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Still to much rain

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Can't rain please be an exception?


As a new spawn who needs to walk around and search things you can do nothing except sitting moveless in front of your monitor within a house or ruin your char by getting a cold. (Stop that realism argument. Nobody turns on the computer to sit movelessly in font of the monitor. Sitting in a comfortable warm chair is even less realistic survival than taking the dog for a walk.)


Arma 2/3 has commands to prevent rain even with a cloudy sky of which dayz should make use of.

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i just walk/run in it as it is a game, i would rather they focus on "bigger" issues before this.

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What are you bitching about?  You can't even get sick now.  There is no (at the moment) consequences for running around in the rain or having soaking wet clothing.  When they do add it, you'll be able to run from shelter to shelter in a town or wear a rain coat to keep from getting too wet.

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I am so confused by this post.


To my knowledge, even in experimental, the rain doesn't do anything yet.


And the game should be unforgiving, forget realism. The values can be adjusted later, but I don't want weather being a server option. You have to adapt to the circumstances in-game, not the other way around.

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As stated the rain does nothing. In fact it's been rolled back a little from when it was introduced with only one indicator of wetness (oo, er, missus) rather than each separate item of clothing having a wetness value.


I do agree that when it does start to have an effect then they made need to dial it back, either that or provide ways to protect yourself from the rain. Ponchos or raincoats for example ensuring you don't get wet (a coat doesn't seem to make any difference just now, or if it does it's slight).


I like the fact that rain can provide you with a level of "sound cover" allowing you to sneak up on people easier.


Edit: Oh and being a Scot I have, in connection with my Northern European cousins, no problems with rain as it is a constant in every day life.. ;)

Edited by ricp
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Just be happy that you can fill your water bottles...


From the rain? Can you?


I have to admit I had never tried, although when rain was first introduced it was something that I had said should be possible. It was met with a somewhat lukewarm reception though as I had extended it to then meaning all ground based water sources should in turn be infected - not many liked that idea at all.


Still if you can refill the canteen from the rain I'd be happy.


On a side note I don't think the water purification tablets work. I have drank straight from what would be stagnant pools in the mod and had no side effect so I'm guessing illness from infected water is not present - or it's not been "turned on".

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rain reduces visibility range also - so at the moment this is an advantage (isn't it?)

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Its probably for testing purposes - to see how rain influences performance and gameplay. But then its also autumn when its raining a lot - maybe there should just be an usable umbrella.


And yes you can refill your bottles - but it takes a lot of time (~1% per use).

Edited by Evil Minion

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Rain could be a bit less common. I mean, the apocalypse was going alright for me, then this rain came along and it's really spoiling my mood.

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where I come from rain is a good thing.

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Rain is good, and hopefully snow would be added later on too.

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From the rain? Can you?


I have to admit I had never tried, although when rain was first introduced it was something that I had said should be possible. It was met with a somewhat lukewarm reception though as I had extended it to then meaning all ground based water sources should in turn be infected - not many liked that idea at all.


Still if you can refill the canteen from the rain I'd be happy.


On a side note I don't think the water purification tablets work. I have drank straight from what would be stagnant pools in the mod and had no side effect so I'm guessing illness from infected water is not present - or it's not been "turned on".

Yes you right click on your bottle and it fills up by 1% everytime you right click and click the catch water option

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Yes you right click on your bottle and it fills up by 1% everytime you right click and click the catch water option



on experimental they changed it, you actually have to stop and go through an animation, but you get 5% on the big bottle instead of 1% (I think its more on the small bottles, but could be wrong)

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You do realise where this game is based right? Rain is a pretty common occurrence i believe.

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I'd rather less rain myself.  It's a bit excessive.


Rainy days should be the exception, not sunny days.

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People complaining about rain at this stage of the game are snipers sitting on a hill with zero visibility.


It has absolutely no effect on the game whatsoever apart from that. 

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People complaining about rain at this stage of the game are snipers sitting on a hill with zero visibility.


It has absolutely no effect on the game whatsoever apart from that. 

Except for the status messages.

I feel wet.

The rain on top of my clothes is freezing my bones.

I can't feel my hands.

I will soon become the ice man.

I am about to drown in a mixture of rain and my tears.

OK I GIVE UP I'M A CAT, please not WATER, anything but WATER!

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People complaining about rain at this stage of the game are snipers sitting on a hill with zero visibility.


It has absolutely no effect on the game whatsoever apart from that. 


I don't agree, it affects the mood subconsciously.  It's the apocalypse so I'm not expecting sunshine and rainbows every day, but having it rain the majority of the time is a downer.  Just because there's zombies doesn't mean the weather goes to shit.  This game looks great when it's sunny.

