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The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

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Rule 1 - Don't get attached to your gear

Rule 2 - Never tell anyone where you are

Rule 3 - Avoid ladders

Rule 4 - Don't believe it when you hear "im friendly"

Rule 5 - You will die!


Well that's my 5, any to add?


Or better yet whats your 5?

Edited by Karmaterror

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My rules


1. Always move around like if there was a sniper watching you.

2. If you think you've heard something strange, just assume you really did (not - "probably just my imagination".).

3. Expect unexpected.

4. Failure is part of the learning process.

5. Trust your instincts.

6. Explore every inch of the map.


Guys only:

Do your looting same way you do your shopping: make a list, get in, get your shit and get out as quickly as possible


Works like a charm :)

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  1. Trust no one.

Trust no one.

The beans belong to those most armed.

If you need it, you wont find it till after you die.

Entropy will always win. 

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2. If you think you've heard something strange, just assume you really did (not - "probably just my imagination".).



Iv said that to myself so many times in-game...


"what was..."...."Did I just hear...." *raises weapon* :)




  1. If you need it, you wont find it till after you die



So true....game knows exactly what you are looking for....no one knows how....no one knows why....we just know it does :D

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1. only go to a town if you need something (hunting has made this so much easier)

2. always pretend that there is a KOS bandit in the town with you

3. if you see another player, find out if there are more to their group before making yourself known

4. if you share with another players, only give food, water, batteries (no weapons or ammo)

5. it is better to keep your old gear than get killed for something better

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1. Use your brain.

2. Stay calm.

3. Keep your eyes open.

4. Act with honor and respect.

5. Ignore 4. while fighting.

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1. Use your brain.

2. Stay calm.

3. Keep your eyes open.

4. Act with honor and respect.

5. Ignore 4. while fighting.


Number 5....love it :)

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1- Always check your supplies when making a stop

2- wear clothes of various colours without shiny ones to better conceal in your environment (Grey/black/Tan/green works well)

3- when you take a rest, make sure you have two ways of escape

4- You don't need those military supplies

5- Always think twice before running in the open

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1-Dont run towards  fully geared person with axe. (I jsut killed one) :)

2-When you eating and drinking make sure that you in house.

3-Dont run around fire stations, police stations and airstrips.

4-Make sure your char allways hydrated and energized.

5-Dont try kill zombies with hands.

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1. avoid kichilron.

2. repeat step 1.


follow these and you will be fine.

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OP, that's what i keep telling my mates - don't get attached to your loot, and if you are - you've been alive too long.

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1. avoid kichilron.

2. repeat step 1.



That's just because I am a beast and superior in almost any challenge. ;)



  1. Do not get attached (equally gear and randoms you meet)
  2. Do not go to High Density ares / cities
  3. Do not be afraid to tactically retreat / regroup / flank <- this helps surviving most fights
  4. Do not make noise when unnecessary
  5. Play naked <- helps concentrating
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1. Log out somewhere where you're less likely to get spawn killed.

2. Close all doors behind you as you are entering/leaving buildings your looting

3. Scout out the area first, always be on your guard after the fact as well.

4. Expect the unexpected.

5. Don't run along roads (always to the side or in cover)

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1. avoid kichilron.

2. repeat step 1.


follow these and you will be fine.


Solid advice :)

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  1. Play naked <- helps concentrating




1. Be efficient

2. Be professional

3. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet

4. Be the hunter not the hunted

5. Either you die or I do

Edited by General Zod

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1. get Healthy asap

2. get armed asap

3. hit airfields and trainstations ( Pressvest ) 

4. get bored, start playing friendly 

5. get shot by a Bambie u just gave a gun and a bag of rice in the back.

6. repeat

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1. Acquire towel

2. Don't trust anyone

3. Run.

4. Remember: people are worse then zombies

5. Don't panic 

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2. Close all doors behind you as you are entering/leaving buildings your looting


I disagree. I leave everything open.

When I go into a town and see open doors, I get worried there might be a team of 4 bandits around the corner. Also, if I see open doors, i'll bypass the town and move to another.


If i think this, hopefully others will to, and stay away if they see open doors. Closed doors are an invite for people to come sniffing around.

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1. Acquire towel

2. Don't trust anyone

3. Run.

4. Remember: people are worse then zombies

5. Don't panic 


If I could id give you 2 beans....one for each Hitchhikers reference. Ford's would probably just be.. 


1, Acquire towel

2, Drink Transgalacticgargleblaster

3, Check still have towel

4, Don't Panic

5, Hitch ride to the restaurant at the end of the universe :)

Edited by Karmaterror
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Experienced Mod and SA player with over 500 hours... imo..


1. Trust is earned, not given. (If players are trust-worthy, they will show trust and their words and actions will be in agreement.)

2. There are no "owners" in DayZ, only "users". (You do not own what you have, you're just using it until the next guy has it.)

3. Trust your instincts. (If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.. if Elektro sounds too quiet, it is.. If that fresh spawn seems to be too friendly, he is.)

4. Walk softly and carry a big stick. (Be a ghost until souls need to be reaped)

5. Haste can be folly, but I've never seen delay that was wise. (Move with a purpose, and measure your aggression.. Too aggressive is clumsy, too passive weakens your position.)

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1. If someone doesn't have a gun don't shoot them


2. Offer them a bandage or something helpful if they seem fresh, to be a light in the everlasting darkness that is the playerbase as perhaps they'll remember your kindness before turning to the darkside.




4. Don't get carried away and try to find every possible good item in one place if you're there too long someone will find you.


5. Tactical Bacon is god Always shoot at groups in case they are bandits and then run away, if not it will at least liven up their session.

Edited by UltimateGentleman
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Everybody's friendly when they have nothing.

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  1. Eat, drink, and be merry (but not where you can be seen or heard)

Always camp on the 2nd floor of a random building away from good loot.

Run like you're evading an alligator - zig zag, never run in a straight line.

It's good form to take people hostage rather than KOS, but always mess with and/or torture the hostage a little.

Never, never, NEVER assume you are alone or safe.

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