alferret 45 Posted May 11, 2015 Since the last update im finding the game virtually unplayable due to the very low food/energy starting point. Unless you stumble upon a lucky room or your running with a few mates its dire. I have just played 2 hours and survived on half a tin of peaches, 2 bananna's, 3 apples & a tin of tuna. Cant see shit cause im on the virge of dieing, food is that scarce that spending time trying to kit up & find sustanence while at that point is pointless. I have over 400 hours invested in this game & IMO its just getting worse! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) I have just played 2 hours and survived on half a tin of peaches, 2 bananna's, 3 apples & a tin of tuna. Cant see shit cause im on the virge of dieing, food is that scarce that spending time trying to kit up & find sustanence while at that point is pointless. I have over 400 hours invested in this game & IMO its just getting worse!If you would have spent 15 minutes picking apples you would have been fully hydrated and energized to travel. Classic case of operator error here. :) If I can ask, why do you have your computer specs in your sig? I don't understand...thanks! Edited May 11, 2015 by Weyland Yutani 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red_Ensign 990 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) don't worry, .56 will fix... wait, no it won't. to survive in the long-term, go to map locations nobody goes to. to survive in the short-term, you need a server nobody goes to (or you can click on bushes). same will be true in .56. Edited May 11, 2015 by Red_Ensign Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nuggit 246 Posted May 11, 2015 Only If you happen to be staying on the coast, you will struggle. food is scarce, as it has all been picked and this will only get worse with the re introduction of our beloved central loot economy. If you know where, and have the right tools. Hunting then becomes possible on the coast as well, another option if you must hang around there. Try scavenging some fresh fruit from some apple orchids or some berry bushes. It doesn't take much to get enough into you to venture away from the hell we call the coast. Plan your route, and do not sprint around everywhere aimlessly looking for loot. Time is precious and needs to be spent wisely at the start of your life, if you wish to hold onto it. By all means, come back to the coast once you gear up and get healthy to do as you wish. Just know, living on the coast is always a short lived one regardless of your status. Now if by any chance you are inland and still struggling, and indeed have 400 hours in game not just on the coast death matching. You should know, there are plenty of animals around to hunt and setup a little retreat to cook up a huge feast. You should have a good indication of where to hit up with the knowledge gained off that many hours. As I said above, running around erratically looting is no good whilst your in this stage. it needs to be planned or a rough idea of where to set out too. Also If you dislike the post processing, like many do. Just simply disable it. This will get rid of your blurry screen, and colour loss that happens after taking damage or blood loss. It will make life easier if you find it unplayable. The game is not getting more unplayable due to food getting harder, rather the opposite. You need to adapt your thinking and game plan as we move further along in development. I can tell you, a lot of people's play style will be hampered and a bad time will arise, if you do not start adapting with the game now. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 41 Posted May 11, 2015 Since the last update im finding the game virtually unplayable due to the very low food/energy starting point. Unless you stumble upon a lucky room or your running with a few mates its dire. I have just played 2 hours and survived on half a tin of peaches, 2 bananna's, 3 apples & a tin of tuna. Cant see shit cause im on the virge of dieing, food is that scarce that spending time trying to kit up & find sustanence while at that point is pointless. I have over 400 hours invested in this game & IMO its just getting worse! do you find the flaw in what you have written? no? here is the answer: hunting, fishing, trapping, farming, fruit picking. Stop depending on canned food. I never died of starvation, and no, i also didn't have to pick apples for 30 min. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zboub le météor 250 Posted May 11, 2015 in 0.55 server with high pop and low loot, the easiest way to be healthy is farming pumpkins. 2 pumpinks per seeds, and one pumpkin is a HUGE ammount of food ! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherious 907 Posted May 11, 2015 If you would have spent 15 minutes picking apples you would have been fully hydrated and energized to travel. Classic case of operator error here. :) If I can ask, why do you have your computer specs in your sig? I don't understand...thanks!Why else do you think he put that there? :P Also, to OP, I would suggest to go pick apples like Weyland said and then head straight down to Kamenka and then go up from there. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatofbattle 49 Posted May 11, 2015 You know, it wouldn't kill the devs to let us pick apples faster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randomspawn 215 Posted May 11, 2015 You know, it wouldn't kill the devs to let us pick apples faster.It's a catch 22. From what I can tell, you have around a 25% success rate with an apple pick attempt. If you can get apples at double the rate, people might not bother hunting. Not for sure, but possible. I do agree with everyone here about hunting and trapping and farming, and all that other jazz, but truly, if you don't study the game offline, and learn how to do this stuff, you will probably never figure it out in-game. It almost goes against a survivalist mindset, having to almost metagame just to figure out how to not starve. I am not a fan of hand-holding like new toons get in WOW and other games, but it is tricky learning how to find rocks, craft them into knives, get sticks, improvised bows and finally into hunting, or trapping or what ever else you wanna do. I don't like farming, but the efficiency of pumpkin farming will probably have me doing it come .56. Of course, if you can't find a water container(I spent hours looking on exp and couldn't find one), then it's