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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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So, found a police car.  MP5+buttstock.  Was carrying too much, so I picked it up, ran behind a fence - probably only about 10m away from the car.  Dropped the gun.  It was on the ground.  Ran away to set up camp.  Came back 30m later; car had despawned.  No gun.  Could it have despawned with the car?   Do you have to drop it further away? 


Could have been stolen, but seems odd.  Not a corner I have ever been in in 1000+ hours of play. So weird that someone else would go there.

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So, found a police car. MP5+buttstock. Was carrying too much, so I picked it up, ran behind a fence - probably only about 10m away from the car. Dropped the gun. It was on the ground. Ran away to set up camp. Came back 30m later; car had despawned. No gun. Could it have despawned with the car? Do you have to drop it further away?

Could have been stolen, but seems odd. Not a corner I have ever been in in 1000+ hours of play. So weird that someone else would go there.

It wasn't me that took it but on pcked servers I. Don't go anywhere but those corners no one goes to an do occasionally run into people.

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Before this thread comes to a close, I have an observation to make:



Holy hell have we had a lot of discussion!  :o



Each major release usually sees ~100 pages total of discussion during Experimental, and here we are on page 181! Chit-chat aside, all this sharing of our experiences and the bugs we've encountered can only mean good things for the development process. Pat yourselves on the back, ladies and gentlemen.

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Before this thread comes to a close, I have an observation to make:



Holy hell have we had a lot of discussion!  :o



Each major release usually sees ~100 pages total of discussion during Experimental, and here we are on page 181! Chit-chat aside, all this sharing of our experiences and the bugs we've encountered can only mean good things for the development process. Pat yourselves on the back, ladies and gentlemen.


Was noticing that myself today. I haven't chatted in an experimental thread in a LONG time. Just had stuff to talk about. Perhaps the improvements and additions into the game are getting people more into the game. I think/hope so. Well done experimenters of .58

Edited by hrdrok

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So, found a police car. MP5+buttstock. Was carrying too much, so I picked it up, ran behind a fence - probably only about 10m away from the car. Dropped the gun. It was on the ground. Ran away to set up camp. Came back 30m later; car had despawned. No gun. Could it have despawned with the car? Do you have to drop it further away?

Could have been stolen, but seems odd. Not a corner I have ever been in in 1000+ hours of play. So weird that someone else would go there.

that probably the case I heard many times of police cars doing this I have some proof that I had today. I spawned in kamy in a full 1p server and checked all of kamy it was looted really little items anywhere then I went to the police station and there was a police car I checked it out unlooted mp 133 pistol grip cr 75 no mag bunch of mp 5 parts incliding a butstock. I ran up to msta found very little items as usuall barely had enough food. Then a buddy of mind wanted to play so he spawned in kamy and I told him about the car and he went to the police station and there was nothing not a single item in the area of the car he even took a screen shot and I confirmed it was gone. Right about when he was about to leave kamy to msta he saw a guy talked to him asked him for stuff they traded then as he was right about to leave my buddy asked him if he wanted to join us and my buddy and this guy went to msta were I told were I was and as usual the guy tried to axe my buddy I just shot him in the head with my blaze I found in deer stand. I cooked him up and gave to my friend since he was starving. Today was a good day.
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that probably the case I heard many times of police cars doing this I have some proof that I had today. I spawned in kamy in a full 1p server and checked all of kamy it was looted really little items anywhere then I went to the police station and there was a police car I checked it out unlooted mp 133 pistol grip cr 75 no mag bunch of mp 5 parts incliding a butstock. I ran up to msta found very little items as usuall barely had enough food. Then a buddy of mind wanted to play so he spawned in kamy and I told him about the car and he went to the police station and there was nothing not a single item in the area of the car he even took a screen shot and I confirmed it was gone. Right about when he was about to leave kamy to msta he saw a guy talked to him asked him for stuff they traded then as he was right about to leave my buddy asked him if he wanted to join us and my buddy and this guy went to msta were I told were I was and as usual the guy tried to axe my buddy I just shot him in the head with my blaze I found in deer stand. I cooked him up and gave to my friend since he was starving. Today was a good day.

It makes sense that when the car goes, the untouched loot would go with it.  I wonder if it also takes loot that has been handled but is still in a certain radius.  Would keep people from just dumping any gun nearby for collection later, I suppose.

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Network looks really good.  I'm running DSL (ATT) old school 6mbs down, similar ping, inexpensive comparatively, literally no latency unless on the SNG server, at least client side..  How old is your rig (PC)?  Or more specifically, what are your specs?



