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No PK server: * The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen *

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i personally love the idea of some no pvp servers.. some people want to just be left the fuck alone FFS whats the harm in giving people what they want?

Hmmph... I can't disagree with that.

Well for starters' date=' it fractures the community into groups, while the purpose of this whole experiment is to explore a singular group dynamic. Rocket WANTS a PVP dynamic present in the final game. But how the hell is he supposed to evaluate the effects of new gameplay mechanics and even more subtle game play tweaks if all the PVPers are on one set of servers and all the PVEers are on another? As far as an alpha test goes it does not support the stated goal. If he is going to be able to fine tune the interactions between PVP and PVE he needs both groups playing in the same space. Any other options will only make things more difficult (if not impossible) to evaluate. It would be like developing and balancing two seperate games at the same time, when all he really desires is one game comprised of both.

Furthermore (as already mentioned) if you are going to have this split you have to PERMANANTLY keep both sides seperate. You cannot have people loot farming on the PVE servers and then PVPing on another server with said loot.

right time for it.


After reading a few pages before interjecting, I read your comment and you pretty much sum up exactly what I was going to say, Very nice post.

Though I have noticed a little fragmentation already, for example, due to servers being able to wind the clock back or forward with a restart. I'm not complaining as such and can completely understand that most people want to play in the daytime, however, I personally enjoy night play alot and am currently hard pressed to find a night server with a decent ping to my location and when I do they are never more than 1/3 full. Seems like night play is getting shunned by the player base, such a shame as I personally find it alot more tense and suspenseful. I'm personally fine with using flashlights, flares and chems, just a shame to see so many night servers deserted lately.

Anyway back on topic, to the chap who says he should be able to password his own server etc because he paid for it, you have the wrong attitude mate, id get long-winded about it but people have already covered what your motivations should be, should you choose to host Day Z. Simply put, your not entitled to special treatment because you host but don't take that as a slap in the face, most people will be grateful should you continue to host the game, just play by the rules please, they're there with good reason. :)

There will always be fragmentation. As I stated earlier they should just create a PvP version and one non-PvP version for those who want it. Don't allow the two to share player characters and it's golden. You play non-PvP or vice versa and you cannot log onto the other kind of server with your items. Problem solved. No more whining from anyone.

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This is as silly as arguing about FF and no FF FPS servers (they all have persistent characters now).

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Can't wait to see the blacklist on this one. Also can't wait to see him disable 3rd person, crosshair, nametags and all the other bullshit that makes the server list horrid to sort through

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Those defending the mods vision, which includes PvP, have valid points.

Those lamenting the proliferation of kill-on-sight-for-no-reason players have valid points for why they are wishing for something different.

But the handful who are crying about a PvE-only server being a way for players to too easily "farm loot" ... well, ironic tears are the most delicious. Most of these knuckleheads are the ones hiding on a ridge in the treeline picking off targets from a mile away, with a rifle they looted off some poor sap who busted his ass for it, then gathering what loot they desire from their new kill, only to do the same next time someone else wanders by. Yeah... that involves a lot of risk... Get a lucky kill or two, get set up, then hide in a hole and kill from a distance where there is essentially no risk to themselves. Yeah, that's real hard, yo.

Yet people who want to have a bit of freedom from those turkeys, and actually hunt for that good loot themselves, or with friends, having to work much harder/longer to gather that decent loot than the All-PvP-All-the-time crowd... those guys, those guys are carebears...

Not only that, but, as others have said... why not go after the servers hosting a low max player #? Or why allow people to log into a server that currently only has a handful of people logged in? At any given time there are TONS of servers that are pretty much (if not completely) empty, that people can log into. It's no different.


I love this mod, and love where it's going. I enjoy the community. But the amount of crying, especially the ironic tears accusing OTHERS of whining simply because they offer different viewpoints... no other online community has more of it. LOL

I especially like when a patch causes some aspect of the game to be uber hard, people complain, and there is always that core group who proclaim how much they LOVE how hard it is, insult everyone else for being weak, and talk about how "this is the way the mod is SUPPOSED to play, this is Rocket's vision!"

