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Evil Minion

Firearms Ranking

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With seeing all those "Which gun is better?", "Gun A vs. Gun B", "Why gun XY is the best/worst." topics I decided to make a ranking of the firearms in DayZ. I tried to stay as objective as possible using mainly data from the game files but also the two votes about rarity I started earlier. The only values made up based off my personal experiences/perception is the gunshot noise heard by players and the audible range for the new 5.45x39mm round that I set to the same as the 5.56x45mm. Of cause the rating details are somewhat subjective as well and if someone spots a flaw or has a better idea on rating I am happy to hear.


All weapons are put into four tiers and also got a slightly more detailed rating on their own (Offense/Defense/Utility) and the ranking does not take into account weapon rarity or coolness factors (as those would warp it in chaotic ways).




The very best weapon ingame. And... its not the AKM.


M4A1 CQB - O: 6/9 D: 9/9 U: 3/9

High accuracy, high rate of fire, good damage and a turn rate that is otherwise only reached by the humble Derringer this gives probably the best comabt performance. So well actually that it outweights its low utility. The CQB buttstock is vital because it gives this massive boost to dexterity while only being slightly worse in dispersion than the Magpul buttstock. Without this the M4 would drop to about the same level as the AKM.




Very powerful weapons and most likely the top end of what survivors will use. Every M4 variant not using the CQB stock goes here as well. All those weapons and there magazines are pretty rare but definitely worth the search.


AKM - O: 7/9 D: 5/9 U: 3/9

The most powerful assault rifle in terms of damage output - with a drum magazine it can shoot forever - and very accurate when used with the right attachments. Its also the easiest to find magazines and ammo for but not by a significant amount (its still relatively rare). On the downside it provides less dexterity than an M4 and is very loud.


MP5-K - O: 4/9 D: 6/9 U: 5/9

The strongest submachine gun by far. Cannot rival the firepower of any assault rifle but it relatively small, provides good dexterity and easier to find ammo for. Not magazines though - but if you manage to find some you got a very powerful weapon for self-defense that can be surprisingly accurate as well.


AK101 - O: 6/9 D: 5/9 U: 4/9

The little siste of the AKM. Just as accurate, similar handling, same attachments. It doesn't have the punch nor the stamina only using 30 round magazines but ammo is only marginally more rare and only used by the extremely rare M4A1 which means there will be more for you left. It seems to be less loud than the AKM and features slightly les recoil and bullet drop.




All perfectly usable weapons but usually not as powerful as the high tier models. Much more common so many survivors might end up with them. This tier could be divided into two the first group is the group performing above average in the great picture.


FNX45 - O: 4/9 D: 7/9 U: 3/9

The very best handgun in game. For a handgun firing the powerful .45 ACP round (that is even more powerful in DayZ) it has a very high dexterity and magazine size making it a good choice for self-defense or even general close quarters combat. Can mount a Red Dot Sight for better overview and even shooting at greater distances as the gun wont hide your target as the other pistols do. Too bad both ammo and magazines could be easier to find. And its still a handgun, which means it requires extra space and its range is still limited.


Mosin 9130 - O: 9/9 D: 1/9 U: 4/9

If you want to go for long range precision shooting this weapon is the only true choice. With the right attachments its extremely accurate reliably itting targets at up to 800 meters and it fires the most powerful round ingame. It also comes with an internal magazine that can be filled by using clips. Tjough on the other side its quite cumbersome and has a very low rate of fire making it ill-equipped when caught up close.


Repeater - O: 5/9 D: 3/9 U: 6/9

A solid weapon with its quite large internal magazine and uses a fairly common round. Damage and accuracy are good and its rate of fire - while still slow - is much better than the Mosins. Its kept down by only using ironsights limiting the effective range to 300 meters and it is not a very good choice for close quarters.


