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About benedictus

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  1. benedictus

    Cooking recipes (again) !

    Bringing it up once again as I haven't seen a word about it in a while. Cooking the ingredients together would give you more energy and water than eating them separately. Maybe having some type of Tupperware boxes or using already existing containers like jam jars where you can store the food so you wouldn't have to carry full pot of soup in you'r pockets. Simple cooking recipe would look something like this: Fish soup 1 cooking pot filled with water 2 potatoes 2 tomatoes 1 fish Boil and eat. Bon Appétit.
  2. benedictus

    The effect of intoxication for fun gameplay

    Alcohol and drugs will be on a huge demand if when the zombie apocalypse hits us. It would just add to the realism.
  3. benedictus

    I do NOT use Twitter

    That's how they reel you in. First you do it out of necessity then something semi interesting catches you'r eye and before you know it, you're throwing 240 character long racist slurs posts back and forth with feminists. Twitter.. Twitter never changes.
  4. benedictus

    A simple pencil...

    Plenty of important stuff is missing from the game. A pen is probably a pretty low priority.
  5. benedictus

    Stable Update 1.03.151658

    That's the downside of popularity, you can't please all so you have to take the middle road. Not saying DayZ is particularly popular but the player base got tripled after the "1.0". I hate to admit but I still got hope for the game, only because there no other game like DayZ.
  6. benedictus


    I guess the "Smiley" part in your name is sarcasm.
  7. benedictus

    Future DayZ

    That's why put it in brackets. "(open)".
  8. benedictus

    Future DayZ

    Actually in most of the "non-super" zombie movies they tend to break the doors open if not barricaded or at least try. Running away from zeds is too easy, them being able to "break" (open) the doors by smashing the door for a while would great!
  9. benedictus

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    What makes you think we are bored? People are still posting and reading the forums. Obviously the post-patch hype isn't there but other than that, it's pretty much down to normal. What happened at Christmas? I think I missed that one.
  10. benedictus

    One way door

    Bolting the door should definitely be an option. Doesn't make much sense if the bolt is outside though.
  11. benedictus

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    Many things you mentioned are already in the game or supposedly getting added later, like bears, custom controls and spray paints. Things like cars and bases are supposed to be part of the end game and something that require group effort. Some of the things are straight up silly, like realistic decay on axes or more durable clothes. Quality axes will last for tens of years in real life with little maintenance while your character lifespan is usually counted in hours. Rest can be solved with modding. I suggest you switch to PC.
  12. benedictus

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Nowdays almost every game comes out unfinished, not saying it's an excuse but that's the industry standard. You make a seemingly working product, release it, downsize the crew to cover expenses and fix the bugs along the way. There is also the copy/paste genre where you just use the same engine and same gameplay mechanics over and over again when releasing "new" products. Those tend to work properly.
  13. benedictus

    Night Is Great!

    We probably gonna get the headtorch back and they mentioned about NV goggles. Also there are flashlights for weapons etc. Just hoooooooooold.
  14. benedictus

    Needs Wheelbarrows

    I don't really understand the concept bases either. If I had to pick between "bases" and shelters, I would pick shelters and camps in general just because it just makes more sense. You could still have things like traps, water collectors etc. I don't mind it though, since it's totally optional.
  15. benedictus

    Needs Wheelbarrows

    That's the whole idea. Base building is part of the "end game" that requires team effort and the use of vehicles. That is if you want to build into a secluded spot.