The dev team even mentioned this early on, when they talked about the overall aesthetic of the world.  They thought about making everything a bit grey/brown and gloomy, but decided to go more vibrant with it.

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I don't agree, it affects the mood subconsciously.  It's the apocalypse so I'm not expecting sunshine and rainbows every day, but having it rain the majority of the time is a downer. 

I actually like rainy days compared to sunny days. Something relaxing about a rainy day. Not talking pissing rain though, that shit's annoying and deadly if stuck outside.

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Except for the status messages.

I feel wet.

The rain on top of my clothes is freezing my bones.

I can't feel my hands.

I will soon become the ice man.

I am about to drown in a mixture of rain and my tears.

OK I GIVE UP I'M A CAT, please not WATER, anything but WATER!


So then your issue should be with the messaging system, not he fact it is raining. 


I don't agree, it affects the mood subconsciously.  It's the apocalypse so I'm not expecting sunshine and rainbows every day, but having it rain the majority of the time is a downer.  Just because there's zombies doesn't mean the weather goes to shit.  This game looks great when it's sunny.

The dev team even mentioned this early on, when they talked about the overall aesthetic of the world.  They thought about making everything a bit grey/brown and gloomy, but decided to go more vibrant with it.


a) I hardly ever see the rain maybe 1 hr of play in 10

b) If your mood is being effected by rain, I think you may have more serious IRL issues going on. lol

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So then your issue should be with the messaging system, not he fact it is raining. 



a) I hardly ever see the rain maybe 1 hr of play in 10

B) If your mood is being effected by rain, I think you may have more serious IRL issues going on. lol


Games create atmosphere and evoke emotions.  That's part of the point.  I'm not saying it's making me depressed, but there's a difference between looking at something gloomy and looking at something vibrant.  This is true of all forms of art, and I'd argue that video games are one of the more immersive forms of artform and so the effect is greater.


I'd say if you don't get any sort of even subliminal effect from the atmosphere of a game then you are the one with RL issues.  Or quite possibly a robot.


Also, you have lucked out or I am simply unlucky (but it seems by the OP others share my misfortune).  I'd say it easily rains 50% of the time if not more when I'm playing.


I actually like rainy days compared to sunny days. Something relaxing about a rainy day. Not talking pissing rain though, that shit's annoying and deadly if stuck outside.

If you're talking about IRL I like a rainy day here and there myself, but it gets tiresome after a while (for me personally).  I live in hawaii, and this year where I live we actually had a bit more rain than usual early on and it was overcast and windy for a long while.  At first it was a nice change of pace, but it got old quickly.  The same is true for the game, I'm not saying it shouldn't rain, I just think it rains too much.  This was true in the mod as well, at least the server I primarily played.
Edited by Bororm

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Games create atmosphere and evoke emotions.  That's part of the point.  I'm not saying it's making me depressed, but there's a difference between looking at something gloomy and looking at something vibrant.  This is true of all forms of art, and I'd argue that video games are one of the more immersive forms of artform and so the effect is greater.


I'd say if you don't get any sort of even subliminal effect from the atmosphere of a game then you are the one with RL issues.  Or quite possibly a robot.


Also, you have lucked out or I am simply unlucky (but it seems by the OP others share my misfortune).  I'd say it easily rains 50% of the time if not more when I'm playing.


If you're talking about IRL I like a rainy day here and there myself, but it gets tiresome after a while (for me personally).  I live in hawaii, and this year where I live we actually had a bit more rain than usual early on and it was overcast and windy for a long while.  At first it was a nice change of pace, but it got old quickly.  The same is true for the game, I'm not saying it shouldn't rain, I just think it rains too much.  This was true in the mod as well, at least the server I primarily played.



I kinda like the rain but I like the dreariness of the mod to the vibrant SA. It doesn't bother me enough to complain about it but I feel it gave it the apocalyptic feel as  does the rain. 

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So...don't walk about in the rain, then? Hopefully, the game will eventually have necessary logistical events added, like weapon maintenance (strip, clean, oil, put back together, sharpen blades, rehaft bludgeons, etc.), gear maintenance (patch clothing, patch backpacks, reinforce frames, etc), as well as the forever-important survival aspects (firewood gathering/cutting, shelter maintenance, cooking) 

That will at least give something to do during a rainstorm.

Plus, you could easily build a water-filtering device for use during a rainstorm, out of a bottle, a bit of cloth, and some charcoal. I've made 3 of them before using 2 Liter soda bottles, and in an average New England summer rainstorm, caught and filtered enough water for a day of drinking and cleaning.

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I like the rain and don't think they need to tone it down.  I like rain, rain washes away the sins of world, much like the zombie virus.  So it sets the mood really well for me.

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