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Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ  

241 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ

    • No - I want to keep DayZ on terra firma/assorted bodies of water
    • Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles
    • Yes - But I want to only see transports (no gunships)
    • Yes - But I want to only see limited transports (no heli-hunting door gunners)
    • I just want a parachute to stop me from breaking my legs!
  2. 2. If you clicked No, why?

    • Aerial vehicles feel unnatural and don't fit the overall theme
    • Aerial vehicles are overpowering and too unfair for those not lucky enough to find one
    • Dev time could be better spent elsewhere
    • Other - Say in comments
    • I didn't vote no
  3. 3. If you clicked Yes, why?

    • Chernarus is too big just to have land vehicles
    • Teamplay possibilities make it too good not to have
    • The mod had it so the stand alone should have it too
    • Other - Say in comments
    • I didn't vote yes

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As long as at least one stinger spawns in every town i see no harm to 15-100 helis spawning on every map.

But in reality, what would be the use for it? Its not like its far to run between "good loot spawn points" as it is today and if you have a car you can hit all of them in an hour. With a heli it would be silly, clans emptying every server of good loot in minutes. It wouldn't help the gameplay.

 This game needs the playerbase to learn what game it is playing, way too many people treat it like cs or battlefield. I have no idea how this would be accomplished though.

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As long as at least one stinger spawns in every town i see no harm to 15-100 helis spawning on every map.

But in reality, what would be the use for it? Its not like its far to run between "good loot spawn points" as it is today and if you have a car you can hit all of them in an hour. With a heli it would be silly, clans emptying every server of good loot in minutes. It wouldn't help the gameplay.

 This game needs the playerbase to learn what game it is playing, way too many people treat it like cs or battlefield. I have no idea how this would be accomplished though.

I think when some people hear aerial transport this is what goes through their head.


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I rather they not add it.

The map is small enough as it is, then theres the whole realism aspect of random survivors who are civilians somehow magically being able to not only pilot but maintain a maintenance heavy vehicle like a helicopter.

I suppose they could make them really really hard to fly.. Like the real thing, so most of us normal survivors would not bother to fly them

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It is not an island, though. :P

The continent it sits on is nothin but a massive island :p

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I voted "Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles". For my reasoning, I checked "Other". I want aerial vehicles for the thrill when I haven't seen anyone in an hour and I'm casually strolling down main street in some backwater village practicing my headshots with a Magnum on Zed when I hear the sound of rotors in the distance and have to haul ass to a safe spot before I'm seen. Who knows? Maybe I will be near a place rumored to spawn some vital piece they need for their aircraft. Maybe I will be in just the right spot when they land to have an advantage if things go south. Maybe I will be seen from the air and unceremoniously gunned down.


The point: Who knows what will happen? I like my gameplay emergent with a side of chaos. 

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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Guys guys guys. Wishes are one thing and I respect that, but tested experience is another.

Consider the Mod as invaluable source of test-iterations.

There were helicopters only for transport and there were small buzzers which also had guns.

The transport helicopters were awesome. I cannot emphasize AWESOME enough. You are scrapping through some crappy town just to find your next can of beans and then you hear and see a helicopter flying over your head and think how many man hours went into that and how significant effort that was comparing to you finding a can of beans. Great feeling of gameplay depth. You feel as a part of a real living world where anything is possible.

Combat helis with guns? Not so much. They pretty much wipe you out instantly if you are in the open. Imagine that thing wipping out your entire base in one pass. Or patroling the coast to kill freshies? Unfortunately, trolling possibilities are endless as is the supply of trolls.

Lets go moderate with this and then see how it works. They can always add stuff later.

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Voted Yes (transport only) +  team play.

My personal choice would be (as mentioned previously) a MH-6 that has 8 places max.


Keep on voting people, results so far are interesting.

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I rather they not add it.


The map is small enough as it is, then theres the whole realism aspect of random survivors who are civilians somehow magically being able to not only pilot but maintain a maintenance heavy vehicle like a helicopter.


