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To the gentleman I shot at the airfield today...(An Apology)

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I am sincerely apologetic for a kill today. I told some guy an airfield to put his hands up. The server & I desynced and I assumed he didn't comply as he lay there crouched. I gave him a second warning. a third even and then shot. After I shot I realized the shot didn't do anything and that I was lagging. As soon as my game came back, the player had his hands up and was falling to the ground dead.


Seriously, I am sincerely apologetic for my internet! I didn't hang around the server in case you had pissed of friends in skype so I cannot vouch for the safety of your items, but I can assure you I won't be picking them up. I won't say which server, but your stuff is still there. hopefully nobody loots it right away!


Again, very sorry bro! You are actually my first PVP kill. LOL damnit!



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Wait... You are apologizing for killing someone at the airfield? You are playing DayZ? Never seen you before....

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Why does so much people use these forums to post messages like these like if every DayZ player had an account here and came to check the main discussion forums after getting killed.

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Congrats. Do it more, its what this game is about. 

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How about you just let the OP say what he wants to express: he didn't want to do it and would have wished to act differently. It went wrong.
Nothing wrong with voicing that, even though the victim will not likely read it. So what?
It's a way of dealing with the incident for the OP.

It's actually the strength of this game that an unnecessary/unwanted kill is something to think about later (okay, you guys in here stopped that 400 cheapkills ago, I know), but it is actually a positive aspect.






I can imagine the situation. When I do something I regret later, I just try to manage better next time I am in a silly situation. It's a learning process to know what happens when, which options are viable, what you can expect and what will not happen, etc. Enjoy the process and the thrill/buzz as long as you can.

Edited by cuddly_rabbit
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dear guy i shot at (insert location here) i think i was lagging or desync or i panic or i just wanted to shoot you or i dont know what happened, anyway im so so sorry i feel so bad right now, i hope youre reading this, and i hope you feel better after reading this

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"odds" are irrelevant. Looks like there is an admin in here. If the forum Gods don't want people making these posts, make it against the rules. Why troll someone telling their experience?


I swear if people spent as much time fixing their own lives and decisions as they do critiquing others there would be way less douchebaggery in this world. 


To the OP: He's dead, you killed him you should have looted his body out of respect so that he didn't die in vain lol. Play on!

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Yay! Another useful thread! Lets all together start writing our stories, how we killed a bandit, or a bamby, and we will all happily overflood the general discussion.

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In the same session: a gentleman approached me yelling "Friendly! Friendly!" and immediately started to punch me. Lol

This game is all sorts of win!

The reason for the original post was out of courtesy and to share my experience. He was fairly armed, and I know how long it would take me to get my shit back. In all honesty I didn't loot him because I was mostly kitted out already. Only thin I was looking for we're mags.

I am not a bandit by heart, as you'll see in my YouTube vids, but when shit hits the fan, it hits the fan REALLY quick!

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Dont worry dude - lag just means you were in slightly different time zones.

The bullet had already gone through him before you pulled the trigger.

I'll bet he didn't even feel a thing.


xx pilgrim

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What are the odds on the guy actually reading this?


Based on two-million DayZ players and the ~ten people that have posted - about one in two-hundred-thousand.

Edited by Mos1ey

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I am sincerely apologetic for a kill today. I told some guy an airfield to put his hands up. The server & I desynced and I assumed he didn't comply as he lay there crouched. I gave him a second warning. a third even and then shot. After I shot I realized the shot didn't do anything and that I was lagging. As soon as my game came back, the player had his hands up and was falling to the ground dead.


Seriously, I am sincerely apologetic for my internet! I didn't hang around the server in case you had pissed of friends in skype so I cannot vouch for the safety of your items, but I can assure you I won't be picking them up. I won't say which server, but your stuff is still there. hopefully nobody loots it right away!


Again, very sorry bro! You are actually my first PVP kill. LOL damnit!





I appreciate the existance of this post, as a demonstration this game at least has good players which understand the meaning of the word PVP but also roleplay, not only KOS!


Keep up your good work man! :thumbsup:

Edited by GunnyITA
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In the same session: a gentleman approached me yelling "Friendly! Friendly!" and immediately started to punch me. Lol

This game is all sorts of win!

The reason for the original post was out of courtesy and to share my experience. He was fairly armed, and I know how long it would take me to get my shit back. In all honesty I didn't loot him because I was mostly kitted out already. Only thin I was looking for we're mags.

I am not a bandit by heart, as you'll see in my YouTube vids, but when shit hits the fan, it hits the fan REALLY quick!

You know you could have just told him "Sorry dude I lagged" in game.

He'd probably not belive you but at least he'd read/hear it.

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I don't want to rain on anyones parade but ain't this just a made up story to make fun of the canadian stereotype to apologize for absolutely everything?

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I don't want to rain on anyones parade but ain't this just a made up story to make fun of the canadian stereotype to apologize for absolutely everything?

Haha! Oh shit! I've fallen into my own stereotype. Good call! Lmao!

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Yeah I regret shooting this guy at the NWAF. It's a dangerous place, and I was being very cautious/paranoid so I just lit this guy up, he wasn't a threat or anything. Sure, he had a gun, but is that really a reason to shoot someone on sight? In my opinion no, and it's the only kill I regret, the rest of them being fired on first defend kills.

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After reading those comments, I feel like going out and shooting everyone in the face.

That's why I hate people. They are whining babies.

Nothing wrong to make such posts on this forum. It is still worth three times more than all the whine and crap all the commenters post around daily.

You are a good guy!

Edited by SGT. Kalme
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To OP's that make sutch posts....."Pls stfu!"



Please be nicer. That wasn't really necessary.

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i think i was the one he killed...


P.S. i was alone because i am always alone. Do not worry, no one hates you, it's just a game.

I have noticed on this forum that people generally tend to worry to much over something that is basically an entertainment platform.

Edited by mugur

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oh, another one of these posts.

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