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Elvis 22222222

Just a question?

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Why do people kill fresh spawns? I mean I KOS too, but only against people with guns or trucks (I death match the game). I understand if they are bothering you, but today one was looting houses and a fully geared M4 guy killed him (Siting in the hospital) ... Whats the sport in that??? He got me later too after I broke his friends leg with the mac pistol. 

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People do this for various reasons. Boredom or sadism or fear being the likely culprit in this case.


But consider this, all the people who you have killed and whose gear you stole must have somewhat learned the idea that other players tend to be a bunch of murderous bandits...


Players diffuse stress by killing other players, because they themselves were killed (incidentally by players like yourself), and in turn they create additional stress. (an exponential increase in overall stress in the community with each cycle)


The real answer to your question is that getting KOSed only one time can inspire people to KOS many more times over in order to diffuse their stress, and in doing so they create more stressed players.


The phenomenon of KOSing is a self-reinforcing trend...

Edited by FlimFlamm
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I shot one today, but it was just to calibrate my scope. Most the time I don't mess with them.

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In some cases, simply because they can.

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Gotta always kill fresh spawns (they are armed in fists, which is very good weapon aganist other players).


They have nothing to lose and everything to gain when they spot geared player, so they are prone to charge at geared guys and try to knock them out with their fists.

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Gotta always kill fresh spawns (they are armed in fists, which is very good weapon aganist other players).


They have nothing to lose and everything to gain when they spot geared player, so they are prone to charge at geared guys and try to knock them out with their fists.


This. Pretty much the main reason newspawns attempt to kill.

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Killing an bambi that tries to punch you out is one thing, I would do that too. But killing one that haven´t even seen you is for a**h***s.

I see no sport in using bambis for target practise, I use zeds for that.

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Freshies / bambis can be some of the most dangerous people in the game... it's a toss up, do you leave them alone because they're not geared? Or do you eliminate the threat because they may randomly run up to you and try to knock you out hoping for a quick gear up? I usually leave them alone, but there've been plenty of times that was the wrong choice.

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Some people are just douchebags.



In some cases, simply because they can.


Usually this. I've never been knocked out by an ungeared player. Then again I have broken multiple people's legs with shotguns because they have refused to respect my personal space bubble of about 20 yards and kept trying to sidle closer and closer. I've even outright killed a few that wouldn't listen to reason. Here is the funny thing. If those guys charge you and you run away, they can't hit you. Weaponless bambis are no threat unless you are tunnel visioned down a scope trying to snipe people. ;)

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People shoot them because they are trying to get back to their body or they are drawing fire for their friends to get a bead on your location.


Make no mistake about it, most freshies who are running into a firefight have no plan on having a "talk it through" experience.


I kill them during firefights, I will not if they are weaponless, but let's face it... a can opener is a weapon.

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People shoot them because they are trying to get back to their body or they are drawing fire for their friends to get a bead on your location.


Make no mistake about it, most freshies who are running into a firefight have no plan on having a "talk it through" experience.


I kill them during firefights, I will not if they are weaponless, but let's face it... a can opener is a weapon.


I'm guilty of running back to my body for my gun & acting like a Bambi when other people are watching me. 


I see all of your guys points too.


I'm honestly not the type to use my fists on geared players (Never done that), I usually do run up to them & ask for a water bottle or a can opener because they tend to have a few of those....... & I have nothing to lose. 


I will however, if I have a ax, sneak up behind them and go for the head.


And I've hand cuffed a few people, took their clothes and left them there (Favorite part of the game, especially snipers) Police or fire station 

Edited by Elvis 22222222

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Because I'm bored, and I've been a fresh spawn before. When you're a freshy and you come across a geared player you have nothing to lose by trying to punch him out.

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people really need to wear motorcycle helmets more

i always wear one

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people really need to wear motorcycle helmets more

i always wear one


But they look soooo bad, half the game is how cool you look in my opinion. Never pick up any military gear or guns. Look as survivor-y as possible.& Use one of the bolt action rifles, no scopes. 


Half the time I just run around with the pistol I find, just to whip it out as a surprise. 

Edited by Elvis 22222222

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Some people are just douchebags.


