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Exp Update: 0.57128035*

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Yeah, it's amazing how much that first animal kill can make things easier, especially a big one like a cow.

Funny thing: I never got light green energized yesterday (just dark green) but eventually got healthy anyway.

man they run fast... one hit at the time, trying to anticipate its next direction change. 


i think you regenerate some blood when you have the dark green energized and dark green hydrated status at the same time. it's quite easy to get healthy on this update.

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man they run fast... one hit at the time, trying to anticipate its next direction change.

i think you regenerate some blood when you have the dark green energized and dark green hydrated status at the same time. it's quite easy to get healthy on this update.

They really do. I remember one time I shot a cow with the bow but was then out of arrows so I thought I'd chase it with my hatchet. I hit it twice but it still wasn't dead and I was like "f- this" so I sat down in the field like 30 meters from her and started crafting more arrows as she watched. :D Edited by Ebrim
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I like to see I'm not the only one finding a lack of loot at the moment.  Found loads when the servers started up yesterday, but very little now as people have been playing for a while.  I was not helped by a death at komarovo police station.  Went to look at the lockers in the upstairs office and died, very strange and I was the only person on at that very moment. And is any one getting real bad lag in that area? Which ever server I'm on I get it bad there. I hope there is a bit more loot when they add the infected.  Would not like to be playing the game with infected the way it is at the moment.  It's not easy to survive at the moment with out them let alone when they come back lol.

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current CLE has not evolved since 0.56. solutions are easy to find, hard to code i guess. items seems to not despawn, that may be one of the biggest issues.


i would like devs to explain us their vision on CLE, not just 4 lines of text but an exhaustive explaination.


i see future CLE working like this :


- high respawn/despawn rate so places doesn't stay empty for long times and garbage items are washed away and replaced by other items.

- higher % of respawn in coastral spawn location and highly visited area, compensated with lower chances to find high end gear so being the first to loot or the last does not make a huge difference like now.

- very small % of chances that any loot spawn area drop an element not usually bound to this area (pitchfork in a military area or an AKM in toilets) to reward exploration


i hopes they gather enought informations from users to tune the CLE.

Edited by Zboub le météor
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As for CLE, there is useful information to be found here not just in the initial post but later ones as well. Unfortunately it requires sifting through a lot of nonsense and whining.

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Any one else getting desync, and also rubberbanding when running near car wrecks and the like?

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I like to see I'm not the only one finding a lack of loot at the moment.  Found loads when the servers started up yesterday, but very little now as people have been playing for a while.  I was not helped by a death at komarovo police station.  Went to look at the lockers in the upstairs office and died, very strange and I was the only person on at that very moment. And is any one getting real bad lag in that area? Which ever server I'm on I get it bad there. I hope there is a bit more loot when they add the infected.  Would not like to be playing the game with infected the way it is at the moment.  It's not easy to survive at the moment with out them let alone when they come back lol.

Sounds like it's time for me to start a 3pp if initial easy mode is over.

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I keep getting memory-related crashes for starters, and second, I was just in a fight with someone when my screen froze. When I pressed escape it brought up the cursor and I could move it, and when I was not paused I could hear myself moving around, but my screen just froze. I could hear the game and I could do everything, just with a frozen screen. I've no idea why this happened but I've just lost about 2 hours of time because my screen just froze. Does anyone have any info on this?

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Saw a very clear example of loot spawning today, take heart fellow survivors.

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We realy need the Zombies back and alot of them if you shoot a gun there should be

10-15 of them who chase you because otherwise the people only KOS.


Edit: It was like that for a while in 0.56 and i liked it but then the zeds got removed. :(

Edited by xCrankx

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I'd wish that there would be a fewer number of servers per region, so that they'd be more populated. It's kinda lonely playing on 1st person, with not even the infected there to keep me company. But I quess it might be that the number of servers is something that has to do with the testing of CLE, perhaps simulating the stable environment where there are loads of servers per hive, dunno.

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Have someone seen this before? HNLTfGeCXx.jpgqr9GhMRzfY.jpgfKDSlKWTmL.jpg

Edited by xCrankx

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 I spawned for the first time in .57 a few hours ago near Kamyshovo, didn't bother checking any coastal houses and just jogged straight north to Msta.  Found a raincoat and gorged on apples until energized.  Took as many apples as I could carry, drank as much as I could from the fountain and started towards Staroye.  I was 'completely full' and now looking to make a backpack or find something with a few more slots.   I probably could have made it all the way to nwaf without filling up again but a geared friendly with a truck approached me and I hitched a ride with him up north. He generously gave me a few things, an m65 jacket, a blaze, pumpkin seeds and a few other things before we both logged out.   An hour later pickings were good in Stary Yar, two PET bottles, a few backpacks, a can opener, a few cans, even found a mil tent in a civilian house (single room log cabin).   Loot is certainly sparse and you have to work for it but there still seems to be some items in ignored places - it's definitely not as hard-mode as some of the .56 patches but still quite fun  :D

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Have someone seen this before?  *snip*

The first 2 errors I believe everyone is getting and as for the last glitch someone else had posted a picture of trees int he forest doing the same thing.

