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DayZ Mod 1.8.1

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Everyone who wish's to leave feedback can they all know how to contact the dev team on here reddit, github, skype and alot of them do.


However if you look around you will see many players have no idea what they wont and it goes to show with the millions of different versions we have. The biggest feedback i get are from the players i play with so they play how i do in most regards.


If you wish to give feedback please do but some things will not change like speed the current zed speed will remain until we bring in new zeds then we will define them more as ive mentioned already. 


We aim to try new stuff and the truth we will never get it 100% correct all the time. We will bring some items players will love and others will hate we will never please everyone. Zombies are one of the items im afraid we will never get right but it wont stop us trying everything we can to improve them

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zombies are spawning a few meters near me, even as a freshspawn - you have no chance.



On open field - you are dead


1.: Already fixed, known issue. Nothing gameplayrelated, it's a bug.

2.: Like I stated above. I don't get hit running over an open field. You will have to adapt and take your best chances to survive. If you don't, then yes. You're screwed. That's how the game works, naturally.

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its ok that you only quote the things that are suited personally for you ;)

Please read my full statement ;) Its legitim


here the freshspawn-scenario:


Gear: 2 bandages, 1 flare = OK


zombies are spawning a few meters near me, even as a freshspawn - you have no chance.

You start running away from them, bam! hit by one... starting bleeding... bandaging... running....bam! next hit in my back... - starting to find a enterable housing to keep the zombies away(in housing zed can´t run)

On open field - you are dead



Zed spawning is an issue read the changelog.

no idea what zombies away is ?

open field issues have always been there i guess you need to find a better way to deal with that 

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If you're smart you'll survive, it's definitely not unplayable.


More difficulty please!  ;)

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Quoted for reference. We're not trying to make the game easy, as it's still supposed to be about surviving, not merely running about.


Agree with almost everything you guys say in this thread BUT


You have to take great care that you are making the game legitimately harder rather than just making it more frustrating. 


The ARMA engine sucks in many regards, I find I most often get hit by zeds during stupid animations, switching weapons or picking up items etc, even after years of playing the game. For me the most frustrating part about 1.8.1 is not even being able to pick items up or do things because during the course of the animation the game forces me to sit static for zeds will beat the shit out of me. 


There's lots of situations like that in dayz, they're unavoidable with the ARMA engine, you can't always consider the fact you have to do a 5 second animation before every action. I love the 1.8.1 zombies in many ways for example the agro is fantastic. My only real complaints are max damage per attack, attack distance and the amount of times they make me bleed. I don't even really think the bleeding needs reducing but rather the spawn rate on bandages could probably be higher, or more alternative ways to craft them be found. I liked that the zeds pre 1.8 used to make you bleed a lot, they didn't do much damage but the bleeding itself was a deterrent. However the combination of very high damage and very high chance of bleeding is simply too much. 


When I get killed by zeds because I wanted to pick a melee weapon up off the ground to defend myself with as a fresh spawn its extremely frustrating. Or if I have just spawned and the first 2 zeds I come across cause me to get sepsis and run around bleeding because I'm out of bandages etc. Last night we were trying to salvage parts from a vehicle, but because the salvage action draws agro it nearly killed 3 of us, and yes the 2 people not removing the parts were running zombie interference.


Imo the 1.8 zeds weren't ever playable in vanilla form either, I don't think any populated servers ran them on their default code? I hope with this patch we can find a better medium that the majority of the people who play dayzmod enjoy. Currently they are simply far too frustrating and the majority of sidechat comments have been to that effect. The agro is perfect, the loot is perfect, I don't mind their speed, its just the range on their attacks and the damage they do that's the issue for me. 


It seems easy for some people to dismiss anyone who asks for easier zombies as being a "cod kiddy" etc etc. That's simply not true though I know myself and most players on my server love the survival aspect of the game and welcome changes to make it harder. Right now the balance is way too far in zombies favor though and its leading to a lot of frustration. 