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Police cars, like choppers, are dynamic events. They weren't supposed to be static like they have been for a bit other than one or two that seem to always be there. I have personally seen police cars despawn from a town with a difference of only about 15 minutes between when I first went to the town and when I returned back through. I have also seen the opposite. First time through, no police car, on my way back through the police car is there. 


As far as loot spawning is concerned, 0.58 has impressed me greatly. I played less than 10 hours on .57 Stable (probably not even that much) since the loot is just so boring. Choppers are moving like they should be, police cars are moving like they should be, cleanup seems to be a little bit strange (drop an item and it instantly gets cleaned up, no bueno), and restocking and distribution are doing a great job of keeping me from feeling like there is no point in checking a particular place. In 0.55, that was the most difficult part to deal with after some time spent on the same server. You either knew a location was empty or it was insanely lootsploded. 




Your DL is fine. Your upload is not only a very small amount of bandwidth, but it is taking far too long for the data to be sent through your ISPs local headend. Their equipment is bottlenecking you. This is likely because the speed of uploads don't matter to the vast majority of users. That is, unless you are a gamer. Generally, web browsing and streaming Netflix won't really be adversely affected at all. This could cause you problems as far as your inputs interacting with anything that exists on the server. 


Could have been stolen, but seems odd.  Not a corner I have ever been in in 1000+ hours of play. So weird that someone else would go there.


If there is anything that 12 hour server restarts and persistence have taught me, it's that there are no places that people do not go. I have seen glowing fireplaces (since they don't get cleaned up until server restart) in places that I previously thought were not visited much, if at all, by most players. Even though I don't generally take anything, I have found barrels and tents that other players have left around in remote places that I previously considered "safe".  That said, I know that cleanup is not working 100% perfectly.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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There are places that I've setup a makeshift camp to just get things in order, typically during an early spawn.  Those are then left, many times, with some decent loot as I move on.  That and I'm getting old, forgetting where the hell I set up shop sometimes, on which server, etc.  Speaking of which, it would help if server history actually made some sense...



If there is anything that 12 hour server restarts and persistence have taught me, it's that there are no places that people do not go. I have seen glowing fireplaces (since they don't get cleaned up until server restart) in places that I previously thought were not visited much, if at all, by most players. Even though I don't generally take anything, I have found barrels and tents that other players have left around in remote places that I previously considered "safe".  That said, I know that cleanup is not working 100% perfectly.

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it would help if server history actually made some sense...


This. So much this. I can't tell you how much this confused me when I first started playing. I didn't understand that the "Time" column referred to the time on the server. 

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That's great throughput for DSL (much better than mine), but your ping is abysmal.



Just to give you some perspective, I get about 700k down and 600k up. This is enough to run DayZ and TeamSpeak simultaneously ... but just. Sometimes DayZ can gobble up 300k, just for itself.


I'm in South central North America. My ping to the center of the country (Chicago & Dallas) is about 20-25ms. My ping to either coast is about 30-35ms.


If your ping is much above 40-50, you're going to start having issues with the sound quality of VoIP applications (TeamSpeak). Some of us regularly play on European, and Asian servers, where my pings are routinely in the neighborhood of 300ms. The game is playable, but the desync and lag is pronounced. For best game performance I like to be under 50ms.



Edited by BleedoutBill

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So, found a police car.  MP5+buttstock.  Was carrying too much, so I picked it up, ran behind a fence - probably only about 10m away from the car.  Dropped the gun.  It was on the ground.  Ran away to set up camp.  Came back 30m later; car had despawned.  No gun.  Could it have despawned with the car?   Do you have to drop it further away? 


Could have been stolen, but seems odd.  Not a corner I have ever been in in 1000+ hours of play. So weird that someone else would go there.

Didn't Hicks state in the last Status Report that there was a 30 minute timer on weapons firearms?


Perhaps I misread that?



Edited by BleedoutBill

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I will pay someone in peaches, tactical bacon, and the best gear I find at the end of the play session if they will follow me around and make zombie noises and let me shoot them every once in awhile.

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Pardon my post, but I just can't agree that , "If your ping is much above 40-50, you're going to start having issues".  Sub-100ms is pretty much a good number for first hop assuming low packet loss. Upwards to 300ms if compression is not a factor.  Too many variables to consider in our day and age however and too many tricks by ISP's to compensate for poor latency, which is typically what gives us such grief.  I digress... and as mentioned YMMV.  Hmmm... not sure I contributed anything in the above.



That's great throughput for DSL (much better than mine), but your ping is abysmal.



