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Getting really bummed out after buying this game.

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Let me start off by stating who I am, I'm a single disabled father of 4 wonderful young daughters. I cant walk very well most days, so gaming is my only real escape. Today I spent 15 hours playing today off and on. I was in a small building the last time, a zombie made it inside, I shot him  and right after I pulled the trigger the second time, the server dropped me, I lost 15 hours worth of loot, that's twice today, and some of the stuff was pretty damn good for me. I cant stand having to restart from scratch every damn time. I don't even under stand how to use the map, much less get where the hell I want to go... This is making for a very horrible game play. Even more so when the noobie killers jump me right off talking insults and chasing me around to club me to death. In this game I am a noob, I except this. I love these types of games, but hate losing everything I worked so damn hard for to some server glitch. Is there any damn way to recover my losses, or find a server that isn't full of noob killing a-holes who just get joy out of other peoples loss and pain.

Edited by horror_writer43
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Welcome To DayZ, Stick with it my Friend it will be worth it in the End

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DayZ's meant to be a bit of a struggle. It's not like most games where everything is just handed to you. Once you die, you die.

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Sorry to say this, but once you die, it's gone, the only way to get it back is hope the server restarts in a couple seconds and sends you back to where your were moments ago. Also, if you just keep playing, and apply some basic navigational skills you'll be able to learn the map, in due time. Good luck out there, DayZ is tough to start, but once you get the hang of things it gets really fun, but it can be a chore. Oh, and welcome to DayZ!

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OP- my suggestion to you is to find a less populated private shard... it's never any guarantee that you're not going to get killed- but you're definitely unloading a few chambers of wheel gun for your inevitable game of Russian Roulette. 


People are a bit less "rammy" on the privates since they can't just bounce from server to server to fetch loot from bases and beat up of freshies who have no interest in confrontation. 


A few of us have been recording a sort of diary in the "How was your DayZ" thread. Some of them are quite long but really help to emphasize the potential of the game if you look at it in the right light. Nobody can really help you with the glitching and the server performance- that's something the devs need to work on. But in terms of gameplay- I think what you need is the reassurance that not all servers, and not all players are created equal. Some of the most lethal players the game has seen are the ones who will take they gear off and let you choose what you want. While there is no shortage of jagoffs who will kill you- the number 1 rule I've read about DayZ is "Don't get attached to your gear." 15 hours of looting- I can only imagine the neat stuff you accumulated... but if you weren't complaining about starting over again you might be in here complaining about "What do I do now that I have everything I need?" 


I was feeling down about a week ago and decided I would spend more time learning how to live off the land... go hunt a deer (had to be a deer) and kill it. Make a bow and arrow... find the feathers. Craft a knife. Find matches! (ugh)... This will help you figure out how little you need to survive. That way, if you do get wiped or killed... getting back on track is not as daunting a task unless you've made a CONSCIOUS decision to live in excess. 

Edited by ENO75
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Have you tried 7D2D? It just sound's like this is your game. DayZ is suppose to be brutal, it is suppose to be ruthless.


If you still want to play DayZ then you need to suffer, learn, adapt in that order. Deaths will become less frequent and you will start to learn how to stay alive for longer periods.


Every death you need to ask yourself, what did I do wrong? How could I of handled that better and then action it, commit it to memory and learn not to repeat them.


Dying to glitches is just part and parcel of DayZ, especially when it is still in Alpha stage.


Good luck and try to find a buddy, the game is far more enjoyable playing with others.

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If you need help with figuring out where you are and where to go: http://dayzdb.com/map


Basically when you first spawn in, you'll be somewhere along the coast. All the towns have road signs, so until you learn to recognize them by landmarks, just look at the sign and then find it on the map (in game it'll only show the Russian version). Some people consider this map cheating in a sense, since it'll show you loots spawns and whatnot... But as a working adult with kids, I don't give a crap. I don't have time to wander around aimlessly. In my short time to play, I like to figure out where I'm at and figure out where I'm going. It's fun for me that way, so I don't pay much attention to the purists.


As for losing gear, that's just part of the game. I get killed all the time. Just how it goes. It sucks if you lose it to a server glitch, but again, shit happens. Gotta keep a positive attitude and just try again!


