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Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

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leather sewing kits no longer fix vests or shoes. found that out the hard way :(

hold the leather sewing kit in hand, right click on the boots for the repair prompt. Confirmed, will not fix vests or helmets
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hold the leather sewing kit in hand, right click on the boots for the repair prompt. Confirmed, will not fix vests or helmets

I used a leather sewing kit to repair a back pack. It works just fine, as long as you don't try to repair leather items.


Makes sense to me ...

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played 57 for about 30 mins found broken loot spots still where loot has spawned ontop of more loot so yea needs more fixings also thought zombies were taken out i still found some?

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I found pouches at the military prision (inside the "garage").

1) Does a Ruined Suppressor negatively affect your weapon's stats in any way?

2) Does anyone know if weapon characteristics have been changed in any way in this patch? I ask because I put together an AKM with Kashtan this morning, and while it always did have a fair amount of recoil, I now find that even when only firing one shot at a zombie, I actually lose my target in my sight from the upward kick. I do not recall that ever happening in the past with the PSO-1.

1) Probably not. As supressors also reduce recoild and increase accuracy it might have no effect or even a slight positive one.

2) No, because I did not look at recoil before. However, scopes to affect the amount of recoil in different amounts. The Hunting Scope halves it, the PSO-1 reduces it by a little and most other scopes by only a very small amount. So maybe you are experiencing the difference between Kashtan and PSO-1 scope.

Edited by Evil Minion
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hold the leather sewing kit in hand, right click on the boots for the repair prompt. Confirmed, will not fix vests or helmets

sweet. thanks!

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..However, scopes do affect the amount of recoil in different amounts. The Hunting Scope halves it, the PSO-1 reduces it by a little and most other scopes by only a very small amount.


..because that makes total sense.. </sarcasm>  :P


EDIT: The weight of a scope is usually not enough to reduce recoil by a tangible amount - let alone halve it.

What reduces recoil? Heavier recoil buffers, heavier gas system components, heavier gun in general (given the same round), lighter load rounds, suppressors (to a degree).

What makes recoil more controllable? Proper grip, lower stance, resting the firearm (bipods).


I understand that normal recoil combined with a high-power scope will make follow-up shots hard - but that's when you go prone anyway.

I don't think we need these kinda crutches.


EDIT2: ..but I understand if this kind of balancing has to wait 'til the Beta.

Edited by Veyda
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lol @ the recoil comments... looked everywhere for the "official" changelog... any links?

Edited by Renigade

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- Error texture has not been charged.

- The Zeta again through doors (can not lock them) and appear Velociraptors.

- The performance is getting worse (now 10 fps in cities with amd FX [email protected] and 270x OC and DDR3 1600 8GB with antialising off and low/medium graphics (this is a shame).

- The loot I like and seems to work better (when this stacked can not dragging away)

- The Zeta with the rulings of above are better than before.

- The timing and planing work remain unfulfilled.

- The weapons and objects in the hands bugged and I can not get her out again until you restart again


Edited by elgui

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Also noticed that Z's are going down quicker and with fewer shots this build. Been mostly able to get one shot kills with an SKS, even at 200 meters. Single shot (no mag) 5.45x39 has been taking two shots. 

I went into a small green "gatehouse" (the green building with door on the side, crate by the door and table in the back).  A Z was following me around; he stood by one of the windows.  I scoped in on his face from 3 feet with my AK74+Kashtan.  Headshot.  He was still standing!  Took a second headshot to put him down.  I thought it must have been a glitch/desync/maybe I missed the first shot.  Tried it 2 more times.  Each time it took 2 shots.  That AK74 is rubbish.  The Winchester seems to put them down with a single shot, even to the body, in most cases.

Edited by Thurman Merman

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So, I've been playing since the stable update, and I notice that i don't find this items anywhere...


if you see one of these tell me where.  :D


Chemlight, only the one you start with.




Edited by dunabird

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So, I've been playing since the stable update, and I notice that i don't find this items anywhere...


if you see one of these tell me where.  :D


Chemlight, only the one you start with.




Seen all of that except battery and grenades.

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I found pouches at the military prision (inside the "garage").

1) Probably not. As supressors also reduce recoild and increase accuracy it might have no effect or even a slight positive one.

2) No, because I did not look at recoil before. However, scopes to affect the amount of recoil in different amounts. The Hunting Scope halves it, the PSO-1 reduces it by a little and most other scopes by only a very small amount. So maybe you are experiencing the difference between Kashtan and PSO-1 scope.