Sawed-off IZH-43 - O: 5/9 D: 3/9 U: 6/9

Mafia-style. The weapon is small and concealable but packs a hell of a punch in close quarters. Firing both shots in quick succession offers a burst only reached by the non-sawed-off version of this weapon - which is somewhat more cumbersome and while offering more effective range this advantage is not that great if compared to other weapons. Now having only two shots makes it a poor choice for self defense - miss them and you are screwed. Note that the score is identical to the Repeater but for vastly different reasons.


SKS - O: 7/9 D: 3/9 U: 4/9

This weapon offers high damage, rate of fire, a fairly big internal magazine and good range in one package. However its the most cumbersome weapon after the Mosin, ammo is relatively hard to find for a hunting rifle type and its pretty damn loud. The PU Scope can only be zeroed to 300 meters but just as with the FNX45 it allows for shots beyond that - though those end up being less accurate compared to the Repeater or Blaze 95.


Sporter 22 - O: 2/9 D: 5/9 U: 7/9

The king of utility - it might have a poor range and pitiful damage but once you found a magazine - not too hard when compared to other weapons - it can be quite strong. Very accurate within its range, ammo is abundant, its silent and fast firing and a headshot will drop people nonetheless. Its not a weapon you want to use when actively hunting down your targets but its quite good in defensive situations and is very reliable.


The second group is slightly weaker than average but still pretty viable.


Blaze 95 - O: 7/9 D: 3/9 U: 3/9

For mid range burst this is the go-to weapon. More accurate and reliable than the IZH-43 with a much greater effective range. For firing such a powerful round the weapon is relatively quiet. Now you only have two shots and those do not spread out for the better or the worse. Just as the Repeater the Blaze 95 is quite accurate but suffers from being limited to ironsights.


Derringer - O: 4/9 D: 5/9 U: 4/9

Small and handy with very high dexterity. It fires a quite powerful round while being both relatively quiet and relatively accurte - in fact more accurate than a SKS is the right hands. However, you got only two shots and have to cock the hammer after each shot. Also the basic ironsights make it difficult to actually use its great accuracy.


IZH-43 - O: 5/9 D: 3/9 U: 5/9

The long version is similar to the short one with slightly increased range but also more cumbersome. Good burst bot to use it to full effect you need to be very close. And if you miss you are standing close to your opponent with an empty gun. At least its very easy to get your hands on some additional shells and a speedloader might help getting ready again.


Longhorn - O: 7/9 D: 5/9 U: 1/9

You got a scope, quite good accuracy, the most powerful round in game, very good dexterity - and only one shot. Its literally hit or miss with the Longhorn and the very high noise level and long reload make you a sitting duck if you miss.


Magnum - O: 3/9 D: 5/9 U: 5/9

For a handgun the Magnum has quite a low rate of fire as well as low dexterity but you can fire six rounds without having to find a magazine - rounds which are easy to find and deal quite some damage. The whole process can be sped up by using a speedloader. Accuracy is nothing special but it works quite well in self-defense or when relatively close.


Makarov IJ70 - O: 1/9 D: 7/9 U: 5/9

It might not be the most powerful handgun with its eight .380 rounds but it offers high dexterity, is not too loud and both ammo and magazines are plentiful. Purely a weapon for self-defense but practical and viable in this role.


MP-133 - O: 5/9 D: 3/9 U: 5/9

This one is the sustained fire counterpart for the IZH-43. It holds more rounds but needs to be cocked after each shot reducing burst potential but by holding 6 rounds it offers more sustained damage. Otherwise the handling is very similar with the same advantages and disadvantages as the double barreled model. Ammo is abundant but the pump action does not allow for a speedloader.


PM73 RAK - O: 2/9 D: 6/9 U: 5/9

The DayZ unicorn and rarely ever seen even in Youtube videos. But if you actually manage to find both the weapon and the magazines the ammo won't be a problem - unless we are talking damage. At a lower rate of fire than the MP5-K and without any attachments the PM73 RAK is generally a weaker choice. The low damage and range also make it better suited as a defensive weapon. Dexterity is good but not too good compared to other weapons.




