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No PK server: * The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen *

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If PvP is such a big issue of this mod then perhaps when the dev's do videos of this mod they should include how PvP is so much a part of it because every video I have seen shows nothing about PvP. Which in my opinion is false information. These videos are showing a zombie infested map with no PvP activity at all. Which is not the case once you get into the game. As i have said before I have died to players ... not the zombies.

Ah man I feel for you' date=' that really sucks, its never nice feeling when you feel something has been misrepresented to you, especially if you laid down money in order to experience it. What videos were you watching before you got the game? I have seen plenty of PvP and PvE related videos, The most popular PvE videos I've seen are the CHKilroy vids, are these the ones you are referring to?

Sadly though the onus is on you to fully research something before buying something, whether its a videogame, movie or book so you can be sure you are getting what you want. Also the videos your probably referring to were made by the community, not the developers, as far as I know the developers have not really done too much advertising personally as technically its not for sale yet, so its unfair to accuse them of misrepresenting the product.

Hopefully you stick with the game, I think the rampant player killing will settle down and the mod will probably achieve the balance it needs.


TO add to this, I would also suggest looking at other mods and addons for the stock ArmA game. There's a lot of entertainment value there for moth PvP and coop games.

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Apart from that' date=' loot tables should be dynamically altered according to the number of people playing on a server. If less than 30 people are playing, then no tier 3 weapons should spawn. Less than 15 people? Then only very basic loot should spawn. Less than 5 people = no loot at all. That way low maximum players servers should never spawn higher grade loot.


Basically what you're telling me is that you want to punish the players who are ballsy enough to play at night and servers that are just starting up.

No, that's just your interpretation of what I am writing. And please stop throwing the "punish" word around as soon as anyone suggest changes to the mechanics of the game.

I almost exclusively play at night (due to it actually being night when I have time to play) and very seldom the number of players are below 30. And if this was implemented and I was playing on a server with less players I would not be dumbfounded when less "attractive" loot spawns. It would be totally reasonable. Also, if this was implemented I am certain people would tend to join servers where people are already playing. If people would still chose to join servers with low number of players it would only prove the necessity of this implementation. The punishing is only in your head. For servers starting up I am sure that less attractive loot the first five minutes until people have joined would not be a game changer.

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To be clear: I'm not against PKing, i'm just against murdering everyone like a maniac (around spawn, with no stuff, getting shot in the back while trying to get a can of pasta...).

What would be so bad about a server, where people try to adhere to some code of conduct? At least so you know you will not get shot in the back, but you will of course still be able to PK. People should be more reasonable while meeting.

Why people would get on such a server deliberately to kill people off i will never understand. These guys are either very immature or mentaly confused.

In general my opinion about people who shoot others for their stuff, because they are to lazy or dumb to find it on their own: That's just pathetic, but i wouldn't forbid it.

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Why people would get on such a server deliberately to kill people off i will never understand. These guys are either very immature or mentaly confused.



i dont understand that too. but its verry common for online games, especially racers and fps games. this social disability to have fun out of ruining the game for others is really kind of sick. ^^ especially if you go on a server to hunt ppl who have retreated there to play alone.

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Why people would get on such a server deliberately to kill people off i will never understand. These guys are either very immature or mentaly confused.



i dont understand that too. but its verry common for online games' date=' especially racers and fps games. this social disability to have fun out of ruining the game for others is really kind of sick. ^^ especially if you go on a server to hunt ppl who have retreated there to play alone.


DayZ isn't to be played alone. In fact playing alone ruins the game for everyone else when they decide to join other players due to no risk as they collect their loot.

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If PvP is such a big issue of this mod then perhaps when the dev's do videos of this mod they should include how PvP is so much a part of it because every video I have seen shows nothing about PvP. Which in my opinion is false information. These videos are showing a zombie infested map with no PvP activity at all. Which is not the case once you get into the game. As i have said before I have died to players ... not the zombies.

ho yes ,of course, the video on the OFFICIAL DAYZ WEBSITE dozn't show anything about 4 players shooting themselves and a big fucking P A R A N O I A written WHITE on BLACK ...

this mod's made to make you go insane, and it works fine XD

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Been hunting this server on and off for the last few days now, got to say I'm amazed at how little backbone the players there have.

Not only do they disconnect the SECOND they hear my gun firing - they disconnect to avoid Zeds too - I've witnessed this happen on six different ocassions now.

