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About Hikurac

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    Inside your tent
  1. Posted a similar idea on the subreddit, which was a more fleshed out version of a post I made a couple years ago (just the perma-death part). DAYZ HARDCORE So here's an interview of Brian Hicks by Vigilante Gamer (fanstastic channel), and in this video the topic of simulating death comes up. Basically they mention ways to make players fear death, but it kind of falls short. My suggestion was that DayZ implement a hardcore mode, which is basically a separate public server hive. This idea is that you click "Join Hardcore" in the main menu, and you are sent to a random server in this hive, based on ping, location, etc. You CANNOT change server until you die, and once you do, you are immediately sent to another random one. This is true permadeath, because there would be no "heading back to camp to gear up" or "meeting up with so and so because I just died." No more getting revenge on someone after death, and no means of stealing from their camp if they killed you in the act. Of course there would be parameters to prevent people from suiciding till they get to the server they want. You die, that's it. All your loot, the camp you made, and the friends you lost, are effectively gone for good. Suddenly, rushing the enemy kamikaze-style no longer seems like a good idea. Telling your friend to suicide because they're sick, is no longer a plausible means of getting rid of the disease. The friends you have are the ones you find along the way, and the ones you've lost are not coming back. "It's been four days, and you finally met a group of guys who didn't want to put a bullet in your head, and you've become great friends. You've fought together, killed zeds together, built a base and made a home for yourself. However, one of them has gotten sick, and will die without medication from the hospital in the city nearby. Are you willing to risk losing your loot, your home, your friends, in order to save one in the group? Once he's gone, he gone for good, and the choice is yours."
  2. Hikurac

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    A lot of these are just normal clothes, just layered upon one another. Instead of getting pre-set outfits, with strict variations of clothing, i'd rather have the ability to just wear multiple layers of clothing. It would allow for a endless combination of looks. The difficult part is measuring the effect it would have on the player, such as the weight, warmth, and so on.
  3. Hikurac

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    Woops, sorry forgot to include that option. I'm sure a sledge might do some damage, but it would take a lot of hits I imagine.
  4. Hikurac

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    Yeah the military and police stations. They have cells inside. http://dayzintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/station-cherno.jpg http://orcz.com/images/thumb/8/83/Barracksdayzstandalone.jpg/400px-Barracksdayzstandalone.jpg
  5. Hikurac

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    So recently I was thinking about how locking doors works in DayZ. Obviously a grown adult could open the door of a civilian home with brute force alone, but what about a prison door? They're obviously meant to withstand a beating. Personally, I believe they should only be opened with a high caliber bullet or a lock-pick. What do you guys think? (BTW i'm talking about the prison doors in the military and police stations, for any of you that were wondering.)
  6. Hikurac

    Fallout-Style Grab Feature

    Wow, I was expecting more "Its already been mentioned a gazillion times, you didn't look hard enough!" Really surprised nobody has made this suggestion before.
  7. Hikurac

    Fallout-Style Grab Feature

    Looked all over the forum and didn't find anything similar to this, so I thought I'd just throw it out there. If you're familiar with Fallout 3 or New Vegas, you should remember the rather useless, but entertaining grab feature. Just a simple grab and let go function, allowing players to place items as they see fit. So why not have that in DayZ? It shouldn't be too difficult to implement. It's basically the same as the throwing function, but the applied distance variable of the "thrown" item would be set to zero, so it would just drop. Just make it so if the player see's something that he or she wishes to move, they can just empty their hands, press the grab button, and move it as they see fit. Just like in Fallout, this could be applied to bodies as well, allowing players to drag unconscious or dead people in rag doll mode. If it's implemented, then it won't be long before we start finding player-made corpse piles and items hidden in homes.
  8. Hikurac

    Fitz The Freestyler

    Not my game, not my site, not my video. Just thought it was entertaining and it deserves more views. Hope you guys like it and thank you foxboy56 for producing the video. It may seem like a long video but it's definitely worth it.
  9. Hikurac

    What setting for building loading?

    Alright so there are three main factors than can affect objects "popping-up". 1) Object Detail - Found in the in game graphics menu Object detail affects how many objects are seen on screen at once and how textures are applied at a distance. If you raise this it should lower the amount of objects popping up on screen. However this probably isn't the issue your having, since having low object detail will still allow you to see things far away when zoomed in. (These next two can be adjusted in your PlayerName.DayZProfile file, which is likely located in your Documents folder) 2) ViewDistance View distance affects the range at which "fog" appears, which simply lowers the distance at which you can see anything. The lower the number, the closer the fog. 3) preferredObjectViewDistance Preferred object view distance is the range at which objects can be seen, zoomed in or not. If number 1 or 2 isn't the issue, than chances are this is it. I recommend you keep this at at least 1000, which should allow you to see most things when zoomed in.
  10. Another reason why I dislike loot re-spawning. Should have died off with the mod.
  11. Lol please don't try to pull one of those "its a feature" things on us. I wouldn't mind it if the sounds actually had a source to them.
  12. Only the finest couture.
  13. Hikurac

    So I saw this for A3

    Either this or the ability to open doors by holding a button and moving the camera. Would be great if doors had sound and the speed at which you open the door affects how much sound it makes.
  14. Exactly what I'd like to see! Hopefully it could be added with a sound, so the faster you open a door, the more noise it will make.
  15. Hikurac

    What is the point of this game?

    There is no point honestly. It's a survival sim so theres really no goal. I wanna say the fun comes from surviving, however it's far too easy to just stay alive so that isn't a solid answer either. It's in alpha as well, so the only reason to play is to test out new features, and give feedback to the developers. Other than that it basically comes down to player interaction for entertainment.