And then 2 days later a hotfix rolls out, explaining that the previous difficulty was broken, and is now reduced... and those people never realize how much they are making idiots of themselves. LOL

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What's the difference between running around on a pve server farming loot and crash sites or having a clan only server and doing the same thing?

If this server is allowed to continue to operate as it currently is then all servers that have been blacklisted for having passwords , low number of slots or kicking people for clannies should be reinstated and reimbursed.

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I killed a few folks tonite on this server. Then when there was no one left to kill I went to go find some choppers.

I got some sweet loot that I'll bring back to wreak some havoc on my regular servers.


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I killed a few folks tonite on this server. Then when there was no one left to kill I went to go find some choppers.

I got some sweet loot that I'll bring back to wreak some havoc on my regular servers.

I didn't plan to mention your name, but here you go... i better don't start, it wouldn't be very nice.

For your Information, i saw you comming behind me from the school in Elektroz, i just didn't do anything. I tend to trust people... so, be proud of yourself for that kill.

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I've played on a server hosted by my friend (private hive) and I must say, it was terrible.

We ran around Cherno, then up to Stary Sobor and NWAF, we got all the good loot - there was no risk of running through open fields or shooting every zombie like a bunch of mad men.

We did everything that you wouldn't do on a normal server, I told them about how unexciting it all was, just to be able to run anywhere and loot anything. While the coop was fun, I will admit, it was also very bland - all we did was watch each others backs when a zombie got aggrod, there was no point to any of it, no incentives.

I'm hoping I can talk them into playing on a real server, to play coop how it is meant to be played.

Running around blasting horde after horde of zombies is not what this game is, and that is all no-pvp servers are, it is boring and uneventful - you have no risks, so there are no feelings of reward for anything you do.

What's the point of playing coop only, accumulating gear and making a home base if there is no risk of actually having to defend it from other people? All it becomes is a collection server, there will be no point in playing, no reason to do anything, no risk - these servers will be the ones that people get bored of and die out first.

DayZ is meant to be played always watching over your shoulder - it's the fear of someone sitting in a bush with you in their cross hair that makes everything worth it.

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I've played on a server hosted by my friend (private hive) and I must say' date=' it was terrible.

We ran around Cherno, then up to Stary Sobor and NWAF, we got all the good loot - there was no risk of running through open fields or shooting every zombie like a bunch of mad men.

We did everything that you wouldn't do on a normal server, I told them about how unexciting it all was, just to be able to run anywhere and loot anything. While the coop was fun, I will admit, it was also very bland - all we did was watch each others backs when a zombie got aggrod, there was no point to any of it, no incentives.

I'm hoping I can talk them into playing on a real server, to play coop how it is meant to be played.

Running around blasting horde after horde of zombies is not what this game is, and that is all no-pvp servers are, it is boring and uneventful - you have no risks, so there are no feelings of reward for anything you do.

What's the point of playing coop only, accumulating gear and making a home base if there is no risk of actually having to defend it from other people? All it becomes is a collection server, there will be no point in playing, no reason to do anything, no risk - these servers will be the ones that people get bored of and die out first.

DayZ is meant to be played always watching over your shoulder - it's the fear of someone sitting in a bush with you in their cross hair that makes everything worth it.


Aye, you got that right. I cant for the life of me understand how people can play CO-OP in Arma night after night. Im not talking about Dayz here, but the main game. PvP (like warfare) is 100 times better than shooting some AI soldiers that dont even shoot back most of the time. No AI can compare to real human opponents. Human players are unpredictable and to things that you wont expect em to do. Thats what makes PvP superior to anything CO-OP has to offer.

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DayZ is meant to be played always watching over your shoulder - it's the fear of someone sitting in a bush with you in their cross hair that makes everything worth it.

This, and more.

To have our testing mean anything, we need to test it the way gameplay was intended.

