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Positive posts only: what feature are you looking forward to

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I didn't think they wanted to do a faction identification system. When was that ever talked about?

Rocket talked about it in his roadmap. I don't care what form it comes in (probably customizable armbands...) but I would really love to see the A3 hex indicators implemented as a server option.

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I hope you're wrong. What you just wrote is so upsetting if we were in game I'd attack you like a spider monkey and ruin all your gear (no offense, you're cool). But man, I sure hope max run speed doesn't get nerfed...






Only 2 links I could find at the moment. Sorry to rain on your parade.  :(


if we were in game I'd attack you like a spider monkey and ruin all your gear


& if I had wheels I'd be a wagon  :D

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Rocket talked about it in his roadmap. I don't care what form it comes in (probably customizable armbands...) but I would really love to see the A3 hex indicators implemented as a server option.

Sounds cool


Im hoping its skins but armbands would be an interesting change to the dynamics.

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Sorry to ask but when does that mean we can see or do with the "A3 hex indicators". Does this mean we can make our own tags or skins or just means the game will have new skins to chose from?

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Sorry to ask but when does that mean we can see or do with the "A3 hex indicators". Does this mean we can make our own tags or skins or just means the game will have new skins to chose from?

I meant these hex indicators from Arma 3:

They added them because it is obviously easier to recognize friendlies in real life. Rocket and many fans are against them but I will keep petitioning for them to be a private shard option. XD

Edit: I just mean the little hexagons and only when a friendly is visible. I don't really care for the HUD.

Edited by scriptfactory

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Ok. I can't see the photo because my webfilter at work blocks it. I'll check it out when I get home.

It's a video.  Basically he wants to be able to see peoples targets on the map and hud.  Like spotting in BF4.  

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More zombies and no desync. Vehicles, but more curious to see how will they work, then need to travel faster. And I hope that vehicles will be needed for transport of building materials.

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I stopped by mainly for the negative comments. :)







I want ZERO wall glitching, ZERO looking through walls, and ZERO server ghosting. 


I basically want the SA to be DayZero.. highly optimized, almost no bugs, and damn near zero cheating. 

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It's a video. Basically he wants to be able to see peoples targets on the map and hud. Like spotting in BF4.

Please stop putting words in my mouth. I mean exactly what I said. :)

I put a smiley to be positive.

Edited by scriptfactory

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In the interests of the environment; I was told that food doesn't burn on a gas stove if you use a frying pan to cook the food in.  I haven't tried it so I can't confirm if there's any truth to it.


Huh... last time I tried it (0.49 exp) I used a pot, maybe I'll give the frying pan a go again.

Edited by Ebrim

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A (reasonable) server hopping penalty that punishes excessive switching without being too harsh to ordinary players.



The end of stupid ideas like this


Can I ask you why you think that an (improved) server hopping penalty is a stupid idea?

Edited by chodeofwar

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Weapon balancing, fixing acog, making FoV unusuable while scoped in, change ironsights/reddot perspective to pre 0.41 and fixing desync with bullets.

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Can I ask you why you think that an (improved) server hopping penalty is a stupid idea?


It probably won't be necessary when loot respawn and the global loot economy are added.

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  • Barricading/door locks



You should not be able to barricade\lock anything so that another player can not gain access to it.


The idea is flawed and obviously would not work on the public hive because you could just server hop to gain entry to locked building.


Even on private shard\hive this would be a bad idea; imagine players locking themselves in houses, they would be very hard and in some cases impossible to kill them.

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It probably won't be necessary when loot respawn and the global loot economy are added.


That takes care of server hopping  for loot. What about server hopping for kills?

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Anything that changes dayz from being a game where you get geared up and go PVP, a ballistics system and medical/wounding system that makes PVP as exciting as ArmA2 ACE firefights, something to change the current meta of pretty much only 10 meter firefights to long 100-300 meter firefights in which one side don't just run away in panic.

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Himmmmm We can dream right?


Assuming they fix the glitch's and looking far down the path of this game...


I would love to see more immersion, random / seasonal environmental effects.


Tornados, Snow, Blizzards, Heavy Fog, High Winds ect ect.


More ways of making fires,diverse hunting methods, more types of animals, snares, traps (for human and animal)


Trade Post for Barter / NPC traders and or Player Barter or both =) a safe zone to trade / meet up swap story's. (perhaps a small town with a pub / bar)


Drinking alcohol and its effects on you, assorted types of alcohol for barter / trade / wound care / fire making


Gold and Silver / Gems in the form of coins / bars / jewelry ect


Night Vision optics (super rare) for most weps and or goggles. Thermal / light enhancing...


Jesus I could go on and on LOL :D


Anyway, like I said


We can dream right?



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Lol looks whos talking. I think they need to be able to grow there hair as long as they want. Just as long as beards. Mine goes down almost all the way down my back.

That´s right. The longer your char is alive, the longer the hair and beard should grow. A truly skillful or lucky survivor would look like this guy:


http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/487827004043046445/5B6B6CA30DC858AA9C7C02D416D18C887FA5D504/     ...at least kind of...maybe... ;o)

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My wish list:


1. Hostile enviroment (storms, Hurricanes, etc).....

2. Less loot.....much less.  This way you need to really struggle to survive

3. More Zeds.



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Aside from bug fixes?:

1. Persistence and barricading/base building.

2. Vehicles


Right now I'd settle for a bike and my tent persisting on my clan's server. 



You should not be able to barricade\lock anything so that another player can not gain access to it.


The idea is flawed and obviously would not work on the public hive because you could just server hop to gain entry to locked building.


Even on private shard\hive this would be a bad idea; imagine players locking themselves in houses, they would be very hard and in some cases impossible to kill them.


Have you played the mod? Epoch or Overpoch in particular? You can break down barricades, cut them down with chainsaws, drive through walls with a tank, or just shoot up the house (bullets penetrate.)

Edited by Spartacus Rex

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It probably won't be necessary when loot respawn and the global loot economy are added.

It probably will as otherwise the path between two instances of the same place (e.g. Vybor military base) would be much shorter than the path between two similar places on the same server (e.g. Vybor military base and Zelenogorsk) and also less risky.


If guys like this:

The end of stupid ideas like this

would be annoyed by this as their cheap way of getting geared gets a well needed cost attached to it - they won't be missed. The game is better off without them.

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Jeremiah Johnson player model.



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Unforgiving stamina system to say goodbye for sprinting everywhere and welcome the real size of the Chernarus.

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