Looking forward to seeing how future changes affect things, this is still the best update the mod has had since 1.8 and I'm very grateful for all the work thats gone into it. 

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The ARMA engine sucks in many regards, I find I most often get hit by zeds during stupid animations, switching weapons or picking up items etc, even after years of playing the game. For me the most frustrating part about 1.8.1 is not even being able to pick items up or do things because during the course of the animation the game forces me to sit static for zeds will beat the shit out of me. 



Please elaborate on this, as most animations should be interruptable, as is defined in the dikCodes. If it's that you're picking up a weapon - there's not much we can about that. Always have to ask yourself the "risk vs. reward" question..



Last night we were trying to salvage parts from a vehicle, but because the salvage action draws agro it nearly killed 3 of us, and yes the 2 people not removing the parts were running zombie interference.


Again, for me this falls under a case of "you're not supposed to do that" and again "risk vs. reward". Quite frankly it's your own fault trying to salvage a vehicle right next to Zombies, as you're obviously going to startle them when taking a wheel off a vehicle. It's inevitable, as you'll make noise attracting them. Do you think the range is too much on them aggroing?


If you give us feedback about what you would like to see changed it will be changed, and just going about changing the z-code on your server surely isn't the way of doing it - as in most cases we end up not getting that feedback.


I have run a few servers and none of them even changed the zombie behavior and noone complained about it. It really seems to be in the eye of the player and what they want, not necessarily anything wrong with it.

Edited by kichilron
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Range is an issue we are looking into the default system is .2 less then it was in 1.8 so i'm not 100% sure whats going on with that just now.

The damage again is pretty close to 1.8 the big difference is the local attack speed and the removal of the body parts systems. So zombies can no longer hit you in the hands doing scale/6 its now you get hit and your hit full power this is the big change to attacks. zombie speed has not changed in anyway.


Servers running modified code is also a big issue run the same code and lets get this stuff fixed. If we need to fix something lets get server side fix's out for everyone. in place of the 7 million types of mixed msgs giving out by all the servers. It's not like the dev team is hard to contact and you know very well we listen to info the problem will always come up as who is right the 50% that agree with you or the 50% that don't.


I played on both your server, 410 and our own last night and they all had very different issues popping up. As an example your server players where shouting about zombies spawning behind them, but on 410 no one brought that issue up and we did ask more then once even after both servers where full.


Its never going to be easy when all the servers feedback is different and when each server do custom changes the feedback we get becomes very mixed. And you know this from being in the testers group its mixed bag if reports.

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Agree with almost everything you guys say in this thread BUT


You have to take great care that you are making the game legitimately harder rather than just making it more frustrating. 


The ARMA engine sucks in many regards, I find I most often get hit by zeds during stupid animations, switching weapons or picking up items etc, even after years of playing the game. For me the most frustrating part about 1.8.1 is not even being able to pick items up or do things because during the course of the animation the game forces me to sit static for zeds will beat the shit out of me. 


There's lots of situations like that in dayz, they're unavoidable with the ARMA engine, you can't always consider the fact you have to do a 5 second animation before every action. I love the 1.8.1 zombies in many ways for example the agro is fantastic. My only real complaints are max damage per attack, attack distance and the amount of times they make me bleed. I don't even really think the bleeding needs reducing but rather the spawn rate on bandages could probably be higher, or more alternative ways to craft them be found. I liked that the zeds pre 1.8 used to make you bleed a lot, they didn't do much damage but the bleeding itself was a deterrent. However the combination of very high damage and very high chance of bleeding is simply too much. 


When I get killed by zeds because I wanted to pick a melee weapon up off the ground to defend myself with as a fresh spawn its extremely frustrating. Or if I have just spawned and the first 2 zeds I come across cause me to get sepsis and run around bleeding because I'm out of bandages etc. Last night we were trying to salvage parts from a vehicle, but because the salvage action draws agro it nearly killed 3 of us, and yes the 2 people not removing the parts were running zombie interference.


