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Day Z Urban Legends

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Been playing since release so heard loads of players talking about lots of different legends and myths, my favourites include;

- The Bear/Tiger/Lion/Rhino(!)/Big Cat that randomly spawns inthe wilderness and kills players.

- The ghost car - a car randomly spawning in the wilderness that cant be entered but moves of its own accord!

- Night vison goggles - Sounds silly now but when the game was first released there was loads of jabber in game about them being out there somewhere!

- The secret island off the map on chernarus

- The ghost ship ( a ship seen sailing by on the horizon)

- The jason vorheese/psycho killer (usually a hacked in skin and god mode hacker)

- THe creepy girl/psycho killer who plays creepy nursery rhymes over voice comms in the middle of the woods in darkness and kills players (again as above)

- The ghost cupboard (a semi transparent cupboard in one of the houses)

- The message (a note left on a table in an unenterable building but visable from outside)

- The radio, a radio found at green mountain that regularly receives coordinates regularly for deer stands

- The ship wreck loot a shipwreck underwater that spawns loot

- The shark , attacking players who dare swim off the coast

- The oil rigs of taviana (confirmed!)

- The unkillable zombie, spawning rarely in the woods that attacks players and cant be killed. It has a custom skin and moves slower than normal (apparantly!)

- Big foot

Most of them are clearly made up and funny now (but not all of them!) but remember to keep them in contexts - laods of new players over a long period of time, particularly during the end of the summers wave of players and hackers, they were all seeing some wierd things and didnt know what to expect!

I assure you, my good fellow, NOTHING ON THIS THREAD IS MADE UP!

Please keep our integrity in-tact.

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Guys I just played Namalsk for the first time and will not be playing it again lol.

I saw a bloodsucker from Stalker, with video evidence!

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Guys I just played Namalsk for the first time and will not be playing it again lol.

I saw a bloodsucker from Stalker, with video evidence!



You have no idea how scary it was to get this pic.


I also have a legend as well. Recently in Namalsk, I found something that struck me as unusual.


So, now we know why there are bloodsuckers and zombies and such... That is, if you've played Half-Life!

Now, I just need to figure out where BM's base is in Namalsk...

Already had evidence... :) thanks for the vid!

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Yet to see a bloodsucker. TBH i'm not sure if my heart could take it!

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xx-December 29th 2012

It was the third night before I left for my business trip and wanted to go solo one last time before a months absence. There was 40+ people at least 10 of them fighting in Elektro luckily i was just out side Cherno, Prigor to be exact, I went for the closest building. I checked for hostiles before moving in, it was clear. Found a lee,one clip, soda, two chem-lights. +(what I already owned, bandage, beans and a crossbow with a few bolts) I decided to make my way around Cherno instead of going through it, may find a sniper and end his life of tormenting others.

I took about 10 steps and heard an abnormal and barely audible noise. It made me stop and 360,figured it was a bandit trying to scare the local Bambi's. again the sound played, but this time I was expecting it. There was no indication of somebody using the mike like usual. ( a static filled one at that) during the noise a zombie was enraged and with its terrible sense of path taking.. it rushed towards me. I tried to break its line of sight , I failed. even louder than before I heard the disembodied voice. I quickly wrote down what I heard... 'iiiiss.....(pause)...eeey...(pause). ooooh.." I stopped moving it felt like lag I could not move in any direction but could turn around just in time to see that the zombie chasing me was now just moments from hitting me. I attempted to switch to my cross bow knowing the "dinner bell" would be even more risky. I fired, surprisingly the first hit was directly in its Eye, however..it did not eliminate the threat, instead of returning to its attack stance it stood perfectly still. I reloaded and fired again knocking the zombie down.

The voice bellowed out, without bending its knees or using its hands to push it stood straight up. It began to glow white, it began to Glitch in different shapes.(Gray to white to black and back to white). I could make out its snapped neck, my bolt sticking in its gut and through its head. It started walking closer stopping every few steps for just half a second. I was out of bolts, I attempted to switch to my rifle but it was to late the thing swung its diseased hands. I lost so much blood, I toppled over, I started to loose focus. The monster stood over me, the voice unclear but unforgettable. I was awake but paralyzed .. i began to move..or rather it was moving me... it was dragging me.. I thought I was finished, struggling for life was hopeless. I knew I was almost out of blood.

