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When will persistence actually be full fledged

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When will the persistence actually not be affected by the wednesday maintenace? Some one about 3 months ago told me it would probably be in in about 3 months.


Does anyone know anything about this?

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Read the last status report.

The latest status report from today on the forum makes no mention of persistence and last weeks just made a slight reference to coming months for core development which may include persistence. People come to the forum to ask the community for help and additional information as not all of us have time to read everything posted online about DayZ. With that being said if you are not going to contribute to the thread with at least a link why even post anything Yazar8?


Supposedly the developers will be implmenting full persistence support in 0.54 or so that is what DayZTV.com suggests: http://www.dayztv.com/news/2015/02/dayz-0-54-update-features-items-list/

Edited by trujuice

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Wait, if Persistence is supposed to be global with the .54 Update, then that means that proper item spawning, item distribution, items-per-hive numbers, and intuitive item despawning will be finally finished?


If so...then I'm at half mast already. This is something I've been looking forwards to immensely. I'm sick of all these restarts and rejoinings and hoping you don't get capped while logging in. 

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I just have to believe that they are working on other things, persistence shouldn't be giving them this much trouble, unless they are trying to over-complicate it and create more work for themselves.


In the mean time I've had a great run at looting whatever I need on a non-persistent server that reboots every 4 hours. Fun for me.

Edited by treetop82

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Doesn't matter. As long is there is a choice, almost every server host is going to set to 'off' so they can replenish mil loot when they need to. Bunch of sorry sacks.

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Wait, if Persistence is supposed to be global with the .54 Update, then that means that proper item spawning, item distribution, items-per-hive numbers, and intuitive item despawning will be finally finished?


If so...then I'm at half mast already. This is something I've been looking forwards to immensely. I'm sick of all these restarts and rejoinings and hoping you don't get capped while logging in. 


Ok, I guess you can disregard my last post. I didn't know it wasn't always going to be a choice. 

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Ok, I guess you can disregard my last post. I didn't know it wasn't always going to be a choice. 

It's supposed to be integral part of the game, but thank god we currently had the option to turn it off as it's not working properly (never has... :rolleyes: ) and was a work in progress.


If they really decide to go through with a complete integration in 0.54, I hope it means they made great progress and fixed both the no loot respawning and the "loot puke"/"christmas loot" problems! :thumbsup:

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It's supposed to be integral part of the game, but thank god we currently had the option to turn it off as it's not working properly (never has... :rolleyes: ) and was a work in progress.


If they really decide to go through with a complete integration in 0.54, I hope it means they made great progress and fixed both the no loot respawning and the "loot puke"/"christmas loot" problems! :thumbsup:

LOL right sometimes I walk in to a barracks on a per server and theres like 10 aks in one room.

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I asked this question of Eugen, this is what he had to say


Yes, we'll see some of the first parts of it arriving soon™, but it's really difficult to provide any kind of exact numbers. What might only take a few hours to configure can easily turn into weeks of drudging, hellish work for these guys to deal with. Just remember the debugger's song:



99 little bugs in the code

99 little bugs in the code

Take one down, patch it around

127 little bugs in the code...

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Wait, if Persistence is supposed to be global with the .54 Update, then that means that proper item spawning, item distribution, items-per-hive numbers, and intuitive item despawning will be finally finished?


If so...then I'm at half mast already. This is something I've been looking forwards to immensely. I'm sick of all these restarts and rejoinings and hoping you don't get capped while logging in. 

Even if central economy isn't completely fixed yet, I'd still like to have my stashes and tent survive Wednesday maintenance.  As it is, persistent servers end up full of books and other useless crap by thursday afternoon.  Having to restart my supply network every week feels like a Sisyphean task.  Game feels so badly broken when every bit of progress that won't fit on your toon goes up in smoke on a regular basis.

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LOL right sometimes I walk in to a barracks on a per server and theres like 10 aks in one room.

But that's all you get, ever.  Once a persistent server has been picked over, it stays pretty sparse.  Interdimensional travelers can pick all the good loot out of persistent server, leaving them a pretty rough place to survive for the rest of the week.  Unless you know of a recipe for craftable rags?  I've never seen so many fisrt aid kits conatining nothing but damaged IV start kits and blood bags, unitl .53 dropped.

Edited by emuthreat

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  Unless you know of a repice for craftable rags?


4 oz. Confidence

9 tsp. Apathy

2 tps. Witty one-liners

3 URLs to funny gif's

And 1 big ass dick

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4 oz. Confidence

9 tsp. Apathy

2 tps. Witty one-liners

3 URLs to funny gif's

And 1 big ass dick

Where did you find teaspoons?

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The non persistence servers seem to spawn too much loot, the persistence servers seem to spawn not enough.  It doesn't seem very far off though in either direction.  I can't wait until its "just right," should be pretty cool when the dev's nail it down.

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Well, full persistence from what I have heard won't be in for a little while. Not sure about it being in 0.54, though.

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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Persistence is my thing, it is the one most important thing and I am waiting, persistently for full implementation !

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Waiting for this as well, PVP is getting a little old and until persistence is fixed, I can't play survival mode...well I could but it seems futile if I cant stash my stuff, my .02

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