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Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

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No game is flawless, I do think that a lot of issues will be fixed, currently in alpha the game play isn't that bad, if it was I wouldn't have a hundred hours on it. Furthermore people need to understand that Dayz is the first of its kind, some issues are to be expected. I have faith, I played the mod a ton if the standalone is even half as fun I'll be fine with that.

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Seriously, You people are more intelligent than this...right? Alpha means unquestionable amounts of changes, fixes, additions, withdraws...ever ongoing until it is pushed into beta. Even then, it is still going to go through countless changes, updates, patches...until release. There is absolutely NO justification for anyone to complain about the state of alpha. You all purchased the game well aware of the disclosure, yet you continually rant and rave about how it's not up to your standards. 


I'm not a fanboi, nor am I trying to defend the dev team. I just can't comprehend the ignorance that pushes this thread, and the many hundreds like it, forward. 

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In ACE mod for arma 2 I can get players to fully render and in high quality at 5km +


While the unity engine is amazing and rust is also great it does not have good view distances . People stop rendering past 200 or 300m.



The single biggest reason why the engine is perfect for dayz is because of the amazing modding community .


I fully understand your point. I simply meant the RV engine isn't the only one capable of rendering large maps at extreme distances. I also don't believe it is the optimal game engine for an "MMO" like DayZ wants to become. The mod support IS a big advantage, though. I really can't wait until this game goes Gold so modding support can be enabled.

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This is why they SHOULDNT have released the game in alpha. i am glad they did, but im also sad they did. so many people hate the game now, but i still love the game.

But this is OK, you never lower your standard to the lowest common denominator, even if it has an overwhelming voice. The release is great because even though people complain they are still playing and giving valuable data on the stress load.

The reason a lot of AAA titles require major patching at release and less features is because they develop the game based on perceived stress load, not real numbers. This is also why they can develop faster, they don't have to go back to the drawing board as often.

No gaming company can predict how the game will handle with 2 million players without allowing 2 million players to try it. People just need to remember, you bought Dean and BIS's vision, not yours. That does not mean you are not unable to make suggestions and possibly influence the direction it goes, it does mean though that if they don't want your ideas or don't think they are practical they just won't make it in the game, that's where modding comes in.

For the record I would love to know the development team has read some of my ideas and considered them, however they do need to tread lightly on this, because my suggestions are not more or less important then anyone elses, and I'm still just another guy on the forums, I may not have made an impression on them yet.

Edited by akafugitive
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BiS doesn't owe you a goddamn thing.


Nothing except for a full, working game.


I understand the point you are trying to make and there are some harsh comments being thrown at the BI staff but the DayZ was commercially released. They intentionally sold an unfinished product so criticisms about the development process should be expected. If they were releasing a free alpha it would be a different story. I don't have any sympathy for a company that made millions off an unfinished product and I am sure Rocket and co. are doing just fine.

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 BiS doesn't owe you a goddamn thing.


WOW, do you work for BI by any chance?

I might be wrong but do they not owe us a final working game?

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WOW, do you work for BI by any chance?

I might be wrong but do they not owe us a final working game?

Ya, when it's done.  And that's it.  Yelling and screaming is not going to make them work faster.


The game will get done when it's done.

Edited by Caboose187
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Are you seriously going to keep writing like that? As if you're writing out a script with yourself?

This is what bothers me,

Whatever you say, even if you find the meaning of life in a sentence, someone is gonna come up and rant you because you forgot about that comma mid sentence

Dayz is going to deliver what most game companies deliver , their products based on their visions, we are here just to help it become this product, not twist and shape on the likes of each of the million players that already exist

One guy on the forums posted a sweet comparison that was " if you buy a car without an engine while it is being manufactured you don't throw stones at the salesman later because the car doesnt work"

And it is true, i sincerely do not understand why so much of this "concern" with dayz with bugs and missing/bugged features

I would love to see you guys at your jobs to see if You ever make mistakes, of course you do, we all do them

And you can't judge someones job if you don't even have the slightest clue how the job is done

I have one of the worst bugs currently in the game, i cannot ( normally )play for more than 30 minutes due to a graphics problem but i enjoy those minutes with all the bugs in it ,

just apreciate the work that has already been done as i am sure if you would switch positions with them would like!

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Ya, when it's done.  And that's it.  Yelling and screaming is not going to make them work faster.


The game will get done when it's done.


Ya, when it's done.  And that's it.  Yelling and screaming is not going to make them work faster.


The game will get done when it's done.