''Hey, I'm sick of being PK'd - lets join that one server so we can fight zombies!''

''Shit, good idea bro!''

''Hey, I'm sick of being ZK'd - lets exploit that one server so we can farm loot!"

"Shit, good idea bro!"

"Hey, I'm armed to the teeth with little effort - lets go PK!"

"Shit, good idea bro!"

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Why people would get on such a server deliberately to kill people off i will never understand. These guys are either very immature or mentaly confused.



i dont understand that too. but its verry common for online games' date=' especially racers and fps games. this social disability to have fun out of ruining the game for others is really kind of sick. ^^ especially if you go on a server to hunt ppl who have retreated there to play alone.


I can explain it to you.

Why would you not want to go on a server and kill cheaters?

Because thats what people are playing on such a server. They get easy access to high-end items which are usually hard to get since hostile players are constantly fighting for them, as a part of this game.

People playing on this server certainly do not "retreat to play alone", they can and of course will use their cheated items in any other server they please. Yes, their items are cheated, because instead of facing and overcoming the risks and obstacles that are involved with getting military equipment at NWA they try to find a way to go there and just grab it without having to worry about anything or fight against anyone.

And all servers are connected to the hive, there is no possibility to play alone whatsoever. Once you have silenced equipment, you can camp NWA/Stary all day, bag 123482372 sniper rifles, nvg, assault rifles, etc.. and then spread them in tents across all servers in your hiding spot. While regular players on these servers have to earn that stuff and oftentimes die while trying to.

People going on this extraordinary server to hunt and kill the extraordinary cheaters are doing all the other dayz players a favor, really.

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'SupWithThat said:

Been hunting this server on and off for the last few days now' date=' got to say I'm amazed at how little backbone the players there have.

Not only do they disconnect the SECOND they hear my gun firing - they disconnect to avoid Zeds too - I've witnessed this happen on six different ocassions now.

''Hey, I'm sick of being PK'd - lets join that one server so we can fight zombies!''

''Shit, good idea bro!''

''Hey, I'm sick of being ZK'd - lets exploit that one server so we can farm loot!"

"Shit, good idea bro!"

"Hey, I'm armed to the teeth with little effort - lets go PK!"

"Shit, good idea bro!"

Really? ALL of them are like that? Interesting.

I played there once, and i can't remember logging out. I remember being shoot by some lunatics. If i hear shooting, i normaly investigate to see if i can maybe help or leave the area.

And logging out because of zombies? Lol...

Edited by xenomat

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There's a great misunderstanding of one of the easiest things around the world wide web right now: reading.

Let me tell you why. If you go to multiplayer screen and study the available servers in the list, you read their headlines and choose the one which suits you best, as there are parameters like amount of players, which time zone one has, the version number and other requirements. Then, you decide to log in and play.

This is not a problem itself; The gameplay is also intended to have co-op play along with blood bags or the fact you can't loot anything if you're under 3,000 of blood (loot is always near zombies), for example. @DayZ is, logical, also co-op playable. One can assist another easily. PvP is also possible, but not cogent. Some like it, some don't. Everything is OK as long as nobody tries to impose its awry opinion to others.

Setting up a server close to the code of ethics of british people is highly honourable and should be respected. People ignoring this knowingly just don't have any moral doubts and/or no social values they live at all. To me, those guys are just spongers and should be locked out. Servers like this have one goal: farming people with the same kind of interest together. Disturbers are not welcome here. It makes more fun when people with the same kind of interests play together.

There is absolutely no honest reason why survivors do open fire at other survivors if the server's topic include terms like "NO PK" or "NO PvP", so an accounted server for co-op play between survivors. Reading about heroism and parade the fact that @DayZ is intended with PvP active really do make me throw up. PvP is absolutely common in other team-based FPS. The fact it does exist does not implicit a game is meant to be played only this way. On the other hand, ArmA2 is a military simulation, thus FF must be enabled at all. If there's a server without PvP intention, and you want to shoot other survivors, then avoid it simply. Live and let live is the motto. No matter why you don't like it -- it doesn't count anyway. On the contrary, trying to justify having shot survivors on such servers is just embarrassing. Intentionally, I don't want to go into targeted provocation of some users here, but I condemn it. It's nerve-racking. Maybe those guys do have emissions while humiliating others, I don't know.

