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Stable - 0.49 Discussion

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The only way this could in any way be possible is if you have horrendous unimaginable lag... Still I think just by experimenting enough you'd hit him due to random chance. Pick up a screwdriver and stab a zed in the face, keep circling him and only pause momentarily to aim the strike, you'll kill most zombies in not just two hits but probably less than 4 attempts. If you feel like maybe you're vulnerable hit spacebar quick to dash out of the way of his attack.


Some weapons seem easier than others too. In all honesty while most people rely heavy on the axe, the screwdriver or the Mosin bayonet (basically a screwdriver with more reach) are my favorite zombie killers. They don't require an animation to draw and you can easily aim for the face with a quick jabbing animation. Pitchforks and shovels are perhaps the most difficult, I hit very frequently with crowbars but it takes more hits than I'd like usually to kill. The stun baton or cattle prod when powered by a battery are also amazingly effective and easy to aim.

I wasn't lagging. The server was fine too. I kept aiming for the head and the hits would just not connect 9 out of 10 times. By the time I managed to get two head-hits on the zombie he had already beat me to death. Not to mention I hit that same zombie with a bat like 20 times before that, before throwing it away.

Seriously, all the melee weapons besides axes are just a joke. Farming hoe doing more damage than machete to the head? Seriously? Baseball bat is completely useless. They really need to increase the damage for other melee weapons. Kitchen knife to zombies head should be 1-3 hit kill at least. 

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Jumped on a DayZ NY 3rd person (Persistance on) server yesterday and got the Vybor spawn with no starting items. I was able to get some gear and then decided to switch servers because most of the players had logged from the server.  I changed to a DayZ ATL 3rd person (Persistance on) server and started off as a new spawn with the starter gear.  I did not get a message about Not being able to contact the hive.  I then jumped back to a Different DayZ NY 3rd person(Persistance on) and all my gear was there.  I tried several of these DayZ NY 3rd person (persistance on) servers and I always had my gear.


Is this due to the fact I got a glitched spawn or do I need to stick with the DayZ NY 3rd person(Persistance on) set of servers?



Also on a side-note, shortly after going back to the NY servers I started having issues with Please wait and the game client crashing.  I renamed the DayZ folder in appdata\local so a new one would be created and it seemd to help a bit, not sure what else I could try outside of re-installing if the client keeps crashing...



Edited by D3cyf34r

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Ok... I would like to know what exactly is meant by "New Events: Vehicles Spawns". Does that mean DRVEABLE vehicles? Or vehicles that spawn with LOOT in them... define this please...

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Ok... I would like to know what exactly is meant by "New Events: Vehicles Spawns". Does that mean DRVEABLE vehicles? Or vehicles that spawn with LOOT in them... define this please...

It means certain vehicles (not drivable) like the cop car spawn randomly now and with loot in them (hopefully)

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I wasn't lagging. The server was fine too. I kept aiming for the head and the hits would just not connect 9 out of 10 times. By the time I managed to get two head-hits on the zombie he had already beat me to death. Not to mention I hit that same zombie with a bat like 20 times before that, before throwing it away.

Seriously, all the melee weapons besides axes are just a joke. Farming hoe doing more damage than machete to the head? Seriously? Baseball bat is completely useless. They really need to increase the damage for other melee weapons. Kitchen knife to zombies head should be 1-3 hit kill at least. 


Machete is fine, you can kill a zombie with two hits to the hit, sometimes one if you get lucky. I did just earlier today and usually the first hit to the head puts them on the ground which makes finishing them very easy. The baseball bat I haven't used in a little while but if it's functioning like the crowbar then it might be slightly more difficult than it should be (a couple exp patches ago I was using baseball bat though and it was super effective). There's no reason you should be missing 9 times out of 10 though unless you're just standing right in front of the zombie and not moving. Usually it's best to move around to get the animation to connect with the target in addition to avoiding zombie attacks. I might also recommend just forget where the little dot is and pay attention to how the weapon moves in your attack, that should give you a much better indication of how to aim.

Edited by Ebrim
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had a crazy time lastnight on stable, everyone kept re-spawning under the bridge @ vybor.

2 geared players just kept rounding up everyone into the barn right there and making them fight.

put like heaps of melee weapons on the ground and stood up stairs guarding us. while 10+ constantly brawl it out. 

was hilarious. this went on for over an hour. 


thing was worked fine till you seen another player then the desync and lag / rubber banding started. making it impossible to PVP


was so funny though men and women pitted against each other to the death. completely naked scurrying for a melee weapon on ground.

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had a crazy time lastnight on stable, everyone kept re-spawning under the bridge @ vybor.

2 geared players just kept rounding up everyone into the barn right there and making them fight.

put like heaps of melee weapons on the ground and stood up stairs guarding us. while 10+ constantly brawl it out.

was hilarious. this went on for over an hour.

thing was worked fine till you seen another player then the desync and lag / rubber banding started. making it impossible to PVP

was so funny though men and women pitted against each other to the death. completely naked scurrying for a melee weapon on ground.

That sounds .... Awesome lol , when trucks are in I hope there will be cages on the back so we can do this all the time to rowdy chernarus citizens .. Round em up and force em to fight lol .

