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Anyone feel the .52 nerf to the V3S was too much?

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I extensively tested the V3S on .51 and they were very fun, a bit buggy and had no horsepower but still fun, but now? Eh. The V3S appears to have had its Speed, Acceleration, and overall horsepower completely nerfed to oblivion.

I took some pictures to demonstrate this, in this picture you can see the truck is traveling up an approximately 13 degree incline, the truck was traveling at about 30kph when it hit this incline.



Upon hitting the incline the truck slowed to a speed of 6kph within about 7 seconds.



This was the top speed for the truck until it reached flat ground again, 6kph is about 3.7mph, .5 mph over the average human walk speed. I understand that the V3S is an old truck but this is simply unrealistic, I agree it should not be a mountain climber but a 13 degree incline is hardly a mountain, I wouldn't even call it a hill. at the moment, if your truck encounters any incline over 8 degrees the vehicle will drop below jogging speed, meaning people can easily run either to your door, open it, and kill you, or in front of your truck to shoot you, it makes the truck pretty useless unless you keep it on the coast where the roads are pretty flat and who wants that? I like to explore, I want to take this thing on the old logging roads where it belongs.


According to the wikipedia article on the actual Praga V3S it has a 7.1l, 6 Cylinder engine capable of producing 98 horsepower. If you want I can calculate the weight of the truck without a bed and what speed it should be able to maintain up a given incline for realism but I will guarantee you that it will require a boost to the V3S performance in all fields.


I'll delete this and repost it in suggestions with the actual math done on how the vehicle should perform if people agree with me on this.

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Are you sure it wasn't damaged in some way making it go so slow? Also did you try keys [q] [w] or [e] because in the mod they were the bindings for 3 different speeds, I think it's the same in SA isn't it? 

If none of that is true then yes that is very slow. 

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Praise the V3S.


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As with many other things, i doubt this will be permanent and i think its done for "testing purposes".

Just think back to the whole freezing/overheating hell, we had some months back, it seems to be the same process they are following, with small variations, on almost all of the bigger mechanics ingame.

It will most likely not stay like this forever, but they could be doing it, to gather more data on the general vehicle role and function.


I also dont see any kind of need to start doing the calculations, for Bohemia. They are more then capable of doing it by them selves.

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I recently saw a video on WOBO.

He says that when going up hills it is recommended to use the turbo function.



Turbo function uses 25% more fuel.

The results you got were with turbo use or with regular driving speed?

Edited by Damnyourdeadman
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I recently saw a video on WOBO.

He says that when going up hills it is recommended to use the turbo function.





Turbo function uses 25% more fuel.

The results you got were with turbo use or with regular driving speed?

Exactly. There is a turbo mode you should acitvate.

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I have to agree with OP, the V3S literally, doesn't even move without the turbo key constantly pressed down and the vehicle feels like it weights 3 times its real weight. The steering is little erratic as well and its worth keeping in mind that not everyone is using a steering wheel or gamepad.


As for starting engine and opening the doors, I surely hope that is just temporary solution having ALL the action crumbled in that horrible drop down menu again. I don't see a reason why we have to have separate commands for opening doors and getting in when surely simple get in is sufficient?


Furthermore the V3S seem to be little fragile and absence of any damage indicators doesn't help. While not realistic the previous damage indicator display worked just fine.

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Stop moaning about stuff that isn't finished.


I always have to LOL at posts like this, so helpful :rolleyes:  Last time I've checked providing subjective feedback on new features is not moaning 

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I always have to LOL at posts like this, so helpful :rolleyes:  Last time I've checked providing subjective feedback on new features is not moaning 


I always have to LOL at people moaning about stuff that isn't finished.

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I was driving one only the other day. If you are constantly trying to go uphill you are obviously going to have problems. But as soon as you level it out it's fine.


No such thing as 6 kph maximum speed, not even uphill. If you start accelerating going uphill and never even start changing the way you're going and just drive uphill you're obviously not going to cut it.


There was no nerf, I was driving through a forest doing over 50 kph and literally pissed myself, because it doesn't lose any speed whatsoever when going offroad.