If you test stuff on a non-zed server, or on a no-pk server, you might never know what bugs might occur if you tested on a standard server.

For example,

servers with zeds will obviously require more ressources then servers without zeds.

servers without pk will greatly impact the balance of quantity/quality of loot being distributed among players.

I guess you get the idea.

So, if you absolutely want to play on these servers with only testing in mind (sure all of you do, right?), please rethink your intend and avoid them.

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'Bayers said:

Aye' date=' you got that right. I cant for the life of me understand how people can play CO-OP in Arma night after night. Im not talking about Dayz here, but the main game. PvP (like warfare) is 100 times better than shooting some AI soldiers that dont even shoot back most of the time. No AI can compare to real human opponents. Human players are unpredictable and to things that you wont expect em to do. Thats what makes PvP superior to anything CO-OP has to offer.

And i can't (for the life of me) understand, why people have to kill every other player around them. Now what?

Edited by xenomat

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Aye' date=' you got that right. I cant for the life of me understand how people can play CO-OP in Arma night after night. Im not talking about Dayz here, but the main game. PvP (like warfare) is 100 times better than shooting some AI soldiers that dont even shoot back most of the time. No AI can compare to real human opponents. Human players are unpredictable and to things that you wont expect em to do. Thats what makes PvP superior to anything CO-OP has to offer.


And i can't (for the life of me) understand, why people have to kill every other player around them. Now what?

If you dont kill then you get killed Easy as that

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I was on this server tonight' date=' it was nice not having to worry about deathmatchers and not being forced to murder anyone you'd meet without even knowing their intentions.


Oh, so you mean you weren't playing DayZ?

If you don't want to play the game, how about just not playing it?

"Hey guys! I love Mario but I hate Goombas. So I took them all out. Come play on my server. It's awesome. Plenty of servers have goombas. Not mine!"

I don't mind bandits, deathmatchers are a whole another story. I wasn't playing Day Z either the minute some morons just hop in and shoot everyone on sight for the sole purpose of racking up cheap kills on unarmed people, because "Hey guys I love MW3, but I hate armed enemies shooting me, let's go find some game where people doesn't shoot first!"

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I don't mind bandits' date=' deathmatchers are a whole another story. I wasn't playing Day Z either the minute some morons just hop in and shoot everyone on sight for the sole purpose of racking up cheap kills on unarmed people, because "Hey guys I love MW3, but I hate armed enemies shooting me, let's go find some game where people doesn't shoot first!"


You want to know the best way to combat this? It must be some sort of secret or something, because a lot of people seem to be missing this important information:

Get off the coast as soon as you can, and never go back.

That's it, that is the secret to avoiding the PK noob hunters, simply get out of their hunting zone. It's really a no brainer.

I hope I have enlightened you, and you have no more troubles from your coastal hunting buddies.

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If you dont kill then you get killed Easy as that

Exactly, and this is why i am not overly excited about PvP, because i'm not doing it. So my chances are lower by default, because i choose not to kill people.

Maybe PvP is aimed for people who can roleplay better and don't feel guilty about it. I do, and i don't like it.

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I don't mind bandits' date=' deathmatchers are a whole another story. I wasn't playing Day Z either the minute some morons just hop in and shoot everyone on sight for the sole purpose of racking up cheap kills on unarmed people, because "Hey guys I love MW3, but I hate armed enemies shooting me, let's go find some game where people doesn't shoot first!"


You want to know the best way to combat this? It must be some sort of secret or something, because a lot of people seem to be missing this important information:

Get off the coast as soon as you can, and never go back.

That's it, that is the secret to avoiding the PK noob hunters, simply get out of their hunting zone. It's really a no brainer.

I hope I have enlightened you, and you have no more troubles from your coastal hunting buddies.

Thanks for the tip Captain Obvious :rolleyes:

The best way to combat this is actually to improve the mechanics, the game still being in Alpha and this strict "no humanity/bandit skins/downside" policy not doing any good to the experience at all.