Imo the 1.8 zeds weren't ever playable in vanilla form either, I don't think any populated servers ran them on their default code? I hope with this patch we can find a better medium that the majority of the people who play dayzmod enjoy. Currently they are simply far too frustrating and the majority of sidechat comments have been to that effect. The agro is perfect, the loot is perfect, I don't mind their speed, its just the range on their attacks and the damage they do that's the issue for me. 


It seems easy for some people to dismiss anyone who asks for easier zombies as being a "cod kiddy" etc etc. That's simply not true though I know myself and most players on my server love the survival aspect of the game and welcome changes to make it harder. Right now the balance is way too far in zombies favor though and its leading to a lot of frustration. 


Looking forward to seeing how future changes affect things, this is still the best update the mod has had since 1.8 and I'm very grateful for all the work thats gone into it. 





I saw you updated zerosurvival also to 1.8.1.  ..... - have you also changed your basebuilding-system to the new one of 1.8.1 ?

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Please elaborate on this, as most animations should be interruptable, as is defined in the dikCodes. If it's that you're picking up a weapon - there's not much we can about that. Always have to ask yourself the "risk vs. reward" question..




Again, for me this falls under a case of "you're not supposed to do that" and again "risk vs. reward". Quite frankly it's your own fault trying to salvage a vehicle right next to Zombies, as you're obviously going to startle them when taking a wheel off a vehicle. It's inevitable, as you'll make noise attracting them. Do you think the range is too much on them aggroing?


If you give us feedback about what you would like to see changed it will be changed, and just going about changing the z-code on your server surely isn't the way of doing it - as in most cases we end up not getting that feedback.


I have run a few servers and none of them even changed the zombie behavior and noone complained about it. It really seems to be in the eye of the player and what they want, not necessarily anything wrong with it.



"risk vs. reward"


thats a cheap answer in case of a bad game engine. We all know, how crappy the most animations in arma2 are... - like climbing up a ladder(takes 5 seconds, till player starts climbing up (during that zeds are fucking me hard in my backside).

Its bad, that there is no accommodation from mod-side...

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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Please elaborate on this, as most animations should be interruptable, as is defined in the dikCodes. If it's that you're picking up a weapon - there's not much we can about that. Always have to ask yourself the "risk vs. reward" question..



I know they are interruptable in some cases but its not worth interrupting them. Say I'm low blood and need to bandage but there's some zeds nearby, I don't have anywhere I can lose agro or hide and I'm going to die if I don't bandage. It's frustrating getting smacked in the face and losing several thousand blood at a time whilst doing so. There's plenty of situations in the mod where you know you might have to take a hit or two from a zombie. In 1.8.1 that one hit can easily lead to your death. 


In other situations the animation can't be interupted, take my salvaging vehicle parts example above or fitting vehicle parts to a car. Yes its risk vs reward, and yes you try and plan to not have to deal with a zombie. But there's still tons of situations in the game where the inventory or animation system, zed agro, the location, other players, or lack of weapons or ammo will pretty much force you to have to have at least some zombie issues. 


It's rather frustrating to see people regularly have the same complaints and to always have them dismissed as simply being wrong. As mod devs you should take the feedback less personally. You can't just tell everyone who tells you they have an issue with your zombies they are playing the game wrong. We've all been playing the game a long time by this point and we all know and appreciate the importance of planning things around zombies and trying to avoid them.


When someone has some criticism don't take it so personally and immediately jump to being defensive. People have different opinions and we won't ever all agree. But it should be your responsibilities to cater for what the majority of the players of your mod want, and you could see what the majority were saying about zeds last night. 


Honestly I don't find giving you guys feedback at all rewarding, for example I asked about having quick switch animations sped up in the testers chat. R4z0r raged about it being a pointless CoD kiddy request and a waste of time - and then later one of you added it to the patch anyway! Same thing with the blood effect on ground + particle effects, I asked for it was told it was likely not possible and your system was better anyway. Then you added it to the init.sqf and even made it the default. It seems to me like the default reaction both of you have to criticism or complaints can put people off giving feedback sometimes. I thought the zeds were far too strong when playing the test builds too, but thought my requests would be dismissed again for being a "cod deathmatch kid" etc. 


