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Why are there basically no 3pp:off servers - grow a pair.

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It's amazing how the entire community comes together every 3 days and so, discussing the same thing over again.

The arguments are exactly the same, even the insults are the same..


Like usual, this thread will soon die and be replaced by an exactly similar one, and the process will be repeated again... I think if George Orwell ever would have written a novel that took place in an internet forum, that forum would be a lot like this one



Its the circle of life.....


we post...thread gets 20 pages long...Mod locks thread... A new poster has the brilliant idea to make a thread about.....

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For me the cool thing about 1pp is that it makes you re think your play style in terms of what clothing you go for, since the mountain backpacks and certain jackets block your rear view, so you have to find new balance and make tougher decisions, like do I take the large backpack and lose out on being able to see my surroundings effectively, or do i go with a hunter backpack or a wee taloon pack?  Do I take this down jacket or do I wait for something that doesn't block my rear view?  


Playing 1pp has made me really re think what is essential in the game, it's made me travel lighter due to these choices, so most of the time now I can get away with just wearing an assault vest or a small backpack, and making the spaces work for me, collect more yellow boxes, it's changed almost every aspect of how I play, plus being super aware of silhouetting, so I find myself finding better cover, picking better bushes and so on.


I'm not saying 1pp is better or worse, but it changed my play style a lot for the better, and it's the video game equivalent of learning to ride a motorbike fast in the wet, I've learned to be just as effective while always being that mush more cautious and fluid, taken off the rough edges, which is now a natural part of my play-style,

Edited by daringd
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Or nut up and play regular.


who is that to?


Also, I'm going to just go ahead and say, I think all this masculine rhetoric is a bit boring and narrow minded now too, lots of references to balls...  as though somehow being good at something or being bad-ass requires you to be male...  

Edited by daringd

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Original poster.  I was being sarcastic.


I just love the elitist attitude Hardcore only players have.  Like hardcore is any harder than regular.  People play it because it is easier in a fashion.  Both styles offer different difficulties.

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It is possible to play in first person on all servers. grow a pair yourself and accept the unfair challenge! 

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I do dislike the regular to hardcore ratio, however I am kind of glad that they made the two different types of servers. It gives us the ability to split between the two. Regular servers can go on to develop for more casual gameplay. Hardcore can do its own thing and develop ways to make the game more realistic, challenging, etc. It's a double-edged sword, however I rather have it than not. If there was only one server type, then there would be too much infighting (already is) and decisions would be made based on numbers of people alone. This way there can be a split and everyone can survive the way they want.


However, this will only work effectively if they continue to divide the server types more so than just "3PV or not".

Edited by Hikurac

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For me the cool thing about 1pp is that it makes you re think your play style in terms of what clothing you go for, since the mountain backpacks and certain jackets block your rear view, so you have to find new balance and make tougher decisions, like do I take the large backpack and lose out on being able to see my surroundings effectively, or do i go with a hunter backpack or a wee taloon pack?  Do I take this down jacket or do I wait for something that doesn't block my rear view?  


Playing 1pp has made me really re think what is essential in the game, it's made me travel lighter due to these choices, so most of the time now I can get away with just wearing an assault vest or a small backpack, and making the spaces work for me, collect more yellow boxes, it's changed almost every aspect of how I play, plus being super aware of silhouetting, so I find myself finding better cover, picking better bushes and so on.


I'm not saying 1pp is better or worse, but it changed my play style a lot for the better, and it's the video game equivalent of learning to ride a motorbike fast in the wet, I've learned to be just as effective while always being that mush more cautious and fluid, taken off the rough edges, which is now a natural part of my play-style,

i also like the 3pp cus is like i am watching the game, not  doing it (as in 1pp it intense, and you are fully part of it) i changebetween them, depending on the experience i want

 - a lot of 1990 gamer will like 3rd: cus of silent hill and resident evils (before they got all FPS)


added: i didn't know of the wall look thought and such till i saw them on you tube, so hope they can fix that and add 4th walls. just to make 3pp server a little more even  ... but if you play 3pp, you accept them problems 


also, a lot of the 3pp hater would not want others realisms added - Loss of hearing after firing M4 with no head gear (yup you know it) rusting clips cus of no oil (but they may add that). weight (hope that happens) all them people will tones of ammo on them lol.. and so one...


just leave the 3pps be and play your dying 1pp servers.. till they fanaly add something like 4th wall

added part not directed at quotation 

Edited by Sooden

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You can't see the difference between the two? I think you're being disingenuous - only an idiot could fail to notice the difference between the two and I'm amazed you even said it - I'm sure it's not what you meant. So you play on night servers where you can't be seen anyway and hardly have anybody on them. Most people play on more populated servers where they can be spotted and of course they give a shit if they're going to lose the game because they got killed unfairly.


The difference between normal and hardcore servers? I do see the difference, all im saying is I have spent so many hours on both kinds of servers and in each, the times Ive had actually running into someone is so minimal that there isnt much difference to me. And no I dont play on night servers, that was more just comparing how those who say if you dont play at night, you suck. Like how people on hardcore servers say those on normal suck. That was moreso aimed at those who wants to give people crap for playing on normal servers.. Who cares what people choose to play.


