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Today i was hanging out in one of the many bushes i call home around Chernarus, waiting for likely theft targets to stroll by. I hear a vehicle approaching from range and hunker down a bit lower in my bush. watching through the scope of my silenced ak-74. I won't tell you exactly where but i was just outside a major PvP area, but far enough so there was very little around me aside from a couple of roads. I was busy working out my chances of tagging the driver through the window and holding up his friend when the truck started to pull off the road and onto the patch of grass between me and the curb, stopping eventually about 50m directly in front of my hideout. Assuming i'd been busted since i was the only thing around i quickly double tapped the driver as he was exiting the vehicle, he died on completion of his animation and i turned my sights on his friend who was exiting on the opposite side of the truck to me. Here's the weird thing though, i don't think he knew where i was since he didn't seem to know which side of the truck to use for cover or where to point his weapon (he didn't actually fire a shot throughout). He eventually did an amazing zig-zag escape for which he deserves much credit.


My point is that i think they just chose by complete chance, the absolute worst place to park and were killed because i assumed they must know exactly where i was :)


Think the dead driver was dressed as a fireman or something red, i got a nice black combat knife and a damaged ammo box which is a bit worthless atm. Passenger escaped in style with a bullet in his left butt-cheek..


So yeah sorry guys i don't normally outright execute people without talkin to em first :D Who ever you were, take solace in the fact i'm still using the fireman's knife and the ammo box was broken anyway ;) Wrong place wrong time, potentially..

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Died twice due to complete assholes. First I made it all the way from Cherno to Elektro where a guy tried to kill me from a water tower so I shot him with my Longhorn. I didn't get to loot him though as two other guys appeared so I legged it. When I approached Kamy someone sniped people on the road so I snuck around trying to get to him but he dissapeared. I got to Kamy but the game acted up adn ditched my AK so I switched servers. I met a guy almsot right away and decided to give him a rak mag that I had no use for. A minute later he kills me with it. Ungrateful Sod.


I respawned in Solnichy and got to Kamy where I found a M4 in a shed. I was pretty happy til I went out of the shed and was shot and woundedby some sniper-wannabe-Kos-whore. I dropped all my gear and rolled towards the shoreline but he just had to kill me anyway. What a fucking loser.

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Died twice due to complete assholes. First I made it all the way from Cherno to Elektro where a guy tried to kill me from a water tower so I shot him with my Longhorn. I didn't get to loot him though as two other guys appeared so I legged it. When I approached Kamy someone sniped people on the road so I snuck around trying to get to him but he dissapeared. I got to Kamy but the game acted up adn ditched my AK so I switched servers. I met a guy almsot right away and decided to give him a rak mag that I had no use for. A minute later he kills me with it. Ungrateful Sod.

I respawned in Solnichy and got to Kamy where I found a M4 in a shed. I was pretty happy til I went out of the shed and was shot and woundedby some sniper-wannabe-Kos-whore. I dropped all my gear and rolled towards the shoreline but he just had to kill me anyway. What a fucking loser.

Jesus... everything is just KOS central now. My give a damn is pretty much busted- Very few people worth helping... most come into the game looking to kill someone. Well- actually, everyone.

Very frustrated... only reason I'm playing right now is Bam and DaveB. Time to find a group of older gentlemen and merge them with Triarii... Enjoy the company to facilitate enjoyment of the game as it figures out what it's going to be.

Edited by ENO75
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Edited by ENO75
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I really like the points you hit in this post.  I agree 100%.

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lol went to edit my post from last night and hit "quote" instead without really realizing it... Was in "rage-dicky" mode last night before I logged off and wanted to go clean that up before the mods came in with the ban hammier. 

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Jesus... everything is just KOS central now. My give a damn is pretty much busted- Very few people worth helping... most come into the game looking to kill someone. Well- actually, everyone.

Very frustrated... only reason I'm playing right now is Bam and DaveB. Time to find a group of older gentlemen and merge them with Triarii... Enjoy the company to facilitate enjoyment of the game as it figures out what it's going to be.

this is why I hunt the hunters, i go out and kill those who prey upon others for sport. 

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I got chased by a Bambi, I told him fifty times to leave me alone, even pointed my gun at him. I could tell that he was shifty so I kept moving all the time. When I finally grew tired and fired my sawn-off at him he became mad so I had to sneak away.