The discussion about banning people from certain servers (like this one we're in topic) are superfluous. If the rule imposes the duty on server owners not to ban unwanted people, then they simply protect the server with a password and reveal it only to guys who really want to play the way the server shows. This procedure does exactly fulfill the same purpose. So I don't understand why server-based user banning is disallowed. This contracts the other way: a server to be open and only disengage people which don't follow the server rules. With it, a much greater community is possible.

On the other hand, guide lines should be thought over. It can't be true that an owner of a server hasn't the right to decide who is allowed to play on. In fact, while trying servers, me and my friend have been kicked every try on certain servers right from the lobby understandable. Isn't that rule-breaking? Obviously, there's a white list. I don't care, and I respect such servers, but they should be named that way so I can leave them out of consideration. That is not a problem to me. If they want to have their own community, hell, who am I to disallow things which are none of my business? It's a game. Nothing more, nothing left. I do not break out the jagged crown by searching another server. Anyway, people do only see each other while they are on the same server. I don't see any problem using filter mechanisms.

If there are people looting servers empty for other purposes, well, let them do! Loot does respawn. Nobody steals me anything nor belongs the loot to me. It's a ridiculous suggestion staggering loot values by the number of players. If someone thinks that there's too much loot in the map then it should be downgraded generally. The really valuable things do have a lower spawn chance anyway. In my opinion, the actual system is ok.

My demand is to respect each other, including different ways of gameplay. It is not suggesting anything to the @DayZ staff (but I can't deny banning those bandits forever from this game or servers, too, would make me gloating).

No offense.

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'perestain said:

I can explain it to you.

Why would you not want to go on a server and kill cheaters?

Because thats what people are playing on such a server. They get easy access to high-end items which are usually hard to get since hostile players are constantly fighting for them' date=' as a part of this game.

People playing on this server certainly do not "retreat to play alone", they can and of course will use their cheated items in any other server they please. Yes, their items are cheated, because instead of facing and overcoming the risks and obstacles that are involved with getting military equipment at NWA they try to find a way to go there and just grab it without having to worry about anything or fight against anyone.

And all servers are connected to the hive, there is no possibility to play alone whatsoever. Once you have silenced equipment, you can camp NWA/Stary all day, bag 123482372 sniper rifles, nvg, assault rifles, etc.. and then spread them in tents across all servers in your hiding spot. While regular players on these servers have to earn that stuff and oftentimes die while trying to.

People going on this extraordinary server to hunt and kill the extraordinary cheaters are doing all the other dayz players a favor, really.

That didn't explain it to me at all. You know you can get millitary gear in every deerstand, right?

And furthermore, i'm not a cheater and i don't like cheaters.

So, people who only avoid and kill zombies in a zombie apokalypse have no right to get high-end gear, while other people deem it necessary to camp at high-end gear loot spots to, for some reason, protect it from the others.

In summary: people shoot anyone who tries to get high-end gear, to protect that high-end gear from people who would use it to shoot other people... And this is somehow more fun than exploring the map, fighting off zombies and searching for loot.


You can't generalise it like that, not everyone is the same. Even if i would get to have some gear i would normaly not get (because of another player who claims it for himself), i'd then use it to make my exploring more save. I'm not a player killer, only in self defense.

Edited by xenomat

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Well, I can tell you why my group has a shoot on sight policy, and I know for a fact some other groups share this opinion.

First of all, there's nothing else to do in this mod than to kill other people. This mod is all about PvP. If there would be no PvP it would be a very boring mod because the PvE part (the zombie part) is no fun at the moment (it's literally pointless to shoot zombies, other than to defend yourself when you get detected).

Second, PvP in this mod can be pretty exciting due to it being high-risk high-reward. You get killed and you have to spend a while getting your gear back. You kill someone and you get NVGs, MP5SD, SAW, etc. Also, there's nothing like sneaking up or defending against human players. PvP adds a challange that Coop cannot provide. It really tests your tactics and teamwork.

Third, other people will shoot on sight, so you shoot before they do. This happens very often now that the bandit skin is gone because no one trusts anybody else. When the bandit skin was still in, we could sometimes trust strangers who didn't wear a bandit skin, if we had superior manpower and could lock down the entire area. But these days if you don't want to get shot, you have to shoot first when strangers come close.

