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Do you allow others to rob you?

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I'm on a bit of a break from the game at the moment but was contemplating my 'playstyle' today and began questioning something I've done over the last 200 hours or so. I was killed while complying to a robbery on several occasions (all of them to that date) and I adopted a non-compliance policy which included a fight to the death and taking the most damage to my valuables as possible in the process. My initial thought was that this deterred robberies for those committing them, as they get minimal gear out of the process, but now I'm not so sure. How do you approach 'being robbed'?

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Never been robbed, I'm usually the one doing the robbing.


What I do, Is I make them drop their gun, take a few steps back, then drop their bag.  After that I cuff them for everyone's safety.  I take what I want, leave the rest, uncuff the person, tell them to wait 30 seconds before grabbing their gear.


I don't see the point in killing the person you just robbed.  You got everything you wanted, so why kill them?  Idk, maybe my play style is completely different than everyone else.

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Iv never been robbed but yes i probably would, adds to the immersion. Plus i make a story series on my channel, would suck if i just shot everyone.

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I haven't had an encounter where I thought I might just be held up.


If such a thing were to happen I'd be delighted. 


Kill or be killed.

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And thats another thing I don't understand.  Maybe is because you can just server hop and loot cycle the NEAF 3 times before getting great gear, idk.  But why risk all your gear instead of one or two items?  Hell, there have been times when the person had nothing of interest, so I just let them go, and they thanked me whole heatedly for not killing them.

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I was cornered and about to be robbed by 3 mask wearing guys..all holding 357s. After them screaming over mic a few seconds I decided they arent going to let me live. First one took a mosin round to his face, being that I forgot to reload before this encounter, I dropped the mosin and buried my axe in the second guys head..by that time the 3rd finally shot me. So yeah...I'm going out fighting. That was the only time I've been close to being robbed.

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The game at its current stage is shit, it has turned into a deadmatch with the downside of have to gear up every time you die.


Answering to your question, fight to death.

Edited by BrainlessZombie

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I was hold by a group of three mans, all full military gear plus gas mak. They surrounded me  near a house with withe fence. I had just a weak melee weapon. i showed no resistance against my aggressors. One tell me "Get on knees !!" i obeyed while this guy went on my back and start to cuff me. one other guy starts to talk me they were like KKK and chasing new illegal spawns or other shit. i don't remember exactly. I tell them that i was in need for water. one start to force drink me. The man behind me with his gun staring at my head tells me : "Do you believe in Jesus ?" , "No", i've  said. BLAM ! He shoots me in the head at the moment. You are dead. This had happened in the earlier hours of my gaming. Best moment ever in Dayz !

Edited by Ludz

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Hey people, you should look at this thread from player called Mithrawndo:




It's a very interesting thread about his heavy team who corner someone alone. He can't understand why the guy won't surrender, and won't talk to him. It is this same subject from the other side, but with players saying they also would not surrender, others saying they might. You should check it out too. He also puts his reasons.


Me, I'm a 'no surrender'. No one ever going to handcuff me. No.


xx pilgrim

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Never been held up, but if I'm outgunned or outnumbered, I'll comply. If there is a chance of surviving, I'll attack. IMO, players should cherish their life more than their gear

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I've never been held up in SA.  I'll give you my shirt when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

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Hey people, you should look at this thread from player called Mithrawndo:




It's a very interesting thread about his heavy team who corner someone alone. He can't understand why the guy won't surrender, and won't talk to him. It is this same subject from the other side, but with players saying they also would not surrender, others saying they might. You should check it out too. He also puts his reasons.


Me, I'm a 'no surrender'. No one ever going to handcuff me. No.


xx pilgrim


Thank you for the free advertising, Pilgrim!


To clarify a little, my lack of understanding stems not from failing to understand why someone refuses to surrender, no matter the circumstances. I think this attitude is silly, but I can follow the reasoning through to it's conclusion and happily accept that some people are partisan in their position on this. I even respect them for it, to a degree - though moving a little off topic, I believe it's this attitude when applied from the perspective of the aggressor that lead to the vast majority of conflicts in the real world. An example close to home for me would be the British government's policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists:


Just because you've entered a dialogue doesn't mean you have to come to an agreement!