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decided to try a new private server today. greenscream friendly no kos.


was on my way to stary sobor, and just about to get to novy sobor when i ditch my blue truck in a field to start looting. as im going house to house in novy, i hear a truck going by and i think "oh well, looks like i'm walking from here on out" only to see an olive truck coming towards me.


i step aside and say to the guy "dude, you're missing your front tires".....i don't think he can hear me over the noise of the engine. he says "hey man, hop in"..... i tell him again that his truck has no front tires and there is a better truck in the field. he drives off and doesn't stop to get my truck.


i run back to the field and haul ass in his direction. i catch up to him at the market in guglovo and i ask him what's up. he says he's heading to cherno. i tell him that's a hell of a long walk so he can take my truck. he says thanks and hops in. he takes off and i get in his truck to try to make it back to novy to save a bit of time. no gas. just then i think "hmmmm maybe cherno would be fun since this server has like 30 people on it, maybe i could meet some more people"


so i start running in the hopes that the dude has stopped the truck to loot some more..... i see the truck just a few hundred feet away.... blown tires.....not moving. i get up and say "oh no dude, you did it again?" and he goes "these stupid things, every time you hit something the tires blow"...... so i decide i don't want to run the whole way to cherno, and i wouldn't dare get into another truck with this guy, so we part ways and i head back to looting stary sobor.... crazy truck drivers!!

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One moment a king, 5 minutes later almost dead, a lot of precious gear ruined, on the run and hiding in the bushes. If there's any other game like it, pray tell. :)


EvE Online :) You'll find a lot of the most hard-line dayz vets came from EvE which is a game that similarly places a lot of pressure on the player and is a PvP everywhere kinda sandbox.

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 I got a really bad ending to this patch. I started today by killing off all my old characters. I drove a truck into a wall killing one, jumped from triple yellow in cherno with one and another one shot himself in the head on top of triple yellow. I then played some with my last character and there were lots of nice little firefights in cherno going on so I chimed in with some longhorn shots from one of the hospitals. After a while a guy comes in and we have a shootout with our ak's but he's pretty good so none of us get hit, he uses the doors to shoot rhough and stuff. After a bit I hear him moving off so I wait for about ten minutes adn carefully descend the stairs. Then he shoots me, from inside a non-enterable room in the building. Fucking glitcher. I get a cherno spawn so i run to him and tell him hes a fag, grab my longhorn and take up position. Efter a while he leaves his little hideout so i wait for him but the game crashes so i give up.

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 I got a really bad ending to this patch. I started today by killing off all my old characters. I drove a truck into a wall killing one, jumped from triple yellow in cherno with one and another one shot himself in the head on top of triple yellow. I then played some with my last character and there were lots of nice little firefights in cherno going on so I chimed in with some longhorn shots from one of the hospitals. After a while a guy comes in and we have a shootout with our ak's but he's pretty good so none of us get hit, he uses the doors to shoot though and stuff. After a bit I hear him moving off so I wait for about ten minutes adn carefully descend the stairs. Then he shoots me, from inside a non-enterable room in the building. Fucking glitcher. I get a cherno spawn so i run to him and tell him hes a fag, grab my longhorn and take up position. Efter a while he leaves his little hideout so i wait for him but the game crashes so i give up.

Same here man. I was on my fully geared character and was on a server of a little over 20 people. saved a guy from another player with a fireaxe and then a group of zombies. Unfortunately i hit the glitch that dropped my ak on the ground. the dude shot me. I lived and got patched up but he had logged to save his ass. I start regearing on a 1-2 pop server. i didn't lose much but then surprise i found another akm and a lot of other great gear. the akm was buried under a bunch of stuff so i work it away and just as i was going to pick it up i get killed. Fast forward sometime later, i'm frustrated while trying to get back. I have a 1911 and find a player in a room in the police station of the town in which i died. i shoot him 5 times in the chest point blank but he didn't die. one more death. i start to make my way back another time but there's no loot and i starve to death. Oh well i suppose. .58 is on it's way so it didn't matter much anyhow.

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DaveB, Eno, and I trotted around a high pop the last couple of days looking for trouble.  We always end up in some type of situation we do not expect, but it is fun nevertheless.  We helped a couple freshies on the coast and came across two semi geared guys run past the factory towards berezino.  I could have engaged them but I opted to get a better position but lost some ground on them.  I could have shot one in the right butt cheek but I held my fire as they slipped north (they never noticed me).


Shortly after, we had a freshie ask us to kill him (for a better spawn) and then DaveB decided to cut him up and start a fire on the main road.  We then decided to strip down and box each other in the streets.  We dualed for a few moments and then f11'd while bidding farewell to .57!

Edited by schwaBAM
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Chased a guy with a pipe for 5 minutes, apparently my character slow, we became friends b/c neither of us had ammo for a rifles...long story short I spent 4 hours looking for a water container and finally found a cooking pot!


too much food, no ammo, no guns, and so many ponds..


also took this<>


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Spawned afresh in Cherno, after being repeatedly kicked by admins on clan servers (often bad this, at the start of a new post-wipe patch), and then starving as cans disappeared when I opened them (thanks to Basher for clarifying that it's the same in exp - you just have to log) . Ran to Nadezhdino, my favourite place to stabilise me char, get some basic stuff.


