igor-vk 909 Posted April 1, 2015 I like that weapon, and players with VSS will rule cities even when we have normal number of zombies (like back in the mod). But Id rather see more .308 weapons first. In last experimental I found shitload of .308 rounds but it goes only in Blaze and Longhorn - not very good for fighting off zombies. Give us Alaskan or pump action rifle.What I also like about VSS is that its range is 400m, and it will reduce long range asshole sniping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee83 21 Posted April 1, 2015 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS more guns, other than that the model looks sweet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted April 1, 2015 Why the AK-9? The barrel length on the SR-3 is only a little bit shorter, and the overall length (With stocks folded and no suppresor) is about the same. Ingame differences would be minimal, (Besides the slightly more accurate AK9) and it uses a different magazine than the VSS, detractiing from it's usefullness. I think the VSS, SR-3 or maybe AS VAL (Folding stock, hence ability to fit in packs) and the OTs would be enough for this family of guns.Because the VSS and AS VAL are essentially the exact same weapon. The AS VAL does have some differences but folding stocks generally haven't been a feature in DayZ, at least not ones that make them worth putting in backpacks.The AK-9 is a different weapon platform altogether, unlike the VSS, SR-3, and AS VAL, which are all built on the same kind of receiver, so in the end you get more variety by having that over an AS VAL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 1, 2015 What is the most common 9x39 weapon the AS val, SR3 or the ak-9 ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted April 1, 2015 Maybe now people will shut the hell up about it. I love the VSS, but by god, I never understood why people bled 9x39. It's not that cool of a weapon people! And I will disagree with 9x39 somehow "opening up" a whole family of weapons. The SR-3, the 9A-91, and VSS/VAL are all pretty much the same gun. Both functionally and aesthetically. They're all AK-looking SBRs that fire 9x39. You could add an AS VAL or SR-3 in, just make it modular, and you'd be equally as flexible. In fact, I'd rather they do that than limit it to the marginally less-modular VSS. It would be like if I put in a Mk 18, an LWRC PSD, and a PWS Diablo. They're all SBR, AR-15 lookin' things that fire the same round. Again, I love the VSS. I don't discriminate. I'm glad it's in, and hope 9x39 makes an appearance. But it's still a very niche weapon, that's probably rarer than a lot of NATO/European weapons in service in former-Soviet countries now.Its still a Russian weapon some places should have in cherno at least. Its an odd weapon with rapid fire but again ppl will find uses for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 30 Posted April 1, 2015 However, that is a potential problem, because there's currently no degredation for integrally suppressed weapons (i.e. the Amphibia S and the VSS). So, that would be a problem. Because as of now, those weapons with integral suppressors don't degrade at all.To really get it right, they would have to make a second weapon condition stat from Clean - Dirty. Part damage has to be separate from how dirty your weapon is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DURRHUNTER 597 Posted April 1, 2015 OTs-14 Grozaif we get the Groza, it will most definitely be the Groza 1 variant. Which is chambered in the 7.62x39mm Soviet M43 cartridge and uses the same magazine as the AKM/AK-47 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 1, 2015 Let's hope not. If the 9x39 variant does indeed use the same magazines as the vss then it would be a terrific candidate to supplement the 9x39 caliber. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 1, 2015 I don't think Modularity is as big of a focus now as it was when Dayz first came out. The weapon selections and the new randomized weapon spawns leads me to believe they have or are planning on cutting back on adding super modular guns and a ton of accessories. The way it appears now is that those select few guns in game that are highly modular thus really versatile will be highly sought after. Things like m4s and fully tricked out ak rifles will be rare maybe. Wasn't it in the same post that they said they were working on more weapon attachments? And having weapons spawning with attachments doesn't mean they're cutting back on adding "super modular" weapons. Whatever you mean by that. Those are two different things. If they want attachments spawning on weapons (as problematic an issue as that is), then why wouldn't they want more "modular" weapons to take advantage of that? If anything, they're bending over backwards to add attachment options for more weapons (see improvised suppressor). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 1, 2015 Wasn't it in the same post that they said they were working on more weapon attachments? And having weapons spawning with attachments doesn't mean they're cutting back on adding "super modular" weapons. Whatever you mean by that. Those are two different things. If they want attachments spawning on weapons (as problematic an issue as that is), then why wouldn't they want more "modular" weapons to take advantage of that? If anything, they're bending over backwards to add attachment options for more weapons (see improvised suppressor). I envision the randomized weapon spawns as a means to clean up the loot tables. We might not be seeing pso spawn alone anymore or the pu scope and instead see them only spawn in limited quantities with weapons. The pso for example might only be seen with every spawned SVD, VSS . The pu only spawning with good conditioned mosins. While this does not mean customization is lowered overall I believe it will