2gunz 46 Posted June 4, 2014 Like many of you I fell in love with Dayz mod. And like many of you I rushed out and got the alpha.Needless to say it was a huge letdown on almost every front. (Please save the "its alpha" speech its been said over and over again. And I, like you, I am entitled to my Opionion and expectations) My question to you is this. When and if Dayz standalone becomes a retail release, will it actually still be relavant vs other games of its type? Daymod was groundbreaking, exciting and all the things that make you not sleep and keep you running back for more.Since the time that Dayzmod got old and I couldnt stomach playing Dayz Standone Ive moved on to other mods. Ive spent countless hours playing Overwatch and Epoch both of which have taken Dayz to a different level.Epoch in particular on a number of levels to me is a "better" game than Dayzmod. It lacks much of the survivalist aspect for sure, but kills it in the not soboring department. Dont get me wrong I love the Eat bark and hide in the woods bit, but I can only take so much. At this point I kinda feel like the time for Day Standalone has come and gone. And my concern is that when it gets done its just going to be to much of "been there done that". Arma 3 Epoch is coming out soon and it looks insane. And it is just one of the MANY games that might make Dayz standalone look like your grandmas game. And for those that havent played Epoch, you should. Arma 3 epoch is in beta. Here is the link for a video. It doesnt give up much, but given that the Epoch guys have done so much with so little in arma II, I think this version will be awesome. So will Dayz standalone be to little to late? Thoughts? 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vitdom 56 Posted June 4, 2014 When and if Dayz standalone becomes a retail release, will it actually still be relavant vs other games of its type?There are other games like DayZ? Never heard of any; sounds interesting! DayZ will be released in about 2 years from now and I think it will have A LOT of changes and additional features at that time, + post-release development. I agree right now it is kind of repetitive and lacking compared to DayZMod, but the way the DevTeam has expressed their thoughts about the future of DayZ, I think they will actively try to eliminate the repetitiveness and introduce new game designs into the game we haven't seen before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) And for those that havent played Epoch, you should. Depends on what you want, Epoop Epoch has almost nothing in common with DayZ nor what DayZ wanted to be. Funny, that you should mention Standalone being in Alpha, because it is. Last time I checked anyway. It's not like it's the only game out there, there are literally millions of games on Steam you could play, and even if you only played 10 hours of Standalone you enjoyed, it's still a pretty good investment of 2,39€ / hour. That's more than you get from a movie that came out December 2013 (when SA came out). That movie would still be sold for about the same price as SA, but only gives you 2 hours maximum. Go play something else, may that be another ARMA 3 Mod or whatever you fancy and then come back whenever you're ready to play it again. This may sound harsh, but what can I say? You have been urged not to buy SA on the sales-page, your curiosity beat you to it and you're disappointed. Can't really blame anyone but yourself, as the Devs aren't really hiding the current state of the game. Ive spent countless hours playing Overwatch and Epoch both of which have taken Dayz to a different level. If DayZ was supposed to be easymode and casual gameplay, then yes. But I am afraid it isn't, which is why it's not taken it to any kind of next level. Edited June 4, 2014 by kichilron 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2gunz 46 Posted June 4, 2014 kichilron Im not trying to blame anybody, Im not even a slight bit mad. Im also not at all concerned about the money. Mostly Im hopeful that when its all said and done Im crazy addicted to Dayz standalone. But Im concerned that when it happens the window of opputunity will have closed. I disagree with "epoch has almost nothing in common with DayZ nor what DayZ wanted to be".I think Epoch at the basic level has the same concept as Dayz, but went on to a more natural progression of the game. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alsmir 255 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) Breaking point? Yes, please. Epoch - nope. Comming from a guy that loves DayZ mainly because of PvP - I hate the idea of buying weapons from a vendor or having bases full of goodies that are almost impossible to steal. I like the excitement when I spot a lonely tent in the middle of forest - hell, that makes wandering around most isolated areas quite fun. I love the rush when I finally manage to find my fav weapon. I like looking for that special (to me) gun for weeks rather than grabbing some crap and selling it for money. I also enjoy more focus on survival because I can actually meet people in almost every place around the map, not 90% ppl around spawn points. Epoch has a lot in common with Wasteland rather than DayZ. Damn, I agree with kichilron... The world is comming to an end. Edited June 4, 2014 by Alsmir 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toasted duckie 156 Posted June 4, 2014 Like many of you I fell in love with Dayz mod. And like many of you I rushed out and got the alpha.Needless to say it was a huge letdown on almost every front. (Please save the "its alpha" speech its been said over and over again. And I, like you, I am entitled to my Opionion and expectations) Hey man, sure you are entitled to your opinion and expectations... But with all the warnings about the game being alpha (yes, I said it) and developers advice to not buy the game if you expect something decent... What exactly did you expect? