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Why wont people play in the night ?

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I don't know, but I dislike night time unless I crank up gamma/brightness.

I mean yeah, we start with flashlight...but can we defend ourselves with flashlight in hand?


So I should always drop flashlight on the ground to fight zombies or players that go after me?


For me night is just not good when it's pitch black. If it was tad less black, I might like it.


Btw would love nicely done fog or snowing.


You aren't aware that there is a head torch and 2 flash light attachments for weapons I guess.

As for OP, pretty much what most other people are saying, gamma exploit.

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They bought this game to have an authentic survival experience right ? But even now with accelerated time I see full servers emptying out once the sun starts going down. We are given a torch in the beginning for a reason and the whole dynamics of the game changes during the night.


If only the servers all ran on the same time..................

Because there is no street lights. Haven't checked recently, but a while back on 3PP there had a street light or two on in a city/town…they need to turn them ALL on. Take a little hit on authenticity/story and lets have some fun night play. If they turn the street lights on, people will play…the longer they wait…the less llikely people will ever play the nights.

Edited by Weyland Yutani

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Best playtime I ever had in Day Z was at night, I had lots of epics nights playing nighttime with my friends. I want this game to be the same. However, until flares, chemlights and fireplaces are added, you can't actually do anything at night.


Did you guys even know that u can see where north is looking at constelations?







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Because there is no street lights. Haven't checked recently, but a while back on 3PP there had a street light or two on in a city/town…they need to turn them ALL on. Take a little hit on authenticity/story and lets have some fun night play. If they turn the street lights on, people will play…the longer they wait…the less llikely people will ever play the nights.


So magically electricity still flows in an apocalyptical world?


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I love dark nights. I would love it even more with some street lights and a few more things that may glow in the dark. Maybe this would break the abuse of gamma exploit.

Therefore the electro power plant should be working, but all workers have been turned into Z´s. In other words: electricity doesnt make sense in DayZ´s world. ;)

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So magically electricity still flows in an apocalyptical world?


Who really gives a fuck though? Am I right or am I right? Reiterating, in case you missed it the first time…lets take a hit on authencity/story and enjoy some god dam nightplay. Its people like you that screw nightplay up for everyone else.


Also, if you want to be a crying ass baby about it, maybe the devs could make it so the generator stations can be managed somehow and by doing so would turn on power to specific area's.


I hate to get into arguements, but replies like yours ruins options for everyone.


Since were on the topic of magic, how come blood stains on walls and etc are still red? You know when blood dries, it turns black right? What about those magical bloodstains that nobody is bitching about? Oo thats right, nobody gives a rats ass, my mistake.


Furthermore, if you never played night time in the past, the devs already had a light or two on already. Its in the game already for crying out loud!!! I'm just asking for more of whats already in the game. 

Edited by Weyland Yutani
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I wont argue that the gamma is a very very bad thing. But the pitch nights have to stay when the server is in that phase of the lunar cycle....its too authentic to just strip out. How much can we dumb it down and still call it a sim?


If the date is right, and the cloud cover low you get the exact same view as you would with gamma up...that black and white but perfectly visible type scenario.


A common fix for pitch black nights in the mod was to lock the server to a specific date, so the full moon was out. Maybe servers should show date in the list aswell as time. Then with a little trip to google for lunar phases of that particular date, you can choose the night you enjoy more.


PS anyone who says it doesn't go pitch black like that has never camped out away from light pollution in the UK lol :)

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Who really gives a fuck though? Am I right or am I right? Reiterating, in case you missed it the first time…lets take a hit on authencity/story and enjoy some god dam nightplay. Its people like you that screw nightplay up for everyone else.


Also, if you want to be a crying ass baby about it, maybe the devs could make it so the generator stations can be managed somehow and by doing so would turn on power to specific area's.


I hate to get into arguements, but replies like yours ruins options for everyone.


Since were on the topic of magic, how come blood stains on walls and etc are still red? You know when blood dries, it turns black right? What about those magical bloodstains that nobody is bitching about? Oo thats right, nobody gives a rats ass, my mistake.


Furthermore, if you never played night time in the past, the devs already had a light or two on already. Its in the game already for crying out loud!!! I'm just asking for more of whats already in the game. 


I don't like the idea of streetlights. Sorry.


I'd rather the nights just be slightly tweaked as to have a grey/black gradient. Makes night playable for those of us who aren't city whores.


He had a pretty tame, albeit sarcastic, comment. I don't think such a brutish reaction is in order.

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I don't like the idea of streetlights. Sorry.


I'd rather the nights just be slightly tweaked as to have a grey/black gradient. Makes night playable for those of us who aren't city whores.


He had a pretty tame, albeit sarcastic, comment. I don't think such a brutish reaction is in order.

The big picture is this, people don't play nights because they aren't attractive so what happens is servers restart every 45minutes, 1 hour, every 2 hours, etc which is the most unrealistic thing in the game.


Permanent day falls under the magic category.


Maybe I did react a little strong and thats not my normal suit, but this is one of the more serious issues in the game that needs to be addressed and I'm not going to apologize to someone not taking the time to think out of the box.


1. Street lights are (or were…not sure since nights came back) already on, so if you like it or not the devs see the light so to speak. Just having one or two street lights on isn't working and lights are mostly in the cities. Just turn them all on. The nightplay community is dead, so what you like isn't working for getting folks playing during the night.


2. Authenticity can still be achieved. Just make the generator stations craftable in the sense that you would use in-game tools to get them into running order. Once powered up, the stations would generate power to a small local area and it'll make everyone happy. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this isn't magic and not an out-of-this-world addition.