As for myself? I have never been successfully robbed. I have been taken captive on several ocassions, but this usually ends in me trying to talk my way out of it, then drawing my weapon when I think the opportunity is there... and getting shot dead. Other times, I've been captured and set on my way with more food than I can carry. Maybe 1 out of 20 encounters of this sort, I successfully fought off my assailants. Usually because they were unaware that I had support nearby.

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Been raped of my clothes once , still have the scars...and the memories.

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How do you approach 'being robbed'?


I'd take the black screen of death any day, over aimlessly giving my stuff to someone who thinks they have the right to even ask for it. It's a dog eat dog world!

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if i know that i have no chance of escaping, then yes i would let them rob me, you never know there could be some nice robbers, just like me, i remember i robbed a guy at berezino, all i took was half of his ACP ammo because i had a hard time killing zombies since melee is even harder now. and guess what, after i robed him, i was happy that he did what i wanted him to do so i told him to follow me to a place where i dropped m4 because i had no ammo. it was a great night :)

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I was held a hostage for 2 times now and did comply and survived both of them.


1. I was at the North East Airfield and it was almost night when I was on a little looting tour and I approached the last office building. Suddenly, when I was like 50 meters away the door opened and 6 people all wearing masks and looking really crazy ran towards me with crazy battle cries and pointing guns at me. As I had no gun I did put my Hands up and prayed for my life.

They discussed what to do with me and decided they would not kill me. But they had to do a little experiment with me and force feeded me a rotten tomato, but told me also they were really sorry about this.^^ They were as crazy as they looked and the whole situation got even more weird as on of them announced that he had prepared a little song for his friends. So I ended up becoming friends with the craziest clown mask wearing psychpoaths in Chernarus that force feeded me and had a little party on the Airfield at night.

As we were all dancing to one of the clowns song someone shot with a mosin from a distance on us and we paniced. That wasone of the funniest moments in DayZ for me so far, quote from one of them: "Aaahhh turn your flashlights off, turn them off, FAST!!! Ok they cant see us now, Wait we cant see anything. TURN YOUR FLASHLIGHTS ON, DAMNIT TURN THEM ON!!!"  :lol:


I played and talked to them for another 15 min and finally had to log out. Craziest and funniest group I encountered so far in this game so far.


2. So I logged in on the next Day still on the Airfield and tried to loot again. As I was in the office building a guy told me from the outside that I was surrounded and told me to surrender. As I had still no gun with ammo, just an empty SKS and the guy somehow sounded mature and trustworthy I cooperated and dropped my backpack and gun outside and moved 20 meters from it. I was still ill from the forcefeed last day, so I asked them what I could do about that. He told me how to deal with it (not the way with medicaments, maybe some of you figured it already out ;) ) and let me go with my backpack and SKS. Only thing I lost were my new shiny Binoculars, but absolutely worth it imo. 




All that happened on german servers so I don´t know how things are going on other servers. But I suggest to you to comply in a hostage situation for one time as these can be the most intense moments you can have in DayZ. 

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Hell no, aint no one robbing me. I don't let anyone see me till I have a gun, then they wish they hadn't seen me as it is very short lived.

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Yeah I allow them to rob me, I mean it beats getting KoS'd any day of the week.


Although I never usually travel alone, and allowing them to rob me buys my team time to get in position to reacquire my gear, lol...

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Haven't really been robbed yet.


I just either go unseen or get picked off by a sniper.

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Nothing is more ridiculous then empowering a griefer by giving him power over you or talking to him.

Your gear means nothing to him. He and his hacker buddies have hopped servers for an hour getting what they need. All that you can give him is a rush of power, why do it, kill a few of them and make him wreck your gear.

Too easy. You win.

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I don't know as of now. Never happened to me. If I had a chance to kill the bandit, I would. If I didn't, I would look for one. Definitely I wouldn't sit tight and wait till he decides that it would be fun to kill me.

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