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About Acher0n

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Acher0n

    Some things never change.

    Considering it takes about 18,000 head punches to down a zombie, yeah i'll just keep on circling them and circling them and circling them and circling them and circling them and circling them
  2. Not played for 3 months, thought i'd come back to see if it's still a mess. After 5 minutes im swamped by 6 zombies ad promptly died. Second spawn-in, i spawn on a road in the middle of nowhere. Within 10 seconds, two well-geared guys come over, before anyone can even speak they headshot me and run off. Oh well, see you in another 3 months then.
  3. Oh look, a PvP loot whoring bandit. Never seen one before.
  4. Just spawned in, was in some town, cant remember what. Walk into a supermarket and start taking damage. Cant hear anyone or hits or anything. Start bleeding, fractured arm. Run out of the supermarket. Out comes a bandit with his little bandit mask on and axe. I had about 30 mins worth of loot on me and posed no threat. I didnt even have a weapon. Anyway, the bandit comes out of the floor of the supermarket from underneath and kills me straight away. Respawn in. I somehow spawn right next to another newspawn. I back away, dont show any hostile intention, and as expected, the fists come up and he starts punching me. Dead again. Respawn back in. Server crashes. Respawn in again, make my way to a town. Get attacked by a zombie. After 35 clicks with a pitchfork and only 1 hit, I run away. Into the next town, find a baton and SKS (no ammo). 2 more crawling zombies now attack me. Probably 60-70 clicks of the baton later, and two recorded hits. Dead. Ragequit. Remember when melee used to work and zombies were'nt impossible to hit? Yeah, me too. On a similar note, i'm now at 94 hours in this game and have never spoken to another player. Not once. Never. Every single person I have met in the last 94 hours has either killed or tried to kill me on sight, without so much as a hello. *shakes head*
  5. Acher0n

    Heli crash sites

    I've played for 96 hours and have never seen a single crashsite.
  6. Only used it twice, both times one hit kills on zombies from a headshot. I also used the stun baton against them which is terrible, and my cattleprod glitched and fell through the floor. lol.
  7. Awaiting the wipe (which has never happened), i ran to Berezino. I ran through a treeline and was literally greeted immeidately by an enemy about 15ft in front of me. He was coming for me based on the few shots i fired into town. I unloaded about 15 rounds of AK101 into his chest. Didnt see him go down, went unconscious, and died. Respawned in the town at the top right, just north of Bere. Ran back, maybe 8 minutes? My body was gone, couldnt find his. (Can anyone explain this? I thought they only vanished when the server reset?) ive no idea if I killed him or not. Ran towards Bere with my crowbar, saw a few guys, knew they were going to kill me, as they ran around at 4000mph, teleporting all over the place etc etc. This is the norm for this game. Seriously, characters when viewed by another person need to seriously be slowed down. It's impossible to know where the enemy actually is, hence a lottery. I bet the guy i shot earlier was probably 20ft to the left, thats why he probably survived and I died.
  8. Acher0n

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Maybe they could work on fixing the basic foundations of the game first?
  9. I used to enjoy it a lot until the recent zombie patch. Now I constantly have to carry more bandages than the military and hope upon hope that another 3 or 4 dont spawn on the one i just managed to kill with an axe, when i finally made contact with a random hitbox, after the zombie lunged at me from 20ft, missed, but still broke my arm and made me bleed. Tbh, I cant cope with everything else in Alpha state, but not this.
  10. Acher0n

    I want some combat.

    Ha, Bere it is then. Anyone have any idea when the character wipe will be? And are zombies going to be fixed? I hate they way they are at the moment. Too accurate, too much respawn, not enough hitbox.
  11. Acher0n

    I want some combat.

    Where is the best place to go these days for combat? Im camping out the southern coastal airfield but there doesnt seem to be many people there. I'm fed up of getting banged by zombies all the time and want to fight some people. Is Novo and Bere still the main PvP zones now? I'm always tempted to fire a few shots off and lure someone over but I want to save ammo. :D
  12. When is the reset? Is it confirmed, and why?
  13. Acher0n

    Another experiment

    Welcome to Codz. I don't even bother speaking to anyone anymore. It's cost me too much in the past. I will KoS 100% of the time. I dont like it, but the community and game have forced it.
  14. Acher0n

    Might as well fight

    Been away for a few weeks. Is there a wipe coming or something?
  15. Acher0n

    So the game is pretty pointless (LMB Bug)

    I seem to get it more with firearms than melee weapons too.