And thence to the glorious northwest. Feeling fairly well geared now with an AK74 and all the trimmings, as well as a Mosin with a PU scope and a decent amount of ammo. Found some pristine USMC pants at a crash site.


Some observations on .58 stable so far:

  • I can't tear up clothes for rags (this is a potential killer, but I'm finding enough bandanas to make do)
  • Haven't seen a single bandage
  • Canteen filling seems very buggy on some servers
  • If double carrying, you can't swipe-swap as you could in .57
  • No Zs anywhere (obv.)
  • Military tents spawn loot as they used to
  • No loot at all on any non-interactive vehicles - BMPs, tanks, trucks, etc.
  • The ammo box now occupies eight slots, as opposed to its previous four. Haven't seen a protector case or first aid kit to compare yet.

Some of these niggles notwithstanding, it is really good to have persistence back, alongside random spawn crash sites that (seem to) work properly.

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I use my stone knife to cut clothing into rags...works like a champ!


Protector case and first aid kit are as before.

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Had an interesting evening playing with a friend yesterday. We were both pumped for the experimental reaching the stable and decided to play some. We spawned in Cherno and decided to go west all the way to Kamenka then go straight for Myshkino tents. We've mostly looted outskirts of town, deer stands etc. just so our chances are bit higher in surviving as we were both unarmed. We saw a couple of guys but people weren't that much friendly, which is fine by me though, whatever they like. Bullets flew all around but gladly no one managed to get a hit on us. By the time we got to Myshkino we only had an Izh 18 and a longhorn. It was pitch black by that time and a few minutes of looting in Myshkino and some guy introduced himself, seemed like a friendly person. Soon he went his way and we continued to loot some more. Next thing you know my friend got shot in the leg from some sniper, heard that impact loud and clear as we were close to each other. Gladly he's leg wasn't broken and we decided to book it. We've reached some ponds near Lopatino and decided to replenish. He then noticed that he was actually quite sick already, must be a gun wound or he drank from a pond with low health at the moment. We didn't knew how to get rid of it so we just thought that he needs to get back healthy and it'll all be fine then. Boy we were wrong, the nightmare just began! Not knowingly how dangerous it is, we went to loot the Lopatino town and after it the airfield. My friend couldn't heal and he was loosing hydration in a matter of a minute or two, we had to stop at each well or a pond we've found. We've reached the wall of an airfield close to the tents, he told me he's way thirsty and the closest well was by the military barrack. We've decided to skip the looting and get him back hydrated. We've reached the field with a small pub by the wall where he collapsed. It wasn't a perfect spot to go unconscious but we had to deal with it, and quick. In all that panic I've decided to grab some of his bottles and go fill up all we've had on the well. I've forced drink 4 bottles but his pulse was still showing weak. I've tried CPR but either I didn't had a good angle or it just didn't let me. As his condition didn't changed at all I went for the Vybor to find a health care center. Heard a truck in Vybor but I just didn't cared, all I wanted is to get my friend back on feet. Found a couple of saline bags, some epinephrine as well, basically I took everything I could as we didn't know how to deal with this. I've brought him back to life with a saline bag but his sickness was still there. He was still loosing hydration rapidly with low blood and health. We went for the Vybor well and decided to sit there a bit but after 10 minutes his condition worsen, he's status turned orange/red. We went towards Vavilovo in case we find some medical supplies that might help him. Midway there on some field he asked me for some water. I gave him, he started to drink and then BAM! He just died. At that point we've just burst in laugh, we both felt a relief actually and his body ragdolled so funny I almost pissed myself. Anyway that was it from us, it was already late and decided to get some sleep. 

Edited by Miracool
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I had a day unlike many in the past... not a ton of action but just enough to keep me interested. 



My introduction to .58 was not that for many others... Spawned in Svet and spent a bit of time running around looking for food taking for granted that if I look in some of the under appreciated buildings that I shouldn't have too much trouble. I knew where the water wells were since Svet was a common ground for us during .57 but food was really nagging at my stomach... it was grumbling violently- a lot. 


Building after building- some clothes but no food. Some pipsi / kvass but nothing to eat. Through dark brown hungry to red starving... nothing. 


I bump into DaveB on steam and he suggests I check the train for food. Good suggestion- since I ended up finding a few cans to get me through the next 20 minutes or so. I got a few basic items and a shottie with no ammo then set on my way up to Olsa. Schwab joined in around that time and we met DaveB in Novo. On our way back east towards Svet we decided to head into Turovo and see what we could dig up there. Unremarkable. 


