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Stable - 0.49 Discussion

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even tho i got killed by hackers 5 times on different servers I still think this is an awesome update.


Found so much new stuff already :)


How were they hacking...... Teleporting, unlimited ammo....???

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For some reason zombies felt like utter horseshit today.

Bunch of dudes shooting with their AKs and mosins a hundred meters away, what do I and my partner do? Absolutely nothing, I sit still in a bush and they aggro on me.

He lays on the ground fifty meters behind me and they aggro on him. Constantly, constant stream of aggroing zombies for doing fuck all.


It's almost as if whenever someone kills a zombie it respawns and aggroes whoever is nearest to it on a kilometer radius.

Edited by Exorade
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*Sigh* F*cking douche-nozzles, they have to ruin it for everyone don't they. Unlucky dude.

Welp as soon as the next exp update is up il retreat to exp while stable goes to the damn hackers once again  :facepalm:

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Normally I would agree 100% but I'm seeing all of my lowest ping/more popular East coast servers having DC issues after about 15 minutes (similar to Experimental).


If I play on servers between say 50-75 ping I get the best balance of performance.


I believe server DC issues may be tied to persistence (hicks said this?), and it seems that due to load + overall usage if the server is high traffic it brings out the bug to it's fullest.


This is total conjecture on my part and I could be way off but I can only speak from my personal experiences regarding servers and this update.


I just played on a 60 ping server with rain for over an hour with good synch, door states, and zombie interactions, and decent frame rates.

Ment to add this in my last post.


So I aggree with you. What you listed is all tied into this. Players need to be more aware of ping, and bandwidth. How good there connection is ect ect. Becuase the game is so much more effected. It can cause major game play issues unchecked.

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*Sigh* F*cking douche-nozzles, they have to ruin it for everyone don't they. Unlucky dude.


thx for your condolence... I am still crying a little :(

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Yeah i had a player wipe after spending at least 90 minutes on a character, was i just really unlucky or are other people experiencing the same as me?

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Here's a tip: if you hit Esc to bring up your game menu after you die, you can vaguely see what's going on around your dead body. It's very, very dark of course... but you can still see people walking around, looting your body, stuff nearby, etc.

Damn I didn't even think of that , but it's alright I got a new guy that met a new bandit at balota and he survived :)

I was under the stairs of the atc tower after I was smackin a zombie on the top railing and got shot by an unknown assailant. the guy first shows up right in front of the atc door a few feet out , he tried shooting me but hit the back wall so I tucked under the stairs more... I peak out to see that he's gone ... I knew exactly where to (climb the ladder around back to come from the stairs above me) and when I heard footsteps above I ran as fast as I could out the front door , and I saw when I looked behind me (had a Mountain backpack on so I could barely see behind me) a makarov being held by a scary looking guy lol but I was able to make it all the way to the woods and get away ...

I'm loving experimental cuz I don't always find a weapon at airfields now (although they still are easy to find) so It gets much more challenging when you have only a crowbar against a sporter and makarov wielding mad-man .. Much more "survivally" especially with the weather now.

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Yeah i had a player wipe after spending at least 90 minutes on a character, was i just really unlucky or are other people experiencing the same as me?


Did you try to log out and join a different server?


If so, try going back to the server you were on before you lost the character.


I know that a respawn bug from the last build was easily remedied by quickly logging out and back in as well.


Hope that helps a little if it happens again...

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Need expand ? I didnt think expand because everybody know issues. "No message received for ....", desync like crazy , fps drops more than before in certain areas, wait for host forever, server crashes.


I have had none of those issue. Logged in for the first time after update this morning. Spawned in a village near Novo. Ran around for a bit and was fully kitted in about 20 minutes. Saw 4 cattle prods during that time but didn't pick them up.

Killed a few zombies and didn't get any of those annoying range hits or hit after they died like we used to.


So far I'm pleased with the update but will reserve judgement until I get more play time. Had to leave for work or I would have played some more. ;)

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Ehh, fist melee is even more broken in this patch than before. I had to swing 15 times before I could get a single hit on a still-standing zombie. Whilst I managed to get that one hit, I was beaten to death by the zombie.