Hope you stick around. Once you get the hang of it, DayZ is a lot of fun. :)

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Always keep in mind that DayZ is still 2 years from completion.


You did not buy a finished game!


I think we will see a large improvement in all aspects of this game in the next 6 months.

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Let me start off by stating who I am, I'm a single disabled father of 4 wonderful young daughters. I cant walk very well most days, so gaming is my only real escape. Today I spent 15 hours playing today off and on. I was in a small building the last time, a zombie made it inside, I shot him  and right after I pulled the trigger the second time, the server dropped me, I lost 15 hours worth of loot, that's twice today, and some of the stuff was pretty damn good for me. I cant stand having to restart from scratch every damn time. I don't even under stand how to use the map, much less get where the hell I want to go... This is making for a very horrible game play. Even more so when the noobie killers jump me right off talking insults and chasing me around to club me to death. In this game I am a noob, I except this. I love these types of games, but hate losing everything I worked so damn hard for to some server glitch. Is there any damn way to recover my losses, or find a server that isn't full of noob killing a-holes who just get joy out of other peoples loss and pain.


well, for your dissapearing character problem, first you must understand that you have a different character on public 3rd person view and 1st person view servers, and a seperate character for every private shard/hive. so check what type of server you are joining if you want to continue your previous game. after a server reset wait for the server to reboot before trying to join it again or you will lose the character, so join when server time sais 'xx:01' or higher, not 'xx:00'


navigation is the same as irl. look for the north star or find a compass, find landmarks around you or look at village names on roadsigns and try to pinpoint your location on the map


the getting killed for no reason.. yeah.. that happens way too much. moving from cover to cover helps a lot.. not travelling in the open etc. avoiding the biggest points of interest like cities along the coast and the airfields/mil bases helps too

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This is a survival game

You learn to play by dying many times - many, many times

It's not a nice game, you are either alive or you are dead, when you are dead you start again at ZERO


Check Youtube and these forums for clues and tips.. don't believe everything you hear in either place.. you yourself make each decision, it's your neck, any wrong move and .. you're dead.

Simple. Learn as you die,


the game is set in one of the worst places a human being could find themselves .. there are many ways to survive but each route towards survival requires a combination of skills, knowledge, learning, luck, determination, plus various objects (loot) and perhaps also knowledge of crafting (combining objects to make useful things) . You will die a lot to find out these things.


As well as "survival" there are 2 other problems

1 ) zombies - depending how used to them you are - how knowledgeable - these can be either DEADLY or just a minor irritation as you go about Chernarus..

2 ) Other human beings - ah, well.. there's the REAL problem. What is more dangerous, more deadly, more two-faced, more friendly, more merciless, more callous, more indifferent to suffering, more sadistic, more caring, foul-mouthed, funnier, more evil.. than a human being ? How can you deal with them ? Do you trust them, do you distrust them, do you kill them and steal their food?

Remember - in this game the other players are NOT NPCs - they are real people.. find out for yourself what real people do in Chernarus.


There are several good guides and many explanations of different aspects of th egame, on these forums - my advice is get off the beach into the trees, throw away the torch and the battery, drink water till you're stuffed (if you know where any groundwater is found), go inland -  and then the first shirt you find tear it into rags for bandaging (or you can tear your own T-shirt if you have nothing else).. you need at least 6 rags - then head inland up any valley going West (away from the coast) -  loot as little as poss until you're off the coast and don't go near anything military. doing this stuff will increase your survival chances by 5-10% maybe as you start to learn the game and what NOT to do. But you will die anyway - it may take longer.. when you don't die ALL DAY you've started getting the hang of it.  And if you find a yellow raincoat put it in your pocket (4 squares) and you can put things in the pockets of the raincoat - while it's in your pocket (so it takes up no real space). Wear it to avoid freezing to death in rain.


ps - Generally - don't talk to anyone unless you're under cover (they cant see you) and you have an escape route. If you have nothing in your hands you can run faster than someone carrying anything in their hands (eg a gun or an axe) otherwise everyone runs at the same speed. Put the "interact" key onto your mouse wheel press button - this gives you a better chance of shutting a door in a zombies face, or opening a door as you escape IMO.


glitches and restarts you learn to take in your stride.. All the comments above in this forum make GOOD sense.

