why?!" And my name on DayZ is Venomserpant and I was scared out of my mind because the name was Civilian...But there are no civilians in the mod. All of a sudden our helicopter crashes and we nearly die. At this point we are unconscious and I see this figure with a hatchet above me, and its name was civilian, all of a sudden on the chat thing it shows "You left me for dead and now you and your friend are," At that point the "civilian" killed us with a hatchet. Boy was I scared,confused, and pissed at the same time. 

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I may have found the sources for Green Mountain... Two possible owners, or maybe even coconspirators. Hmm... GMEnergy was founded in 1997, and GMCoffee in 1981. 1997-1981=16. 16-4=12. 12/4=3. 3! THREE AS IN A TRIANGLE!!! And from Sosnovka to Pogorevka to Windy Mountain is a TRIANGLE!!! WITH GREEN MOUNTAIN IN THE MIDDLE!!! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!

Links to those basturds...



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So I recently got a hold of a radio, and since it isn't in the loot listing on the wiki I did some research and found that apparently one of the guys who got one started hearing static and a weird broadcast on it, enough so that it freaked him out and he wanted to trade it away. The guy who posted this recorded it and put a link of it. Search for radio, you should find it.

Anyway, I listened to this broadcast, and it sounds nonsensical, there's this lady talking about buying and selling crap for penny bids, typical internet crap. Then there's this odd tone, and a ladies voice mechanically starts spouting numbers: 6 digits, repeat once, then next 6 digit number. It does this about 12 times. At the latter half of the message, there is morse code, which unfortunately I can't translate.


I took inspiration from this post and developed my own mod for my hardcore DayZ survival server: FINALdayZ. There are several radio towers broadcasting morse code messages accross the isle of Namalsk which provide clues as to the whereabouts of some high value items which are either only present for a set period of time or which are hard to find. The mod has been very well received therefore I'd like to thank you for the post.

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Spent 2 and a half weeks reading all 55 pages. On reverse, since mobile put me on the last page when I viewed again. As testament to reading this whole thing backwards, I have given DemomGroover my beanz

I feel I should be titled Master Of Reverse Reading :p

Edited by Owen.
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