Also, I want to point out something that some of you don't seem to realize. There's two parts to this mod:

1. The part where the "loners" run around and get shot at by everyone.

2. The part where people team up in groups and shoot at everybody who isn't in their group.

So keep that in mind when you say there's no teamwork, no coop, etc. Because that's simply not the entire truth. The second part of the mod has a lot of teamwork, coop, and whatnot. It's the first part that is severely lacking any of thereof.

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First of all' date=' there's nothing else to do in this mod than to kill other people. This mod is all about PvP.[/quote']

Understood. There are no Zombies creeping around, there is no loot to gain and everyone you see has to be shot.

If there would be no PvP it would be a very boring mod because the PvE part (the zombie part) is no fun at the moment (it's literally pointless to shoot zombies' date=' other than to defend yourself when you get detected).[/quote']

That's your opinion, and I respect that, but to pose that in universally applicable manner with deep conviction is totally wrong. That would implicit that every human is like you. Isn't that a bit overbearing? ;)

Second' date=' PvP in this mod can be pretty exciting due to it being high-risk high-reward. You get killed and you have to spend a while getting your gear back. You kill someone and you get NVGs, MP5SD, SAW, etc. Also, there's nothing like sneaking up or defending against human players. PvP adds a challange that Coop cannot provide. It really tests your tactics and teamwork.[/quote']

Nothing to say against it. You can play that way if you want, but you must grant others to play in different ways.

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'BlackAlpha said:

Well' date=' I can tell you why my group has a shoot on sight policy, and I know for a fact some other groups share this opinion.

First of all, there's nothing else to do in this mod than to kill other people. This mod is all about PvP. If there would be no PvP it would be a very boring mod because the PvE part (the zombie part) is no fun at the moment (it's literally pointless to shoot zombies, other than to defend yourself when you get detected).

Second, PvP in this mod can be pretty exciting due to it being high-risk high-reward. You get killed and you have to spend a while getting your gear back. You kill someone and you get NVGs, MP5SD, SAW, etc. Also, there's nothing like sneaking up or defending against human players. PvP adds a challange that Coop cannot provide. It really tests your tactics and teamwork.

Third, other people will shoot on sight, so you shoot before they do. This happens very often now that the bandit skin is gone because no one trusts anybody else. When the bandit skin was still in, we could sometimes trust strangers who didn't wear a bandit skin, if we had superior manpower and could lock down the entire area. But these days if you don't want to get shot, you have to shoot first when strangers come close.

Also, I want to point out something that some of you don't seem to realize. There's two parts to this mod:

1. The part where the "loners" run around and get shot at by everyone.

2. The part where people team up in groups and shoot at everybody who isn't in their group.

So keep that in mind when you say there's no teamwork, no coop, etc. Because that's simply not the entire truth. The second part of the mod has a lot of teamwork, coop, and whatnot. It's the first part that is severely lacking any of thereof.

So how would the random guy you shoot form a group, or get in a group?

How do people get into your group?

What about people who don't speak english, do they have less rights to play this mod or get better gear?

For me there is plenty to do in this mod, all i see people do here it trying to justify their behavior. You can find all the loot lying around you know, guess where the orhers got it from. I got an AK74 (ignoring the Remington and AKM) on a normal veteran server, and i never kill people on sight or before i know or see their intentions.

Killing people out of boredom is just pathetic.

Edited by xenomat

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Understood. There are no Zombies creeping around' date=' there is no loot to gain and [b']everyone you see has to be shot.

At some point, yes, it comes down to that, because you run out of things to do. Once you are past the survival phase, when you've figured out how to survive, then you move on to the next thing you can do. Right now, it's either shoot zombies or kill players.

That's your opinion' date=' and I respect that, but to pose that in universally applicable manner with deep conviction is totally wrong. That would implicit that every human is like [b']you. Isn't that a bit overbearing? ;)

It's my opinion, but I feel many people share it. Zombies respawn so quick, often they keep spawning around you as you are shooting them, that it becomes meaningless to shoot them. On top of that, the whole zombie experience is very bland/buggy compared to other zombie games. Hence, it's not much fun shooting zombies.

Nothing to say against it. You can play that way if you want' date=' but you [b']must grant others to play in different ways.

No, I must not. I simply play the game and abide by the rules that are presented to me. Right now the rules are PvP, so I play PvP.

In the state the mod is in now, I do not care about PvE only gameplay, because like I said before, PvE is very bland and boring right now.