If anyone has read The Stand by Stephen King, once they got to that village in Boulder, CO. they had an engineer in their group that got the power station running in very little time that gave power to the entire town. Not exactly magic.

Edited by Weyland Yutani

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Since were on the topic of magic, how come blood stains on walls and etc are still red? You know when blood dries, it turns black right? What about those magical bloodstains that nobody is bitching about? Oo thats right, nobody gives a rats ass, my mistake.


I do. Game needs a lot more gore. Finding corpses and body parts and dried blood when entering a house should be a common thing.

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The big picture is this, people don't play nights because they aren't attractive so what happens is servers restart every 45minutes, 1 hour, every 2 hours, etc which is the most unrealistic thing in the game.


Permanent day falls under the magic category.


Maybe I did react a little strong and thats not my normal suit, but this is one of the more serious issues in the game that needs to be addressed and I'm not going to apologize to someone not taking the time to think out of the box.


1. Street lights are (or were…not sure since nights came back) already on, so if you like it or not the devs see the light so to speak. Just having one or two street lights on isn't working and lights are mostly in the cities. Just turn them all on. The nightplay community is dead, so what you like isn't working for getting folks playing during the night.


2. Authenticity can still be achieved, just make the generator stations craftable in the sense that you would use in-game tools to get them into running order. Once powered up, the stations would generate power to a small local area and it'll make everyone happy. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this isn't magic and not an out-of-this-world addition.


If anyone has read The Stand by Stephen King, once they got to that village in Boulder, CO. they had an engineer in their group that got the power station running in very little time that gave power to the entire town. Not exactly magic.


Well in the mod, the streetlights were purposefully turned off. And in the Standalone, only a random few were left illuminated. Which suggests to me, that it's accidental.


There are alternative approaches, like just tweaking the night time lighting in itself which could actually solve the issue, and doesn't just act as a hyper-specific stop-gap.


They spoke about giving the players the ability to turn the lights back on in the mod, no idea where that discussion went with the developers. However, it still remains as an incomplete solution to making the nights playable.

Edited by Katana67

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Last night I turned my gamma up on a high-pop server, ran to the cliffs above Svetlo, pulled out by binocs and watched the noobs with their flashlights get taken out by exploiters. There is a reason so many people hate playing at night.

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I do. Game needs a lot more gore. Finding corpses and body parts and dried blood when entering a house should be a common thing.

Have you seen the average IQ in here? People would see black paint all over the house and we would have a bizillion posts about whats the black paint all about. More bodies/objects would crush server performance.


Go fire up the mod, rent a server, load up the Jon-C5 editor and put bodies in every single house and post back at how laggy your server is running.


As far as realism/authenticity is concerned, a body will be fully decomposed withing 60-365 days with only bones remaining so its not exactly realistic to have gore/body parts/bodies cluttering up a server. This would fall under tha magic category that you dislike so much.

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And in the Standalone, only a random few were left illuminated. Which suggests to me, that it's accidental.

What makes you think its accidental? That would mean code accidentally created itself would it not? Lights just don't turn on by accident, code turns them on.

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Can the zombies see in the dark in SA ?  In the mod they had limited night vision, and in the mod we had STEALTH too..


If they can see in the dark like they see in daylight, dont go into town tonight, doc, they're waiting for you.

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That would mean code accidentally created itself would it not?


Isnt this how the universe began?


xx pilgrim

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What makes you think its accidental? That would mean code accidentally created itself would it not? Lights just don't turn on by accident, code turns them on.


And code often contains bugs. Or it means that a map designer could've potentially used the wrong model when putting in new streetlights. There are a myriad of factors to explain why only a random few streetlights are on in Standalone.

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I find it both interesting and funny all the people who say they love the night in this game but you hop onto any server and soon as it gets dark they all empty. Actions speak louder than words people. In fact I haven't been on a sever yet where people hung around after it got dark I just find myself all alone and I find a day light server like every one else.

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Have you seen the average IQ in here? People would see black paint all over the house and we would have a bizillion posts about whats the black paint all about. More bodies/objects would crush server performance.


Go fire up the mod, rent a server, load up the Jon-C5 editor and put bodies in every single house and post back at how laggy your server is running.


As far as realism/authenticity is concerned, a body will be fully decomposed withing 60-365 days with only bones remaining so its not exactly realistic to have gore/body parts/bodies cluttering up a server. This would fall under tha magic category that you dislike so much.


Not if bodies are integrated in the game. Adding new objects in the DB with new physics and code interactions would crush the performance. Which is what you are doing in an editor map, adding a lot of overlapped objects and expect the engine to handle all of them in real time. But if its integrated in the map is no different from adding a tree. Just part of the scenario, nothing else.


About average IQ being too low, ofc. But people do learn. And if you see a black stain next to a butchered body, even lowest IQ will make the relation. Besides, dried blood is not thaaaat black.

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Gamma exploit, and the fact that nighttime is currently to dark.

If the flashlights worked realistically and had a wider beam that fades out the darkness wouldn't be so bad.

But with complete blackness and narrow beam of light from the flashlight, it makes nighttime quite un-enjoyable IMO.

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They bought this game to have an authentic survival experience right ? But even now with accelerated time I see full servers emptying out once the sun starts going down. We are given a torch in the beginning for a reason and the whole dynamics of the game changes during the night.


If only the servers all ran on the same time..................

I dont play at night often because I dislike the gama adjustment. If im not using it someone who is will most likely have an insurmountable advantage, should they wish to torture me.

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I actually like running around at twilight after the sun has gone down. Very creepy but you're still able to see objects with limited detail.

If they just made nighttime the same darkness as twilight I would totally play at night.

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For me, it's the gamma abusers that scare me away from night time. I hate that they can see me while I can't see them.

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