I was now on my belly , I looked around it still had hold of me dragging me in the dirt I tried to crawl away tried to stand up, but the thing had broken my legs. No matter how much I turned and pulled away from it, the grip was as strong as before. In the distance I could make out a man with an axe, "HELP! I CANT MOVE, IM DIEING" I yelled. He heard me and was a hero, he full on sprinted towards me, thankfully there was no other zombies in the area, he would reach me in seconds. "The axe is my only weapon but I have bandages blood and morphine" he yelled back. I heard waves , it was dragging me towards the coast.I heard flies tons of flies. "I have a lee in my backpack take it and shoot this thing,you can keep the gun ,please hurry... it is going to drag me into the water" I told him as calmly as I could. Brave or stupid, maybe both, he ran right next to the beast and swung the axe at the broken head. "GET MY GUN" I yelled, but we were getting so close to the water, it was so loud. My heart was really pumping, my phobia of water did not help the situation at all. He went into my backpack, grabbed the lee, lined up the sights and fired. Point blank lee shot to the neck and it had no effect, he fired again and again. The monster did not go down.

At this point I couldn't hear what he was saying, the flies the waves, the occasional lee shot. I was knee deep in water all i could see was the monsters neck. Broner,the hero, made one last attempt and pulled out the morphine. As soon as he started, I was shoulder deep already and i tried to focus on the hero, the monster stopped dragging me. It causally walked over to Broner and without mercy, chilled the hero. My legs now fixed just in time to hear "oh S*%#" and surely death. The beast grabbed the hero's limp body. Every sound went dead silent as the hero slayer once again moaned. "Iiiisss.(pause)..eeeeey...(pause) ...ooh..". Afraid of what was going to happen , the phobia I have, the noise of the water and flies in my ear, so much blood lost, I couldn't take it and aborted. I took deep breaths ,rubbed my head and went back in I had to be fearless like the hero, Broner. I was Ready to roll,stand, and charge.

I lay there looking around. No sign of my hero, or the dead body of the zombie. Flies and waves still screaming in my ear. I look to my right and then to my left, just heads sticking out from the water laying on the sand , I couldn't see any sign of bodies attached to them nor did i dare further investigate. I was at my shoulders the the hero did indeed save my life, the Rifle laid nearby a pale dead face with eyes of a hero staring directly at me.

Because of that day, I vowed to become a hero as great as broner

He deserves more than i can give him

If he is out there and that was just another unlucky hero with a rifle

i hope he reads this..

i salute you Broner


Edited by GrehSoul
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GREHSOUL - Punctuation ! Paragraphs ! Please ! :-)

Edited by vecuccio
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December 29th 2012

it was the 3rd night before i left for my trip and wanted to go solo one last time before a months absence. There was 40+ people at least 10 of them fighting in elektro luckily i was just out side cherno, prigor to be exact. i found a lee and one clip, a soda can, a chem light + what i already owned.. (bandage beans and a crossbow with a few bolts)