Those weapons are worse than the usual choices either characterized by lack of clear advantages or glaring disadvantages. They are still firearms and can be deadly in the right hands - but those hands could create even more success with the weapons listed above.


AK74 - O: 5/9 D: 5/9 U: 2/9

Its an assault rifle - but in case of the AK74 thats actually a bad thing as it gets the full drawbacks of this status with only few of the benefits. Compared to the other assault rifles its damage and accuracy are quite low - and its even less practical with very rare magazines and ammo.


AKS74U - O: 3/9 D: 6/9 U: 3/9

This weapon combines the disadvantages of submachine guns (relatively low damage and range) and those of assault rifles (very rare ammos, high noise level). It works quite well as weapon for self-defense but is way to impractical to be prefered over a handgun.


Colt 1911 - O: 3/9 D: 6/9 U: 3/9

This pistol works okay for self-defense but only if you manage to find both the ammo and the magazine. Good damage but only mediocre dexterity for a handgun. It works but its performance falls short of most rifles - while you have to spare four more slots as you cannt carry it on your back.


CR75 - O: 2/9 D: 6/9 U: 4/9

The CR75 is similar to the Colt 1911 but trades damage for a bigger (and more common) magazine and rounds that are somewhat easier to find. Just as the Colt 1911 it actually works fine in self defense but comes with the full list of drawbacks attached to handguns.


Obrez - O: 6/9 D: 2/9 U: 4/9

By sawing of your mosin you will sacrifice a lot of accuracy for a little bit of dexterity. Yes, it is easier handle an close quarters but it still falls short to most weapons in this regard and its rate of fire is still painfully slow. Do not saw off your Mosin.


Amphibia S - O: 1/9 D: 6/9 U: 4/9

Where the Sporter 22 is practical the Amphibia S is not. High dexterity, easily available ammo and a low noise signature do not counter the low damage, bad range and the fact that it needs both a moderately rare magazine and four additional slots in your inventory.


CR527 - O: 6/9 D: 2/9 U: 3/9

This little rifle is notorious for missing ammo and missing magazines. Other than that its basically a weaker Mosin that is much less accurate and cannot mount a scope.


P1 - O: 2/9 D: 5/9 U: 3/9

Eight warning shots and a well aimed throw. The P1 deals low damage, is inaccurate, seldom comes with a magazine and has an abysmal dexterity value for a handgun. Its the worst weapon currently in game - but still perfectly capable of killing a fully geared player.





The categories used for rating were:

  • Damage - the damage based on hit value
  • Dexterity (your weapon turn rate)
  • Drawbacks - Inventory Space and Noise (Noise is the mean of perceived noise and audible range)
  • Feed - Ammo and Magazine rarity
  • Output - Capacity and Rate of Fire
  • Range - Accuracy (Dispersion) and Aim (Sights)

So basically damage and dexterity count "double" compared to the other values. Each combined value is the squareroot of the multiplied umber of starts from both combined values (as ones practical use usually depends on the other).


Now the final score is simply the sum of all stars minus the "free" one star ratings. The slightly more detailed score comes from combining two of the above values and subtracting one (to get a minimum score of 1 and a maximum score of 9):

  1. Offense: Combines Damage and Range so it's basically the "sniping stat". Thats because those values are important for taking your target down before it can even fight back and thus minimizes risk for the attacker.
  2. Defense: Combines Dexterity and Output so its also useful for general close quarters encounters. Thats because if attacked you have to react quickly to turn things around. Its more important to get more bullets closer to the attacker than dealing much damage with a single one.
  3. Utility: Combines Drawbacks and Feed. On first glance it seems less important but its a very important factor as it will indicate how easy you can prepare for combat and makes it harder for your opponents to do the same.

Basic method:

The raw data (gamefile values, vote results) was subjected to some kind of transformation to bette fit into a five star rating system.