I will continue to give feedback as I have for all of 1.8.1 but I don't feel as a development team you handle it very well at times. Patch releases are always a headache and people will definitely shout like small bugs are the end of the world. I don't agree with that at all and I always see the improvements in every patch. 

Edited by seaweed
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I know they are interruptable in some cases but its not worth interrupting them. Say I'm low blood and need to bandage but there's some zeds nearby, I don't have anywhere I can lose agro or hide and I'm going to die if I don't bandage. It's frustrating getting smacked in the face and losing several thousand blood at a time whilst doing so. There's plenty of situations in the mod where you know you might have to take a hit or two from a zombie. In 1.8.1 that one hit can easily lead to your death. 


In other situations the animation can't be interupted, take my salvaging vehicle parts example above or fitting vehicle parts to a car. Yes its risk vs reward, and yes you try and plan to not have to deal with a zombie. But there's still tons of situations in the game where the inventory or animation system, zed agro, the location, other players, or lack of weapons or ammo will pretty much force you to have to have at least some zombie issues. 


It's rather frustrating to see people regularly have the same complaints and to always have them dismissed as simply being wrong. As mod devs you should take the feedback less personally. You can't just tell everyone who tells you they have an issue with your zombies they are playing the game wrong. We've all been playing the game a long time by this point and we all know and appreciate the importance of planning things around zombies and trying to avoid them.


When someone has some criticism don't take it so personally and immediately jump to being defensive. People have different opinions and we won't ever all agree. But it should be your responsibilities to cater for what the majority of the players of your mod want, and you could see what the majority were saying about zeds last night. 


Honestly I don't find giving you guys feedback at all rewarding, for example I asked about having quick switch animations sped up in the testers chat. R4z0r raged about it being a pointless CoD kiddy request and a waste of time - and then later one of you added it to the patch anyway! Same thing with the blood effect on ground + particle effects, I asked for it was told it was likely not possible and your system was better anyway. Then you added it to the init.sqf and even made it the default. It seems to me like the default reaction both of you have to criticism or complaints can put people off giving feedback sometimes. I thought the zeds were far too strong when playing the test builds too, but thought my requests would be dismissed again for being a "cod deathmatch kid" etc. 


I will continue to give feedback as I have for all of 1.8.1 but I don't feel as a development team you handle it very well at times. Patch releases are always a headache and people will definitely shout like small bugs are the end of the world. I don't agree with that at all and I always see the improvements in every patch. 


you have my beans seaweed! absolutely right! :beans:

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We aren't taking it personally at all, I never do. I am merely giving feedback as to why some things are possible and some things aren't. I might appear to be mad, yet I never am. That's me being a harsh and open Northerner, nothing else.



We had the discussion about the switch animation, yes. You were pointed in the direction of a thread on this forum where it was put up for a vote and the entirety of the community voted for not having it instantly. R4Z0R then added the switch for it anyway - so saying he's not doing it because he's taking your feedback personally is simply plain wrong. It wasn't us calling you a CoD kiddie anyway, so don't throw that at us now. There are other people in the Skype Chat as well and most of them are no Devs.


By saying there sometimes are situations where you're being killed by a Z because you made a wrong decision, then you're not describing a fault in the system or in the mod - you are describing the mod. It is supposed to be somewhat hard. That is what the original mod stood for. Unforgiving environment where you get killed when you do a mistake.


That is how it works and how it was supposed to be. This is what I am pointing out to you, I am at no point saying that the mod is perfect, because it isn't. I was actually urging you to give feedback about specific parts of our code and offer us solutions to it, as you obviously seem to have them, considering you're changing about everything you can in your missionfile. You seem to have solutions, yet you rarely ever share them. You're only saying you don't like it.


Be my guest to offer some solutions, as I am personally a huge fan of how it works, but if a lot of people say it's utterly broken we will take a look into it again. At the same time you have to consider that the wild zeds are broken and already fixed for the next patch.