I think that implementing PvE only servers will only result in a lot of complications without making the game better in a significant/meaningful way.

I feel your "right" for freedom is being outweighted by the negative consequences. So not only must I not grant others to play in this way (because it's not up to me), neither can I advice it or suggest it as a good idea. ;)

So how would the random guy you shoot form a group' date=' or get in a group?

How do people get into your group?

What about people who don't speak english, do they have less rights to play this mod or get better gear?

For me there is plenty to do in this mod, all i see people do here it trying to justify their behavior. You can find all the loot lying around you know, guess where the orhers got it from. I got an AK74 (ignoring the Remington and AKM) on a normal veteran server, and i never kill people on sight or before i know or see their intentions.

Killing people out of boredom is just pathetic.


Fair questions, but I think you misunderstood. The "group" I'm talking about is simply the same as any other community/clan/guild/uniform/etc that you find in pretty much every DayZ server. You join up as with any other community. People who do not speak English cannot join us because we require for people to be able to communicate with others, and since we are an international community, you must be able to speak English. Anybody who can speak English and has ArmA can join us. As you can see, there's nothing unfair about it. We are run like pretty much all communities out there.

And ofcourse everyone can start their own community or join a community that suits them best, for example a French or Russian speaking community. All of us have the same options, no one is being favored over somebody else.

About your second point. We do not kill out of boredom. We feel DayZ gives a very good PvP experience that adds a flavour of survival and atmosphere that you cannot find in another game. PvP is a lot of fun in this mod, more so than in some other games. We do it out of pure fun, basically. And you can shoot back at us. In fact, we insist! It makes the game fun.

Anyway, I originally only wanted to show you another point of view. I did not intend to attack anyone or become attacked by being called pathetic or whatnot...

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Also' date=' I want to point out something that some of you don't seem to realize. There's two parts to this mod:

1. The part where the "loners" run around and get shot at by everyone.

2. The part where people team up in groups and shoot at everybody who isn't in their group.

So keep that in mind when you say there's no teamwork, no coop, etc. Because that's simply not the entire truth. The second part of the mod has a lot of teamwork, coop, and whatnot. It's the first part that is severely lacking any of thereof.



I love the 'whaa I was shot by a sniper camping town X for easy kills' when it's more likely the sniper was overwatching town X in order to protect his team

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At some point' date=' yes, it comes down to that, because you run out of things to do. Once you are past the survival phase, when you've figured out how to survive, then you move on to the next thing you can do. Right now, it's either shoot zombies or kill players.[/quote']

This aspect has been answered already in my earlier post. You may read it again.

No' date=' I [b']must not.

Get the fact that this server has "NO PK" stated. Just accept that, and everything will be fine. The world does not explode, you can aim at players on other servers, but don't try to completely reverse the sense of this thread. Stay away if you don't like it. What's wrong with you, man?

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Get the fact that this server has "NO PK" stated. Just accept that' date=' and everything will be fine. The world does [b']not explode, you can aim at players on other servers, but don't try to completely reverse the sense of this thread. Stay away if you don't like it. What's wrong with you, man?

Sure, if we leave out all the problems that come with it, then I'd say go ahead and get your non-PvP server. But I doubt it will happen anytime soon because Rocket would need to find a way to seperate PvP and non-PvP characters due to balancing reasons. Then there's a bunch of other problems.

Nothing wrong with me. You said I must. I told you I don't have to, nor do I think it's a good idea. :)

EDIT: Fixed quote.

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Sure' date=' if we leave out all the problems that come with it, then I'd say go ahead and get your non-PvP server. But I doubt it will happen anytime soon because Rocket would need to find a way to seperate PvP and non-PvP characters due to balancing reasons. Then there's a bunch of other problems.[/quote']

Neither you nor me are the developers (and thus we are not competent enough to clear out those questions), and for the current gameplay I can't see any problem by having servers like this. You may break down the reasons why not using PvP is bad but it is feared that you'll ignore my explanations in the same way you do by now.

Nothing wrong with me. You said I must. I told you I don't have to' date=' nor do I think it's a good idea. :)[/quote']

I seldom have seen a stubborn viewpoint like this, and I must admit that I cannot do anything with it. Maybe there are other interests you're hiding?

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What's the deal with this server ? 17 pages of blablabla to know who's right and who's wrong ?

Guys, do you seriously think the "no pk" tag keeps bandits out of the server ?