Most values were used as is but other like magazine capacity or dispersion were used logarithmic. For vote results "common" votes counted as +1 and "rare" votes as -1 - the sum would be divided by all votes (including the "average" votes). For this purposes I ranked the rate of fire of non-fully-automatic weapon 0.2 seconds higher.


The data was then centralized around zero by subtracting the average and scaled down to fit into the interval [-1,1] with the highest absolute value being 1. This interval was then divided into five parts of length 0.4 that correspond with the starts ([-1,-0.6] is *, (0.6,1] is *****)


For Magazine rarity I used a different system ranking external magazines between * and *** with the method described above (only three parts) but internal magazines according to:

  • >5 shots, speedloader => *****
  • >5 shots, no speedlopader => ****
  • >2 shots with speedloader => ****
  • >2 shots, no speedloader => ***
  • 1 or 2 shots, with speedloader => ***
  • >1 shot, no speedloader => **
  • only 1 shot without speedloader => * (same as chambering)

Weapons sights ("Aim") were ranked according to:

  • Longrange Scope, PSO-1 Scope => *****
  • ACOG Scope, PU Scope => ****
  • Fixed Scope, Red Dot Sights => ***
  • Ironsights with zeroing => **
  • Pistol/Shotgun* ironsights => *

And finally the inventory rating:

  • 2x2 gets * as you need the most inventory space and those weapons do not fit on your back
  • 2x1 gets ** - still doesn't fit on your back but only needs half the space
  • 7x3/6x3 gets *** as you can use the free back slot
  • 4x3 gets **** - you can use the free back slot but it also fits into some backpacks/clothes
  • 4x1 gets ***** - it fits on your back but can also be put inside clothes/backpacks without taking up much space

*You can zero shotgun sights but you are basically aiming along the barrel without any real sights.

Edited by Evil Minion
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AK74 only low tier?

Son, did I ever tell ya about the time I was in Everon? That was back in '85...they issued us these M16A2 pieces of shit. But I took one of them damn commie's AK74, and that gun stayed with me until the end of the war, tell ya h'what.

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Yeah, I haven't shot with the AK74 yet, but I dont think It's low tier.

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i think that the tiers would really depend on your playstyle. for example, i play as a civilian survivor, so for me, the B95 is a high tier weapon, as is the repeater, and the low tier weapons are assault rifles, and military pistols. my loadout is normally the B95, magnum, and now, a derringer, just cos they are cool. but this gear for me and my playstyle, is high tier, also, because i tend to avoid military bases when i can, an assault rifle is worse than a baseball bat when it runs out of ammo.


so really, great job on the list and all, but B95 for the win. it really just depends on play style.

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AK74 only low tier?

Its pretty impractical and all you get is a subpar assault rifle. Only useful to take if you already have magazines and ammo and even then its one of the most difficult weapons to sustain.

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The 1911 should probably be ranked higher - it's a lovely handgun. However, (on terms of current gameplay) it's inferior to the FNX-45 in essentially every way (smaller magazine size, and fewer attachments).


As for people complaining about the AK-74 and AKS-74U being ranked low; it makes sense considering how new they are. We've only been playing with them in stable for a couple weeks and they use a brand new kind of ammunition that doesn't spawn too often. I'd expect later on that 5.45x39mm ammo will spawn more often and guns like the AK-74 will be more practical simply because of ammo availability, but as it stands it's a straight downgrade from the AK-101 and AKM, who are both better with more firepower and available ammunition.