The thing is, you could make that point about a lot of things in this game survival wise.. I do not know how to make a bow, tan leather or ever held a gun in my life.. Should I be prevented from doing all those things in game because I do not know how to do them in real life? Realism is great until you start taking it to the point of losing the fact that no matter what people say about survival/anti game crap, this is an entertainment medium and should be kept as such. This is a game, so lets just allow the people to do all the things they have to do to get things like helicopters up and running and let them enjoy the process and reward.. Yes it should be a pain in the ass to get it running and keep it working but the fact is, if I ever managed it, it would make the effort, team work and time debt worthwhile when I am flying about and enjoying the views.. As long as they aren't armed then they are not overpowered. Yes they can be used to move a squad in or whatever, but who cares. A V3S will eventually be able to do the same as will any other vehicles with 4-5 seats.. Yes the chopper will get there faster, of course, but they also become a focal point for a lot of targeting from those who see it pass.. 


The way I see it, as long as there is a weapon capable of punching through the glass of a heli, then the helis will not be overpowered.. And if there are no armed helis then we do not need stingers or AA guns or anything like that as until they land, parachute, whatever, they are not a threat besides spotting.

Edited by GaleKast
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Eventually would like to see one of these. Dude i freaking love the paint scheme. But if i could paint even light aircraft colors like this id be a happy camper haha.




I picked Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles 


I really think there should be as many aerial vehicle types as there is land types in real life HOWEVER I do think they should still be rare and i think the parts especially for something like pictured above should be rare as hell but something kind of endgamish.


the only reason i think this would be a good idea, is if you are trying to keep to the theme of "beginning of the apocalypse" where the last pockets of military are bombing towns and such to try and save whats left of humanity.


For what most people play dayz for, i say NO. It is feasable to say that a good number of civillians may be lucky to have a pilots licence and are able to fly a censer or a helicopter, if you have the money and time to do that as a hobby. But Ramp starting a fighter plane? Really? I play DCS world and can do a ramp start on an a10 Warthog in about 6 minutes, get it combat ready and in the air within 2 minutes after that. No standard civilian that worked at walmart or a cop is able to just jump into a fighter plane, switch it on and even get it rolling, let alone take it up and do straffing runs, its just not going to happen. Even if they did manage to get the right ramp start sequence right, the fact it takes ground crew to fuel it and many other things taken into play.


Just keep the civillian aircraft in game, that would would normally find at an airfield. Cesner, bell ranger helicopter and a microlight. On the flip side, Building a mozzie from spare parts collected round the map would be an awesome touch. All you would need to do that is nothing more than a lawnmower engine, a chair, some scrap metal & chopped wood. With a bit of fuel added into a canteen. There you go. why find a vehicle when you can literally go full scrap yard challenge and MAKE one, it would also fit the apocalyptic theme of improvised crafting

Edited by archamedes

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Id like to see Russian helicopters like Mil or Kamov. They shouldnt be armed but we should be able to shoot from them (as from all vehicles). Also there should be posibility to fall out from heli in case of shapr turns :) Also Id like to see legendary An-2. Its awesome and super loud. I found one hidden in Mishikino :)   http://imgur.com/vhZS7TV


All aerial vehicles demand lots of parts, and lots of liquids (fuel, hidraulic oil, engine oil) and it should take days or weeks to make them running.

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I personally have very very mixed feelings about this.


I think the correct implementation and balancing could one point to make or break the game. I would hate to see vehicles like this becoming hovering fortress of destruction, But being able to zip into secluded areas, scout a town for the rest of your group! you bet i would love to be able to do these things.


But I also feel that the map size also does not really justify it.

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The intersting thing will be how to pratice flying!

So you finnaly get the parts for the damned thing and you crash it 10 seconds after take of XD

Edited by Calvin Candie
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My initially response to flying vehicles in DayZ.

Honestly, I think there is minimal point in having them in, the V3S (and other land vehicles) have already made moving around the map an easy task (providing they don't bug out on simple terrain).

I think the addition of fliers may unbalance things too much, especially as I hope there will not be extremely powerful weapons in the game and therefore it will be harder to damage then with conventional rifles. I also dislike the idea of every survivor suddenly becoming an expert pilot, I realize they may have all watched Airwolf, Top Gun and the A-Team but that shouldn't mean they can fly with the same ability as an action hero. Also there is the fuel issue, diesel from the pumps should not be used as the aviation fuel. Kerosene should be in extremely short supply and only found in the air fields, you should also not be able to fill up from within the vehicle.


In short, leave it to cars and boats that almost everybody can work out how to use with minimal fuss and don't add in things that 99% of people could not repair, maintain or pilot.

