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About DickCheney

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    Face punching fully geared players

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  1. DickCheney

    The Plans and Goals for 2015

    Well we are coming up on two years of alpha, what sort of time frame would be appropriate? They have fallen short on their goals for two years, I find that very troubling. If they are goals for internal benchmarks then why post them as a roadmap for us? I've watched them progress and tried to keep an eye on what they were working on but they are not very transparent, they post a WIP every now and then but for the most part we know what we are getting when it hits EXP, if they want to keep us updated they need only post a status report in the forums every couple of weeks that details their current projects. Heh. So in January they had reached 3,000,000 copies sold, wonder how much that grossed? about $90,000,000 I'd say. That is one hell of a budget to rework an arma mod into an actual game. Near on one hundred million grossed and I feel we do not have enough to show for it, two years of development and very little has changed. They claim they have a team of 80 or so working on this game but I just can't believe it, at this speed it seems like maybe 5 to 10 people are actually actively developing this game.
  2. DickCheney

    The Plans and Goals for 2015

    Everything I put up there was on the DayZ Dev Team Roadmap, they said it themselves, these are plans and goals they expect to achieve. I wouldn't bitch if they had delivered on maybe half of the goals but they didn't, they didn't even get 1/4. This is not a free to play alpha, I paid for this, WE paid for this. When the devs lay out a plan and only manage to reach 5 or the 21 goals they set for themselves I expect answers as to why the project WE funded is coming along so poorly.
  3. So we had a thread like this a while back, probably in Q1 or Q2, we are now in early Q4 so I decided to tally it up. One year ago the DayZ dev team posted a list of goals for 2015, these goals were divided into the four quarters of the year. Where do we stand today? Q1 2015 Basic vehiclesWe got two versions of one vehicle, I'll give you half a point.Central economy (advanced loot distribution)The CLE did not actually get up and running until late in Q3. Half a point.New rendererI don't think we ever actually did get this but I may be wrong, for now you get no points.New Zombie AILol, no. Zombies have been removed from the game entirely, no points.Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, ...)Yep, the system is very basic but it does work, 1 point.DiseasesWell we got Cholera and Kuru, I'll give you 1 point. So for Q1 you got 3/6, half of your goals were not reached. Q2 2015 Advanced vehicles (repair, modifications, ...)Nope, you added tire repair but I won't even give half a point for that as its not needed since the tires respawn after every reset.Advanced animals - life cycle, group behaviorThey do seem to roam and group together but do little more than seek out water and drink until they are scared away. I'll give you the point though.Player statisticsNope, no points.New UI Stamina / fatigueNope, no points.Dynamic eventsNope, no points. For Q2 you got 1/5, the majority of your goals were not reached. Q3 2015 TrapsBear traps and landmines but no craftable traps. I'll give you the point.BarricadingNope, no points.Character life span + soft skillsNope, no points.Animal predators + birdsNope no points.Aerial transportNope, no points.Console prototypeNo? I don't believe so, no points. Q3 scored a dismal 1/6, I'd call it a complete failure due to the fact that the traps were so basic and are not even in the current patch. Q4 2015 BETA versionDoubtful, but we'll see.Animal companions (dog, horse)Lol no, you haven't even shown basic work on these, I doubt we'll see them in 2015.Steam community integration (Achievements, Steamworks modding, etc)If only, at this point modding is all that could save this glorified mod.Construction (building shelters / walls / ...)This may actually come true but once again, I doubt it, we'll probably see more base building objects like water and food storage or maybe even power but base building is still very far off. So here we are in early Q4, so far in 2015 you have achieved 5 out of 21 goals that you set for yourself. This road map is little more than a crudely drawn line over craft paper in a preschool classroom, oh but wait, I forgot one of your plans did actually come to fruition: "Along with the remaining updates this year you can expect a new price point for DayZ, a slight increase to $34.99 USD." Oh DayZ dev team, you are something special. I hope we have all learned something after watching them laugh their way to the bank with our money as we hold 5/21 of a game. inb4 thread locked and graveyarded, if you really want to encourage discussion on the state of the game you'll let this stay but too many times in the past I've seen criticism swept under the rug if it wasn't presented with a spoonful of sugar and a pat on the back.
  4. DickCheney

    Big cry baby

    As with so many other things, so so so many other things, sooooooooooooooooooo many other things. Oh that mystical "later on".
  5. DickCheney

    Time to look for a new game or wazup?!