lead to customized weapons being quite rare and truly valuable. Either way I hope they take full advantage of the randomized weapon spawns and not only give spawn randomized accessories but hopefully also weapons in various states of disrepair. Would inject some of that Addicting Diablo looting to dayz where every piece of loot could be awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 1, 2015 I envision the randomized weapon spawns as a means to clean up the loot tables. We might not be seeing pso spawn alone anymore or the pu scope and instead see them only spawn in limited quantities with weapons. The pso for example might only be seen with every spawned SVD, VSS . The pu only spawning with good conditioned mosins. While this does not mean customization is lowered overall I believe it will lead to customized weapons being quite rare and truly valuable. Either way I hope they take full advantage of the randomized weapon spawns and not only give spawn randomized accessories but hopefully also weapons in various states of disrepair. Would inject some of that Addicting Diablo looting to dayz where every piece of loot could be awesome. I don't believe the loot tables need cleaning, I don't believe optics are somehow causing stress on the loot tables, and I certainly don't believe that's why they're doing it. I recall you proposing this a while back, and I still vehemently disagree for exactly the same reasons. I don't want weapons being a "one-stop-shop." I want to piece together a weapon to make it mine. I want to work for it. I don't want my weapons spawning kitted out with a magazine next to them, because that's one less journey that I have to make. I don't want to stumble upon a fully kitted AR when I find one (a la the mod). If you want optics to be so rare, then why not just... make them rarer? They're already pretty dern rare. Much rarer than when you had your original post, and I was tripping over 10 PSOs every time I went to NWAF. They've already been made rarer. I see zero incentive to make them rare by proxy via shoving them on weapons. A PSO or a PU isn't, and certainly shouldn't be, god's gift to man. They aren't that great, and I don't really see any reason to make them hyper rare. I don't want The Legendary M4 of Zanthor. This isn't Destiny. I want an M4 that someone, or I, poured their heart and soul into kitting out just right. Again, I'm not sure what's so problematic about having optics spawning separately from their weapons. And no, please don't cite the "realism" argument. Because it doesn't hold up. I've seen armories, gun shops, and personal collections of dismounted optics. They're not always, or even regularly in some cases, already mounted on weapons. They come in nice little pouches and boxes just like Twinkies or cigarettes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted April 1, 2015 I don't believe the loot tables need cleaning, I don't believe optics are somehow causing stress on the loot tables, and I certainly don't believe that's why they're doing it. I recall you proposing this a while back, and I still vehemently disagree for exactly the same reasons. I don't want weapons being a "one-stop-shop." I want to piece together a weapon to make it mine. I want to work for it. I don't want my weapons spawning kitted out with a magazine next to them, because that's one less journey that I have to make. I don't want to stumble upon a fully kitted AR when I find one (a la the mod). If you want optics to be so rare, then why not just... make them rarer? They're already pretty dern rare. Much rarer than when you had your original post, and I was tripping over 10 PSOs every time I went to NWAF. They've already been made rarer. I see zero incentive to make them rare by proxy via shoving them on weapons. A PSO or a PU isn't, and certainly shouldn't be, god's gift to man. They aren't that great, and I don't really see any reason to make them hyper rare. I don't want The Legendary M4 of Zanthor. This isn't Destiny. I want an M4 that someone, or I, poured their heart and soul into kitting out just right. Again, I'm not sure what's so problematic about having optics spawning separately from their weapons. And no, please don't cite the "realism" argument. Because it doesn't hold up. I've seen armories, gun shops, and personal collections of dismounted optics. They're not always, or even regularly in some cases, already mounted on weapons. They come in nice little pouches and boxes just like Twinkies or cigarettes.I'm kind of glad we have a chance to see some variety in weapon spawns, but hopefully in the end the attachments that can spawn versus what you have to find is limited; AKMs shouldn't be spawning with drum mags or PSO-1s at all and very rarely with railed or plastic furniture, although having them available as attachments is fine. The occasional M4A1 with some RIS, or an aimpoint, isn't going to ruin anything, but finding one with a CQB stock, RIS handguard, bipod, flashlight, suppressor, ACOG, and 40 round magazine is just taking it over the top. Most of your attachments should be secondary and unique weapons should be unique ones, aka done by players. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 1, 2015 The occasional M4A1 with some RIS, or an aimpoint, isn't going to ruin anything, but finding one with a CQB stock, RIS handguard, bipod, flashlight, suppressor, ACOG, and 40 round magazine is just taking it over the top. Most of your attachments should be secondary and unique weapons should be unique ones, aka done by players. I agree, but that should be the rare exception. I don't want it becoming the norm to find weapons with a myriad of attachments already on them, spawned in the wild. The majority of weapons should be blank canvases for the player to kit out how he/she sees fit. But that's not what Gibonez is proposing. He's wanting optics only spawning on weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted April 1, 2015 I agree, but that should be the rare exception. I don't want it becoming the norm to find weapons with a myriad of attachments already on them, spawned in the wild. The majority of weapons should be blank canvases for the player to kit out how he/she sees fit. But that's not what Gibonez is proposing. He's wanting optics only spawning on weapons.The only way I can see his idea working is if optics were weapon specific, like the mod, but they aren't. The PU Scope isn't Mosin specific, it can be used on the SKS as well, and hopefully in the future on an SVT-40. The pictanny rail optics (Have to call them that now since there's more than just the M4A1 using them) are all usable on the M4, and MP5K, and will soon be usable on the AUG and UMP45 as well. The PSO-1 works on the AKM and AK101, and will also work on the SVD and VSS. Hunting scopes like the LRS (although I'm not sure about it specifically) will be usable across many rifle and sniper platforms. Certain weapons, like the SVD, should spawn with their standard optics most of the time, because it wouldn't really make sense to find one without a scope. These scopes should not be spawning on AKs, though, because they aren't the most sensible weapons in that case despite being usable. Pictanny rail optics and attachments almost have to be spawning away from weapons because of how diverse and universal they are, as getting one with a gun is providing all-access free attachments for any other weapons you'll find. Of course gibonez tends to advocate for heavier restriction of, and less overall modularity; AKs shouldn't have the PSO, AKs shouldn't be swapping handguards or stocks, AKs shouldn't have a drum mag at all, SKS shouldn't have the PU, the Mosin should have two variants (one 'standard' straight-bolt and a sniper variant, with only the latter able to take the PU), and suppressors should fit on few weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 1, 2015 (edited) The only way I can see his idea working is if optics were weapon specific, like the mod, but they aren't. The PU Scope isn't Mosin specific, it can be used on the SKS as well, and hopefully in the future on an SVT-40. The pictanny rail optics (Have to call them that now since there's more than just the M4A1 using them) are all usable on the M4, and MP5K, and will soon be usable on the AUG and UMP45 as well. The PSO-1 works on the AKM and AK101, and will also work on the SVD and VSS. Hunting scopes like the LRS (although I'm not sure about it specifically) will be usable across many rifle and sniper platforms. Certain weapons, like the SVD, should spawn with their standard optics most of the time, because it wouldn't really make sense to find one without a scope. These scopes should not be spawning on AKs, though, because they aren't the most sensible weapons in that case despite being usable. Pictanny rail optics and attachments almost have to be spawning away from weapons because of how diverse and universal they are, as getting one with a gun is providing all-access free attachments for any other weapons you'll find. See, even then. I'd rather things like the SVD and VSS spawn without an optic most of the time. Realism be damned (even though both of these weapons can be used with irons just as "realistically" as with an optic). It's more fun to me to have to find the optic after I get the weapon. It's by no means a deal breaker, I could certainly support having optics spawn regularly on certain weapons (like the AUG now). But it needs to be taken into account with balance. Like the AUG, yeah I get they're interested in having a rail for it so it can mount an ACOG, but its selling point is that it comes with an optic. Other than that, it's a fairly humdrum assault rifle. The M4's selling point is that it can be kitted out to a greater degree. That's why I am okay with it, but would of course rather it be spawning as an A3 or somesuch with irons. Which is why I'd rather they'd've gone with something like an SR-3. You get the SR-3, and if you want to make a VSS, you pretty much can! Just need to find a suppressor and a PSO and you can make a VSS. With the VSS, that's pretty much all you get. Whereas the SR-3 can be configured in a variety of different ways. For reference - VSS, SR-3, and AS VAL Edited April 1, 2015 by Katana67 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 1, 2015 Of course gibonez tends to advocate for heavier restriction of, and less overall modularity; AKs shouldn't have the PSO, AKs shouldn't be swapping handguards or stocks, AKs shouldn't have a drum mag at all, SKS shouldn't have the PU, the Mosin should have two variants (one 'standard' straight-bolt and a sniper variant, with only the latter able to take the PU), and suppressors should fit on few weapons. It's not so much restriction I just want plausibility and the accessories to be grounded in reality in reference to what weapon they attach to and in regards to their function. If anything it would result in more modularity since artificial restrictions like the LRS on the m4 would be gone.At the same time Pso scopes on the ak74 and akm would be gone as both do not have side rails irl and only got them in super limited quantities in the N models.Ak101 of course is just an ak74m and that has a side rail and thus should have full customization. All based on realism , same reason why I want wind and the 100m zeroing gone on scopes like the LRS. