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One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

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bleh, what with all the people saying they're hardcore survivor anti KoS love the feel of DayZ and the struggle is half the fun etc, you'd think that the chance to level the playing field and have a pure-competitive moment in DayZ would be like a drought-breaker.

Everyone on the server being at the exact same level as you, and it's a flat out race to the best stuff on the server, which is going to be waiting there just for you (or whoever gets there first).  Everyone will be starting from spawn-points so Berry will be quiet for the first 15 minutes and you don't need to worry about being sniped from Svetlo rocks the moment you log in...


Sounds like the most fun some people will have had in a while.  Don't know what all the fuss is about really.

PS Fire and Brimstone, Mountains melting rivers exploding rarble rarble rarble!

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Just keep playing and testing and stop worrying about your gear. You're going to get killed eventually anyway.


Indeed; see the guy in my signature? He was alive for a very long time.

Operative word: was.

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Really? Suck it up OP, everyones getting wiped and it doesn't take much time to regear. Unless of course you're hoping to save a hacked mag. 

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I can see it before me...

" 5 easy ways to avoid char whipe *click here* "

" save your DayZSA char for only 10e a month "

" suck at dayZ ? look no further *click* "

gah...really Op?

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I can almost taste the sweet tears of those that cry from the wipe! They will sustain me and nourish me as I gear up.


Seriously though, trying to find a way to keep your character from getting wiped when its going to be game wide is a bit pathetic...well quite a lot pathetic really.....man up, grow a pair and deal with it like everyone else!   :facepalm:

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This thread was meant to be a joke. However, what isn't funny is that hacking is still so prevalent in this game. The only option to slightly avoid hackers is not to go to Berezino and East coast altogether, but I am still amazed of incompetence of dev team to at least address the issue and look for problems openly (notifying people when they are able to ban cheaters etc). Duping was used by hackers and by legit players, who duped exclusively so that they could regear with minimum effort after being killed by cheating people. There are obvious hackers, who teleport or use speedhack, and there are ESP hackers, when they know at 1km distance where every player is, their names in game and all weapons they have.


So the wipe and dupe fixing won't affect cheaters (hackers) at all. They still can shoot you through walls, walk through walls, see through walls and fly/teleport (depending on the hack used of course) and kill you and take your stuff that you now can not dupe back, and you are left with nothing. 49 patch isn't something we should be praising. It will only encourage more people to buy/rent hacks and use them to their advantage. Because BE and VAC doesn't ban for that shit at all.

Edited by MaxRain

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Only people getting butt hurt are the server hoppers,cheaters  and the people who sit on low pop just so they can gear up and try to pvp on a high pop lol.I cant wait for hived up servers to slow that blasphemy wannabe dayz players down.

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Firstly, all that duped shit in the game is being drawn and tracked by the game, which takes up energy/resources.  Removing it should decrease load from server to some degree.

Second, it's been said several times too many that Battle Eye is the tip of the spear when it comes to hacker control.


From what I understand, the majority of hacks are a result of stolen source code of the product most of us now enjoy.  While some would question the steps BI took to secure their product, would you call someone incompetent because their house was broken into, goods were taken from their shopfront, or because they were assaulted on the street?

Edited by q.S Sachiel
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This thread was meant to be a joke. However, what isn't funny is that hacking is still so prevalent in this game. The only option to slightly avoid hackers is not to go to Berezino and East coast altogether, but I am still amazed of incompetence of dev team to at least address the issue and look for problems openly (notifying people when they are able to ban cheaters etc). Duping was used by hackers and by legit players, who duped exclusively so that they could regear with minimum effort after being killed by cheating people. There are obvious hackers, who teleport or use speedhack, and there are ESP hackers, when they know at 1km distance where every player is, their names in game and all weapons they have.


So the wipe and dupe fixing won't affect cheaters (hackers) at all. They still can shoot you through walls, walk through walls, see through walls and fly/teleport (depending on the hack used of course) and kill you and take your stuff that you now can not dupe back, and you are left with nothing. 49 patch isn't something we should be praising. It will only encourage more people to buy/rent hacks and use them to their advantage. Because BE and VAC doesn't ban for that shit at all.