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Sure why not its confirmed I can see the use for helicopters and planes not really jets. There all gonna be rare so that will balance out and they can't fly forever so I'll just have to follow them till they land and ambush.

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I see no reason why there shouldn't be a mix of 5-10 total civilian choppers and duster type civilian planes per server.  They've already made it so it takes an extra hour to run the map, on top of the 30 minutes it usually takes because of frequent food/loot stops from getting hungry and thirsty every 4-5 minutes, at MOST.  Which is completely ridiculous to begin with. But it's only gonna get worse once stamina is implemented and such.  It's also really stupid to be so rare that you barely ever see them working, just don't fkn add them at all at that point, it's just silly.  Adding something that 99% of players will never get to use both unfair and is completely pointless and a waste of development time.  Armed choppers though, should be more rare.. Maybe 1 or 2 per server... Or make the choppers able to be customized and make the gun mounts really rare instead.

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I voted no to helicopters,


We don't have big forest or enough map to hide the big tents we have now, the forests we had on the mod have been replaced with new cities mostly,  I think having helicopters spotting survivors camps will make it only worse. 

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In a real apocalypse scenario aircraft would be feasible. No fuel, no parts for Maintence, no pilots. It's just dumb to expect them in a game like this

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As much as i like aircrafts.. i voted no.


From a logical point of view.. how many people (with no experience) can fly an aircraft in a setting like DayZ is in.. zombie apocalypse with just a few survivors alive doomed to roam the lands of Chernarus in search of baked beans forever..? Yeahhh..


Not to mention military type aircrafts that your average recreational / commercial real life pilot has no clue how to even start the things..


I doubt a bunch of half starved to death survivors flyin' around the relatively small map of Chernarus (for an aircraft) would fit the setting ;)

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As much as i like aircrafts.. i voted no.

From a logical point of view.. how many people (with no experience) can fly an aircraft in a setting like DayZ is in.. zombie apocalypse with just a few survivors alive doomed to roam the lands of Chernarus in search of baked beans forever..? Yeahhh..

Not to mention military type aircrafts that your average recreational / commercial real life pilot has no clue how to even start the things..

I doubt a bunch of half starved to death survivors flyin' around the relatively small map of Chernarus (for an aircraft) would fit the setting ;)

Oh, but they can wield M4s like Chuck Norris, start fires like Bear Grills and swim with full backpacks.

Yeh. That is your average joe.

Maybe the survivor was a pilot who knows. Get into the spirit.XD

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I think there is a way to make everyone happy. many people want heli's while just as many don't want them. If the devs chose to go one way or another, someone loses out, so later on down the line, why can't it be down to server administrators to decide?


servers with no vehicles


servers with land and air vehicles


servers with just land vehicles


servers with just air vehicles


so if you dont like helis/planes in this game, then dont join a server where they are active.

Edited by archamedes

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there should never be a conventional chopper in dayzSA, re ARMA2 huey type.





reasoning behind this is simple.


already people have servers for farming loot. you've all seen them "test server" "unstable, don't join" "wipes your character"


these server hosts will be able to farm their barracks and chopper crashes in 10 minutes rather than 20 minutes.






these are the same gimps who would have been doing the same thing in the mod and shooting players from the sky.


choppers like the huey also lend themselves to ass-hat clan play too.


that's a good enough reason to never put a huey in. your classic clan douchebaggery is buffed to invincibility shields.






a good reason to put aircraft in through, is something we are not short of. take a cessna for instance.


the map is large, (not for a jet or plane, though.) and there are only a couple of safe places to land, which are not physically "safe".


this means that people won't be able to camp with them unless they find an area with a decent enough road to land on (there are some)


this last point about landing is why choppers have no place in the game. 




compare that to a chopper.


lands anywhere. you could camp on an island 10km offshore with no space. 




Edited by Wookieenoob
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I think there is a way to make everyone happy. many people want heli's while just as many don't want them. If the devs chose to go one way or another, someone loses out, so later on down the line, why can't it be down to server administrators to decide?


servers with no vehicles


servers with land and air vehicles


servers with just land vehicles


servers with just air vehicles


so if you dont like helis/planes in this game, then dont join a server where they are active.

But if you're just pleasing a niche demographic then what is the point of getting the devs to do it? Shouldn't it be left to moders then? Otherwise you could end up delaying features everyone may want.

Edited by Sike

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