Dave ended up having to log so Schwab and I headed up to Dobroe. We leapfrogged house to house through town... 


"Is that you?" Schwab asked me over steam. Before I could answer he blurted out, "Hey- wait... there's a guy in here!" I charged over to the next house on the block and could hear the other guy over game chat.


"Hey man- don't shoot... I'm friendly." Sure you are pal. I stepped inside with my shottie on my shoulder. Not a bad time to mention I'd found some ammo for it. I came around the corner to see a guy with a balaclava on in mostly dark attire, glasses and a hat with a knife in his hands. "Just building up a new character looking for stuff... I won't be any trouble." He sounded uber casual but we were on edge a bit since uber casual usually means the person knows their 10 best friends with guns are bearing down on us anyway. 


"Okay man well we're working our way around this area seeing what we can find... we'll leave you alone."


He went on his way and we bumped into him a few times around town. It was raining on and off throughout and eventually schwab and I got soaked. We mutually decided to try out one of the house fireplaces. The other guy was nearby so we invited him in to dry off. His warning bells must have been ringing very loud indeed- but he accepted the offer. At that point OUR warning bells were going off as well. 


But there was no drama. He'd been in the game since the mod... just chatted and shared some food. He had a shottie with no ammo so I gave him some... REALLY rolling the dice on that I admit but I figured Scwhab could change his oil if things went sideways. 


We dried off and once again went our separate ways until DaveB logged back in and said he found a truck in the next town to the south. Again we ended up with our new friend (Named "DigitalClepto" I think) and I invited him to join us. Scwhwab had to log off so Clepto and I carried on to Karmanovka. Eventually we found Dave for some introductions but were missing a glow plug for the truck. Clepto didn't have a bag so Dave took him over to one he'd seen and then went to find a plug.


"There's another guy here," Dave typed on steam since he was in stealth mode at home.  


I headed over towards them and found Dave crouched beside a wall. I couldn't see anyone else- Clepto was jogging down the road a bit so I picked some cover in middle ground and searched for the guy Dave had seen. He was busy so couldn't type out a location... 


There was no sound from the shot that took out Clepto- he just suddenly laid down dead. I heard subsequent shots so I started maneuvering wildly. I was hearing the shots and the snaps but I was close enough to Dave that I'm not sure who was being shot at. I heard one REAL close to me so I was pretty sure I was getting at least some attention. I lost Dave in the swirl but I saw him type "He got me- I'm badly injured." 


I took cover and looked around- eventually seeing at least one guy running through the woods away from us. He doubled back and came back in towards town. I got a couple shots off at him but then lost him around a house. I don't think I hit him- but we never heard anything from him again. 


So Clepto... if you're out there man- VERY sorry that it ended like that but if  you see our names in server again at least know you've got 3 friends in there! 

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How was my Dayz? Well,boring. I made a newspawn and got Berezino. I geared up for a bit and found a Magnum and bulets and plenty of food and a backpack so I made my way south. I met ONE player at solnichy and he was annyoing First he tried to kill me, then he wanted me to kill him, then he ran after me after I told him to fuck off and i led him all the way to kamy, jumped of the docks and swam about for a while, then i grew tired and logged out.

 I then  played with another character that had lost his gun y-day. I went to Veresnik and got promptly shot by some barracks-campers.


Respawned in Cherno and saw only one player there, then zero players on the way to Zelenogorsk. It seems everyones at NW airfield.

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Some observations on .58 stable so far:

  • I can't tear up clothes for rags (this is a potential killer, but I'm finding enough bandanas to make do)

You have to use a knife or axe to cut clothes into rags. cant just tear them up any more.

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Yesterday I found 1Yellow Protector case, 2 Med Kits, 1 truck battery, a 9v battery (the first piece of loot I saw  :D ) a tyre repair kit, glow plug, a yellow barrel, in fact loads of stuff, even a truck.

I had a trumpet with 50 odd rounds, a sawn off shotty (16), a magnum (20) and a makarov with 2 chargers + loads of various bits and pieces.


Then I got double barrelled in the face while I was fumbling to put on my head set and hit the talk button at the same time as mistakenly throwing up a punch in an effort to communicate.


One of those DayZ !

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*snip* *snip* (Said the girl)


I caught that guy eating, hunched in the corner of the room next to the bed.  He had a knife out and I had my silenced pistol in my hand.  He was cool as a cucumber.  I had fun chatting with him but I'm pissed I couldn't hang around longer to help.

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Found a helicrash at NWAF on the private server I play on. Found a UMP, AUG, 2x 60rd mags. Hadnt looted anywhere else yet at NWAF. It was a full 50/50 server. So....



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