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Silence while unconscious/dead.

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In my opinion there isn't a positive reason to be able to hear what's going on around you while unconscious or dead.


What it does allow is someone to let their team mates know if another player is near/looting their body or for players to taunt or abuse those they kill.

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Agree.  Just a way to tell people on TS what your killer is doing.

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Aye, full beans for you.  I'm dead/unconscious, there's absolutely no reason I should be hearing some little kid scream obscenities and slurs at me and otherwise stroke their e-peen.

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Well sometimes it creates funny moments though. Not realistic but can be fun.

If you feel verbaly abused all you need to do is click that "respawn"  button.

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Aww cmon taunts are fun, your not suppose to take them seriously even if the kid whos screaming is. If you get killed, you deserve to get taunted, thats how it goes!

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Aww cmon taunts are fun, your not suppose to take them seriously even if the kid whos screaming is. If you get killed, you deserve to get taunted, thats how it goes!

You're a great person..

Beans to OP.

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i agree with suggestion, and do expect to see it fixed in future

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I never understood why you can still hear something being unconscious/dead since the screen is also black (as it should be, in opposite to default Arma 2/3).

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Can you really hear things when you are dead? ive never been able to tbh.

Only while unconcious, but that should be removed, as suggested :)

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Can you really hear things when you are dead?


Yes. Even after hitting respawn I have been able to hear movement and players on direct chat while the respawn timer is counting down.

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Agree. Hope to see it in the future...

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Yes. Even after hitting respawn I have been able to hear movement and players on direct chat while the respawn timer is counting down.


Is this on experimental or stabile?

Ive never played on experimental, and ive never encountered this on stabile either.

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I believe this is an unintended feature that will be "fixed" at some point. Haven't heard any official word from the devs though, so can't confirm either way.

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