    Was one of the snags their incompetence?
  6. DickCheney

    Handcuff Glitch

    Well if you log out while handcuffed you die, its to prevent people who are hostages from just logging out of the server to escape the situation. Removing that would make handcuffs a useless item. As for the not being able to loot the body, that sometimes happens if a body slides down a hill from its original falling location, did that happen in this instance?
  7. DickCheney

    Firing both barrels of the B95

    While geared I've been able to survive up to 4 hits with a blaze so long as they were spread around my body, I don't see two to the chest of a gear player being all to hard to survive. How many shots are you generally needing to down a geared player?
  8. Try TheColony or the DG supershards, my camps have never been wiped on these servers, save for that persistence wipe a few weeks ago. To be honest I don't mind that some servers wipe persistence, sometimes I want to get on, easily find a gun and ammo, and wreck some shit. Sometimes I want to travel and build a camp. I like to keep my options open, thats why I support more server options such as loot spawn levels, zombie levels, food spawn levels, stuff like that. And yeah, dayZ server costs are oddly high, probably because of the monopoly a few companies have on hosting dayz servers.
  9. For some reason people often don't want to use private shards, they just want to find a way to stop server hopping. Protip: You will never, ever, ever stop server hopping so long as public hives are connected, you are just gonna have to get over it.
  10. This game is supposed to be set in the weeks or month following a zombie-like disaster, so I don't think you'd see a lot of vegetation sprouting up in the cities so quickly.
  11. DickCheney

    Anti-stab vest

    My friend swears that the plate carrier has saved his life many times, I personally think its because he puts all his stuff in protector cases which gives the bullet more things to go through before reaching him.
  12. DickCheney

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    Ignore the posters here, they have this weird grudge against people who don't explore every place they come across, its almost as if these people have no friends they frequently have to run to, or maybe they just love a running simulator because they never get out, who knows. There was a tutorial on these forums but I can't find it so its probably been deleted. Some people just wedge the keys with coins, I find that my girlfriend's hairpins work well, its not as simple as a run toggle but oh well. Maybe one of these days the devs will catch up to the rest of the world but don't count on it, quality of life improvements never happen.
  13. DickCheney

    [Expanded Logs] Loot Farming

    For those who don't know how to loot farm I'll explain it. You go to an area that spawns loot you want, such as the tent city which spawns military loot, you drag and drop every item in the camp that you do not want, wait 30 minutes for it to despawn (items which have been manipulated are removed by the server after 30 minutes) and then you play the waiting game for item respawn, times vary from item to item. After an hour or two all of the stuff will have respawned, now you can go farm it. Its not a very good way to get loot as it takes like 2 hours to actually start getting loot, 2 hours of defending the place from hoppers. Its easier to hop.
  14. DickCheney

    [Expanded Logs] Loot Farming

    Yeah this will totally never be abused, its not like this could be used to find player bases, something the devs seem be putting all of their resources into improving. We have a massive epidemic of admins kicking people so they can have safe looting servers or "clan servers", we have had them using the reset function to dupe, now you want to give admins the power to find player's camps just because you feel that the game is lagging due to them? I'll tell you now, my group has a sizable camp, about 20 tents, 10 barrels, thousands of rounds of ammo, hundreds of items, about 30 guns, and 7 trucks. The server never lags, performance is no different than before we created this camp. Your issues are imagined or you are outright lying for more power on your server because you lack power in other areas of your life and need to compensate. Also, loot farming is hardly a thing, I've not actually come across it happening at all and seeing as I've got 6 M4s, I've spent a hell of a lot of time around these bases on various servers. Most people (myself included) hop from server to server to find high value loot, farming is a lot of work for so little pay. And yeah, I server hop, everyone does, get over it. <OrLoK: Says: Keep the personal insults out of your posts>
  15. DickCheney

    Does Cooking Still Work?

    Cooked meat of any kind seems to have a 50/50 chance of getting you sick. Its pretty fucking stupid, add animals, add realistic animal roaming, add hunting, dial down the food in game, now make meat a worthless food source. FUCKING BRILLIANT