i decided to make my way around cherno instead of through it may find a sniper and end his life of tormenting others..i took about 10 steps and heard a creepy and barely auidble noise.it made me stop and 360..figured it was a player trying to scare kids, again the sound played i was expecting it , there was no indication of somebody using the mic like usual ( a static filled one at that)..and this time a zombie was enraged and with its terrible sense of path taking.. it rushed towards me, i tried to break its line of sight , it failed again i heard the disembodied voice i quickly wrote down what i heard 'iiiiss.....(pause)...eeey...(pause). ooooh.." i stopped moving it felt like lag i could not move in any direction but could turn around just in time to see that the zombie chasing me was just moments from hitting me , i attempted to switch to my cross bow knowing the "dinner bell" would be even more risky. i fired.. surprisingly the first hit was directly in its Eye , it did not kill it , instead it stood not moving, i reloaded and fired again knocking the zombie down. i heard the voice again, without bending its knees or using its hands to push it stood straight up it...began to glow white, it began to Glitch in different shapes- gray to white to black and back to white. i could make out its snapped neck my bolt sticking in its gut and through its head again i heard the voice again..it started walking closer stopping every few steps for just half a second, i was out of bolts, i attempted to switch to my lee but it was to late it swung its hands i lost half my blood and fell back i started to pass out it stood over me the voice once more ,i thought i was finished.i was awake but paralyzed .. i began to move..or rather it was moving me... it was dragging me..i had to shut my eyes for just 1 second .. i opened them. my blood nearly zero. i was now on my belly , i looked around it still had hold of me dragging me in the dirt i tried to crawl away tried to stand up but the thing broke my legs and no matter how much i turned and pulled away from it the grip was as strong as before in the distance i could make out a man with an axe "HELP! I CANT MOVE IM DIEING" i yelled. he heard me and was a hero, he full on sprinted towards me thankfully there was no other zombies in the area, he would reach me in seconds, " the axe is my only weapon but i have bandages blood and morphine" he yelled back, i heard waves , it was dragging me towards the coast..i heard flies tons of flies .." i have a lee in my backpack take it and shoot this thing you can keep the gun , please hurry it is going to drag me into the water" i told him as calmly as i could, brave or stupid maybe both he ran right next swung the axe at the zombie "" GET MY GUN" i yelled we were getting so close to the water it was so loud my heart was really pumping(my phobia of water did not help the situation at all).. he went into my backpack, grabbed the lee, lined up the sights and fired. point blank lee shot to the neck and it had no effect, he fired again and again.. the monster did not go down at this point i couldn't hear what he was saying, the flies the waves the occasional lee shot , i was knee deep in water all i could see was the monsters neck.. (broner) the hero attempted to rescue me made one last attempt, and started using morphine soon as he started i was shoulder deep already i tried to focus on the hero, the monster stopped dragging walked over to broner and attacked , my legs now fixed , broner yelled " oh S*%#" and died the beast grabbed the body , the waves the flies the screams of broner ,every sound went dead silent.as audio played again "iiiisss.(pause)..eeeeey...(pause) ...ooh.." afraid of what was going to happen , the phobia i have, the noise of the water and flies in my ear , i couldn't take it and aborted.. i took deep breaths ,rubbed my head and went back in i had to be fearless like the hero broner. i logged in ready to roll and stand and charge 46 people were on , i lay there looking around .no sign of my hero no sign of the dead body of the zombie . flies and waves still screaming in my ear i look to my right and then to my left flies in the water just heads sticking out from the water laying on the sand , i couldn't see any sign of bodies attached to them nor did i dare further investigate.. i was at my shoulders the the hero did indeed save my life, and lay next to me the Rifle with a pale dead face wth eyes of a hero staring directly at me

from that day i vowed to become a hero as great as broner

he deserves more than i can give him

if he is out there and that was just another unlucky hero with a rifle

i hope he reads this..

i salute you broner



then i can read it without my eyes bleeding :P

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>:( I lost my Internet connection before i could fully edit. I apologize and will donate blood bags for all your eye damages.

note: ^_^ It is my first urban legend and I will finish editing. Thanks for the feedback. :lol:

:beans: It's my first time be gentle

Edited by GrehSoul

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This happened to me this morning.

I was scouting the town near Green Mountain, when I saw a URAL just on the outskirts of the forest on the mountain. I cautiously snuck up to it and found three bodies who had a ton of gear on them. I took their DMR, coyote backpack, NVG, bloodbags, etc and hopped in the URAL after checking the gear. I figured I would head up the mountain and check out the radio tower since I've only ever been there twice or so. As I was driving, I lost sight of the tower because of the trees. I looked around for it and it was nowhere to be found. A few seconds later, it apppeared from behind a large tree. The moment I saw the tower, I broke my legs and was glitched/teleported in front of my URAL, which was still moving at top speed as it ran me over and killed me.

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This happened to me this morning.