The AKS-74U, on the other hand, would be an excellent weapon were 5.45mm ammo not so difficult to find. I would argue that because MP5K mags are so hard to find, while AK-74 mags are available, the AKS-74U is a half decent CQB weapon.




and to OP, the AKS-74U uses a rifle round; the damage is far better than the 9x19 MP5K and .380 PM73.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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thanks for your work !


i never really tried the CQB buttsock and if it's that good, i'll give it a try !


i have different opinions on some weapon :


i've been in many fire fights with the reapeter and i don't find it accurate at all, it was a pain hitting a moving target at 100m. the sks is on a whole other level for me. to me this is a way more accurate gun and the PU scope turn it into a true killing machine, plus the rate of fire is so much higher. there is no way these guns are in the same categorie.


i pick a MP 133 over a IZH every day. both one shot killers at short range, the MP 133 has 3X mor chances to do it

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The 1911 should probably be ranked higher - it's a lovely handgun.

As is the CR75 - but both are simply inferior to most other weapons in most regards. Especially the FNX45 that offers all of their advantages and is also easier to handle with red dot sights and (slightly) higher dexterity. In general handguns suffer from requiring inventory space as they cannot be put on that magic back slot. So as a secondary weapon they could be ranked higher but overall they cannot compete.


and to OP, the AKS-74U uses a rifle round; the damage is far better than the 9x19 MP5K and .380 PM73.

I am not 100% sure how weapon damage is calculated in DayZ SA but I think it depends on the squared hit value. And the hit value for 5.45x39mm (7.2) is much closer to 9mm (7) than 5.56x45mm (8). So the damage is only slightly better than the MP5-Ks damage. The PM73 RAK is weaker though, the advantage of its ammo is being abundant.



i've been in many fire fights with the reapeter and i don't find it accurate at all, it was a pain hitting a moving target at 100m. the sks is on a whole other level for me.

The SKS has way better optics than the Repeater but also higher dispersion values. The SKS has a much higher chance to miss beyond 300 meters while the Repeater is still accurate at 400 meters - if you could bring your sights on target. Thats why the KS despite being less accurate gets the higher range rating (PU Scope for the win).


i pick a MP 133 over a IZH every day. both one shot killers at short range, the MP 133 has 3X mor chances to do it

I think thats personal preference and also depends on the situation - some people find the burst or the chance for a quick follow-up more useful. They are ranked the same - its just that I comes before M (which also indicates the AK101 being slightly less effective than the AKM even though it does not show up in the rating). Edited by Evil Minion

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As is the CR75 - but both are simply inferior to most other weapons in most regards. Especially the FNX45 that offers all of their advantages and is also easier to handle with red dot sights and (slightly) higher dexterity. In general handguns suffer from requiring inventory space as they cannot be put on that magic back slot. So as a secondary weapon they could be ranked higher but overall they cannot compete.


That's a good point, when one weapon is actually a good gun but simply inferior to another. It is true that someone good with a 1911 or CR75 will almost always be more effective with an FNX-45, with a higher capacity than the 1911, more damage than the CR75, and more attachment variety than both.


I do think we need some more pistols that can compete with the FNX, such as a Glock 17 (more ammo), or a Mark 23 (more stopping power, also badass laser module), as right now the ideal pistol sidearm is the FNX, or the Magnum for those who don't want to carry around magazines.

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This seems like a pretty well thought out ranking to me. The one thing you don't mention about the M4 is its modular nature, because of which it's also the most adaptable gun in the game.


Of course it's not a sniper, but full MagPul and an ACOG leaves you with a very good mid range gun, while CQB and red dot, or iron sights is an excellent close in weapon - preferable to an SMG in some ways.


Of course the AKs have different attachments, but these seem to have less effect than the M4 ones IME.

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out of interest has anyone tested how the other two ranged weapons (the bows and crossbow) measure up? Also is it true that in-game a bow is better than crossbow i.e. it has higher hit, far better reload time, and only little less dispersion.

Edited by Mor

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I would have liked to include them but I did not find all the values needed. I am also not quite sure if the damage for arrows follows the same formula as the damage for bullets and how to best factor in the much higher projectile drop.

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When I read this thread first, I was like, "M4 is the best? What? The AKM is much more better."


Then I got my hands in the M4... Oh god...