all moot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlinkingRiki182 54 Posted May 11, 2015 It's a catch 22. From what I can tell, you have around a 25% success rate with an apple pick attempt. If you can get apples at double the rate, people might not bother hunting. Not for sure, but possible. I do agree with everyone here about hunting and trapping and farming, and all that other jazz, but truly, if you don't study the game offline, and learn how to do this stuff, you will probably never figure it out in-game. It almost goes against a survivalist mindset, having to almost metagame just to figure out how to not starve. I am not a fan of hand-holding like new toons get in WOW and other games, but it is tricky learning how to find rocks, craft them into knives, get sticks, improvised bows and finally into hunting, or trapping or what ever else you wanna do. I don't like farming, but the efficiency of pumpkin farming will probably have me doing it come .56. Of course, if you can't find a water container(I spent hours looking on exp and couldn't find one), then it's all moot. You don't need a container if it rains. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted May 11, 2015 If you would have spent 15 minutes picking apples you would have been fully hydrated and energized to travel. Classic case of operator error here. :) If I can ask, why do you have your computer specs in your sig? I don't understand...thanks!Why are you in denial? The game is FUBAR Btw. Apples are useless 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S3V3N 1402 Posted May 11, 2015 Funny thing is when I pick an apple, I have to wait about 40 seconds for a server respond. So not only does it take forever to go through the animation, it also takes much longer than it is supposed to. I think this was adressed, too. Now, Mr highly trained Developer: can you please raise health and energy at the start to, let's say x5 of what it is now? Because the game makes no fucking sense like this! Why do I start starving? And don't bother giving the generic: "because you were on the run for weeks" talk. NO! I just started playing the game, I don't care where this guy came from, but if he is half-dead already I don't wanna play him through a broken loot and inventory system. The problem is - only few experimental servers are actually usable for Europe now. So people log on, loot, play a while log off (the servers are almost always full) and the loot disappears faster than it can respawn. The consequence is that people joining these servers have very little to find and play with, unless they run for a fucking half hour and stop for apples for 15-minute tree-looting-grinds; it's ridiculous! Now, experimental builds should be that way, but the joke is that we will get that bug-ridden, non-functional and lacking version presented as a "stable version" in a couple of days or a week. Nothing about it will be stable, it will annoy everyone and simply show that the devs don't learn a thing; ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted May 11, 2015 I totally agree 100%. This game is 'massivly' unplayable. For you. Sadly, you've been cut from team DayZ. You didn't make the grade. Other people have been able to survive and prosper but it's just too hard for you. Not everyone can make it. That's okay because it's not for everyone. We don't feel any less of you as a person. Thanks for trying! :) 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IgnobleBasterd 161 Posted May 11, 2015 What, is it 0.56 already??? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aron73 4 Posted May 11, 2015 Well I did not expect this consithering they have fixed the loot system some what. But here is some helpful survival tips:Get away from the south and east coast everyone spawns around there so no reason at all to try and find food.Apple trees and buches are all ok to try and get some food from but don't spend to much timeSmal towns (Stary sobor size) have often more loot then majour citys. Northen parts of the map tend to have more animals (requires an gun or crossbow)here is something that help me allot or luck and remember HUNT Squad is your friends in the field Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junos 57 Posted May 11, 2015 Man, lot of condescention and elitism here. I don't know about you guys, but I didn't start playing DayZ mod years ago because I wanted to farm imaginary food and pick imaginary apples. Minecraft is better for that, if that's really your cup of tea. I mean, it's fine for that to be in the game, but I don't want to spend 15 minutes clicking "Look for apples" and watching the same animation play 50 times only to get an apple 25% of the time which provides 5% of the nourishment of a can of tuna. That's not good gameplay; it's a waste of "operator" time. If farming and fishing is what you really want to do, try TerraFirmaCraft. That will engage that part of your psyche like nothing else. It has serious depth, unlike "walk up to tree, click search, wait for animation; repeat 3 times; eat 1 apple; repeat whole process for 15 minutes." Note: I'm all for DayZ being hard. But that doesn't mean that the current agriculture and foraging is good gameplay. So it boggles my mind to see people advocating it in its current state. It's nothing more than button-clicking and make-believe. If that excites you, good for you, I guess... As far as 0,56, yeah, the current experimental is more broken than 0.55. So what? The development process so far has been a lot of one-step-forward-two-steps-backward, and that's not going to be changing. Get used to it. Play 0.55 or some other game until a more playable build comes out. The real problems you should be concerned about are the deeper ones, like the combat-breaking 3rd-person view, and the incredibly poor performance. I hope their plans for those issues bear fruit (ha), but those are the real problems right now. And as far as you guys go: this is almost as bad as reddit. People who've been on the forum a couple months telling people to get lost. Well, I've got bad news for you: you've been cut from team DayZ forum. You didn't make the grade. Other people have been trying to voice concerns and have conversation without being a jerk, but it's just too hard for you. Not everyone can make it. That's ok, because it's no big surprise. We feel less of you as a person, but so what? It's the Internet. Thanks for not trying again. :P 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryPotter (DayZ) 172 Posted May 11, 2015 How to survive on coast.............. hide in a bush wait till a freshie dies/jumps off building due to not getting the spawn they wanted find knife make human steaks eat human steaks win 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) ask yourself = do I want to survive ? 