Be happy people are yelling and screaming.  That means they care.


It's when everyone shuts up is when you have to worry.  That will mean they no longer give a shit about DayZ and have moved on to the next thing.  Alpha or not, BI doesn't have forever to put out a working game.  If enough people get bored or frustrated with the progress, BI may find that they release the final product to mostly empty servers.



And to be honest, I too also get a bit concerned when I see videos for H1Z1's early release alpha or the Breaking Point mod (what a dumb name) for Arma III that seem so much further ahead than the DayZ standalone.  I almost kind of wonder what the heck have these guys been working on for so many months? 

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Be happy people are yelling and screaming.  That means they care.


It's when everyone shuts up is when you have to worry.  That will mean they no longer give a shit about DayZ and have moved on to the next thing.  Alpha or not, BI doesn't have forever to put out a working game.  If enough people get bored or frustrated with the progress, BI may find that they release the final product to mostly empty servers.



And to be honest, I too also get a bit concerned when I see videos for H1Z1's early release alpha or the Breaking Point mod (what a dumb name) for Arma III that seem so much further ahead than the DayZ standalone.  I almost kind of wonder what the heck have these guys been working on for so many months? 

There is a difference tho in throwing temper tantrums on the forums and cursing up a storm saying the devs suck, the game sucks etc.  As the moderators of this forums state all the time, constructive criticism is welcome, not slander and diatribe.




As fir H1Z1, planetside 2 should be a good indication of what kind of game H1Z1 is going to be.  Now for Breaking Point.  It's a mod for an already complete game.  You are trying to compare apples to oranges there.

Edited by Caboose187

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Be happy people are yelling and screaming. That means they care.

It's when everyone shuts up is when you have to worry. That will mean they no longer give a shit about DayZ and have moved on to the next thing. Alpha or not, BI doesn't have forever to put out a working game. If enough people get bored or frustrated with the progress, BI may find that they release the final product to mostly empty servers.

And to be honest, I too also get a bit concerned when I see videos for H1Z1's early release alpha or the Breaking Point mod (what a dumb name) for Arma III that seem so much further ahead than the DayZ standalone. I almost kind of wonder what the heck have these guys been working on for so many months?

I think these is a simple idea why, specially on these forums you see more opposing opinions then on other games.

There are plenty of guys that come from professional security, military, policing, etc. backgrounds that still enjoy games, these are the guys I play with, myself included. BIS has always developed games that spoke to us but DayZ has hit a much larger crowd. I don't want to see DayZ become a casual game because casual gamers have a shit ton more options out there then I do for getting what they want from a game.

I used to sit in the background and mostly just watch the forums for information, but I decided to first drop in the suggestions that me and the guys kicked around since the dev's would not know our ideas unless they were posted. I have only recently started posting in these threads again because I want the dev's to see there are guys out there that love the core design they have stood for in the beginning and don't want to see this become some casual shooter.

Edited by akafugitive
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There is a difference tho in throwing temper tantrums on the forums and cursing up a storm saying the devs suck, the game sucks etc.  As the moderators of this forums state all the time, constructive criticism is welcome, not slander and diatribe.




As fir H1Z1, planetside 2 should be a good indication of what kind of game H1Z1 is going to be.  Now for Breaking Point.  It's a mod for an already complete game.  You are trying to compare apples to oranges there.


I never played Planetside 2 so I can't really comment.  But so far H1Z1 seems to have the basics of a large open environment with zombies. 


I get that Breaking Point is a mod for a complete game.  But let's not pretend they built the Standalone from scratch either.

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There is a difference tho in throwing temper tantrums on the forums and cursing up a storm saying the devs suck, the game sucks etc.  As the moderators of this forums state all the time, constructive criticism is welcome, not slander and diatribe.




As fir H1Z1, planetside 2 should be a good indication of what kind of game H1Z1 is going to be.  Now for Breaking Point.  It's a mod for an already complete game.  You are trying to compare apples to oranges there.

Planetside 2 is a good game. Played it since beta. It was a good game then. So actually I look forward to what Sony is going to bring to the table.


What you really should look at are the failures of BI's releases. The Arma series is a good indication to what kind of game DayZ is going to be. I haven't played one BI game that wasn't clunky and full of glitches. They have had enough time to work on this game, that now you have big companies starting to completely bite the idea. We can crow about it being in Alpha all day, but I don't see anyone asking why it's still in Alpha when it's been in development this long. BI should have given Rocket a team a long time ago. It took millions of copies being sold before they took him seriously.They should have looked at how many people bought ARMA just because of the mod. Trust me it wasn't because ARMA II was a great game.