So you're saying that not being able to dupe is a bad thing...?

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Duping is cheating! Sorry, but the argument that hackers have it easier is just like the argument that allowing every idiot to carry a gun makes the world a safer place... You won't combat an issue by escalating it and if you allow fighting hacks with hacks more people will start using them just to keep up and because everyone is doing it.


So fixing a hack is always good even if it means the other hackers will get a temporary advantage - they are next. And even without there are simply fewer hackers around making the game more enjoyable for others.

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just take the wipe then struggle for 10 or 15 minutes to get fully geared.

It really won't take long, and thanks to the changes being made server-side for loot spawns, you'll see a lot less military gear and more civilian equipment. The definition of "geared" is going to change, and being a fully-kitted soldier type is going to require more effort.


I really don't think there is any way to avoid the eminent. And in all honestly, you can only get SO geared.


I am the only one I feel that should fret over the wipe, as I have a decked Mosin with a bipod that I got off a bandit, a tactical vest, full TTSKO, 400 rounds, and a p73 RAK

I, too, am quite loaded out at the moment. Nothing rare like your bipod-equipped Mosin, but I do have a fully-kitted AKM with several drum mags and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. This is in addition to full TTsKO clothing, green tac vest, lots of ready-to-eat food (rice, sardines, powdered milk, etc.), cantines, medical supplies, you name it.


Sounds like the most fun some people will have had in a while.  Don't know what all the fuss is about really.

PS Fire and Brimstone, Mountains melting rivers exploding rarble rarble rarble!

I am quite excited! So are all of my friends that play. We all recognize this for what it is: a moment, however long, of equality on the battlefield.

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This thread was meant to be a joke. However, what isn't funny is that hacking is still so prevalent in this game. The only option to slightly avoid hackers is not to go to Berezino and East coast altogether, but I am still amazed of incompetence of dev team to at least address the issue and look for problems openly (notifying people when they are able to ban cheaters etc). Duping was used by hackers and by legit players, who duped exclusively so that they could regear with minimum effort after being killed by cheating people. There are obvious hackers, who teleport or use speedhack, and there are ESP hackers, when they know at 1km distance where every player is, their names in game and all weapons they have.


So the wipe and dupe fixing won't affect cheaters (hackers) at all. They still can shoot you through walls, walk through walls, see through walls and fly/teleport (depending on the hack used of course) and kill you and take your stuff that you now can not dupe back, and you are left with nothing. 49 patch isn't something we should be praising. It will only encourage more people to buy/rent hacks and use them to their advantage. Because BE and VAC doesn't ban for that shit at all.

Did you really just argue for the right to dupe? I'm beginning to think your OP wasn't a joke.

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Did wipe already happen? If not, when will it?


Tomorrow ?   or maybe that is just an update to Experimental.

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There is one way, just never join a server after the wipe, you'll be able to admire your character in the main menu for eternity.

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I really don't think there is any way to avoid the eminent. And in all honestly, you can only get SO geared.


I am the only one I feel that should fret over the wipe, as I have a decked Mosin with a bipod that I got off a bandit, a tactical vest, full TTSKO, 400 rounds, and a p73 RAK

Yo! Is your Mosin also the fully pristine collectors edition? The one with LRS, bipod, compensator and bayonet. What's her name?

Mines name is Elisabeth and I will miss her.


If the wipe comes, then it comes. The interresting part will be, if duping and item hacking exploits will be fixed. I will scavenge again. That is part of DayZ.

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Listening to people brag about their gear is HILARIOUS.


I swear you can tell who played the mod and who didn't from how they post.

Edited by BioHaze

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Listening to people brag about their gear is HILARIOUS.


I swear you can tell who played the mod and who didn't from how they post.

I remember when finding any gun was badass....back in early 2012. xD 

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nope. they going to be wiped clean. no more hacked mags for players :)


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I'd be glad if after the wipe you will crawl around and die hundreds time of starvation and hypothermia before you find 1/10 of the crap you're carrying around nowdays.

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