As for your behavior in the game - you're saying that there are some situations where you "need to take one or two hits". This is just wrong. Being stealthy is supposed to be rewarding and it is. We are finally at a point where we can say that stealth is working and if you do it you can go into town and out again without even aggroing anything. This is how it's supposed to be, which is why they are hard. I am not trying to say that you're playing the game wrong. But I personally had to adapt and change my behavior with every patch that come out, but in the end it was always possible to survive in the end.



The point is to make the people adapt, which has not happened yet, as it just came out yesterday. Let them play for a week and then report back again.

Edited by kichilron

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We had the discussion about the switch animation, yes. You were pointed in the direction of a thread on this forum where it was put up for a vote and the entirety of the community voted for not having it instantly. R4Z0R then added the switch for it anyway - so saying he's not doing it because he's taking your feedback personally is simply plain wrong. It wasn't us calling you a CoD kiddie anyway, so don't throw that at us now. There are other people in the Skype Chat as well and most of them are no Devs.


Well my skype chat doesn't go back that far or I'd post a screenshot, maybe you're thinking of someone else because that wasn't the response i received.  


I'm done with feedback regarding the zeds because whenever I do you keep telling me I'm simply playing the game wrong. 


edit: http://puu.sh/97O4H/68f79db24a.png

Edited by seaweed

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Honestly I don't find giving you guys feedback at all rewarding, for example I asked about having quick switch animations sped up in the testers chat. R4z0r raged about it being a pointless CoD kiddy request and a waste of time - and then later one of you added it to the patch anyway! Same thing with the blood effect on ground + particle effects, I asked for it was told it was likely not possible and your system was better anyway. Then you added it to the init.sqf and even made it the default. It seems to me like the default reaction both of you have to criticism or complaints can put people off giving feedback sometimes. I thought the zeds were far too strong when playing the test builds too, but thought my requests would be dismissed again for being a "cod deathmatch kid" etc. 


I raged about everything that's just me ask any musty or dev, Faco will also confirm that. Doesn't mean i don't listen the fact every patch we do shows you that as well as every hot-fix we do. Even your own comments above have proven that.


The facts so far you asked for something i gave you the cod kiddy reply as a response in a closed channel (based on the vote we had, they agreed) that's me all over i don't have to be as official in a private channel (not that i am most of the time anyway).


The stuff i just cant get my head around from the descriptions you have given.


Your running to a ladder with a zombie in toe.

(you know the zed is faster and will likely hurt you bad)

(you know the arma 2 engine isn't the best on animations)

But yet you choose to still try and use a ladder knowing the above.


Id say that is pretty much a player mistake why use the ladder without first dealing with the issue in hand. Why put your self into that position. lose it or kill it first.


Your fixing a vehicle you know it makes noise to fix the vehicle why not deal with the zombies before hand one player runs thought the town draw all ago another player sits 30 meters from the atv into the town to hold new zombie spawns.


Both issues have been resolved without much more then a little thought. Without worrying issues that could arise from engine problems.


Now the issue we have is to balance this so players can make a mistake but still feel they can make it and players who don't make mistake feel they are still challenged in every aspect they do. Every patch we release has had changes made to the zeds to try and bring them into a level playing field and you know this. We have a minimum threat level and a maximum threat level for the zombies we now have to change the number between these to find the balance this is one of the big reasons we have been moving stuff to configs. So we don't have to worry about code changes just balance changes on zeds also for the aspect to bring in new visual changes to help players notice what needs to be dealt with first.


i'am an ass most of the time that is just me.

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the max they can do in one hit is around 5k not 12000 :-)




Which is about 42% of your health. Plus you're now bleeding, and must run away and need to find a large building that you can get in the center of before you dare allow yourself to be caught in the long bandage animation that cannot be canceled. One hit can very well be the end of you.


