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This game is and always will be way too military focused by players

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Yes more of this





Less of this






Ok no one wants your farmer fresh equipment.


We can still have all that high tech military gear it just DOESN'T have to be over exaggerated as you claim them to be. There is a certain logic behind having over the top rare hard to find weapons that give players a reason to survive and hunt for. And also you CANNOT deny there existence even in a fiction country based around REAL weapons.


Half of the elite weapons you might even find in normal military bases but that doesn't mean they have to work. They could all be at least ruined for the most part and maybe find one gem out of the weapons storage.  Hence why i think different grades of guns needs to be introduced so we can put those cleaning kits to good use finally.

Edited by Deathlove
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And why are all these guys lined up in ranks with AKs, dude ?

Because only people in the army have access to AKs



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I do.


This is supposed to be a world without food or resources a desperate wasteland yet there would be an abundance of tacticool rail kits for weapons ?


That makes no sense.


The grand grand majority of weapons should be iron sighted and barely working. It needs to feel and look like a zombie apocalypse set in an impoverished area.

You also have to remember this isn't the US where gun nuts love making their .22lr rabbit rifles look like super operator rifle that operates hard while playing dress up with their cheaply bought mil surp clothing. As an American I find the gun culture here really strange and I do own guns quite a few of them but I find the people who buy body armor and wear it for a day at the range to be weird people. Those same people are the ones who bubba guns just because they can.


I highly doubt something like that happens in a nation like Georgia for instance. American Gun culture is a very unique thing.

Actually it makes far more sense than you may think.  The evidence in game suggests that we are at most a few years into the apocalypse:  And the fresh fruit suggests we're not more than a month in.  Were that removed, the canned goods would still suggest we are no more than 4-5 years in to the apocalypse.  Food shortages do make sense in that people will eat up food resources quickly:  But clothing and firearms should still be abundant.  -  Though not ammunition, which would have largely been used in defense against zombies.  We are -not- in a wasteland or decades past the end of the world where guns are going to be breaking down. 


Also, the Czech Republic, which in terms of culture and terrain the map is largely being based on to my knowledge, is one of the most gun friendly nations in the EU.  Even if guns aren't as common, it doesn't make sense to say that no one is going to be equipped with modern sporting / hunting rifles, especially given the amount of wilderness in the area which would easily support hunting for both medium and small game - allowing for a variety of calibers to be in demand for such hunters.  An example is the AR-15 platform and SKS are common boar hunting rifles worldwide.  Heck, again on the point of the Czech Republic, they have the most AR-15's of any European nation in civilian hands. 


And scopes/sights?  Honestly we should see more hunting sights for rifles, given there is clearly deer - and there were hunters - in the area.  Saying that they should be rare makes no sense in terms of realism. 

Edited by Evaris
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I also love how people are under this illusion that military gear is...


A. Super rare in the real world, even though most military gear is (by definition) mass-produced and mass-distributed.


B. Would magically disappear and/or be used up indefinitely in an apocalypse. I'm sure the thousands of AK-74's that are being used throughout Eastern Europe would just poof if there were a few zombies running around.


C. Is somehow contrary to "survival," as most military gear is designed expressly to facilitate the operator's survival.


D. Is somehow superfluous, useless, or otherwise unnecessary.


E. Has no presence in the civilian world.


F. Is somehow "against" the notion of a zombie apocalypse, when almost every single entry into the genre (even the broader post-apocalyptic genre) features military gear, tactics, weapons if not including the military outright.

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The gun culture of the Czech Republic has got nothing to do with anything. Whatever Chernarus's culture is is entirely up to the devs, especially given that there are glaring features of Chernarus that bare absolutely no relation to Czech Republic (see: the ocean; the cyrillic alphabet).


But I agree: the prominence of deer stands suggests hunting was popular there before the "outbreak"; and the number of military facilities suggest that... there was a lot of military activity there.


So guns, yeah... probably quite abundant. For gameplay purposes, though, I think the numbers need reducing. The majority of players you meet in DayZ have at least one gun, and many of them have several. I don't think this is good, because it encourages a single type of gameplay too heavily above others that should be as important if not more so.

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Nonsense. I've worn my BDU jacket to school before. Maybe Massachusetts is different....

In my experience, the people of Massachusetts are a bizarre and rare blend of very intelligent and horribly racist. For some reason that makes me feel like fatigues would fly there, but either way there is a big difference between wearing a camo jacket once in a while and dressing in full military regalia on the regular.

Edited by Hefeweizen

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That is debatable. People don't seem to be complaining about the amount of military gear spawning in the game they seem to be complaining whenever any military stuff is added, we all remember how the community overreacted to the flashbang being added. Instantly proclaiming Dayz to be emulating COD. 


The people who want dayz to not turn into arma would much rather see a .22lr revolver instead of a fancy smancy sniper rifle from some obscure corner of the world.


