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Positive posts only: what feature are you looking forward to

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Funny how the thread about the good things is about future content, sort of indicating that all the whining about games current state is justified. 

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The ability to put a knife in my military boots, one more way to carry more with roughly the same amount of gear on! 

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A lot more audio so the gaming experience becomes more immersive:

noting or pertaining to digital technology or images that deeply involveone's senses and may create an altered mental state: immersivemedia;
immersive 3-D environments.

Base building would be awesome. More frightening Zombies. I'd like to see cities in ruin and on fire, lots of black smoke and more rotting bodies everywhere. More characters (which I'm sure will happen sometime in the near future) and some customizable clothing. 


More importantly, an option or game feature in which missions are possible. Something that the whole community must take part in whether it be massive zombie herds attacking a city or some other interesting plot twist.


In order for the game to be unique and to be a huge success it has to go beyond what most people expect. Shooting people, killing zombies and looting are only fun for so long.

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