Your zombies are modeled as humans but have many of the combat attributes of grizzly bears. It would be very rare for a human to land a blow so devastating, and no normal human being has a 3.5 meter attack range. There are a few boxers that have a 90" reach, but that is very rare. I don't know if any of that even matters though... The player also has super-human power and honestly the player still has the upper hand. In the end I stand by my comment in that I find the game-play somewhat frustrating and I am afraid that the majority of players will feel the same way. If the game is tuned for just you and a few of your friends, then so be it. I just don't see how this works out mathematically. The Steam stats show an average of 2k players and if you lose a sizable chunk of them due to this perceived imbalance, then divide that across the number of servers, it is going to be a mighty lonely virtual world.

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Which is about 42% of your health. Plus you're now bleeding, and must run away and need to find a large building that you can get in the center of before you dare allow yourself to be caught in the long bandage animation that cannot be canceled. One hit can very well be the end of you.


Your zombies are modeled as humans but have many of the combat attributes of grizzly bears. It would be very rare for a human to land a blow so devastating, and no normal human being has a 3.5 meter attack range. There are a few boxers that have a 90" reach, but that is very rare. I don't know if any of that even matters though... The player also has super-human power and honestly the player still has the upper hand. In the end I stand by my comment in that I find the game-play somewhat frustrating and I am afraid that the majority of players will feel the same way. If the game is tuned for just you and a few of your friends, then so be it. I just don't see how this works out mathematically. The Steam stats show an average of 2k players and if you lose a sizable chunk of them due to this perceived imbalance, then divide that across the number of servers, it is going to be a mighty lonely virtual world.


Your arguing about two systems one we haven't disagreed with you at all the 5k is heavy for the viral we are looking at this and if you read up a few posts you will see i have that as a concern.

the 2nd is an issue we cant resolve we cant make the engine do something it cant do until we can get someone who can do animations with the arma 2 skeleton and gestures there is nothing we can do on this 3.6 is the most acceptable range for attacks. 

Anything less 3.2 and the players can inch out to a location that zombies cant do anything with they just stand still.

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Your arguing about two systems one we haven't disagreed with you at all the 5k is heavy for the viral we are looking at this and if you read up a few posts you will see i have that as a concern.

the 2nd is an issue we cant resolve we cant make the engine do something it cant do until we can get someone who can do animations with the arma 2 skeleton and gestures there is nothing we can do on this 3.6 is the most acceptable range for attacks. 

Anything less 3.2 and the players can inch out to a location that zombies cant do anything with they just stand still.


Oh, I gotcha. There are ambulatory restrictions that create a need for their extended attack range; that's understandable. Is there any way to reduce their attack range situationally, for instance, when they are running? I rogue-tanked a bunch of them in eleckro last night and got pegged a few times, but it got the job done. I agree with you on their speed though... I don't think they are too fast as they're not that agile, you can out-turn them and they are somewhat easy to ditch. You can collect quite a large crowd of them and pare them down to a manageable  number. This doesn't work well for the lone wolf players though. I don't mean to come across as argumentative or trying to give you guys a hard time, but I am concerned that the player base will be reduced and the point that this being an MMO will be lost.

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Oh, I gotcha. There are ambulatory restrictions that create a need for their extended attack range; that's understandable. Is there any way to reduce their attack range situationally, for instance, when they are running? I rogue-tanked a bunch of them in eleckro last night and got pegged a few times, but it got the job done. I agree with you on their speed though... I don't think they are too fast as they're not that agile, you can out-turn them and they are somewhat easy to ditch. You can collect quite a large crowd of them and pare them down to a manageable  number. This doesn't work well for the lone wolf players though. I don't mean to come across as argumentative or trying to give you guys a hard time, but I am concerned that the player base will be reduced and the point that this being an MMO will be lost.



We're definitely still working on the Z's and especially the attackrange is just something we tried for now. We're looking into other things as R4Z0R mentioned above, though. We're aware that it's not the best, but it's the best we can currently do.