I didn't think I was going to get an answer here. Thanks for the reply. I'm not super familiar with the statistical values of weapons and their attachments and I'd like to get into it a bit. Do you have a good resource for that? In my digging about for such info, I was finding a lot of either old, outdated info or stuff for the mod.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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thought zombies were taken out i still found some?

Zombies are in, but they are limited in number compared to what they are "supposed" to be. Animals are also in, and appear to be limited as well.


Why is it so goddamn hard to post the change log? It's been 3 days -.-

Well, it's the weekend now, I wouldn't expect them to put one out until Monday. Until then, there's always the unofficial changelog (which I promise is more comprehensive than the official one will be).

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Can someone explain to me why there is still no weather? I am getting extremely frustrated by the clear sky all day every day.

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Zombies are in, but they are limited in number compared to what they are "supposed" to be. Animals are also in, and appear to be limited as well.


Well, it's the weekend now, I wouldn't expect them to put one out until Monday. Until then, there's always the unofficial changelog (which I promise is more comprehensive than the official one will be).


I hope I don't sound like an ass, but some of the stuff on your changelog isn't quite right. I'm pretty sure the VSS and the UMP-45 were not included in the Stable version of this patch. I'm pretty sure the Radio wasn't included either. I think I remember Hicks saying that they weren't supposed to have been added in yet. Not trying to be hyper critical man, I admire the work you do for the community, but I just thought it should be mentioned. 


I see the radiator listed. Has anyone actually seen one "loose" about the game world or do they spawn as detachable objects on the trucks?


EDIT: Also, did the oil barrels make into the Stable patch? I saw them in Experimental. They were like having a protector case with the capacity of a tent.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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Can someone explain to me why there is still no weather? I am getting extremely frustrated by the clear sky all day every day.

See post #272.



Clearly, it's not sunny on all servers at all times.


Having said that, anecdotally at least, the rain seems to have been cut back a bit. If I had to guess, I'd say that it was for the same reason that we have but a few zed and animal spawns ... they take a lot of resources to operate and the platform is already stretched thin.

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So, I've been playing since the stable update, and I notice that i don't find this items anywhere...


if you see one of these tell me where.  :D


Chemlight, only the one you start with.




Nettings: in boats , but sure a little more rare than before 0.57 .

chainsaw: Farms, castles, garages.

Charcoal tabs: civilian houses.


That´s my experience sure since 0.57 stable, i have doubt about gun holster and 10rnd 22. mag, not sure if i found this items in stable or experimental, hope i help you.

Next time i found one of this items i make a capture, and later try to post here the captures, i´m rookie posting photos , links, etc... xD

Edited by juliomagno
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Can someone explain to me why there is still no weather? I am getting extremely frustrated by the clear sky all day every day.



I was playing last night and it rained for at least 6 hours straight. It would stop for a minute or two then right back to a downpour. Also was night for most of those 6 hours. I was tired as all get out and finally had to stop playing and go to sleep... just as the sun was coming up and it stopped raining. Looked like it was going to be a nice day. 

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Gonna get back on it tonight... I finish work at 11pm I'll be home at 11.30 server restarts at 12.... I'm just beside a chopper wreck which I believe is static and will be spawning some treats at midnight. I will probably die though!

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Also, driving full speed head on into a z should not result in the same consequence as driving full speed into a wall or building. I tried to run over a z at the balota .mil base yesterday and it was like hitting a wall. Flipped the truck on it's side and threw the z up into the air, where he stayed until I got out, at which point he fell to the ground. 


I can see incurring accumulating damage from to many z smashes with a vehicle, say radiator damage, etc but no way in hell should it be like hitting a wall. 

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Finally found a Hunting Scope for my Winchester. I would say, shots are only limited by draw distance.
It's possible to aim past 800 by placing arrow stickers on your screen for respective come-ups beyond the 800 zero.  B)




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Finally found a Hunting Scope for my Winchester. I would say, shots are only limited by draw distance.

It's possible to aim past 800 by placing arrow stickers on your screen for respective come-ups beyond the 800 zero.  B)






better you use pins, they will last longer than sticker  ;)

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better you use pins, they will last longer than sticker  ;)


I would seriously etch hash marks onto the LCD panel with a needle, but it's too early in the development process to commit like that - reticles, magnification factors and ballistics may be changed at any time down the line.  ;) Therefore, stickers.

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neither could I but hitting v made me drop the weapon I had in hand

Nothing makes me drop my weapon except hitting the x and once I drop something there, it's just a picture on the ground after that. Not able to get prone, not able to vault in that underground house. Anyway put the best stuff in backpack and dropped everything in hopes it might pop out on the floor of the house and be available for someone. I stripped and sprinted around until I starved/thirst/cold went unconscious.

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