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Christ almighty is it so hard to wait until the mod is more complete for all this splinter server rule shit? Seriously, you're yanking Grandma's turkey dinner out of the oven while it's still pink and flipping her off while you're at it. "OH but we want this feature and not that one and this custom thing just for us!". You MAY get all the things you desire, BUT NOT FUCKING YET!

Dear god, it's rude as hell to the devs. "Hey this guy created something I really enjoy! I have SO much respect for him! Now lets alter it to suit our tastes before it's complete and get in the way and stuff!"

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Thanks for the tip Captain Obvious :rolleyes:

The best way to combat this is actually to improve the mechanics' date=' the game still being in Alpha and this strict "no humanity/bandit skins/downside" policy not doing any good to the experience at all.


While I do agree that there has to be more thought about the humanity system, complaining about something then stating someone is captain obvious for pointing out an easy way to avoid it, falls back on you.

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Dayz is not a massive deathmatch? Stop the presses, I have been fooled!

The ultimate endgame for any ARMA 2 modification, no matter how large or small, is PvP. Play the cops and robbers RPG mod Chernarus Life and you'll see exactly what I mean.

As of the moment, Zeds are a threat to those who herpiderpi their sneaking in cities and decide to open up their beans inside of city limits. Everyone who has made this fatal mistake has met the terrifying end of a thousand fired sniper rifles, held by the million sweaty hands of Beanbandits everywhere.

Even now, can you not feel their breath on the back of your neck, wheezing about their kill/death ratio and demanding your beans?

I surely do.

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Aye' date=' you got that right. I cant for the life of me understand how people can play CO-OP in Arma night after night. Im not talking about Dayz here, but the main game. PvP (like warfare) is 100 times better than shooting some AI soldiers that dont even shoot back most of the time. No AI can compare to real human opponents. Human players are unpredictable and to things that you wont expect em to do. Thats what makes PvP superior to anything CO-OP has to offer.


And i can't (for the life of me) understand, why people have to kill every other player around them. Now what?

Well that's an issue that will be addressed in the future (hopefully by making CO-OP more rewarding). I think the aim is to get a blend of both PvP and CO-OP in the same environment, its not perfect yet, far from it, but segregation of the two different play types would ruin the mod completely.

I don't mind bandits' date=' deathmatchers are a whole another story. I wasn't playing Day Z either the minute some morons just hop in and shoot everyone on sight for the sole purpose of racking up cheap kills on unarmed people, because "Hey guys I love MW3, but I hate armed enemies shooting me, let's go find some game where people doesn't shoot first!"


You want to know the best way to combat this? It must be some sort of secret or something, because a lot of people seem to be missing this important information:

Get off the coast as soon as you can, and never go back.

That's it, that is the secret to avoiding the PK noob hunters, simply get out of their hunting zone. It's really a no brainer.

I hope I have enlightened you, and you have no more troubles from your coastal hunting buddies.

I have to support this, I have spent days up north without encountering another player, and were not talking empty servers here either.

I've posted this in a separate thread in the past but I think this guy makes some really well through out suggestions that would balance out the PvP/Co-Op divide we currently seem to have in this thread.


Do you guys think any of these suggestions could address the issues raised here?

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Nice, a cheat server to gear up without trouble and then use the gear on other servers.

oh wait...

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I think all but basic guns should be removed for the weapons and some sort of goal like building a boat to escape the place should be used. Make it somehow require a few people to complete the thing so the idea of a lone wolf character is obsolete and it becomes team vs team with an actual end goal. Because right now all we have is hoarding and killing, which is pretty much like stock ArmA PvP just with zombies.

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I think all but basic guns should be removed for the weapons and some sort of goal like building a boat to escape the place should be used. Make it somehow require a few people to complete the thing so the idea of a lone wolf character is obsolete and it becomes team vs team with an actual end goal. Because right now all we have is hoarding and killing' date=' which is pretty much like stock ArmA PvP just with zombies.


I like the idea of people having to come together to accomplish a large task, but building a boat to escape? Wouldn't that have to end the game? What would come after?

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