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1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

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It prononces on whatever melody your native language and/or your regional accent give to it. And that's a wonderfull thing.

Edited by Mathylde

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It just annoys me that people can't pronounce stuff right.

man i want to have your Problems.

how can you say something about the pronounciation in a written text? some People ....

Edited by Ozar

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I care


The butchering of a language is unforgivable.


Just look what us Aussies and Americans have done to English.


1) Dumb, surely you have more important things in life to care about. If person A speaks and person B understands and the situation is not in a professional setting then who cares. The internet is like texting... Who cares. Far out. 


2) Yes lets generalize a whole country, better yet! two!


3) No doubt you are not Australian... we are way more chilled out then that. Pompous ass hat. 

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3) No doubt you are not Australian... we are way more chilled out then that. Pompous ass hat. 

 nice one

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 nice one


and yes the "then" was used to make his head explode. I butcher this language and deserve to die. 

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Fuck. This entire time I have been pronouncing it like this:


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I have never intended to make this thread a flame war, war of people who agree and those who disagree.


I'll ask someone to lock this thread, probably.

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Did you guys know that all languages originate from a small folk called the .... in southcentral africa?

That language is mostly characterized by a clicking sound.

True Story.

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Ugh... when I said ChernarUs', U means it's pronounced longer, ' meant it's pronounced ... um, differently, smoother, higher voice/tone, call it whatever you want.


I think he was being witty...as in Toys 'R' Us

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Nah, they didn't.



The signs are in Russian, and in Russian it's ChernArus'.




We call the capital of France Paris...as in Par-iss...only the French pronounce it Par-ee. Them and pretentious coonts.

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Actually op it's pronounced MakArova because it's a Пистолет Макарова not a Makarov




1 fact that 99% did know: Nobody cares.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaakarov. It's actual english and comes from the sentence "Sombody shot at me and my car went off the road." Was shortened to "MyCarOff" and later to Makarov (pronounced "mah car off"). True story.




I care


The butchering of a language is unforgivable.


Just look what us Aussies and Americans have done to English.

I'll take American or Australian over a hood rat street thug from England dialect any day :D {Please note this excludes people from Louisiana and French Canadians in New England}

Edited by Weedz

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1) Dumb, surely you have more important things in life to care about. If person A speaks and person B understands and the situation is not in a professional setting then who cares. The internet is like texting... Who cares. Far out. 


2) Yes lets generalize a whole country, better yet! two!


3) No doubt you are not Australian... we are way more chilled out then that. Pompous ass hat. 


You obviously can't read English.


Or understand sarcasm.

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This was actually...very helpful.





It sounds complete.

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They call it the PM or Makarov's pistol, the pistol's name is pronounced like so:



They also call it "Mosina", "Simonova", "Tokareva", in English we should not add the "a".


Without the "a" that's "mu-CAR-uv" to my ears.

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They call it the PM or Makarov's pistol, the pistol's name is pronounced like so:



They also call it "Mosina", "Simonova", "Tokareva", in English we should not add the "a".


Without the "a" that's "mu-CAR-uv" to my ears.

Nope. Can't have it both ways.


If you're pronouncing it English way than it is maaaahkarov


If you're pronouncing it the "right way" It's makaaarova



Just like an AK is a Kalish-knee-cough in English / it is a Kalaaashnikova in Russian

Edited by Weedz

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Nah, they didn't.



The signs are in Russian, and in Russian it's ChernArus'.



So that means you are wrong

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Nope. Can't have it both ways.


If you're pronouncing it English way than it is maaaahkarov


If you're pronouncing it the "right way" It's makaaarova


Just like an AK is a Kalish-knee-cough in English / it is a Kalaaashnikova in Russian



The pistol is Пистолет Макарова. The man's name is Никола́й Макаров.

The "а" is like "'s" in English, instead of "Makarov pistol" they say "Makarov's pistol".

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