The M4 is better indeed, I also want to add a few things to compare the AKM and the M4. I've done some research about the M4 and I can see the NATO rounds are better.



The M4 is the secret weapon of America, It has a good aim sight and is very easy to use. It is easily foldable and the parts are easily attached. The bullets are not fatal, unless you're sprayed or shot in the head.


The M4 bullets are piercing, not destructive like the AK bullets.


Let's say you're at a war, one side has 7.62x39mm and the other side has 5.56mm rounds. 


Yes, the 7.62 side will be easily hunting enemies and killing them.



However, meanwhile if the "peaceful" NATO rounds get inside you, It won't make you die, it will make you suffer. The injured will be more than the casualties, the sanitaries will be stuck, your teammate seeing you in blood, screaming for mercy, all his morale will be lost. They will not be only winning the physical war but the psychological war aswell.


Another thing with the M4 is the if you empty a full magazine to a 100m target, all of the bullets will hit one specific area, however with the 7.62x39mm rounds, you would be finding yourself shooting the sun halfway the magazine.

Edited by Yazar8
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You know I like the fact evil minion took the time to do this, but really I think much of that is his own opinion though. I'm vary sorry but the M4 lacks range (which is not real world), the real AR-15 has a 800 meter max effective....nothing like dayz lol. M4 has allot more range then 200 meters that is shown in dayz, try 400 to 500. M4 and ARs not realistic in dayz...and before you go saying anything I was in the service and handled the daily. Do I care, not really, they are hard to find anyways and I don't care to look for them. Sure its great at close range IN DAYZ, but thats were it starts and ends. Its not even worth the effort to look for. AKM has range attachments, rate of fire ect ect...and a shit ton of punch. Hes got the mosin mid teir..........that in my eyes is the most deadly weapon in this game used by a skilled players. You can kill players from really fucking far and they have no idea were it even came from....then blame it on hackers lol Thats my opinion only.


But evil minions has a right to his OPINION...its what he likes...not nec what every one else does. I can tell he prefers close end fighting and thats why he selected the weapon teirs that he did. I respect that. Hes got it listed like its fact, were really thats his opinion alone. Hes got the 45 on low par LOL....wow...and the ak-74........my goodness.


New players just go here http://dayz.gamepedia.com/DayZ_Standalone_Wiki......


The wiki is like the NPR is for news...its just facts, no personal opinion. You can decide for your self, what suits your needs.


Whats really is amazing about the wiki.....is when you read the weapon specs......theres not as much difference from one to the other on damage as one may think on many of the guns. The rest is just range, rate of fire and the shot guns case spread. A single shot from a 45 is the same hit points as a single from a akm at close range LOL So much of this is just players perference not facts. LOL Its so true.

Edited by CJFlint
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what is sad in this game, is that the more powerfull the weapon is, the more efficient it is.


if the FN FAL makes its way into the game, you basically add a auto/semi auto mosin with a 20 round magazine into the game. without taking in account the optics, it will be the best rifle in game. in real life, no one will take the FAL over a decent m4.


same with the handguns, if the add a .50 desert eagle in game, it will be more efficient than a glock 19. who would take a 0.50 desert eagle over a good 9mm handgun in an apocalypse situation ?


kidney, liver, heart and major blood vessels should be taken in account by splitting the corps in multiple hitbox. then , the higher caliber won't be automatically the better caliber.


what's matter is the shot placement, not the size on the bullet.

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AK74 only low tier?

Son, did I ever tell ya about the time I was in Everon? That was back in '85...they issued us these M16A2 pieces of shit. But I took one of them damn commie's AK74, and that gun stayed with me until the end of the war, tell ya h'what.


YO !


tell it like it is

Edited by pilgrim

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But evil minions has a right to his OPINION...its what he likes...not nec what every one else does. I can tell he prefers close end fighting and thats why he selected the weapon teirs that he did. I respect that. Hes got it listed like its fact, were really thats his opinion alone. Hes got the 45 on low par LOL....wow...