*raises hand*


*looks around*


*lower hand*



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Stop running around Berezino on high pop servers. Problem Solved.

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A fresh spawn can take down a max loot with a couple hits, they're still dangerous. That being said, we normally never KOS anyone without a gun. If they run at us aggressively then we ofc shoot. 


Plus the camping M4 guy might have a legit reason. For example his friends corpse upstairs, didn't want bambies getting it.  :)

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Because I'm bored, and I've been a fresh spawn before. When you're a freshy and you come across a geared player you have nothing to lose by trying to punch him out.

Basically this. Death itself has barely any negative consequences as you only lose what you gained till then anyways which - for a freshspawn - is nothing.


So from a risk taking point of view you reduce your chance of getting caught with you pants down while from a moral point of view you don't actually hurt the guy that much (unless he freshspawn suicided to get there or wants to reclaim gear from his former charactes corpse - in a certain light he deserves it a little bit more then). Add to this that guns and bulets are quite easy to find so you won't probably lose much in terms of resources - and of course it also means it's quite possible that the freshspawns threat level suddenly spikes up alot. Finally zombies are relatively few and realtively weak so alerting them should not be as much of an issue unless you are weakened yourself.


And of course freshspawns make for easy target practice and power feelings as they are players but can't shoot back.


So why wouldn't you kill freshspawns?

  1. You are nice. That's more for your own ego than everything else as most people won't get the slightest out of it because player/character identification is missing. Others won't simply be able to reliably tell the people who were nice to them and thus assume you are not one of them. If you are a famous streamer or youtuber it might work out though.
  2. You aren't that pathetic. Why kill that low threat guy? If he catches you with your pants down it's your own fault and if he finds something that makes him dangerous and decides to use it against you he at least poses a challenge.
  3. You want to team up. Now that's a tricky one. In general the game is easy and you do not need cooperation to do anything. Though it can help with combat and emergency situations. However, players have the tendency to turn on you to get your gear or when they aquire to means to do it. Fresh spawns are very likely to be such guys as they want some gear while also having nothing to lose (and similar to the above lack of identification features makes it close to impossible to recognise them later). I found cooperation working best when both players have the means to kill each other but have proven not to do it and their gear status is about even so the "jealousy pressure" does not apply. That's why freshspawn tend to make bad partners.
  4. You fail to do so.

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But they look soooo bad, half the game is how cool you look in my opinion. Never pick up any military gear or guns. Look as survivor-y as possible.& Use one of the bolt action rifles, no scopes. 


Half the time I just run around with the pistol I find, just to whip it out as a surprise. 

i do half survivor half military with black helm black visor, i make it look good trust me

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But they look soooo bad, half the game is how cool you look in my opinion. Never pick up any military gear or guns. Look as survivor-y as possible.& Use one of the bolt action rifles, no scopes. 


Half the time I just run around with the pistol I find, just to whip it out as a surprise. 

Trust me, KOS players will KOS. They don't care if you look like a farmer, or a medic, or even just the village idiot.  For all they know, you could have a sawn-off shotty, magnum, and longhorn in your blue child briefcase; and you get your kicks from tricking people into letting their guard down and ruining all their gear.


People do this for various reasons. Boredom or sadism or fear being the likely culprit in this case.


But consider this, all the people who you have killed and whose gear you stole must have somewhat learned the idea that other players tend to be a bunch of murderous bandits...


Players diffuse stress by killing other players, because they themselves were killed (incidentally by players like yourself), and in turn they create additional stress. (an exponential increase in overall stress in the community with each cycle)


The real answer to your question is that getting KOSed only one time can inspire people to KOS many more times over in order to diffuse their stress, and in doing so they create more stressed players.


The phenomenon of KOSing is a self-reinforcing trend...

I kinda see majority of the population on DayZ SA as sort of a closed-loop human centipede of all the players who got a taste of the copper-jacketed poison once too often, and signed up to pump it down another poor bastard's gullet; no sutures required.  All the newbies and survivalists are just running around in the middle of the circle, trying to stay out of the Scheißesturm as long as they can.  The conscience of most players wanes with every dozen or so hours, it seems.

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