1 ) be smart, work at it - newspawn is difficultor2 ) high pop = eat other players it's hell, do what you have to do Edited May 11, 2015 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryPotter (DayZ) 172 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) Aside from the 1st play of 0.55 I have never starved to death.. been close a few times. I also hate looking for apples but its a means to an end and not really that much of a problem.. 5 or 6 apples and you can get inland and find peaches, rice and cereal and your golden :) Edited May 11, 2015 by HarryPotter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 11, 2015 If you would have spent 15 minutes picking apples you would have been fully hydrated and energized to travel. Classic case of operator error here. :) I don't think it is intended that a person pick apples for 15 minutes to survive after spawning. That is horrible. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted May 11, 2015 I don't think it is intended that a person pick apples for 15 minutes to survive after spawning. That is horrible. when you dead you can hear them eating you - that is horrible too 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 41 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) Man, lot of condescention and elitism here. Note: I'm all for DayZ being hard. But that doesn't mean that the current agriculture and foraging is good gameplay. So it boggles my mind to see people advocating it in its current state. It's nothing more than button-clicking and make-believe. If that excites you, good for you, I guess... killing yourself to get a good spawn and running off to the next military outpost to be geared up in 30 min isn't good gameplay either. Hunt, farm, fish, use traps = prosper. Depend on canned food = die Edited May 11, 2015 by InvincibleThroughDC 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SMoss 2101 Posted May 11, 2015 Funny thing is when I pick an apple, I have to wait about 40 seconds for a server respond. So not only does it take forever to go through the animation, it also takes much longer than it is supposed to. I think this was adressed, too. Now, Mr highly trained Developer: can you please raise health and energy at the start to, let's say x5 of what it is now? Because the game makes no fucking sense like this! Why do I start starving? And don't bother giving the generic: "because you were on the run for weeks" talk. NO! I just started playing the game, I don't care where this guy came from, but if he is half-dead already I don't wanna play him through a broken loot and inventory system. The problem is - only few experimental servers are actually usable for Europe now. So people log on, loot, play a while log off (the servers are almost always full) and the loot disappears faster than it can respawn. The consequence is that people joining these servers have very little to find and play with, unless they run for a fucking half hour and stop for apples for 15-minute tree-looting-grinds; it's ridiculous! Now, experimental builds should be that way, but the joke is that we will get that bug-ridden, non-functional and lacking version presented as a "stable version" in a couple of days or a week. Nothing about it will be stable, it will annoy everyone and simply show that the devs don't learn a thing; ever. What is the lesson you would have them learn? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) The problem with saying DayZ is unplayable is that a lot of people play it and enjoy it which undermines the validity of your statement from the get-go. Then you have to rely on ad-hominem attacks against people who enjoy it in a desperate attempt to maintain any credibility to your statement by trying to undermine their personal credibility. Unfortunately, that rarely succeeds except in the eyes of a few people who basically hold your exact same view and have since the beginning. No, it's not intended that you search for apples for 15 minutes when you spawn. But, that's a perfectly legitimate strategy to choose and it's relatively risk-free, especially in our current warmish/no-rain situations. There are many other ways that you can try to survive the opening part of the game, some of which have been brought up here, even crazy ones like eating suiciders*. The point of DayZ is nothing more than survival however you choose to accomplish it and then however you choose to use your life afterward. Part of the survival element is managing of resources, including time, and responding to situations in creative ways to try and stay alive. Food, or rather energy, is just one of the many resources you must manage. Putting lazy-person friendly canned food everywhere just means that managing that energy resource becomes meaningless and degrades the survival element of the game. People suggest foraging to stay alive not because that's what you're meant to do but because that's the easiest way that everyone can do. The beauty of DayZ though is that there is no one way or right way to do anything. If you don't like foraging then figure something else out but crying to the devs "unplayable" which is demonstrably false so they give you free beans at every other spawn point is not the way to do it. *And that idea by the way is awesome. I wouldn't do it, I just don't like cannibalism but I love that someone does that. It's inventive and more importantly at least for him, it works. It's also a huge slap in the face to all the whiners because it demonstrates how thinking out of the canned food box works. Edited May 11, 2015 by Ebrim 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scarcifer 102 Posted May 11, 2015 If you can't survive or find it unplayable...Maybe you need to take a break until the builds actually become a game.I have no problem surviving maybe your just a Noob or just plain old suck at surviving. A survival horror post apocalyptic title is not men't to be easy to survive hence the genre of game. Game's are made for challenges and to test skills maybe this is not the type of genre for you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites