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The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

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1. Never trust anyone

2. Don't get attached to your gear

3. Use your brain

4. Always keep moving

5. Never be to friendly

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1. Trust no one

2. KoS

3. Never loot what you KoS

4. Hide what you KoS if you KoS from melee range

5. Change location after you KoS

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When you get shot at or shot and don't know where it's coming from, retreat. Discretion is the better part of valor. Retreat, heal, circle, flank. Don't get stupid and stick around when you are at a disadvantage.


This saved me and my shiny AKM at NWAF tents last night!

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First I was shot in the back of the head when I was drinking water, unarmed.

I respawned, then I was shot in the torso and ran away. A bambi chased me, but gave up.

A guy found me, bandaged me, gave me food, asked about who shot me... and shot me in the face when I said "thanks" after I finished eating.

I spawned in a different town, walked up some stairs, broke my leg. I went down, chopped some kindling, it was glitched, couldn't pick it up. A guy found me, made a splint, I used it... he axed me to the head. He only had the axe, but didn't even take my stuff - SKS, backpack, nothing.
I just don't understand some people.
So my rules are now:

1. KoS

2. Avoid players

3. Go into the woods

4. Survive in the woods

5. If you want fruitful multiplayer interaction, go play some other game

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1.) Trust NO ONE.

2.) Avoid coastal cities and Airfields (if you need/want gear from these locations just camp the popular entrances and exits to said coastal cities and Airfields)

3.) Keep your head on a swivel at all times (know your angles!)

4.) Avoid shooting your weapon if at all possible. If not possible, do not sit in 1 place for more than 2-3 minutes after firing your weapon.

5.) Avoid rocky hillsides.  I have died more to rocks than to people by far.

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1: Close all doors.

2: Have a plan.
3: Don't seek contact with a group that is larger then you(rs).
4: If you engage in conversation with someone be in control, if you don't have control take it, if you can't, get out.
5: It's better to take long and achieve, over taking the short route and lose.

And my most important rule: Before heading into a city make a stash with your gear. Take minimum stuff with you, try to look unimportant. If you get into contact and get chased, run around a corner, take that pistol out and let that fucker have it as soon as he turns the corner. Must be one hell of a surprise for the fucker, thinking you were a bambi. 

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Rule #1: Show no love -- Love will get you killed.

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  1. Approach every situation carefully (plan ahead).

Prepare for the worst.

Be careful around other players!

Read up on good strategies.

Don't shoot someone/something unless they ABSOLUTELY need to be shot.

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rule 1, stay alive

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Rule 1 Don't eat raw meat.

Rule 2 Don't threaten other players.

Rule 3 Do Die when I shoot you.

Rule 4 Do Wear an Assault Vest

Rule 5 Do not kidnap less hostile players.

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1. This is not call of Duty

2. This is not HALO

3. This is not Unreal Tournament 

4. This is not Battlefield

5. This is a "work in progress" Zombie survival game and if you like fast paced, skill based pvp 1-4 are leaps and bounds more action packed.

6. Killing new spawns/bambis is as rewarding/challenging as walking and breathing

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1. Install game


2. Join Game


3. Spawn in Berezino


4. Get shot


5. Uninstall game

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1. Go to the woods

2. Stay in the woods

3. You're still in the woods

4. Watch people from the woods

5. Do not fire until fired upon

6. Ignore rule 5 when bandits are observed doing bandity things

7. Chance leaving the woods to find some gear

8. Spawn on the coast

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As painful as this may sound I have learned to walk with my pistol at the ready when clearing buildings and tents, yes, even hangers.  This way I can engage first with well aimed fire versus uselessass panicked supressive fire.  It's paid off several times not in gear but with a still alve toon.   Once I have engaged someone, checked pulse and coup de grace as appropriate at an airfield though, yes, I beat feet like a Frenchman stomping grapes.  Besides, if you run all the time you'll just die tired.

Edited by Barnabus
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Rule 1: Shoot or avoid anyone more geared than you.

Rule 2: Follow, don't lead a group.

Rule 3: Allies become 'decoys' in a fire fight.

Rule 4: Can openers are the most valuable thing.

Rule 5: Peaches are the second most valuable thing.

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General Order #13:

Walk my post from flank to flank, and take no shit from any rank!


I may be thinking of something else...

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1. Don't get attached to your gear, your friends, or your life.

2. Don't cross into danger zones (open areas). If you MUST, or going around them is not feasible, do so as quickly as possible. Don't sneak. Don't crawl. RUN.

3. NWAF, NEAF, and Balota are all danger zones. Spend as little time there as possible. Move fast. Get in. Get gear. Get out. If someone IS there with you, they fall into one of two categories: friendly (not a threat), or unfriendly. If they are there, and they want to kill you, odds are they are not looting, but hunting. Which means they are already there, watching, waiting for you to cross their line of sight. So: MOVE FAST. The faster you move, the less time you are there, and the less chance you have of being spotted (on average). If you DO get spotted, you will be either creeping slowly along (pointless. Sniper was already waiting for you, and you gave him an easy shot), or you are running full sprint, and will be harder to hit. If he misses, you have been alerted to is presence, and can attempt to flee.

4. The bush in front of you is nothing but a bush. Except when it isn't. ANYWHERE could be an ambush waiting for you (read my sig).

5. If you become surrounded, take heart: You now know exactly where your enemy is, and they cant get away from you!

6. Retreating is just fighting in a different direction.

7. Use small backpacks. They provide a smaller visible profile, and a smaller target to hit. It also means that the asshole that kills you wont get as much gear.

8. If you don't personally know the person you see, they are a potential threat. Whatever you do to them or don't do, remember that, and be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions.

9. There is no spoon......or forks. ONLY KNIVES!

10. If you see an open door, it means someone has been there.

11. If you see a closed door, it means someone MIGHT have been there.

12. There is no cake. It was all a horrible lie.

13. Zombies spawn in Black Forest.

14. Do not run ON the roads. Run on the SIDES of the roads. Preferably, in the trees where available.

15. When cresting a hill, do so in the lowest profile possible (prone). Be aware of the flow of the terrain, and use it to your advantage.

16. The high ground lets you see all around, but also lets all around see you.

17. The ashwood bow, though awesome, is currently mostly useless.

18. Chernogorsk has a lot of high locations from which a sniper can easily hide. If there are no snipers, YOU can easily snipe from them.

19. Its fine to KOS. Just be ready for a large portion of the community to hate you for it.

20. Its alpha. Don't expect ANYTHING. Just have fun.

21. Quality over quantity: a single, accurate and lethal shot is just as good as the one that hit out of 50 poorly aimed ones.

22. Don't underestimate the usefulness of 50, poorly aimed shots in the general direction of your opponent. Suppression is a useful tactic in the right situation.

23. The most important thing in the game, more important, and more frequently used than any other thing, is water. Thus, ponds and wells are good spots to watch when hunting.


25. Don't go near Lopatino. That's where I huntI MEAN LIVE!

26. Check behind you. OFTEN.

27. The weapon you want will never spawn. When it does, the ammo/items you need wont. The weapon you trade it for will follow the same rule.

28. If 27 turns out to be wrong, you have defied the laws of physics. The universe will immediately seek to rectify they wrong by killing you, either with a glitch, another player, or something else. Count your days, for they are numbered.

29. This is alpha.

30. This is alpha.

31. Don't get attached to your gear.

32. This is alpha.

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As painful as this may sound I have learned to walk with my pistol at the ready when clearing buildings and tents, yes, even hangers.  This way I can engage first with well aimed fire versus uselessass panicked supressive fire.  It's paid off several times not in gear but with a still alve toon.   Once I have engaged someone, checked pulse and coup de grace as appropriate at an airfield though, yes, I beat feet like a Frenchman stomping grapes.  Besides, if you run all the time you'll just die tired.

Well I walk around bases with my SKS at the ready I would like to see how your tiny puny pistol measures up to that. 

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Well I walk around bases with my SKS at the ready I would like to see how your tiny puny pistol measures up to that. 

Don't underestimate the lethality of the pistols.

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As painful as this may sound I have learned to walk with my pistol at the ready when clearing buildings and tents, yes, even hangers.  This way I can engage first with well aimed fire versus uselessass panicked supressive fire.  It's paid off several times not in gear but with a still alve toon.   Once I have engaged someone, checked pulse and coup de grace as appropriate at an airfield though, yes, I beat feet like a Frenchman stomping grapes.  Besides, if you run all the time you'll just die tired.


I've only died when I stopped running. Mainly out in the open, there's usually a sniper somewhere.


Nobody expects someone to do something so idiotic as run round a corner so when you do they have no idea what to do and can never aim quick enough, run round a corner take your weapon out and let the battle commence!

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1. Trust no one

2. KoS

3. Never loot what you KoS

4. Hide what you KoS if you KoS from melee range

5. Change location after you KoS


Haha...the 5 rules of dayz banditry^^ :D


As I read it it kind of went....


1, Ohhhhh

2, Salt

3, In...

4, The...

5, Wound

Edited by Karmaterror

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rule 1 - tear shirt into rags as soon as you spawn

rule 2 - First get  Hydrated, Energised, & Healthy.

rule 3 - If you're not a bandit? don't cover your face.

rule 4 - don't get attached to your gear

rule 5 - no happy endings in the apocalypse!

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1. This is not call of Duty

2. This is not HALO

3. This is not Unreal Tournament 

4. This is not Battlefield

5. This is a "work in progress" Zombie survival game and if you like fast paced, skill based pvp 1-4 are leaps and bounds more action packed.

6. Killing new spawns/bambis is as rewarding/challenging as walking and breathing

And what if i like slowpaced/realistic, skill based pvp games?


Fucking hippies.  


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