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Nor does it appear to be the experience of most people playing 0.49.


You mean they're gone?? Like, completely? Or they just don't spawn any loot?


Ugh, more often than the community-at-large realizes. Do you know how much time I spent researching Nettles in 0.49 only to come to the conclusion that their mention in the patch notes was a mistake?  :|


Here's a tip: if you hit Esc to bring up your game menu after you die, you can vaguely see what's going on around your dead body. It's very, very dark of course... but you can still see people walking around, looting your body, stuff nearby, etc.


Your answer to question 2; 


Yes gone completely. There is no copter to spawn loot in!

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Ugh, more often than the community-at-large realizes. Do you know how much time I spent researching Nettles in 0.49 only to come to the conclusion that their mention in the patch notes was a mistake?  :|


That one must be mine mistake because they where shown on DayZTV so I added it to the undocumented. will remove it imidiatly

Edited by basinox

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Ehh, fist melee is even more broken in this patch than before. I had to swing 15 times before I could get a single hit on a still-standing zombie. Whilst I managed to get that one hit, I was beaten to death by the zombie.


The only way this could in any way be possible is if you have horrendous unimaginable lag... Still I think just by experimenting enough you'd hit him due to random chance. Pick up a screwdriver and stab a zed in the face, keep circling him and only pause momentarily to aim the strike, you'll kill most zombies in not just two hits but probably less than 4 attempts. If you feel like maybe you're vulnerable hit spacebar quick to dash out of the way of his attack.


Some weapons seem easier than others too. In all honesty while most people rely heavy on the axe, the screwdriver or the Mosin bayonet (basically a screwdriver with more reach) are my favorite zombie killers. They don't require an animation to draw and you can easily aim for the face with a quick jabbing animation. Pitchforks and shovels are perhaps the most difficult, I hit very frequently with crowbars but it takes more hits than I'd like usually to kill. The stun baton or cattle prod when powered by a battery are also amazingly effective and easy to aim.

Edited by Ebrim
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Hi all!

This Patch is sooo great, I haven't benn playing since they announced the character wipes, and now in every 10mins the game crashes... Pls try to get the programming right lads... I know it ain't easy, but....


PS.: still can't see in the inv the most of the actions when i press the right click, probably it still not quite well optimized for notebooks.

Well I know still the whole game isn't optimized, but this ain't a huge thing...

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Ok this has happened a lot today. Spawn in Vybor - Get killed by a player/die - Spawn timer (spawning in 30... etc) - Just as I am about to spawn, immediately I get the "You are dead". Happens every time I hit respawn on the same server. I switch servers, spawn in Vybor again. Sigh.

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I hear zombies that aren't there usually behind me. However they sound like they are coming from under the map. It's only a grunt or quick noise that happens about every 30 seconds. I also got attacked by an invisible zombie once.

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That one must be mine mistake because they where shown on DayZTV so I added it to the undocumented. will remove it imidiatly

Not a problem. I had the same line of thought as you. I'm not sure how everything ended up the way it did with that, and I still can't get any official word on it. Oh well.

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Hicks_206, and what about mass FPS drop and problems with memory after last update?


Try disabling shadows, they don't quite work now anyways.

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I got to stop breach camos, there is always more than you expect :(

I'll miss you my sweet m4.

Fighting seams very desynced at the moment, I took fire rounding a corner, second later the shooter was drawn on my screen.

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Is the character reset a problem widescale or just some select few, i am getting fresh spawned characters on server changes, however, my friends that i have been playing on multiple servers with have still got all their loot. Anyone know what is causing this?

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Is the character reset a problem widescale or just some select few, i am getting fresh spawned characters on server changes, however, my friends that i have been playing on multiple servers with have still got all their loot. Anyone know what is causing this?

Not sure how widespread it is but so far I've had zero issues with any char resets. Been on several servers and I always spawn where I was with my gear.

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I Think that they updated the Gvozdno Quarry. someone should explore it

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I Think that they updated the Gvozdno Quarry. someone should explore it

Working on it :)

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