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trev186 389 Posted April 1, 2015 It's not so much restriction I just want plausibility and the accessories to be grounded in reality in reference to what weapon they attach to and in regards to their function. If anything it would result in more modularity since artificial restrictions like the LRS on the m4 would be gone.At the same time Pso scopes on the ak74 and akm would be gone as both do not have side rails irl and only got them in super limited quantities in the N models.Ak101 of course is just an ak74m and that has a side rail and thus should have full customization. All based on realism , same reason why I want wind and the 100m zeroing gone on scopes like the LRS.I agree with everything but the fact that scopes should be able to spawn seperate.. They are already very rare for the pso.. Make the pso,pu and lrs all just as rare as the pso is by itself now (which is pretty damn rare).Then make it plausible to find the Scopes on guns which use them. 101, svd as val etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted April 1, 2015 It's not so much restriction I just want plausibility and the accessories to be grounded in reality in reference to what weapon they attach to and in regards to their function. If anything it would result in more modularity since artificial restrictions like the LRS on the m4 would be gone.At the same time Pso scopes on the ak74 and akm would be gone as both do not have side rails irl and only got them in super limited quantities in the N models.As far as I can remember you can't attach the PSO-1 to the AK74 (or AKS-74U) in game. Also, the game's AKM is modeled with a side rail, so it's not unrealistic that we can attach the PSO-1 to what we have, but moreso somewhat unrealistic that they chose a model with the rail to begin with (It's such a minor detail, though, that it's not worth worrying about.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stielhandgranate 480 Posted April 1, 2015 At the same time Pso scopes on the ak74 and akm would be gone as both do not have side rails irl and only got them in super limited quantities in the N models.Ak101 of course is just an ak74m and that has a side rail and thus should have full customization. Even ArmA 2 had side rail equipped AK-74s. They were even common issue in the Soviet Afgan war. Devs made a good call having accessory rails, get over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) Much rail. So Russia. Too Ukraine. Edited April 2, 2015 by Katana67 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
star-lord252 83 Posted April 2, 2015 I like this weapon along with its other guns that chamber the same caliber especially the groza. I do wish they could add the tokerav rounds but why not just both I love ww2 weapons especially the smgs (in my opinion a Thompson looks better than an mp 5 )and tokerav rounds could have made it possible but this firearm that now in wip really put the u in unique especially if its used by special forces and that itd a weird looking awesome gun. I'm happy about the vss vintorez but hopefully the devs will take a look at 7.62×25 tokerav and its guns chambering it ppsh 41/PPD 40, TT 33. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agouti 105 Posted April 2, 2015 I think if they add the 9x39, they'll probably add the 7.62x25 tok. That being said, I was first introduced to the VSS in the game America's Army, and then in BF 1942: Desert Combat, and then in Stalker. I absolutely love this gun. It was always my go to gun. I'd fire it in quick 2-5 round bursts within 100 yards. Beyond that, I had to lob it like crazy, but it worked. A fun thought though, regarding scope compatibility. Scopes with chevrons tend to be purpose built for a particular round. The m43 round drops much faster than the 7n6, and thus would need a different scope. So the scope for the AKM would be compatible to a point with the AK-74, but the bullet drop would be off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted April 2, 2015 A fun thought though, regarding scope compatibility. Scopes with chevrons tend to be purpose built for a particular round. Which is why the VSS has its own version of the PSO-1 with a different reticle and different elevation adjustments, but I guess they will just use the regular PSO-1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agouti 105 Posted April 2, 2015 Which is why the VSS has its own version of the PSO-1 with a different reticle and different elevation adjustments, but I guess they will just use the regular PSO-1. Yes, they all have different versions in real life. Sometimes it's messy trying to find a PSO-1 that works well with the 7.62x39 (with all the features you want), so I've just settled on a zrak instead. :P So I'm wondering, in game, should I just adjust by pressing page up and page down, or do the chevrons actually correspond to the proper distance? Note though, as I said, the AK and AK-74 still use the same scope in game which is just nuts. But not as nuts as the VSS using the same scope too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) Even ArmA 2 had side rail equipped AK-74s. They were even common issue in the Soviet Afgan war. Devs made a good call having accessory rails, get over it. No they weren't by any stretch of the imagination. Prior to the adoption of the ak74m side rails were not very common at all. Even to this day with side rails being standard issue optics on russian firearms are extremely limited. Heck The Russian Military adopted socks for the first time ever in 2013 that alone should tell you how obscure expensive optics would be for regular forces. Which is why the VSS has its own version of the PSO-1 with a different reticle and different elevation adjustments, but I guess they will just use the regular PSO-1. Easy fix to that. Have the VSS spawn with it's own version of the pso-1.Have the SVD spawn with its own version of the PSO-1 You can still remove and switch them around to weapons such as the ak101 but the elevation adjustments should absolutely not match the elevation adjustments should correspond to the round and weapon they were meant for. Edited April 2, 2015 by gibonez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites