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For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

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I'm a troll because I point out flaws?

Better call up IGN and tell them they're all trolls.

Should I tell you what I like about the game so you'd stfu?

Here goes: It's organic, it's more realistic than most games, it is only slightly luck based, the game plays well, lag has been cut down to the point where it runs well on even a laptop, the community is decent to an extent, it can be really damn funny, it's replayable, it's non linear, it does sandboxes right, it doesn't try to mix in a pathetic attempt at a plot, gameplay wise it doesn't do much wrong, it has good wildlife AI only beaten by TheHunter, mechanics such as movement are polished enough to work, the keybind customization is easy to understand, the game has a high skill ceiling, you never stop learning or exploring, the scenario you're thrown into has actual emotional weight beyond pure terror of a zombie sneaking up on your big fat bean-bloated ass (It actually feels like people lived in the houses you now loot. See: books), the developers are cool, it has a good map, it has a good scenario, the scenario is played to its full advantage, it's unique, and, most fucking importantly, IT IS FUN. Why do people always assume pointing out any negative aspects means you hate the game?

There you go. More words about why I like it than why I dislike it. Happy?

It's Alpha. Bugs and glitches will happen. In all honesty, they should be working less on the bugs/glitches and more on completing the map and adding new features. Even dupe/hack prevention is more of a beta phase issue.

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Either way they started out as 4 devs and now have like 40+ devs on the team now thats a huuugeee addition a few guys from arma 3 as well im pretty sure we will start seeing a hell of alot more progress from now on after they all get settled in eitherway its a sub free game when you feel the burn out comming on just go dabble with other games or go out get some sun light.The game will be here when you get back lol.

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The problem here is though that there is a mod for dayz for free, which does still most things better at the moment than the SA, and the SA is based on that mod.

People wondered why they just haven't fixed the mod instead of trying to make a whole new game. Also it seems weird to many people that "they basicly had a working game (meaning the mod and arma) to begin with".

After sobering 8 months, if I played the game only at release in december 13 and now for a month each, I would certainly experience diffrences, like less gamecrashes. Also more weapons and changes to the map, but nothing big.

And of course we can argue what a "big improvement" to the game is all day. But none of the important stuff is here imo. Like 64 bit servers, raising of playercap on servers, proper loot respawn, no trace of vehicles (I know they just started making ideas for them)...the list goes on.


Anyway, for now I am back to the mod. I never participated in an alpha before and I never will again, but I mainly bought this because I thought "It's kinda like the mod, just with a diffrent inventory system and proper melee", which it did not turn out to be. Nice sideeffect of course is reporting bugs and the money helps them too.


I have over thousand hours on dayZ SA, what kept me there was hope. A hope that dayzmod, with it's own problems that I was fed up with, can not provide.





Also Reefa is obviously the troll.

Edited by Khanarac
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Alpha is fine for me. I played many hundreds of hours on the mod but I'm staying away till Melee is fixed as it is an integral part of my gameplay.

I still believe that the devs are working hard and the game will be good once it's done. I also believe it will be completed at some point!

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I like the direction the game is going in.  But to be honest, I stopped playing regularly (although I do log in every now and then just to check on things).  I also stopped following the updates as regularly for the simple reason that when it does go live (or beta, or at least further along in alpha), I want there to still be some mystery and exploration.  Tough to do that if you are following every thread about every new weapon, town or pair of pants as they are added to the game.


I haven't found the SA as immersive as the Mod.  I don't feel a sense of urgency around anything like hunger or thirst or even getting injured, let alone temperature or "feeling wet".  There's the obvious lack of content like vehicles and zombies.  Every server seems like it's 24/7 daylight so I don't get a sense of the environment changing.  Plus I don't like that all the spawn zones are on the East coast.  To me, Cherno and Electro as the twin cities of death, Kamenka and Kamarova being the crap spawns and Berezino requiring a long road trip up the coast were an integral part of the Mod.


But I'm still hopeful that it might be worth going back to in a few months.

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I've lost faith in the community.  Incessant little whiners all over these forums.  One group is screaming "HACKS HACKS HACKS", another group is screaming "PVP ONLY GAME", another group is screaming "PVE ONLY GAME" , another group is screaming "FIX THIS BROKEN SHIT THAT I PAID FOR", and another group derails every thread complaining about ammo types.

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Yes, your a troll dude,


IGN? dude they have years of experience and funding to back them (notice how i said "THEY"?) who are you?


i couldnt be bothered reading the rest of your post because i would end up stooping to your level and end up trolling you.

I don't think an experienced reviewer would do what IGN does.

Earlier this year, IGN said that Titanfall was "the new next-gen shooter". Once Advanced Warfare came out (Its most unique feature, the exo-suit is ripped straight out of Titanfall), IGN was praising it for how original it was and how it broke new ground with features like the Double Jump.

Want a professional reviewer? Go watch Zero Punctuation. IGN is shit. But, that isn't my point. You're trying to act all high and mightly, when in reality, I've already proven my point, but you can't accept it. I said what's good about the game, but you still accuse me of not saying what's good about the game. Just, please. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

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I like the direction the game is going in.  But to be honest, I stopped playing regularly (although I do log in every now and then just to check on things).  I also stopped following the updates as regularly for the simple reason that when it does go live (or beta, or at least further along in alpha), I want there to still be some mystery and exploration.  Tough to do that if you are following every thread about every new weapon, town or pair of pants as they are added to the game.