I've been playing on this server one time, looking for some peace to hang out in the fields, I got shot and killed more people than usual...

The thing is, when I played on it, the only time where the message "X was killed by Y (friendly fire)" appeared in the chat was when the admin was killed by someone...

So basically this server means, you'll get banned if you kill the admin.

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Guys' date=' do you seriously think the "no pk" tag keeps bandits out of the server?[/quote']

Obviously, the misuse is much bigger than supposed, but: yes. Those guys are without honour choosing this server. There's absolutely no effort killing people which don't want to shoot.

I've been playing on this server one time' date=' looking for some peace to hang out in the fields, I got shot and killed more people than usual...

The thing is, when I played on it, the only time where the message "X was killed by Y (friendly fire)" appeared in the chat was when the admin was killed by someone...

So basically this server means, you'll get banned if you kill the admin.


LOL. Nice one! ;)

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Sure' date=' if we leave out all the problems that come with it, then I'd say go ahead and get your non-PvP server. But I doubt it will happen anytime soon because Rocket would need to find a way to seperate PvP and non-PvP characters due to balancing reasons. Then there's a bunch of other problems.[/quote']

Neither you nor me are the developers (and thus we are not competent enough to clear out those questions), and for the current gameplay I can't see any problem by having servers like this. You may break down the reasons why not using PvP is bad but it is feared that you'll ignore my explanations in the same way you do by now.

Nothing wrong with me. You said I must. I told you I don't have to' date=' nor do I think it's a good idea. :)[/quote']

I seldom have seen a stubborn viewpoint like this, and I must admit that I cannot do anything with it. Maybe there are other interests you're hiding?

PS: The last quote is by me, not xenomat. ;)

Well, we are not developers for this mod, but that doesn't mean we are necessarily completely clueless about the development of this mod. Some of us know how game development works, having it done ourselves. So some of us can have a rough idea of what it's going to take to get this option implemented.

Now it basically boils down to opinion.

I'd prefer to see Rocket focus on different areas and use his time to develop those further, rather than invest time into non-PvP servers. I just don't think non-PvP servers will add much. I think they will only take away from the PvP experience, because the time Rocket spends on non-PvP servers is time he could have used to work on something else, something that contributes to the overal experience, to everyone (not just to non-PvP players).

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Well' date=' we are not developers for this mod, but that doesn't mean we are completely clueless about the development of this mod. Some of us know how game development works, having it done ourselves. So some of us can have a rough idea of what it's going to take to get this option implemented.[/quote']

It was not my intention to dispute your talents, and at least you're the wrong adress because I don't think you'd rush a server like this just for fun. You're playing in a team, and so you shurely have your own server or a clan one.

Now it basically boils down to opinion.

My intention was not to discuss a general topic about PvP yes or no -- thus I'm not the thread starter.

I'd prefer to see Rocket focus on different areas and use his time to develop those further' date=' rather than invest time into non-PvP servers. I just don't think non-PvP servers will add much. I think they will only take away from the PvP experience, because the time Rocket spends on non-PvP servers is time he could have used to work on something else, something that contributes to the overal experience, to everyone (not just to non-PvP players).[/quote']

I duplicate your sorrow about wasting valuable development time. It's no problem for me if Non-PvP servers are not implemented by the developer itself. It would be nice, but as long as the community respects other people which don't like PvP, there's even no need for that development at all. ;)

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I duplicate your sorrow about wasting valuable development time. It's no problem for me if Non-PvP servers are not implemented by the developer itself. It would be nice' date=' but as long as the community respects other people which don't like PvP, there's even no need for that development at all. ;)


Maybe if Rocket at some point makes it so servers can run their own database, then the community could create something like this.

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Rocket is against SoS deathmatching

You got that wrong.

What he wants is more options for people. So if they prefer to build a team, they are provided additional tools, like mostlikely its gonna be some sort of visual identification of team members. Right now, if you build a team its hard to tell who is friend or foe.

Maybe we will see the arma2 group system being properly bound into the mod.

Maybe we get the arma2 squad feature implemented, so you get the squad icon as easy identification on a badge or cap.

JUST to give you a way to tell who is actually on your side when shit hits the fan, so you won't accidently kill the wrong guys.

But if the group, or just one player, decides to murder one or more teammates, they can still do so just as before.

Anything else won't make any sense in regard to how rocket designed this mod up to this point.

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