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The first 2 errors I believe everyone is getting and as for the last glitch someone else had posted a picture of trees int he forest doing the same thing.


Ok thanks for the fast reply.

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 Loot is certainly sparse and you have to work for it but there still seems to be some items in ignored places - it's definitely not as hard-mode as some of the .56 patches but still quite fun  :D

hum, seeing the number of players and the loot left this afternoon on 3PP UK 5 0-1, it's gonna be quite empty tomorrow evening  :D . i managed to find a reapeter, but it vanished on the floor... the only firearm i found and the only object that disapear... i trown an empty crossbow in every possibles ways, it still remain on the ground  <_< . i played a little on UK 1 0-1 too, a little bit more loot, but not mutch, spent my time writting crap on papers since all i found was books, pens and a military tent in the middle of the road with some cyrilic writing on a paper (should have used google trad).


i took profits of our last days of persistence, built a camp, filled a tent with pumpkins slices, pepper bell, a few bullets of different calibers and some leather pourches. 

Edited by Zboub le météor
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I'd wish that there would be a fewer number of servers per region, so that they'd be more populated.

Shh, don't say that! There have been times where the Experimental servers are 100% packed during big releases. Nobody should ever be wishing for fewer... you'll regret it later! :p

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Shh, don't say that! There have been times where the Experimental servers are 100% packed during big releases. Nobody should ever be wishing for fewer... you'll regret it later! :P

 Yeah, it's sometimes a huge pain in the ass trying to get ingame after a fresh exp update. I just kinda wished that the number of servers was somehow in scale to to how popular exp seems to be currently. But, yeah, ain't no one got time for that. I mean that it's probably too much hassle to monitor the situation and to open and close servers accordingly and I understand that. Just wishful thinking. I'm just so ronery...

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I logged on this morning and within 10 seconds I have a message that the server will re-start in 60 seconds. Just then, I hear someone coming in a V3S. I duck for cover, just as he goes blasting by. I jump up and I'm hot on his trail. He's heading West out of Sinistok. There's no way out for the truck, except off of the end of the map, so I figure on getting a good position to camp the truck, so that I have wheels when the server comes back up. Well, he either didn't know, or didn't car about the re-start, because all I can figure is that he didn't park in time.


Sadly, my luck hasn't improved any since then. I'm finding good stuff, but I just can't seem to put any combinations together. I found four tents yesterday. When I decided to set up a camp this morning, they are nowhere to be found. Finally, I went to a reliable tent spawn area and I found one!  :) Three minutes later, I climbed a deer stand and the tent didn't wait around for me.  :( I found a half dozen FNX pistols but no mags, nor ammo. I found plenty of 9mm, but nothing chambered for it. Same issue with .357. I have plenty of .308, but no Winchester. I found a single shot rifle and some 7.62x39, but I never did find any animals to hunt. I looked around for a SKS and the DayZ gods frowned on my plans, yet again. Finally I found a Blaze, but it doesn't have the follow-up capability that the Winchester does. Still, it's a little more confidence inspiring than the single shot. I gotta say, I do like the sights on the Blaze. I don't think that I ever had one at night before. I'm still carrying the 74U that I found within minutes of spawning yesterday, but no mags. Honestly, it wouldn't take much to make me happy. I'm a man of simple tastes. If I could just find a SKS to prop up the pristine PU scope that I found, why I'd be as right as rain!


Is it just me, or does anyone else hear a constant noise that sounds like a broom sweeping? It's getting on my last freakin' nerve! I was wandering around in the far Northwest, looking to see if there had been any activity with the planned military base. Finally, I had to take my headphones off. I can still hear the noise through the speakers, but for some reason it's not nearly as grating. I headed back to civilization (Tissy) and had a look around. I also checked out the camp, up on the hill. I went over to Stary Yar. There's only one other person on the server and there's not a soul around (or so I thought). I'm at the industrial area on the East side of Stary and I'm munching on some rice inside a tool shed, while I ponder my lack of a tent. You see, I wanted to grow some pumpkins, but I just don't have anywhere to store them. So my decision is whether to keep my pristine fire ax, or swap it for the pristine pick ax that I just found. I like the pick ax as a melee weapon and there is the added benefit that I can use it to dig holes (and get worms for fishing), but everyone knows that the fire ax is the shizzle. I munch on some more rice. Finally, I decide to go the military base East of Kamensk, to see if I can find some mags for the 74U, or a SKS. Farming and fishing can wait.