Just to give you some perspective, I get about 700k down and 600k up. This is enough to run DayZ and TeamSpeak simultaneously ... but just. Sometimes DayZ can gobble up 300k, just for itself.


I'm in South central North America. My ping to the center of the country (Chicago & Dallas) is about 20-25ms. My ping to either coast is about 30-35ms.


If your ping is much above 40-50, you're going to start having issues with the sound quality of VoIP applications (TeamSpeak). Some of us regularly play on European, and Asian servers, where my pings are routinely in the neighborhood of 300ms. The game is playable, but the desync and lag is pronounced. For best game performance I like to be under 50ms.



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Anyone thinking police cars are to plentiful? I can be kitted pretty fast just looting police cars. Am I just getting lucky or is anyone else seeing this?

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I just got a strange bug. I was running along, my game had a quick hitch, as sometimes happens when I am loading a new area, but I never got my screen back. I t stayed stuck and I could still hear my character breathing and the game still responded to my inputs as far as I could tell. I tabbed out and back in and the screen was black, but I could still hear my character breathing. I had to Alt+F4.

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Pardon my post, but I just can't agree that , "If your ping is much above 40-50, you're going to start having issues".  Sub-100ms is pretty much a good number for first hop assuming low packet loss. Upwards to 300ms if compression is not a factor.  Too many variables to consider in our day and age however and too many tricks by ISP's to compensate for poor latency, which is typically what gives us such grief.  I digress... and as mentioned YMMV.  Hmmm... not sure I contributed anything in the above.

Yes, if you purchase a VoIP service from an ISP, they have many tricks to prioritize your VoIP traffic, in order to ensure that you have a satisfactory experience. If, however, you are running an Asterisk, or a Freeswitch server out of your house, then you are not eligible to benefit from these tricks, so latency and jitter become a much more critical factor, which can result in dropouts ... AKA a bad experience.

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Can infected AI be made more efficient through phases for the AI states?


AI on the map can be in a low demand sensors off, movement only, pawn like state, and have maybe a 300-500 meter bubble where survivors within that range would then "activate" infected sensing abilities that would then draw the full attention of the server.


Is this sort of thing being thought of for server performance improvements?


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It wasn't me that took it but on pcked servers I. Don't go anywhere but those corners no one goes to an do occasionally run into people.

I also hid a gun near a heli crash at 006 062.  And it's gone now.  I have to think the crash despawning deletes loot in an area around that.  Seems pretty implausible that someone ran under the trees near that site and lifted a gun.

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Didn't Hicks state in the last Status Report that there was a 30 minute timer on weapons firearms?


Perhaps I misread that?



If that's the case, that would make sense.  So, if you want to keep a gun, it has to be in your tent/truck/barrel?

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I had a glitched status tonight on a 1P server. I spawned fresh in Elektro with no hungry or any other status. Ran around Elektro and at 2 cans of beans, 2 bacon, 2 cans of peaches a couple soft drinks and a couple beers and the status never took hold - still no status bars. I had the "I have just eaten..." text in the bottom left. I ran north and noticed I wasn't getting thirsty or hungry so I went with it. I ran all the way north, around the NWAF (which was silent on a full server, btw), back to the coast to Elektro without eating or drinking a thing. My status never changed, no "I want to eat something" text on the bottom, no color loss, etc. I'm sure if I logged off and back in, I would've been dead but it was the end of the night. I did look for an animal to kill and eat the raw meat to see if I got sick. In hindsight, I should've drank from a pond to see if I got sick.


I gave a freshie all my stuff with the only condition to test the crossbow bolt to my chest from 30m. I died instantly. :)

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It seems that problems picking up items are back. At first I thought it was related to the number of people on the server (around 40) but the problem persisted even when there were only about 10 people left on the server. Performance tonight was not great. My ping was much higher than normal to the 1PP US server I play on and Biohaze noticed that I was rubberbanding on his screen and I noticed him rubberbanding a small amount on mine.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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I was getting a lot of freezing and dropped frames in this build.


Just enough to be annoying.


Some items seem much more scarce, in a good way.


We were happy to find a Press Vest and Chest holster in barracks.


Truck garages spawn weapons now but less loot in general.


I dropped a Sporter with 30rnd mag, Amphibia, and 2 boxes of 22 rounds near a car in Severograd.


The Sporter and Amphibia were still there hours later when I led ColdAtrophy to the spot but the loose rounds were gone.


We saw a lot of evidence of people but managed to avoid any encounters (besides a brief sighting).

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Are the Exp servers going to go down in line with the other servers for weekly maintenance?

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