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Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

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Any dev response on the issue yet. Does seem that if anyone on the server kills a zombie everyone gets kicked off.

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Shooting things makes you crash as well. Not worth playing until they fix.

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Crap. I hadn't even thought of that. Grrr... hopefully I get a chance to play this evening!

Well, that might not be an issue, I keep crashing and once I do I can load and hit "I Understand" then promptly crash again until I restart, then I can play for about 5 minutes until I crash again, rinse and repeat.  For me, and may others I see, at least right now, exp is not playable.  Eugen called it, that's for sure.  So, see you on stable private hives..

Edited by Barnabus

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Well I'm unconscious on top of mt. Klen , I was starving for a while and my color dipped into the black and white , I luckily had a berry bush by me and decided to pick the crap out of it (this was in a valley below Klen before I ascended it) and I was able to get I think about 10 berries off of 30-40 tries .. Didn't take too long but I was freezing for half the attempts so my blood was diminishing , weird thing was I got to "hungry" status and found a coat and got rid of my "cold" status , and I still passed out minutes after when I got to the top of mt. Klen ... Does anyone else think there's some new type of thing that makes you pass out ? Elevation sickness ? Lol ...

Edit : about ten crash to desktops , within twenty minutes of hardcore styled persistence , then I got to play smoothly for three 20 minute intervals with a crash in between each .. Going back on need to find a v3s unfortunately gotta start over cuz my guy randomly passed out at Klen :(

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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CTD all the time. Can't be in the game more than 3 mins 30 seconds (timed it) without it doing so. Unfortunate. I sighted a truck, noone was around it. Ran to it... was about to run right to the door to get in... CTD. Cue me shouting 'NOOOOO' like Vader. 

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Why are people so excited about a vehicle? It's never going to be like GTA. I'd take 100s of zombies over a measly vehicle any day of the week. It's pretty depressing that zombie numbers are not a priority in a 'surviving the zombie apocalypse' type game. Just remember, I said it from day one, zombies are on the cutting block. =(

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Well i had an awesome session despite the CTDs...I'm playing on a super secret server that doesn't ever disconnect me =) and like CAP'N said i believe the amount of people present on the server determines how often people got kicked , as my super secret server only has had about five six tops at once and I've been playing for about an hour straight now, when before i was getting disconnected every five mins on a full server...

So i found my V3S at Krastnostav city right in the yard of the convenience store... very convenient i know =). So here are my tips : don't go any where near hills unless you already have speed, in one of my videos i'll show below i had a hell of a time getting up the grass hill near gorka ... I'm currently hidden in the woods somewhere near gorka , someone bring your v3s to me if you can find my super secret server =) .

NOTE: There seems to be no storage at all , or any seats in the back that are "ridable" but I'm sure all that will come over the next few weeks , can't wait to see what's in store :) !

Edited by Grapefruit kush
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Amen, exp gonna get super crowded


Yep...goodbye experimental for me, at least for some days. The handful of servers were almost inaccessible in the past days, with  vehicle implemented everybody and his dog will run to experimental and lock everything down. I'm not a big fan of "server is full" 24/24, seven days on seven...damn, I was REALLY looking for vehicles to be introduced.


If new servers are not online better wait off the horde of drooling fans and log back in after a while. Maybe I'll turn back to stable meanwhile.

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I ran over a deer!!!!!!!  And I didn't CTD until I had actually gone back to the server browser to log out.  Drove from Novo to the derelict military base up North of Sevrograd.  Part way up the hill to the main base the vehicle stopped and started to roll backwards.  Could not get it all the way up to the jail.  That was pretty fun.

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That's totally false and just based on your experience. I always opted in experimental every single time there has been an exp build and although yes, I've been killed plenty of times, I've encountered lots of friendly and non-hostile fellas, some I even still play with as of today.


Paranoia just makes you run in circles! :lol:

It still gives me a reason not to trust anybody. I'm gonna gear up for hours just to get shot by somebody I think is friendly? Nah, not anymore.

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Who was that just in the truck on uk01 on the road to msta ? i was the bambi with the roadflare (was a fitting moment)?


unfortunately my game crashed but thanks for stopping :D

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Topic cleaned.

Fix is being worked on and should be pushed today, if all goes well.

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I managed to play for over 2 hours on the experimental 1st & 3rd person. There is a small caveat... Stay away from Zeds and other players. If you kill a Zed (or possibly are near to another player who kills one)... Your game will crash. I managed to travel from Cherno all the way up to the north edge of the map with only one crash. Yes I killed a Zed and the moment my axe touched his head, BOOM the game stopped dead. The only real way to work at this point is to keep to small towns with a small or nonexistant Zed population. If there are not too many you can sweep the town and conga line them far out into the fields then come back and loot. Yes it is time consuming but it does work. At the moment due to the server update and the difficulties many players are having staying  connected, there is still a good deal of loot to be found, even on the coast. I found food and an axe in the first house I looked in.


Just a footnote... beware the compass at the moment. They are very unreliable. Quite often they will show a diviation of +90*. In other words, your compass shows north but you are in fact gong due east. This will not always be the case so check the calibration often.

Edited by FishGuts4Lunch

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none of the exp servers show as online for me , nothing ..... sadness and woe :(

Hopefully a hotfix is coming through ? :0 !

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Hopefully a hotfix is coming through ? :0 !


Nope. Servers are still online - playing for 2 hours now (with crashes ofc). Seems like Yano got a problem.

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Hello, i know that this problem is known.

I know that theres a feedback tracker, but i cant register.

it allways say: Invalid form security token. This could be caused by a session timeout, or accidentally submitting the form twice.


So i post it here.

Heres the zip file of the rpt logs in appdata/local/dayz



what i have done in game: Walk around, dropped my flashlight, picked up a zuchini and crowbar walked a but more and crashed.

thats it.


 i hope this get fixed soon.

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Thank you.

This is where you should have posted under the circumstances.



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Nope. Servers are still online - playing for 2 hours now (with crashes ofc). Seems like Yano got a problem.

Damn , well I'm gonna jump on soon to see if my v3s is still there (I think they despawn after restart ? Or did I make that up lol?) but I really hope for a fix for the server overload/ CTDs today , I can't wait to see people driving these things all over ... I wanna hitch a ride from strangers like I used to in the mod :) good ol' days(z) are coming back but even better this time :) !

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Found this today, though i couldn't find a car to use it on lol Also compasses are bugged. I've logged in several times and north is always south 


Edited by Maia

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Damn , well I'm gonna jump on soon to see if my v3s is still there (I think they despawn after restart ? Or did I make that up lol?) 


No persistence, apparently, for the trucks. Not that I can test this as I can't last long enough to spot one let alone drive it.





"This is where I'd park my V3, IF I COULD LAST LONG ENOUGH TO GET ONE"

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