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted June 4, 2014 I disagree with "epoch has almost nothing in common with DayZ nor what DayZ wanted to be".I think Epoch at the basic level has the same concept as Dayz, but went on to a more natural progression of the game. The Zombies are easier and less than on DayZ, you can buy yourself tanks, weapons, gunships and RPG's at vendors. I don't think any of that is in line with the thought of having a Zombie-Apocalypse-Survival-Game. Infact, I can't think of anything in Epoch, that has enhanced the feel or the world of DayZ. Not even the basebuilding, as it's all about building massive skybases made from concrete and steel - how'd that work out in an apocalypse? 15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 100 Posted June 4, 2014 Not even the basebuilding, as it's all about building massive skybases made from concrete and steel - how'd that work out in an apocalypse? 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted June 4, 2014 Epoch is DayZ's World of Warcraft Mod. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2gunz 46 Posted June 4, 2014 The server I play on must be different. No tanks, there are armored vehicles but mostly of the light APC variant. No gunships, just a couple stripped down choppers with a limited amount of middles. The zombies are roughly the same in number but are mean. Enough that they can be a real problem. And ya you can buy stuff but epoch is based a number of years after the outbreak. So vendors would be a reality. I do agree that the sky bases are silly and need to be tweaked to limit height. But the general idea is great. The reality is that IRL not long after the end of the world... I would be finding a place to lock down and secure. Randomly wandering and camping in the woods we be a bad plan at best 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2gunz 46 Posted June 4, 2014 Grimey rick... That makes no sense. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) Id say yes dayz is still relevant. Its still the yardstick that new survival type games get compared to by mainstream media. Anyone see that article titled "Stomping Ground is Dayz with Dinosaurs". I mean the SA has maybe become slightly less played since the hype died down, but its still what they reach for as the comparison. Just because epoch ect were popular doesn't mean SA has to follow in there footsteps. I feel it was a basardisation of vanilla z, that gave people safety in camping, easy access to guns, hardware that doesn't fit the scenario ect ect. With SA we should get a more "pure" version of dayz, holding true to rockets vision. All that being said they have learnt from the popularity of mods like epoch, just look at the increase of mill buildings around the map :) Edited June 4, 2014 by Karmaterror Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brumey 116 Posted June 4, 2014 breaking Point arma 3 mod --> NO... too shabby!arma3 wasteland --> yes pleasearma3 epoch --> i will let myself be surprised with all the talk bout the arma2 mods i have to buy it now and try the original mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gearjammer 97 Posted June 4, 2014 Thanks for that link... Looks amazing. I will move up to that version once it is out. I don't think it takes anything away from standalone yet. It is what it is, and truth be known, I don't think we even know what it is going to be. This current build of SA looks more like a hodgepodge of test mechanics. I've got my moneys worth of fun and entertainment out of it, and look forward to the next chapter. I have a wife, two kids, and a career that places a high demand on my time; I just don't have the free time for games like I used to. It has to be interesting and it has to be fun for me. I've played Wow for almost 10 years because I have always looked forward to what is coming next. The next expansion is basically rehashing an expansion from 7 years ago, so I am out... done. I'm playing Dayz now because I want to see what is next. It will stay relevant for me until Bohemia runs into the same problem Blizzard has run into where their development just ran out of gas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted June 4, 2014 I know it's alpha, but... Buying into early access, it's on you to keep your expectations and impatience in check. We all know it was going to be this way for the first 12 months and we bought it this way. Just like the mod, the standalone is a work in progress and the copy-cat mods has the luxury of the trusting openness of ArmA and do not have to reinvent the foundation, but can focus on copy/pasting all the cool code and models from the vast addons library of ArmA. There's no need to advertise Epoch on the DayZ general forums, there's a nice little mod forum for that. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) Epoch is DayZ's World of Warcraft Mod. As a WoW player, i feel deeply offended. edit: as long as you can run around pantless and shoot people, there will always be an audience. im not concerned. Edited June 4, 2014 by e47 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cywehner1234 582 Posted June 4, 2014 I think DayZ will be in shambles due to other games like it being so successful. The games graphics are outdated, it plays like poop, but what more can I expect. They really should have went with a different engine, or at least waited for Arma 3's. But it is what it is, I'm looking forward to a different game genre. I visit back every few months, but it always seems there's next to nothing added. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hikurac 115 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) The server I play on must be different.No tanks, there are armored vehicles but mostly of the light APC variant. No gunships, just a couple stripped down choppers with a limited amount of middles.The zombies are roughly the same in number but are mean. Enough that they can be a real problem.And ya you can buy stuff but epoch is based a number of years after the outbreak. So vendors would be a reality.I do agree that the sky bases are silly and need to be tweaked to limit height. But the general idea is great. The reality is that IRL not long after the end of the world... I would be finding a place to lock down and secure. Randomly wandering and camping in the woods we be a bad plan at bestIts not the "securing" part that bothers people when it comes to Epoch. It's the fact my Ural contains an entire fortress in the back of it, ready to unload.. http://i.imgur.com/n7CyGfa.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img827/968/nmwg.jpg http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/-mCP9J2XSeU/maxresdefault.jpg (Helps give of that strong apocalyptic feeling) I think i'll just stick to Rust if I want this type of gameplay. Edited June 4, 2014 by Hikurac 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goove 70 Posted June 4, 2014 Honestly its been ArmA3 for me alot lately, Between Breaking Point, Wasteland, and Altis life i have had little reason to go to DayZ other then when i feel like streaming it because viewers ask for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brumey 116 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) i dont care bout shitty graphics or tons of bugs the game givs me adrenline rushs like no other game before (didnt Play the mod). it will always have aplace on my SSD.... heck i played 3000 hours souls games, 2000 hours Team fortress 2 . and still Play from time to time! FUN TIMESlately some arma3 mods (wasteland i liked a lot), dayz is different and i like it! i dont see myself stepping away from dayz the next 2 years or so! it just still feels fresh. didnt Play the mod, the whole map is completely new for me. in my 300 hours of dayz i have been to berezino, the whole coast line, the towns surroudnig staroye, elektro, the airfields.... but there is still so much things to discover.... Castles, green mountain (which i heard some mystery tails from), the western cities also found a walkie talkie again and trying to make contact .... Edited June 4, 2014 by brumey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SFRGaming 718 Posted June 4, 2014 I'm beginning to REALLY despise these threads... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigal123 14 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) You just like to follow the hype trains. Your the "hype guy" Ill explain.. 1st: You find a game thats coming out that looks REALLY good.2nd: You buy it and play and think its amazing3rd: You play some more and say you LOVE it and its the best game ever4th: you start to get bored (2nd week of game release)5th: You quit the game, you say it sucks and you cannot stand how bad it is. (second week 3rd day)6th: You start looking for the next best game coming out and the hype train starts all over again :) But its okay I understand, you cannot stay with one game for to long. Its okay. I can not relate well but its okay. Edited June 4, 2014 by Bigal123 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qww 287 Posted June 4, 2014 i didnt fall in love with dayz mod, as u did op, i much prefer sa even in its current state, i dotn see why you are attempting to judge a game thats still in early testing, as if you know how it is going to turn out, you bought the game to test it, so either test it, or uninstal and play arma 3 . im all for constructive criticism, this post isnt that(in my view) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrianrage 39 Posted June 4, 2014 Funny, that you should mention Standalone being in Alpha, because it is. Last time I checked anyway. It's not like it's the only game out there, there are literally millions of games on Steam you could play, and even if you only played 10 hours of Standalone you enjoyed, it's still a pretty good investment of 2,39€ / hour. That's more than you get from a movie that came out December 2013 (when SA came out). That movie would still be sold for about the same price as SA, but only gives you 2 hours maximum.Go play something else, may that be another ARMA 3 Mod or whatever you fancy and then come back whenever you're ready to play it .Woah, 5 month old movies cost 30 dollars where your from? That's crazy.Secondly I agree with OP and I can clearly see his point. Wondering why even a mod can't help but give a hard time to somebody with a legitimate opinion... Makes me wonder how the game will ever progress with that attiude towards people who have negative opinions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted June 4, 2014 Woah, 5 month old movies cost 30 dollars where your from? That's crazy. Hobbit, released almost exactly the same day as SA, only 1€ cheaper than SA: http://www.amazon.de/Der-Hobbit-Smaugs-Ein%C3%B6de-Blu-ray/dp/B00HCEP34A/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1401893681&sr=8-3&keywords=hobbit+bluray Share this post Link to post Share on other sites