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I don't really know how the vehicles are coded in but it seems to be that the V3 has no torque. It accelerates like crap and if you try and start on a hill or or climb a hill with little starting momentum you're in trouble. I've also never driven a real version of these trucks but for argument's sake, I believe the V3 is a little underpowered at this time. In my opinion at least, it should be able to handle hills a lot better. I think the top speed is decent where it is though. I do think the "brakes" need some further investigation too.

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You know I drove that truck and rode in it for bit my 1st time recently.....I avoided it for the longest because of the death horror story's due to bugs, but some TS pals had a couple of them on one server on X-mas night. 1st off riding shot gun is glitchy as all hell. Driving it how ever I found to be pretty fun. It seems challenging not too bad, I liked it. Seemed more realistic then ARMA 2 drive mechanics...maybe thats just me. Its still early, Its seems promising, but there is a lot of stuff to be worked out yet by the devs.


Lets face guys......The VS3 is an old truck were talking 1950's thats being nice and prob is underpowered....I mean its kind of a hoopty in RL you add in that its a apoc in game....your lucky to see them even running. So maybe its to be expected in a way. I am kind of wait and see right now...there buggy anyways so I only ride in them for fun its not a viable mode of trans form me yet, I'm a grunt I huff it lol Those things are so god dam noisy on a packed server you kind of make your self stick out like a swore thumb, not to mention the glitchy nature of them....I prob would turn down a ride, unless I have no choice. But its good to see them, and hope to see more soon. The thing I like about them is its an old gritty truck that really seems to have its place in the world, it fits in prefect with the whole gritty eastern euro feel to the game. 


So no complaints its early.

Edited by CJFlint

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Stop moaning about stuff that isn't finished.


So I guess we should all just stop talking about everything in the game right? Because it's all not done? Forums are for discussing things.


Contribute to the conversation, or there's the door, sir. 

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Don't think it was nerfed, was always really slow up hill.  Gain momentum before going up.


It's too slow uphill though for sure, but there wasn't a nerf...

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It's nerfed for sure. The uphills on the roads aren't that steep. Maybe if the truck was loaded way past capacity, it might top out at 5 km/h going up hill on steeper inclines. But the thing doesn't even have a bed on the back! 5 kilometers an hour is about the average adult male walking pace. True it is a slow truck at top speed in real life, but it wouldn't be as slow going up hills as currently depicted in the game.

Edited by Khadaji
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If you will recall, this truck will be fitted with a manual transmission. You will have to downshift to go up hills. Until the transmission is fully implemented, we are bound to have problems.

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I extensively tested the V3S on .51 and they were very fun, a bit buggy and had no horsepower but still fun, but now? Eh. The V3S appears to have had its Speed, Acceleration, and overall horsepower completely nerfed to oblivion.

I took some pictures to demonstrate this, in this picture you can see the truck is traveling up an approximately 13 degree incline, the truck was traveling at about 30kph when it hit this incline.



Upon hitting the incline the truck slowed to a speed of 6kph within about 7 seconds.



This was the top speed for the truck until it reached flat ground again, 6kph is about 3.7mph, .5 mph over the average human walk speed. I understand that the V3S is an old truck but this is simply unrealistic, I agree it should not be a mountain climber but a 13 degree incline is hardly a mountain, I wouldn't even call it a hill. at the moment, if your truck encounters any incline over 8 degrees the vehicle will drop below jogging speed, meaning people can easily run either to your door, open it, and kill you, or in front of your truck to shoot you, it makes the truck pretty useless unless you keep it on the coast where the roads are pretty flat and who wants that? I like to explore, I want to take this thing on the old logging roads where it belongs.


According to the wikipedia article on the actual Praga V3S it has a 7.1l, 6 Cylinder engine capable of producing 98 horsepower. If you want I can calculate the weight of the truck without a bed and what speed it should be able to maintain up a given incline for realism but I will guarantee you that it will require a boost to the V3S performance in all fields.


I'll delete this and repost it in suggestions with the actual math done on how the vehicle should perform if people agree with me on this.

Please excuse my kinematics wood; afterall, I must rest this slide-rule on something.

Edited by emuthreat

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Hit the turbo, you'll be fine! :thumbsup:  (I never let it go.)




A good speed is a top speed!  (Don't try this at home!)

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