REALLY - It's a nasty, bad, tough, UNFAIR game.. That's why we like it.   It is NOT Lara Croft .. (she wouldn't stand a chance)



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the undeserved death in Dayz are the worst but you're going to have loads of them! so better get used to it i'm afraid, the mantra is "don't get attached to your gear"

Edited by Calibre
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[quote name="horror_writer43" post="2208080" timestamp="1422494


Yeah, whatever. You have it easy. My first exposure to DayZ was falling though a plank of wood 6 feet above the ground thanks to a glitch and crawling for the next hour or so until I could find a tall enough building to throw myself off.

15 hours is nothing, losing a character to a server mess up or glitch is annoying but ultimately nothing either.

Play on...

Edit..hmmm drunk krazy was a bit harsh last night and apparently a bit confused too, sorry about that.

Gearing up is half of the fun of DayZ and since characters die so easily and also get wiped from time to time it's never a good idea to get overly attached to either your character or your gear. Recently 2 of my characters (1 private server and my public 3pp) have lost items when I have logged back in - you just have to accept it and alter your plans to deal with it.

It sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands to devote to the game and, trust me, the game can reward that. The map is huge, there's lots of places to visit, rare items to find, challenges to set yourself and ways to play.

Edited by krazypenguin
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Horror- I have been playing for about a day but I've been following dayz since it's inception as a mod. If you want to get on together I will back you! Prior military/injured discharge and I have a daughter myself.

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Dayz wiki

Izurvive.com (maps)


Just 2 tools out of many.


Use the sun, east in the morning, west in the afternoon.

Know when the servers restart, usually warning messages.

And keep an axe ready to kill, and watch for others.


Make sure your ping, and DE sync are good. if DE syncing and disconnecting will result in awful results like falling to bugs.


I must say to the comments this game is brutal, its a cake walk compared to many other games out there, its not even populated yet. Yet the bugs I agree are brutal.



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I lost 15 hours worth of loot, that's twice today, and some of the stuff was pretty damn good for me. I cant stand having to restart from scratch every damn time. I don't even under stand how to use the map, much less get where the hell I want to go... This is making for a very horrible game play. Even more so when the noobie killers jump me right off talking insults and chasing me around to club me to death. In this game I am a noob, I except this. I love these types of games, but hate losing everything I worked so damn hard for to some server glitch. Is there any damn way to recover my losses, or find a server that isn't full of noob killing a-holes who just get joy out of other peoples loss and pain.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven"


This game is no less brutal than life itself. Many of the same lessons apply. There are a lot of guides out there that could help you with starting pains - here's one written by a buddy of mine: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/212329-mr-jizzs-manifesto-of-player-interaction/

Edited by Old_Crow_Whiskey

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wow a new angle on an old topic 
1/10 for attempted drumming of forum traffic 

its almost like some fanboy was  bursting with wee to post something but nobody was posting new topics for them to reply to because there all off badmouthing H1Z1 
so OP had to do it themselves in classic 4chan style 


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justa note:

I'm fairly bummed out they put suicide in the game (but it's not my problem, ya know)

suicide is for the WEEEEEEEAAAAAK


In the Mod, I spent one of my best times ever with 'almost-dead + a broken leg', hiding behind dustbins near a store.. for 2 DAYS.. . crawling across there to get stuff to eat, crawling back out of sight, crawling to a well to drink, then back behind the trashcans before the KoS or the zombs came wandering past.. waiting to heaI -  was there 2 whole real-time days (a weekend of about 20 hours ? playing time)  and ALMOST made it .. In those days in the Mod then, if you were hidden or you laid flat (stealth) the zombies could walk past a couple of yards away and not see you; but there were a lot of them.


I just really wanted to survive, ya know...   So 4 years later, I still remember that experience like it was yesterday. That's probably why I'm still playing.

Its a GOOD game and there's a lot in it - much more than people think at first sight.



Edited by pilgrim
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You're right, HW, it's heart breaking but it's also part of the game.  We've all told similar tales.  I survived for 181 days and got shot in the back by a kid I was trying to help.  <_<


Don't give up.  Grit your teeth and start again. I'm in the UK and have just started playing again, now my pc is working after nearly a year of not being able to play. Feel free to join me if you see me on the servers.  I never kill players and am happy to help out if you see me around.  :thumbsup:

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