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Another stable branch that isn't stable, Shadows still flicker, loot spawns are way off, the wet/cold/hot etc system needs a lot more polishing. Oh the list goes on, I also thought the Rossi and the pump action were going to be added in this patch?

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- Hypo/Hyper-Thermia = Wear the appropriate clothing for the conditions. Raincoat/Gorka when raining. Wool/Down coat if at altitude or player breath is visible. Light shirt if player feels warm.

- Heli Crash = Nope definitely Not removed, found 3 last night, all 3 were new Russian style Heli's. (BUG) They were all half sunk in the ground and was Not smoking, so they're hard to spot.

- Grenades = Found a lot of them on Exp 0.49, new Russian variant, found on beds in Barracks. Hopefully they're not as easy to come across on stable.

- Drum Mags  = Much less prominent in 0.49 (Thank the Babby Jessuses), but they are still around. I found 1, but my clan mates have found more.

- Vehicles = ????? Stealth Bombers :huh:


Attire did not affect my being cold on both deaths.  I got out of the rain/cold weather as well as out of wet clothes and into warm coats, boots, hats, etc...  no effect.  I even lit a gas stove and died with it in my hands...  I was full from food and drinks as well.


Good call on the Crash Sites not having smoke now (never thought of that)...  Finding them is gonna suck now though :(


And I was just trying to be funny about the "stealth bombers"...   at least someone is paying attention though ;)

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-Persistence (Events do not get loaded properly after server restart)

The only thing that probably would change this fps to something better.

It does not work.

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Crashed 3 times now (Had to restart PC). I could only play the game for a little under a minute, its either lag or a bug that I can't control my character on the spot, it has a 5 second delay it seems. 


Tell me when you fix it

Edited by Elvis 22222222

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had a crazy time lastnight on stable, everyone kept re-spawning under the bridge @ vybor.

2 geared players just kept rounding up everyone into the barn right there and making them fight.

put like heaps of melee weapons on the ground and stood up stairs guarding us. while 10+ constantly brawl it out. 

was hilarious. this went on for over an hour. 


thing was worked fine till you seen another player then the desync and lag / rubber banding started. making it impossible to PVP


was so funny though men and women pitted against each other to the death. completely naked scurrying for a melee weapon on ground.

Rule 1: You do not talk about Fight Club

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Crashed 3 times now (Had to restart PC). I could only play the game for a little under a minute, its either lag or a bug that I can't control my character on the spot, it has a 5 second delay it seems. 


You should file a bug report on your issue, since this seems to be massively gamebreaking and not known until now. That will allow the devs to try to reproduce it, and in the end figure out if ....



Tell me when you fix it


....will happen or not, since there are chances that the problem is client-side and thus out of control of Bohemia.

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Melee with the kitchen knife kept going into map view every 4th or 5th swing, map was in toolbar.  Will try to reproduce after a respawn.

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Melee with the kitchen knife kept going into map view every 4th or 5th swing, map was in toolbar.  Will try to reproduce after a respawn.


Were you spamming your LMB? That's how i reproduced it. It didnt randomly switch between hotbar items when i clicked according to the animation ( e.g. let the animation play before you hit LMB again ).


Also, it's a known issue stated in the patchnotes.


-Melee (When using rapid left click there is a high chance that melee weapon will get switched)

Edited by ChainReactor

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So if we were still opted into Experimental we got forced to stable?  I'm cool with it just wondering.


Spawned on the beach and in the first house I found a Mosin right of the bat, lol.  Promptly died to zeds as the other player that I ran them into only had a bat and we couldn't take 'em both down.


Spawned without a shirt as well, so no rags. :(


i love you dayz, you so crazy :P

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Does anyone know when the next experimental update is coming?

Afaik , there's no news on it yet ... I'm sure checking the twitters of the devs would be the first place it'd be but I'm hoping for it to come tomorrow (Friday playas !!)

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Can anyone shed some light on this?

It means that it adds weight to your gun, so the guns move to where you are aiming slower when you have a mag inserted.

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Biggest thing I'm having an issue with are these lack of vehicle loot spawns. It's completely changed how and where I travel along the map. Some places I don't even bother going to, and just goes to show that if the spawning variety of loot isn't there...there are simply places no player will go because where once was opportunity...now is nothing. 

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That unfinished building clipping into the NEAF ATC is a pretty glaring mistake. The guy in charge of that area must've been drunk. i looked around at what i could of the building. Looks neat so far.

But this patch is great for me. Melee is good (though the range on the fire axe seems shorter), no crashes or other funny business other then the aforementioned building, body two thing send to be okay one i got the hang of it. Just keep a raincoat or gorka jacket on hand. Taking my shoes on and off seemed a quick and easy way to mitigate small temperature variations.

I did stst to get an shadows through solid walks, but raising is lowering my shadow detail one much fixed it.

I also had horrid sub-100 metre draw distance for everything when i first loaded up, but going into my civic and changing a single settings then bsck to went at it was, fixed it.

Me likey.

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Oh and the zombies need a LOT more punches to kill. Pretty lame fire a new spawn.

No Edit or Quote function on the mobile version of this site? What the fudge?

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