I head out of the tool shed, round the corner and come nose to nose with "T" who blurts out, "Sorry!" as I reach for my Blaze. I don't have any interest in bustin'  cap into "T", but I have no comms without my headphones and I also don't want to get shot due to any misunderstanding. I quickly back away and increase the distance between us. I circle around and grab my headphones. Then, with the Blaze at the ready, but not raised, I try to figure out where "T" is hiding. Eventually, I'm thinking this guy is pretty damn good! I can't find him anywhere!!! Nope, I spoke too soon. He logged. I guess he had to go and change his undies. :P 


So, I'm 0 for 2 today, trying to find someone to play with. Oh well, some days you're the bug and some days you're the windscreen.

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Had a friendly encounter earlier where another gentleman and I exchanged our hellos and went on our way. Then about an hour later, I was making my way through Severograd and two jerks who were fueling up at a water pump pulled a gun on me and took some shots... I was able to escape with only a ruined jacket and some lost health, fortunately.


I believe that encounter was with me near kamishovo police dept.? u we're heading inland and invited me. But I get wary around players and trust in this game must be earned. But had I known it was u I would have come along. I headed north west instead of elektro and found very little in the form of weaponry. I had already crafted a bow and two stacks of arrows though by the time we met. And was energized and healthy from apples. Found a pair of binoc's in the tree stand as well as a new form of scope. Can't remember which one but it was battery operated and only a dot site. Acog I think.

Tbh I wish I had went with you. Sounds like you faired a lot better than I. If that was indeed u I ran into.

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I believe that encounter was with me near kamishovo police dept.? u we're heading inland and invited me. But I get wary around players and trust in this game must be earned. But had I known it was u I would have come along. I headed north west instead of elektro and found very little in the form of weaponry. I had already crafted a bow and two stacks of arrows though by the time we met. And was energized and healthy from apples. Found a pair of binoc's in the tree stand as well as a new form of scope. Can't remember which one but it was battery operated and only a dot site. Acog I think.

Tbh I wish I had went with you. Sounds like you faired a lot better than I. If that was indeed u I ran into.

I believe I was further inland at Dubrovka when I encountered the peaceful fellow, so I don't think it was you. Can't blame you for not being trusting though ;)

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Uhm, I may have over read it and I know there are probs with guns disappearing but I set down a backpack full of goodies and when I came back it seemed empty. I put it back on and it still was empty. I know for sure there was no one around - only two others on the server. Is this a fixable bug or did I literally lose my sh*t?


Edit: I relogged and everything is still there, but as soon as I put it down again all the contents vanished and it said 0/26 slots... I really don't wanna relog every time I want to take a look at my tiny stash, but oh well, anything I need to do I will :)

Edited by Demonica

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So, I'm 0 for 2 today, trying to find someone to play with. Oh well, some days you're the bug and some days you're the windscreen.


For a quite a while you and I were the only ones on Central 1pp. I noticed at one point another person got on, can't remember his name though. Of course this could have been long after I logged. I think I was in Novaya Petrovka and points further west when we were on together.


Also, as for animals to hunt, you're unlikely to find anything north of the highway. That area just hasn't been populated with spawns yet I think.

Edited by Ebrim
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Uhm, I may have over read it and I know there are probs with guns disappearing but I set down a backpack full of goodies and when I came back it seemed empty. I put it back on and it still was empty. I know for sure there was no one around - only two others on the server. Is this a fixable bug or did I literally lose my sh*t?


Edit: I relogged and everything is still there, but as soon as I put it down again all the contents vanished and it said 0/26 slots... I really don't wanna relog every time I want to take a look at my tiny stash, but oh well, anything I need to do I will :)

i had this problem several times with my tent too, relog works, but it's annoying for sure.

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For a quite a while you and I were the only ones on Central 1pp. I noticed at one point another person got on, can't remember his name though. Of course this could have been long after I logged. I think I was in Novaya Petrovka and points further west when we were on together.


Also, as for animals to hunt, you're unlikely to find anything north of the highway. That area just hasn't been populated with spawns yet I think.

I noticed you on that server. I get my best 1st person pings there. I think that I was in Tissy at the time. Hell, we were practically neighbors!


I'm sure that you're right about the animals. I have a few favorite haunts North of "the highway," but I've never seen any animals up there. If we could get a few spawns up that way, it would be the perfect place to ride out the apocalypse. Until that happens, I'll just have to content myself with fishing.

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