They rather see more and more civilian weapons and clothing added instead of any more military themed stuff being added. I am not saying they wouldn't want any military weapons however the same people who don't want arma redux are the same ones who begged for the makarov  and the akm. I am sure that same crowd would be open to Eastern Military weapons being added and those seem to be coming with the SVD.

Well, I'm not arguing with them, I'm just telling you that they're falsely observing the problem if they believe that specific content is the problem rather than the overall arch in content and the way in which it spawns.


ArmA is a fairly realistic shooter - hence why it features many modern military weapons in addition to lower-end and older rifles. Why? Because it's a (rather) accurate fictional depiction of the world. Sure, not every militia group is using XM8s and FN SCARs, like they're sometimes depicted in video games that have to use them for the fact that those were the weapons chosen. However, it also doesn't depict militias and insurgents using just AKs and hunting rifles.

ArmA 2's insurgents had weapons all across the board - plenty of AKs (AKMs and AK-74s), RPKs, PKMs, and such, but they also had some guys with G36Cs, and golden AKMS rifles, among other things. Sure, things like the AKM should be on the more middle end of rarity, but people act like anything that comes from "West of Poland" (as stated before) is an atrocity to the game. (I think more accurate would be West of East Germany, though, because they had their fair share of guns)

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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Today it's military gear, tomorrow it is Mosins and SKs and the next day it will be rocks are OP.   Some people are just never happy if someone else is enjoying themselves.

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The problem is how easy it is to acquire military gear. A lot of players are trying to play DayZ as being a survivor and not some gung-ho hoorah running around killing unarmed people. That in itself is funny, players decked out in full military attire running around killing civilians instead of protecting them.

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The problem is how easy it is to acquire military gear. A lot of players are trying to play DayZ as being a survivor and not some gung-ho hoorah running around killing unarmed people. That in itself is funny, players decked out in full military attire running around killing civilians instead of protecting them.

What makes you think military weapons cause the KOS attitude?

Or lack of military weapons would stop the KOS?

Edited by hellcane

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What makes you think military weapons cause the KOS attitude?

Or lack of military weapons would stop the KOS?




Doesn't matter if I have a Mosin or an M107 in my hands, I'm still going to grease that bambi/bandit no questions asked.


Military weapons/gear is not the issue with KOS. A lack of consequence (i.e. zombies jumping all over you for firing a round in a city, for example) and lack of compounding maintenance factors (i.e. widely available ammunition, relatively common weapons overall, and zero environmental factors) are the two main drivers in wanton KOS in my opinion. The more significant one being a lack of consequence (not punishment) for killing someone.

Edited by Katana67
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Actually it makes far more sense than you may think.  The evidence in game suggests that we are at most a few years into the apocalypse:  And the fresh fruit suggests we're not more than a month in.  Were that removed, the canned goods would still suggest we are no more than 4-5 years in to the apocalypse.  Food shortages do make sense in that people will eat up food resources quickly:  But clothing and firearms should still be abundant.  -  Though not ammunition, which would have largely been used in defense against zombies.  We are -not- in a wasteland or decades past the end of the world where guns are going to be breaking down. 


Also, the Czech Republic, which in terms of culture and terrain the map is largely being based on to my knowledge, is one of the most gun friendly nations in the EU.  Even if guns aren't as common, it doesn't make sense to say that no one is going to be equipped with modern sporting / hunting rifles, especially given the amount of wilderness in the area which would easily support hunting for both medium and small game - allowing for a variety of calibers to be in demand for such hunters.  An example is the AR-15 platform and SKS are common boar hunting rifles worldwide.  Heck, again on the point of the Czech Republic, they have the most AR-15's of any European nation in civilian hands. 


And scopes/sights?  Honestly we should see more hunting sights for rifles, given there is clearly deer - and there were hunters - in the area.  Saying that they should be rare makes no sense in terms of realism. 

Exactly. A major issue in my book is the fact that we lack a "timeframe" for the TSC (Total Societal Collapse) event, which in turn would dictate what kinds of equipment we would find about Chernarus. We have fresh fruit around, and not only temperate fruits, like apples and pears, but tropical fruits, like kiwis, bannanas, etc. This, to me, suggests that the TSC event occurred only a few days ago, a week tops, or there is some sort of society/trade outside South Zagoria that can (and more importantly, willing) that is bringing in fresh fruit for .... something Chernarus has to offer?


On the other hand, we have overgrown fields (however, this isn't exactly uncommon, even in our non-postaplocalyptic world) and rusted hulks of vehicles.

When the hell did the world go to shit? A week ago, or a year?

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In my experience, the people of Massachusetts are a bizarre and rare blend of very intelligent and horribly racist. For some reason that makes me feel like fatigues would fly there, but either way there is a big difference between wearing a camo jacket once in a while and dressing in full military regalia on the regular.

I've also worn my full BDU kit to High school, although it was Veteran's Day, and I was known about the school as "that guy going to West Point", so that may be a mitigating factor...

And yes, Massachusetts is a clusterfuck of conflicting, horribly implemented, and often BALLS OUT STUPID LAWS. The other New England States politely look away from Massachusetts whenever we make noise.


"Taxachusetts, where if you aren't from Boston, Hingham/Hull (AKA rich motherfuckers), or Martha's Vineyard, go fuck off and die"

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Some days ago I saved a cow from zombies... and I got killed by the zombies while trying to save it! PEACE

Edited by Badzone

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8/10 people I talk to or come across in this game only care about the military loot. There can be an entire changelog filled with awesome survival additions, but the only threads will be those regarding the new shiny weapons.


I know that this game is PVP focused, nothing you can do with ever fix that..all you can do is hope to make it harder to get this gear.


Server hopping for military gear right now is a huge problem, and "rare" military gear is everywhere due the the hundreds of possible drop nodes per server. That, and dupers.


Want to limit the amount of M4's, AK's, Grenades, etc? Want to stop server hoppers?

Move all military weaponry/attachments exclusively to heli crash sites. I'd like to see someone server hop a crash site. Yes, it's possible, but extremely improbable to actually find one in the exact same spot that hasn't been touched.


Barracks should only spawn military apparel. Hats, Vests, backpacks, etc.


Police stations should at max spawn a sidearm.


Spotting a player with a kitted out M4 should be a "holy S*it, I haven't seen one in weeks" moment. Not a "Oh, look..another one"


Limiting the availability of these weapons will no doubt increase the duping issue, but we should focus more on fixing that issue. I see this mod turning softer and softer each update, especially with only edible food now spawning.

I totally agree with you.

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I could live with no more guns added. The big issue is duping. It takes all balance away.

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I could live with no more guns added. The big issue is duping. It takes all balance away.


Which has nothing to do with what firearms they add.


Fix duping.

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I could live with no more guns added. The big issue is duping. It takes all balance away.

Just wait till private hives start popping up with custom loadouts.

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If there were an outbreak like in DayZ you'd be damn sure I'd be on the hunt for military gear and hardware. Because guess what? It's designed to be used under demanding, unforgiving circumnstances where you have to live primitively and still be effective for a long time. It's the ideal stuff for the job plain and simple.


And I wouldnt worry one bit about availability either. I can pull a set of camies and a modular vest right out of my closet. Guns might be different but get into any army base and there are hundreds if not thousands of military grade weapons about (assuming the military was hit with the infection just like the rest of the populace).


Add in the factor that chernarus was a recent warzone with international forces present and presto. So no not too much focus at all.

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I could live with no more guns added.



That is probably because the amount of weapons in the game already is quite large.


Aren't we already approaching if not passing the number of weapons from the mod ?

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That is probably because the amount of weapons in the game already is quite large.

Aren't we already approaching if not passing the number of weapons from the mod ?

Far from it Edited by hellcane

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I've also worn my full BDU kit to High school, although it was Veteran's Day, and I was known about the school as "that guy going to West Point", so that may be a mitigating factor...



Beat it nerd.

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The problem is how easy it is to acquire military gear.

Without server hopping, not really. I could find ammo for maybe 4-6 different types of weapons before I find ammo for the specific gun I am using (generally an SKS). And that's not even so much a military weapon.


Maybe you server hop or something, because I haven't actually found an M4A1, AK101 or AKM in ages. Granted I don't play that much, but when I do I am heading to airfields quite often. Maybe I'm just not as lucky as you.

Edited by bonesnap

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What makes you think military weapons cause the KOS attitude?

Or lack of military weapons would stop the KOS?

that's not what I said. Learn to read. It's the easy to acquire military gear vs those who are not trying to play CoD. It causes a huge imbalance.

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I could easily solve this problem with heavily geared players by adding weight into the game. So if you're fully geared you could be an easy pray for zombies and survivors with casual cloth and a kitchen knife. Because you're equipment are so heavy that you won't be able to run fast or far. So a light geared survivor or a zombie will be able to outrun you easily. To not make this system completely unfair and make heavily geared players an easy pray for zombies. They should make some of the zombies a bit slower than a fully geared player. Slow zombies are old zombies or starving zombies. (Their flesh is probably rotten) Players are advised to find a tent quickly so they can store most of their items. Ammo and survival gear is heavy so you probably won't carry more than you need for the trip. You don't want the zombies to catch you down. Also places like barracks and other military places should have well fed zombies which means that they are healthy and fed. Some of them are even faster than normal zombies, some of them have grown bigger and have become more tanky... why are they so fed? Because survivors are always looking for better gear. So those places have become attractive for zombies too.

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