I was scouting the town near Green Mountain, when I saw a URAL just on the outskirts of the forest on the mountain. I cautiously snuck up to it and found three bodies who had a ton of gear on them. I took their DMR, coyote backpack, NVG, bloodbags, etc and hopped in the URAL after checking the gear. I figured I would head up the mountain and check out the radio tower since I've only ever been there twice or so. As I was driving, I lost sight of the tower because of the trees. I looked around for it and it was nowhere to be found. A few seconds later, it apppeared from behind a large tree. The moment I saw the tower, I broke my legs and was glitched/teleported in front of my URAL, which was still moving at top speed as it ran me over and killed me.

I don't understand the legend here.

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THAT Mountain claims another victim!

I just realized why all the bad stuff happened to me and brother about a month ago and for the first time ever we found a bus near Stary. We were filled with joy and were planning what awesome stuff we could do now. We drove around and honking at everything. We even found one heli crash site (yay!) but it was allready looted (aaww...). Anyways we were thinking what should we do now. We had pretty good equipment, I had an AK and bag full of food and water, and my brother had M4 and bag full of medical equipment. We even had a tent so we thought of putting up a camp somewhere. Once again we were cruising around and we were looking at our maps trying figure out where were we and we noticed...

We had arrived at bottom of THAT Mountain!!!!

We figured out that "Ohmygosh! It's THAT mountain!! What should we do?" We then decided to risk everything we had and drove up to THAT mountain and see for ourselves if we could see any weird activity there. Our hearts were racing the whole time we drove slowly up hill. Finally we made it to the top and waited for the infamous zombiehorde coming from the gates. It was a bit disappointing, only six or seven zombies spawned and we moved them down. We went inside the tower and nothing happened so we took our awesome bus drove away. We thought that it was a very anticlimaxing experience but we didn't know that we had allready angered THAT Mountain...

We looted few towns and my bro got a CZ550 so I took his M¤ (he had loads of mags for that one). After that we decided that we should called it for a day and headed for our soon-to-be campsite and when we were close to our designated location spooky stuff started to happen. My brother got disconnected suddenly for no apperent reason while he was sitting in the back of a bus. He then came back to server and he had lost all of his equipment that he had looted, including the CZ550, but he had his old equipment back on (the M4 that I had). I still had the M4 myself. We shrugged it off as temporary hick-up in the game. We drove to our designated location, put up the tent, stashed soe stuff in there and disconnected.

Few days later we were back online and now shit started to hit fan big time. I had lost my M4 aswell and got my AK back. Tent was still up there with all of our stuff in it. we decided that we should go to some other server and make it our "homeserver". We took all of the stuff out the tent and went to other server. But when we got there ALL of the stuff that was inside the tent had vanished. We went back and tried agan with the rest of the stuff and they disappeared again. We thought that wtf is this humbug! Then we shrugged it of as another bug or something and went to look for a close deerstand. Then my brother suddenly died. No shots were heard or bones cracking...NOTHING! We were on Skype and I asked do you hear flies somewhere close and he strated to yell at me that he just died for no reason! I was like "Whaaaaaaa...?" and looted his corpse for beans. Also took some vital stuff that he might need when he respawned. We thought that we should probably change server because of this and I agreed and when I pressed ESC I died too with the small text in screen saying something like "no escaping". Rage was imminent. We respawned and started look for our bodies. After an hour of two of effortless looking for any kind of loot we decided to quit. And when we pressed ESC we both died with the small text saying to us "no escape". We were dumbfound of this and putted the server on our personal blacklist.

But I just realized, like five minutes ago, that it wasn't the server's fault that did us all of this. Oh we should have listened to all of the warnings that people had told. It was us. Us and our cockiness for challenging THAT Mountain. Never EVER challenge THAT Mountain! Because if you do, you'll be sorry that you did and you WILL lose all of your beans...

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I'm gonna have another experience and then describe it like Thane from Mass Effect:

Dark. Sound of wind in trees. Rustle behind me. Growls. I run. Sound follows. I panic. Sound stops. Turn around. YOU ARE DEAD.

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I don't understand the legend here.

My friend, there is something evil at that mountain. If you want to have a long life for your character, avoid it at any cost.

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My friend, there is something evil at that mountain. If you want to have a long life for your character, avoid it at any cost.

I've been up there tons of times, routine looting.

I've been up there tons of times, strange happenings.

Both statements are true.

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I heard their are people who actually aren't assholes...

A true legend indeed!