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Planetside 2 is a good game. Played it since beta. It was a good game then. So actually I look forward to what Sony is going to bring to the table.

What you really should look at are the failures of BI's releases. The Arma series is a good indication to what kind of game DayZ is going to be. I haven't played one BI game that wasn't clunky and full of glitches. They have had enough time to work on this game, that now you have big companies starting to completely bite the idea. We can crow about it being in Alpha all day, but I don't see anyone asking why it's still in Alpha when it's been in development this long. BI should have given Rocket a team a long time ago. It took millions of copies being sold before they took him seriously.They should have looked at how many people bought ARMA just because of the mod. Trust me it wasn't because ARMA II was a great game.

I get what you are saying, but I would take the issues BI have had with accessibility over the other options out there any day though. Have I had moments in Arma 2, DayZ, Arma 3 that made we want to turn it off? Hell yeah

However other games don't stimulate me and I just can't get into them. They may be a smoother experience, but that is because they are simple in design and cater to more of a pick up and play without testing your mind play style. I like the challenges that having both skill of shooting AND skill of mind offer.

If they can solve the issues, great. If they can't solve them, that does not break the game for me, becoming so simple that it bores me to tears does.

Edited by akafugitive

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Seriously, You people are more intelligent than this...right? Alpha means unquestionable amounts of changes, fixes, additions, withdraws...

Wrong, alpha stage should be feature complete.

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They should have looked at how many people bought ARMA just because of the mod. Trust me it wasn't because ARMA II was a great game.

Hello there


A2 is a phenomenal game. With out it and the RV engine and BiS' openness to modding DAYZ would never have existed.


The difference is DAYZ went viral.





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Wrong, alpha stage should be feature complete.

not further from the truth. your thinking more along the terms of beta. Many games dont even alloow the comunity to play test during alpha. many have a handfull of staff play test key features with most of the game missing during alpha's.

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I've playing games for more than 20 years, been in alot of closed alpha's and I can honestly say Dayz isnt really doing worse or better,

the nice part is they listen very carefully to the community.


I just hope they don't need to rush for the final version, I even hope they can delay the launch if needed.

It will be playable when the beta is released, as long as it's an alpha you cannot say too much about it, just help them a bit and hope they work on it.

And they are doing that, the Arma engine is also a very hard BUT realistic engine.


There are also some other games around the corner, but honestly, I don't think they will beat the realistic feeling you have with this engine.

Also people should understand the Standalone is build from 0% instead of using all kind off stuff from another game (That's called a MOD).


Alpha's are a $%#$, the future will tell us. From my perspective, they are doing a great job and step by step.


And I already mentioned in another thread. Some people should search the term Alpha in a Encyclopedia, because it's normal a Alpha is a game FULL of bugs and broken gameplay.



Edited by SolidKalle
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not further from the truth. your thinking more along the terms of beta. Many games dont even alloow the comunity to play test during alpha. many have a handfull of staff play test key features with most of the game missing during alpha's.

"The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete."

DayZ reddit

So it's actually before beta, this is why people are complaining about the slow progress.


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key word you didn't highlight there is ENDS.


That means we'd expect it to be feature complete whe its read to move OUT of alpha INTO beta.

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I am concerned about DayZ SA because so far it has failed to fix what was fundamentally wrong about the mod IMHO. All those things that were supposed to be fixed in the stand alone game are still broken, if not worst. Zombies are the best example of this. I honestly like the ones from the mod better at this point. I suspect that ultimately, the problem is the Arma2 engine and there is no way around it. The fact that it's an alpha has nothing to do with it. If the foundations are flawed....

Edited by Leto
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I thought alpha meant, you were still working on the foundation.

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I thought alpha meant, you were still working on the foundation.


I don't think the average person can understand or accept the concept.

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I personally blame BI for the games progress. If I was a BI exec I would have taken one look at the arma 2 sales that dayz generated and said right. Here's the team that was making arma 3 , (a game that 20 people might be playing in a years time) GO MAKE DAYZ STANDALONE. I cant work out BI at all its like they cater for a hardcore fanbase of about 300 people. Who's bankrolling their shit. A chimp with a top hat on could see dayz's potential its a complete game changer , fantastic immersion filled creation. just hope dean and crew can reverse 2 years of BI not giving Dayz the respect it commands.

Edited by Tomo2000uk
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