Now.. Understandable some jackass can get the drop on me in a normal server, but I dont spend time in areas that seem to attract those just looking to just pvp so it never seems to happen, unless someone is seeing me and they just arent killing me =p I have died before though, it doesnt seem any different from dying on a hardcore server so hell if i know they were looking over a wall or around a tree or not to first notice me(on a normal server, they most likely were). If a guy has the drop on me, well then they have the drop on me, in either kind of server. 


The only positive thing I see about first person only is the pvp aspect, I just dont play the game to run around looking for people to kill so it doesnt phase me much. When I do end up seeing someone I either sit back and watch what they do from the treeline and follow them a bit, or just go back to what I was doing. Ive had my intense standoffs before with trying to figure out whos friendly and who isnt, usually it ends up good but sometimes its a gunfight. Probably the only pvp I ever really had as of late.


I am also all for fixing third person so you dont have a advantage while still having third person view available. 

Edited by cels

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well  happened a pond northwest air field on my HC player, though i would go get me self killed


walked near, shot off some random shot, and whole place was clear. walked right though there, collecting so many things.. yeah, them 1pp have balls :P just they left them at home :P Server was 30/40

got me some sweet ammo as they ran and left it behind :P se.jpg


and they may see this post an wanna kill me, but i just pop of a few more randoms, and i will be okay.

cashes was 2 ammo boxes 3 mag speed loaders and an fx clip.. cus they ran lol

they must have been swapping ammo

Edited by Sooden

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In real life I can easily hop, stand on tip toes or lean my head to see around fences, or over small walls. much like using the view.

Yes, but also in real life, in order to get that line of sight you'd need to do just that; lean your head around fences, or over walls which gives the enemy a shot at you. In 3PP you get the sight advantages without the physical character ever risking exposure of looking around or over their cover object.

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Yes, but also in real life, in order to get that line of sight you'd need to do just that; lean your head around fences, or over walls which gives the enemy a shot at you. In 3PP you get the sight advantages without the physical character ever risking exposure of looking around or over their cover object.

and also how to zero weapon and test sight... lot of what we would have to do is done for us. just wanted to add

if war was as simple as the games, it would not cost so much...this game take a balance, and i agree, wall over looking is a spoiler


also tested my peripheral ,I am special its up to 182 degrees  while looking forward (I got inversions and its all in colour too) before you say, not possible, its an internal lenses bounce 

Edited by Sooden
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I sincerely hope this thread gets locked soon. It's more insultation than it is actual, valid discussion and suggestions (and all of the suggestions have been given countless times before).

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Guys... try for once not to pigpile into the trough of 3pp vs 1pp... Dayum... Although my persuasion is clear... my post was NOTHING like: "3pp should be banned" or "only 1pp alowed"


I was simply noting that 3pp off regular servers (which once existed) now do not... it is strange to me...


Jesus... stop bickering long enough to have a conversation rofl

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Just remove 1st person from 3rd servers and everyone will be happy.

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these topics need to be open over and over, for the new and old, so we can develop ideas

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Just remove 1st person from 3rd servers and everyone will be happy.


Good compromise.


Have a dedicated 3pp mode where there is only 3pp even with you aim it merely zooms in over the shoulder.


Then have the regular first person mode.

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So because I prefer 3rd person it must be because I want to peek around walls. Not that I enjoy seeing my character or anything.

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So because I prefer 3rd person it must be because I want to peek around walls. Not that I enjoy seeing my character or anything.


no its okay, we all know you like 3rd for butt view :P


added: and if they ever add sex persific dress, like  ball gown for ladies, i gonna need my 3rds.. heels a nice black dress and a magnum... that need 3rd person screens :P


added:also guess shoes could be uses to fule fire. but try to burn my heels, and i will show you what a snap loader can do !

Edited by Sooden
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Just remove 1st person from 3rd servers and everyone will be happy.

everyone goes into 1st person when they ADS Aim down sights anyway, so the issue isn't that bad imo and why are people saying close the thread? Is a friendly debate not allowed?

Edited by AgentNe0
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everyone goes into 1st person when they ADS Aim down sights anyway.


Which is a bit of a game, set and match for 1PP.  If Lamecore was such a good view then people wouldn't need to swap to Hardcore view in order to shoot.


* boom - headshot *


Hardcore 1 - 0 Lamecore

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Which is a bit of a game, set and match for 1PP.  If Lamecore was such a good view then people wouldn't need to swap to Hardcore view in order to shoot.


* boom - headshot *


Hardcore 1 - 0 Lamecore

please refer to mr .crabs for my rebuttal.

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Which is a bit of a game, set and match for 1PP.  If Lamecore was such a good view then people wouldn't need to swap to Hardcore view in order to shoot.


* boom - headshot *


Hardcore 1 - 0 Lamecore

lol, no, it means 1st is best for taking your shot, and in a shoot out, everyone will be in first so it wont make a difference...third person is just used for looking around, and usually not for combat. So chill your beans. 1-1

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lol, no, it means 1st is best for taking your shot, and in a shoot out, everyone will be in first so it wont make a difference...third person is just used for looking around, and usually not for combat. So chill your beans. 1-1


You've just proven my argument.. ;)

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