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Morgan Freeman the mutant axe rapist lives in the woods and, in the middle of the dark misty night, stalks players. He slowly sneaks up behind them and whispers in his Morgan Freeman voice "Don't move, I may have to... kill you... if you do". Then he proceeds to take them from behind, without so much as a reach around for the poor schlump. After he's finished with them, he takes all of the food from their packs and if they have no food with which to unwillingly offer the omnipotent Morgan Freeman, he murders them and straps their corpse to his back. Either way, he then disappears into the nightly mist and makes his trek to Devil's Castle; his dark home. No one knows of his origin. No one knows of the fate which awaits the corpses of his poor bean-less victims. All we know is that he exists and strikes fear into the hearts of many a survivor and bandit alike.

Some say he's the mutated corpse of the American actor of the same name. Others say he's a new breed of intelligent zed that happens to have strikingly similar features to the aforementioned movie star. Like I said, no one can be sure. Stranger things than zombies have appeared since the initial outbreak of the virus and ensuing apocalyptic nuclear destruction that followed.

tl;dr you gon' get raped

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In all seriousness, I do have a very true, very mysterious story that I'll never forget.

Back in 1.7.1,

but as a fresh spawner, he was with only a flashlight and no defenses at all. (Mind you, this was before the melee was implemented.)

BULLSHIT you started with revolver or a makarov back then. Nice try though.

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Morgan Freeman the mutant axe rapist lives in the woods and, in the middle of the dark misty night, stalks players. He slowly sneaks up behind them and whispers in his Morgan Freeman voice "Don't move, I may have to... kill you... if you do". Then he proceeds to take them from behind, without so much as a reach around for the poor schlump. After he's finished with them, he takes all of the food from their packs and if they have no food with which to unwillingly offer the omnipotent Morgan Freeman, he murders them and straps their corpse to his back. Either way, he then disappears into the nightly mist and makes his trek to Devil's Castle; his dark home. No one knows of his origin. No one knows of the fate which awaits the corpses of his poor bean-less victims. All we know is that he exists and strikes fear into the hearts of many a survivor and bandit alike.

Some say he's the mutated corpse of the American actor of the same name. Others say he's a new breed of intelligent zed that happens to have strikingly similar features to the aforementioned movie star. Like I said, no one can be sure. Stranger things than zombies have appeared since the initial outbreak of the virus and ensuing apocalyptic nuclear destruction that followed.

tl;dr you gon' get raped

Some body ate the forest mushrooms... tsk tsk...

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I've heard that deep in the woods north of Devil's Castle there's a whole CITY of survivors, living in harmony.

'Course, I've never been out that way so I ain't sure if its true. But wouldn't it be something?

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DayZ Origins - a whole city of rich survivors who send out Elite NPC's onto Taviana Island, where you and all other players are scavenging.

Time to find that city.

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Was there not some story about people coming across military patrols that one-shot you if you aimed at them? I even seem to remember pics of that one.

The only really wierd thing I've ever seen was coming across a body of a survivor in a field that was surrounded by about 20-30 bunnies, all hopping about merrily.

When I got close they stopped, and turned as one to look at me. I just ran the fuck off after that.

similar thing happened to me.

i was in a field above kamenka after i had raided the deer stands. i had an M16A2 and a G17. I was in the field when i saw cows,

hundreds of them.

I was thinking DAFUQ?

I saw 5 dead bodies lying in the field where the cows were, i was about 120 metres away watching through my binoculars.

Out of curiosity, i walked into the field, the dead bodies didnt have anything worth grabbing except food an drink.

I was crouch running in case a sniper was watching me, when the cows looked at me.

Every single one of them.

I looked at one of them, its eyes staring into my soul.

i shot at the one i was looking at but it didnt die, it just kept staring.

I started running and managed to get to the treeline. After about 5 minutes of watching the cows with my binoculars, i saw one look at me, and he was the last thing i ever saw.

I don't know if it was a hacker, or a glitch, but it was something about the herd of cows that sent a shiver down my spine.

The way they looked at me?

The dead bodies?

No. No.

I forgot the part where one of the cows had no face.

You don't have to believe me, but i saw what i saw.

And it scared the shit out of me

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