I haven't found the SA as immersive as the Mod.  I don't feel a sense of urgency around anything like hunger or thirst or even getting injured, let alone temperature or "feeling wet".  There's the obvious lack of content like vehicles and zombies.  Every server seems like it's 24/7 daylight so I don't get a sense of the environment changing.  Plus I don't like that all the spawn zones are on the East coast.  To me, Cherno and Electro as the twin cities of death, Kamenka and Kamarova being the crap spawns and Berezino requiring a long road trip up the coast were an integral part of the Mod.


But I'm still hopeful that it might be worth going back to in a few months.

You took my words. I'll see you in court.

I remember my first days of the Mod, where every new item was a mystery ready to be unlocked by me mighty brain. It was so fucking fun, I've never felt anything like it. Even when I new every loot spawn and every good route to hit NWAF, I found myself wishing to be back in my clueless era where I thought a Makarov and a Crowbar was considerably well-armed.

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I've lost faith in the community.  Incessant little whiners all over these forums.  One group is screaming "HACKS HACKS HACKS", another group is screaming "PVP ONLY GAME", another group is screaming "PVE ONLY GAME" , another group is screaming "FIX THIS BROKEN SHIT THAT I PAID FOR", and another group derails every thread complaining about ammo types.

Wow. The guy who infamously spews one-liners without ever providing evidence, or reasoning, just whined about whiners while whining about seven different things.

Mind = blown

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Wow. The guy who infamously spews one-liners without ever providing evidence, or reasoning, just whined about whiners while whining about seven different things.

Mind = blown


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I have come close to just not playing till the game was completely finished. When .47 was put on stable I basicly got my CHR ruined do to the melee bug that I had alive for months. It pissed me off, because I had all my gear wrecked by a zombies then latter died. For no reason. Then exp wipes and many other bugs. I had to read up and do my own testing just to want to come back and play. You see I don't mind dieing in game; I just prefer dieing in combat or self-caused. Not because of broken mechanics.


Did I lose faith in the game as a whole. No. Did consider not playing till DayZ was closer to full release...Yes.


I have watched several interviews with Dean Hall....the guy is much different than most developers. He’s got a military back ground, and is a mountaineer. When I was in high school I was a JR mountaineer and I severed in the military as well. I did not climb Everest. But there is no better way to get outdoor skills and survival skills. I know, with that type of background, he has the knowledge to make a very realistic survival game. He also has a really different way of looking at game development then other game makers and has vary good ideas. So I'm pretty confident it will be, not even worried about that part. The main thing that concerns me is broken game mechanics, and bugs.


Remember there’s nothing wrong with taking a break from the game. I do all the time, I’ll play sometimes for 2 weeks or 3 weeks then break.

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I've lost faith in the community.  Incessant little whiners all over these forums.  One group is screaming "HACKS HACKS HACKS", another group is screaming "PVP ONLY GAME", another group is screaming "PVE ONLY GAME" , another group is screaming "FIX THIS BROKEN SHIT THAT I PAID FOR", and another group derails every thread complaining about ammo types.


You know, i get your point, and i support it by some means. I think they should really add .50 BMG to the game.


( lol, sorry )

Edited by ChainReactor

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Just to put things in perspective...The last project I was on had seen more iteration in the course of a month than this game has seen in 7-8. Anyone who really wants DayZ to succeed should be worried, have lost at least a lil faith. If you've spent any time in game development you would see that this team is being poorly managed. Didn't someone recently say that it takes 2-3 months of work to make a single unique structure? That's ludicrous! If that were the case on my last project, it would have never released. 


I just think there comes a point when you have to stop being a fanboy, with the wool over your eyes. It is OK to support something, play it regularly and still have legitimate concerns about the product. For some that seems impossible and if you voice any of those concerns your intelligence is put in question along with being berated by the 'alpha' statement. Early access or not, the product represents the company so shaky development practices will definitely lead to investors losing faith. It's only natural and you shouldn't feel ashamed to admit it.

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Didn't someone recently say that it takes 2-3 months of work to make a single unique structure?


SenChi did. To be fair, he said "It can take 2-3 months". He didn't say it will, nor did he generalize his statement over all buildings.

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you know what really makes me laugh about this project is " its alpha "


ultimate get out clause but.....


what the people dont realize is. if it is alpha its the building blocks for the foundation of dayz to come. once its down its Dayz. and that what bothers me.


the game is a mess now how can you build on a squidgy mess? you got a unstable foundation you know it ends in tears.



one year later on from when these guys started from the previous alpha/beta they never finished and how has the game progressed ?


it still a buggy mess even worse. low fps in big towns literally no zombies even though the selling point for this game is zombie survival :o



then you see people with little resources no money making mods like breaking point and mods on arma 2 for free which are miles ahead and better to play like Overwatch.


then someone on here will just label your post a troll for pointing out the obvious. :lol:

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Wow. The guy who infamously spews one-liners without ever providing evidence, or reasoning, just whined about whiners while whining about seven different things.Mind = blown

one liners without evidence eh? Show me and enlighten me oh Mr. This is the only way to play DayZ.

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then someone on here will just label your post a troll for pointing out the obvious. :lol:


No, not for that, but rather for the fact that you claim the devs would "build on an unstable foundation" while foundation (engine ) work has been one of the main tasks since the start of the alpha and one main reasons people complained about "to less ( visible ) progress"


Then you compare the standalone to the creation of mods of an already existing game.


Youre not a troll. You just don't have much of an idea about what you are complaining about.

Edited by ChainReactor

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you know what really makes me laugh about this project is " its alpha "


ultimate get out clause but.....


what the people dont realize is. if it is alpha its the building blocks for the foundation of dayz to come. once its down its Dayz. and that what bothers me.


the game is a mess now how can you build on a squidgy mess? you got a unstable foundation you know it ends in tears.



one year later on from when these guys started from the previous alpha/beta they never finished and how has the game progressed ?


it still a buggy mess even worse. low fps in big towns literally no zombies even though the selling point for this game is zombie survival :o



then you see people with little resources no money making mods like breaking point and mods on arma 2 for free which are miles ahead and better to play like Overwatch.


then someone on here will just label your post a troll for pointing out the obvious. :lol:


sadly the days of being able to have a opinion about SA that didnt involve hanging from Rockets sac, are long gone..


if u dont like SA or its direction ur a troll or a bad influence..these forums are at a alltime low...


ps ur bang on about breaking point thou... that mod of Arma3 is amazing and blows SA out of the water in basicly every field you care to compare them on.


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Wow you have really been around OP, heard of Voss and Tactical Air Squadron?


I think the big issue with faith in this project may be that things are way harder then many of us understand. I see those zombies hopping around and jumping through me and wonder how that can still be possible. How can it be possible that the game is still so susceptible to hacking, how come no loot at all is spawning on 3 servers with 2 deaths each.

It takes 3 years we hear now to develop a real game,

really? when we spot you the map, the concept and many of the assets? Really?

Must take 10 years when you do not get handed those things I guess.

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you know what really makes me laugh about this project is " its alpha "


ultimate get out clause but.....


what the people dont realize is. if it is alpha its the building blocks for the foundation of dayz to come. once its down its Dayz. and that what bothers me.


the game is a mess now how can you build on a squidgy mess? you got a unstable foundation you know it ends in tears.



one year later on from when these guys started from the previous alpha/beta they never finished and how has the game progressed ?


it still a buggy mess even worse. low fps in big towns literally no zombies even though the selling point for this game is zombie survival :o



then you see people with little resources no money making mods like breaking point and mods on arma 2 for free which are miles ahead and better to play like Overwatch.


then someone on here will just label your post a troll for pointing out the obvious. :lol:

You must not really get this. Your saying 'how can you have a car out of this mess of parts on the floor'. Some of the parts they are throwing out, some they are ordering, some they are stress testing for redesign. THIS IS AN ALPHA, they are BUILDING THE BLOCKS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Yet for some reason you talk like all the blocks are supposed to be built?

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breaking point

Play this with script errors enabled.


Must have been just easier to rename all their functions identically to the dayz mod functions. Ya know since they wrote it from scratch and all.


Also you do know Overwatch is just dayz with some gun and sounds packs from armaholic thrown in with 4 hours of map work? Right? we are all talking about the same overwatch right? 

Edited by Bakermensch

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In any argument, time playing the game, is irrelevant. In another thread I was accused of not playing the game enough to make any sort of suggestion. I think he said I had 168 hours. I'll take his word for it. That's 7 straight 24 hour days. I've played single campaigns in games way shorter than this amount of time. The amount of time a player has in a game should not matter. What should matter is, does he play the game at all? Otherwise his opinion is strife with assumptions or based on someone elses opinion.

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I've lost faith in the community.  Incessant little whiners all over these forums.  One group is screaming "HACKS HACKS HACKS", another group is screaming "PVP ONLY GAME", another group is screaming "PVE ONLY GAME" , another group is screaming "FIX THIS BROKEN SHIT THAT I PAID FOR", and another group derails every thread complaining about ammo types.

Well, that shows that is to many ways to play the game... and people is annoying each other all the time. Some people wants to be Rambo, other people wants to be Robinson Crusoe, other wants to be Spiderman, others wants to be Rick Grimes, other wants to be G.I. Joe, other wants to be Frodo Baggins, others wants to be Norman Bates, others wants to be Hannibal Lecter, others wants to be Lara Croft, others....


LOL... good luck balancing this game...

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 then someone on here will just label your post a troll for pointing out the obvious. :lol:

 Not the post, we all know that you are a troll, you come here just to knock the game and development in every post.

I can not find one (1) that I might consider as being unbiased or at best participative in casual everyday Forum discussions.

All of your content bares witness to this, so don't even think about contesting.


For those that consider that these forums are at a alltime low just leave, those that stay will reap the benefit ten (10) fold.

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