And this patch did reward you a lot with stealth, as you can crouch behind the Z's and you're almost unnoticed. If you stick to that you'll be fine. :)

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Oh, I gotcha. There are ambulatory restrictions that create a need for their extended attack range; that's understandable. Is there any way to reduce their attack range situationally, for instance, when they are running? I rogue-tanked a bunch of them in eleckro last night and got pegged a few times, but it got the job done. I agree with you on their speed though... I don't think they are too fast as they're not that agile, you can out-turn them and they are somewhat easy to ditch. You can collect quite a large crowd of them and pare them down to a manageable  number. This doesn't work well for the lone wolf players though. I don't mean to come across as argumentative or trying to give you guys a hard time, but I am concerned that the player base will be reduced and the point that this being an MMO will be lost.


We understand its an issue that has plagued the mod for along time something we just cant fix atm fingers crossed Hicks comes though with a fix from the bis guys the distance has been a real issue for a long time. the issue for us comes down too do we allow the extra .4 distance change and have the zombies have that chance to catch a player and take them down or do we remove the .4 change and make it so zombies are just plan crap and can be run around like little hamsters. (remote one can anyway atm)


Its that change we are talking about the distance and time it takes the zed to stop and attack and the time it takes the player to move out of the way is .2. the only time we can get zombies below the 3 meter dead lock is during an animation the hope is we can get some help from bis devs to create a moving attack system allowing the zombies to get within 3 meters and still attack the player. We already have to cheat in many ways to get the zeds to stand pretty much instant as a player is within range and aggro-ed.


the current system is run to player (3 meters is the closest they get) stop run attack. by the time they stop and attack your aready out of range due to all the extra checks we have now. In the old dayz the zombies just did an aoe dmg so once at 3 the player was damaged didn't matter what the zed was doing. But like everything its all the extra checks we have now that slow it down.

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We're definitely still working on the Z's and especially the attackrange is just something we tried for now. We're looking into other things as R4Z0R mentioned above, though. We're aware that it's not the best, but it's the best we can currently do.


And this patch did reward you a lot with stealth, as you can crouch behind the Z's and you're almost unnoticed. If you stick to that you'll be fine. :)


Can crawl right past them too. Even turning a corner and laying down worked-out for me. I crept into a double shed last night and was crouched down eating, and one struck me through the closed door, though. I can see how the closed door thing happened, as the zed may have opened the door and it didn't render. I am not sure how he noticed me though, or if they just open doors randomly. Does eating have an aggro range?

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Can crawl right past them too. Even turning a corner and laying down worked-out for me. I crept into a double shed last night and was crouched down eating, and one struck me through the closed door, though. I can see how the closed door thing happened, as the zed may have opened the door and it didn't render. I am not sure how he noticed me though, or if they just open doors randomly. Does eating have an aggro range?


Pretty much everything you do does.

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Thank you for clearing that up. I have a better understanding of the mechanics now which will help me make better choices.

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Np this stuff is in the forums many times its one of the main issues we have to go over every dam patch :-( same as Dean has recently in SA :-)


Zeds will never be 100% the engine limits just don't help however we still beleave we can change zeds enough to change players behaviors and we see this with every patch we are not just going to give in. If we can release regular we will get there at some point. 

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I have a bug to report, or so I think.

I finally managed to install 1.8.1 and find a server with 3p=on and ch=off. Anyhow, I got lost in the woods (haven't played for ages) and started losing blood due to dehydration. Thing is, while I had full HP (12k) and no zed ever touched me, when I started -slowly yet steadily- losing blood-points cause of thirst, the blood arrow indicator pointed upwards and not downwards. It didn't change for a sec, always pointing up while I've lost over 1.5k of blood. I also didn't drink, eat or done anything to justify such a behavior. I thought while you're losing blood it's supposed to point down and when you're gaining it points up.


It wasn't a public hive server but a private one, so it might be a unique problem on that particular server, but I thought I'd post it here anyways. The server's name was "ZeroSurvival.net 1.8.1 [No Loadouts or Donor Crap][Rare Vehicles]blahblah" and IP/port

Edited by h3l1x
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