Most of the scores are not based on my personal opinion - only the ones I explicitly listed as such and the way I put them together to get the tiers. The rest is based on the actual weapon values in relation to the other weapons values (see above for details). So you basically think I rated Dexterity too high and sniping capability too low? You might go by the Offense value then - here the Mosin is the best by far. It still sucks in close quarters.

What 45 are you talking about? The FNX? Of course its not high tier - compared to the weapons up there is inaccurate, takes up a lot of your inventory space, has weaker optics and has a much smaller magazine size.

Edited by Evil Minion

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Most of the scores are not based on my personal opinion - only the ones I explicitly listed as such and the way I put them together to get the tiers. The rest is based on the actual weapon values in relation to the other weapons values (see above for details). So you basically think I rated Dexterity too high and sniping capability too low? You might go by the Offense value then - here the Mosin is the best by far. It still sucks in close quarters.

What 45 are you talking about? The FNX? Of course its not high tier - compared to the weapons up there is inaccurate, takes up a lot of your inventory space, has weaker optics and has a much smaller magazine size.

I will agree the mosin is horrible in CQB, normally I carry a side arm. My personal fav side arm is the .357, simply becuase I just need one speed loader and ammo. You can get away with not even having a speed loader. If you have a mosin as your primary, your play style must adapt to that. Meaning you have to avoid close combat, or have an mp5 in your kit.


There are some players that are really good with the mosin in CQB...really good...(i have not mastered that art yet, nor will I try)...me I'm with you though I will not used it for that..no way.


If your going for what is all around more bang for your buck I can aggree to allot of your list. But its all play to style to concider too here. 

Edited by CJFlint

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AK74 only low tier?

Son, did I ever tell ya about the time I was in Everon? That was back in '85...they issued us these M16A2 pieces of shit. But I took one of them damn commie's AK74, and that gun stayed with me until the end of the war, tell ya h'what.

LOL OFP was an asome game.


Were in the hell are all the mags for the ak 74 in dayz anyways though LOL Single shot!

Edited by CJFlint

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No. No. and No..



M4 is good, yes.. but don't put the CQB on it.. Magpul all the way.


You over-rate the sporter and under-rate the Blaze and other weapons. 

Blaze > Sporter in the hands of a player who actually hits their shots.

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No. No. and No..



M4 is good, yes.. but don't put the CQB on it.. Magpul all the way.


You over-rate the sporter and under-rate the Blaze and other weapons. 

Blaze > Sporter in the hands of a player who actually hits their shots.




I have both Magpul and CQB stocks, and swap them out according to taste/context. The difference in dexterity is not subtle. Agree the Blaze is actually very good.

Edited by Mookie

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I have both Magpul and CQB stocks, and swap them out according to taste/context. The difference in dexterity is not subtle. Agree the Blaze is actually very good.


Mhm.. The blaze is 2 7.62 rounds instantaneously ... I'd call it a low mid-tier weapon, with all of the automatic assault rifles being "top tier".. 


My top tier, in order:









2nd tier









3rd tier


Pump Shotgun

Sawed off Shotgun

Double Barrel




4th tier




Sawed off Mosin

All other pistols



Edited by Etherimp

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True the Blaze is very good in the hands of a player who actually hits their shots. But thats making assumptions - if you are not a Marksman you only have two shots and the Sporter will still be effective on headshot. The Sporter 22 has some qualities that make it slightly more desirable in my (relatively broad) ranking: low noise, abundant ammo, quite some magazine capacity and somewhat better handlung (which increases your chances of hitting your target).


The Magpul stock is overrated - with the latest dispersion chances the differences aren't all that noticable as they only really matter past 400m. On the other side for only slightly worse accuracy the CQB stock gives you a huge boost in Dexterity making the weapon much better in non-"sniping" situations.

Edited by Evil Minion

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